Digestif, développement et pathologies : Publications / Awards
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Liste des publications
Liste des Publications par ordre alphabétique du premier auteur / List of Publications in alphabetical order of first author
Les divers membres de l’équipe sont en gras / The various team members are in bold
Bonnet JB, Duflos C, Huguet H, Avignon A, Sultan A. (2025). » Epidemiology of Major Amputation Following Diabetic Foot Ulcer: Insights from Recent Nationwide Data in the French National Health Registry (SNDS). » Diabetes Metab. 2025 Jan 13:101606. Sous presse. (IF=4,60). Endocrynology and Metabolisms (Q1). https://hal.science/hal-04890194
Bourgeois E, Benchalkha D, Brobst M, Herman F, Molinari N, Breuker C, Chapet N, Roubille F, Sultan A. (2025). “ Impact of obesity on low density lipoprotein plasmatic levels 6 weeks after an acute coronary syndrome“ Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism…, 2025 sous presse. (IF=1,30). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q3).https://hal.science/hal-04826303
Brobst M, Chapet N, Benchalkha D, Bourgeois E, Fanchon H, Molinari N, Leclercq F, Pasquié JL, Breuker C, Sultan A, Roubille F. (2025). “ Impact of obesity on tolerance and persistence of statins in patients within 3 months following an acute myocardial infarction: A real-world study“ – Archives of Cardiovascular Disease, 2025 Feb;118(2):85-92. (IF=2,30)Cardiac and Cardiovascular System (Q2). https://hal.science/hal-04838759
Di Gregorio G, Vallée C, Konate K, Teko-Agbo C, Hammoum T, Faure-Gautron H, Bessin Y, Deshayes S, Vivès E, Meli AC, de Santa Barbara P, Faure S, Barrère-Lemaire S, Ulrich S, Boisguérin P. (2025). “Enhancing WRAP-based Nanoparticles for siRNA Delivery in pH-Sensitive Environments. “ Chem Med Chem. 2025 Mar 14:e202400885.(IF=3,60) PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY (Q2). https://hal.science/hal-04992374
Maïmoun L, Alonso S, Mahadea KK, Dubois J, Paumet T, Kucharczak F, Maimoun-Nande L Boudousq V, Mura T, Mariano-Goulart D (2025)…“ Cross-calibration of areal bone mineral densities and body composition between DMS Stratos and Hologic Horizon A dual-energy X-ray absorptiometers: The effect of body mass index…“ – Journal of Clinical Densitometry , 2025 Jan-Mar;28(1):101553 (IF=1,70) Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q3). https://hal.science/hal-04839682
Maïmoun L, Aouinti S, Puech M, Lefebvre P, Humbert L, Deloze M, de Santa Barbara P, Maïmoun-Nande L, Boudousq V, Cristol JP, Renard E, Picot MC, Mariano-Goulart D, Nocca D. (2024). “Modification of bone architecture following sleeve gastrectomy: a five-year follow-up. “ J Bone Miner Res. 2025 Feb 2;40(2):251-261. (IF=5,10). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1). https://hal.science/hal-04847805
Maïmoun L, Aouinti S, Puech M, Lefebvre P, Humbert L, Deloze M, de Santa Barbara P, Maïmoun-Nande L, Boudousq V, Cristol JP, Renard E, Picot MC, Mariano-Goulart D, Nocca D. (2025). “Modification of bone architecture following sleeve gastrectomy: a 5-year follow-up. “ J Bone Miner Res. 2025 Feb 2;40(2):251-261 (IF=5,10). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1). https://hal.science/hal-04847805
Vaché C, Faugère V, Baux D, Mansard L, Van Goethem C, Dhaenens CM, Grunewald O, Audo I, Zeitz C, Meunier I, Bocquet B, Cossée M, Bergougnoux A, Kalatzis V, Roux AF (2025). “Validation of Nanopore long-read sequencing to resolve RPGR ORF15 genotypes in individuals with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. “ . Eur J Hum Genet. 2025 Jan;33(1):80-88. d (IF=3,70). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2). https://hal.science/hal-04638052
Afonso I, Neves AR, Eusébio D, Albuquerque T, Vivès E, Boisguérin P, Santos AO, Sousa Â, Costa D. (2024). “ Design of Experiments to Tailor the Potential of BSA-Coated Peptide Nanocomplexes for Temozolomide/p53 Gene Co-Delivery. “ Pharmaceutics. 2024 Oct 29;16(11):1389.(IF=4,90) Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Tournayre S, Anitcheou J, Faivre M, Boegner C, Jalek A, Jullien D, Attalin V, Myzia J, Marty L, Kemba Y, Nocca D, Sultan A, Avignon A (2024). “Semaglutide 2.4 mg/wk for weight loss in patients with severe obesity and with or without a history of bariatric “surgery. “ . Obesity (Silver Spring). 2024 Jan;32(1):50-58. (IF=4,20). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q2); Nutriton and Dietetics (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Trémolières C, Furic-Bego C, Galibert L, Sultan A, Attalin V, Avignon A. (2024). “Update on Nutritional Advice Post-Heart Transplant: A Cross-Sectional Study across French-Speaking European Centers. “ Nutrients. 2024 Aug 25;16(17):2843. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Sultan A, Avignon A (2024). “ [Physicians must influence lifestyles]. “ Rev Prat. 2024 May;74(5):560. (IS= 0,11). Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
Bonnet JB, Sultan A, Avignon A (2024). “ [Therapeutic lifestyle modifications (diet and physical activity) in adults and children]. “ . Rev Prat. 2024 May;74(5):551-559. IS= 0,11). Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4
Bonnet JB, Durieux AT, Tournayre S, Marty L, Sultan A, Avignon A. (2024). “ Semaglutide as a potential treatment for obesity in Smith-Kingsmore syndrome (SKS) patients: A mosaic mutation case report. “Obes Res Clin Pract. 2024 Mar-Apr;18(2):159-162. (IF=2,50). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q2); Nutriton and Dietetics (Q2).
Bonnet JB, Ramillon-Cury C, Tournayre S, Sultan A, Avignon A (2024). “ Management of obesity in an individual with ROHHAD syndrome with semaglutide 2.4 mg/week: a case report. “. Clin Auton Res. 2024 Sep 28. Sous presse. (IF=3,90). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q2).
Bonnet JB, Fasolo M, Marty L, Galibert L, Richard CD, Sultan A, Attalin V, Avignon A. (2024). “Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) for Glucose Control in a Pregnant Woman Living with type IIIa glycogenosis. A Case Report. “ Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2024 Nov 15:S2405-4577(24)01519-5.sous presse. (IF=2,90) Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2).
Bourgeois E, Benchalkha D, Brobst M, Herman F, Molinari N, Breuker C, Chapet N, Roubille F, Sultan A. (2024). “ Impact of obesity on low density lipoprotein plasmatic levels 6 weeks after an acute coronary syndrome“ Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism…, 2024 Dec 6;14(1):e00320. (IF=1,30). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q3).
Breuker C, Macioce V, Lasse A, Zogheib ML, Cavallin L, Herman F, Picot MC, Gourdy P, Sallerin B, Sultan A (2024). “Attainment of LDL-cholesterol target in high cardiovascular risk type 1 diabetic French people. “ . Diabetes Metab. 2024 Aug 2:101568. (IF=4,60). Endocrinology and Metabilism (Q1).
Brobst M, Chapet N, Benchalkha D, Bourgeois E, Fanchon H, Molinari N, Leclercq F, Pasquié JL, Breuker C, Sultan A, Roubille F. (2024). “ Impact of obesity on tolerance and persistence of statins in patients within 3 months following an acute myocardial infarction: A real-world study“ – Archives of Cardiovascular Disease, 2024 sous presse. (IF=2,30)Cardiac and Cardiovascular System (Q2).
Chevalier NR, Zig L, Gomis A, Amedzrovi Agbesi RG, El Merhie A, Pontoizeau L, Le PArco I, Rouach N, Arnoux I, De Santa barbara P, Faure S. (2024). “ Calcium wave dynamics in the embryonic mouse gut mesenchyme: impact on smooth muscle differentiation. “- Communications Biology, 2024 Oct 7;7(1):1277. (IF=5,20). Biology (Q1).
Clérat L, Rémond E, Schneider R, Cavelier F, Vivès E. (2024). “ Exogenous C-S Lyase Enzyme, a Potential Tool To Release Aromas in Wine or Beer? “ J Agric Food Chem. 2024 Jan 31;72(4):1878-1884. (IF=5,70). Agriculture Multidisciplinary (Q1); Chemistry, Applied (Q1).
Dardari D, Piaggesi A, Potier L, Sultan A, Diener H, Francois M, Dorweiler B, Bouillet B, M’Bemba J, Chaillous L, Clerici G, Kessler L, Wetzel-Roth W, Storck M, Davidsson OB, Baldursson B, Kjartansson H, Lantis JC, Charpentier G. (2024). ” Intact Fish Skin Graft to Treat Deep Diabetic Foot Ulcers. ” NEJM Evid. 2024 Dec;3(12):EVIDoa2400171 (IF=en cours)
Faria R, Vivès E, Boisguérin P, Descamps S, Sousa Â, Costa D. (2024). “ Upgrading Mitochondria-Targeting Peptide-Based Nanocomplexes for Zebrafish In Vivo Compatibility Assays. “ Pharmaceutics. 2024 Jul 20;16(7):961.(IF=4,90) Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Khalil RB, Kassab A, Richa S, Seneque M, Lefebvre P, Sultan A, Avignon A, Maimoun L, Renard E, Courtet P, Guillaume S (2024) “ Weight suppression at lowest weight as an indicator of eating disorder clinical severity: A retrospective cohort study “Eat Behav.2024 Apr:53:101853. (IF=2,40). Psychology, Clinical (Q3); Psychiatry (Q3).
Maimoun L, Huguet H, Renard E, Lefebvre P, Seneque M, Gaspari L, Boudousq V, Maimoun Nande L, Courtet P, Sultan C, Mariano-Goulart D, Picot MC, Guillaume S.(2024). « A Risk Score to Identify Low Bone Mineral Density for Age in Young Patients with Anorexia Nervosa. 2024 Dec 31;17(1):161. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1)
Neves A, Albuquerque T, Faria R, Santos CRA, Vivès E, Boisguérin P, Carneiro D, Bruno DF, Pavlaki MD, Loureiro S, Sousa Â, Costa D (2024). “Evidence That a Peptide-Drug/p53 Gene Complex Promotes Cognate Gene Expression and Inhibits the Viability of Glioblastoma Cells. “ . Pharmaceutics. 2024 Jun 8;16(6):781. (IF=4,90) Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Nicolet G, Papinaud L, Avignon A, Duflos C, Sultan A. (2023). “ Global healthcare pathway of people living with diabetes prior to wounding is associated with a decreased risk of amputation. “ Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2023 Dec:206:111007. (IF=6,10). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q2).
Bonnet JB, Couvert P, Di-Filippo M, Boissiere F, Cristol JP, Sutra T, Cheillan D, Moulin P, Sultan A. (2023). “Tuberous xanthomatosis is not necessarily associated with increased plasma concentrations of cholestanol in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. “ J Intern Med. 2023 Jan;293(1):121-123 (IF=9,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Szwarc I, Avignon A, Jugant S, Sultan A. (2023). “Renal function is highly associated with podiatric risk in diabetic patients. “ Clin Kidney J. 2023 May 11;16(11):2156-2163. (IF=3,90). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Faria R, Boisguérin P, Sousa Â, Costa D. (2023). “Delivery Systems for Mitochondrial Gene Therapy: A Review. “ Pharmaceutics. 2023 Feb 8;15(2):572. (IF=4,90) Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1)
Goulas C, Lohan L, Laureau M, Perier D, Pinzani V, Faucanie M, Macioce V, Marin G, Giraud I, Villiet M, Sebbane M, and Breuker C. (2023). “Involvement of Pharmacists in the Emergency Department to Correct Errors in the Medication History and the Impact on Adverse Drug Event Detection. “- Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023 Jan 3;12(1):376. (IF=3,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Ha Van G, Schuldiner S, Sultan A, Bouillet B, Martini J, Vouillarmet J, Menai M, Foucher A, Bourron O, Hartemann A, Perrier A. (2023). “Use of the SINBAD score as a predicting tool for major adverse foot events in patients with diabetic foot ulcer: A French multicentre study. “ Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2023 Jul 31:e3705. (IF=4,60) Endocrinology (Q1); Diabetes and Metabolisms (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1).
Julien CA, Ha Van G, M’Bemba J, Bourgeon M, Dardari D, Lepeut M, Dumont I, Zemmache MZ, Serrand C, Bouillet B, Sultan A, Schuldiner S; EPiChar study group (2023). “Real-world treatment patterns and diagnosis of charcot foot in franco-belgian diabetic foot expert centers (The EPiChar Study). “ . Acta Diabetol. 2023 Sep;60(9):1209-1218. (IF=3,10). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q2).
Karam J, Blanchet FP, Vivès É, Boisguérin P, Boudehen YM, Kremer L, Daher W. (2023). “Mycobacterium abscessus alkyl hydroperoxide reductase C promotes cell invasion by binding to tetraspanin CD81. “. iScience. 2023 Jan 25;26(2):106042. (IF=4,60). MultiDisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Kovács T, Halasy V, Pethő C, Szőcs E, Soós Á, Dóra D, de Santa Barbara P, Faure S, Stavely R, Goldstein AM, Nagy N. (2023). “Essential Role of BMP4 Signaling in the Avian Ceca in Colorectal Enteric Nervous System Development. “ Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Oct 27;24(21):15664 . (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1); Chemistry, Multidiciplinary (Q2). .
Maïmoun L, Bourgeois E, Serrand C, Mura T, Cristol JP, Myzia J, Avignon A, Mariano-Goulart D, Sultan A (2023). “Relationship between Lean Tissue Mass and Muscle Function in Women with Obesity. “ . Nutrients. 2023 Oct 25;15(21):4517. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Alonso S, Mahadea KK, Boudousq V, Mura T, Mariano-Goulart D (2023). “ Cross-Calibration Study of The Stratos And Hologic QDR 4500A Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometers to Assess Bone Mineral Density And Body Composition. “. J Clin Densitom. 2023 Oct 28;26(4):101434. (IF=1,70). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q4).
Maïmoun L, Alonso S, Mahadea KK, Boudousq V, Mura T, Mariano-Goulart D (2023). “ Cross-calibration study of the Stratos and Hologic QDR 4500A dual-energy X-ray absorptiometers to assess bone mineral density and body composition – Journal of Clinical Densitometry 2023 sous presse. (IF=1,70). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q3).
Maïmoun L, Gelis A, Serrand C, Mura T, Humbert L, Boudousq V, de Santa-Barbara P, Laux D, Fattal C, Mariano-Goulart D. (2023). “Alteration of Volumetric Bone Mineral Density Parameters in Men with Spinal Cord Injury. “ Calcif Tissue Int. 2023 Sep;113(3):304-316. (IF=3,30). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q3).
Maïmoun L, Gelis A, Serrand C, Mura T, Brabant S, Garnero P, Mariano-Goulart D, Fattal C. (2023). “Whole-body vibration may not affect bone mineral density and bone turnover in persons with chronic spinal cord injury: A preliminary study. “ J Spinal Cord Med. 2023 Nov 6:1-13. (IF= 1,80). Clinical Neurology (Q4).
Maïmoun L, Mahadea KK, Alonso S, Chevallier T, Kotzki PO, Mura T, Boudousq V. (2023). “Comparison of the Discovery A and Stratos DR densitometers for assessing whole-body and regional bone mineral density and body composition“ Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 2023 Sep;43(5):382-392 (IF=1,30). Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physiology (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q3).
Maïmoun L, Aouinti S, Puech M, Lefebvre P, Deloze M, De Santa Barbara P, Renard E,Christol JP, Myzia J, Picot MC, Mariano-Goulart D, Nocca D. (2023). “Changes in Lean Tissue Mass, Fat Mass, Biological Parameters and Resting Energy Expenditure over 24 Months Following Sleeve Gastrectomy. “ – Nutrients, 2023 Feb 27;15(5):1201.. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Aouinti S, Puech M, Lefebvre P, Deloze M, de Santa Barbara P, Cristol JP, Brabant S, Gautier T, Nedelcu M, Renard E, Picot MC, Mariano-Goulart D, Nocca D. (2023). “Effect of Nutritional Deprivation after Sleeve Gastrectomy on Bone Mass, Periostin, Sclerostin and Semaphorin 4D: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study. “ Nutrients. 2023 Oct 10;15(20):4310. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Maire A, Chapet N, Aguilhon S, Lucie LM, Laffont-Lozes P, Rigoni M, Mathieu B, Audurier Y, Breuker C, de Barry G, Jalabert A, Leclercq F, Pasquié JL, Roubille F, Castet-Nicolas A. (2023) … – Evaluation of vaccination coverage in heart failure patients in a tertiary center Heliyon, 2023 Jul 7;9(7):e18080. (IF=3,40). Multidisciplinaty Sciences (Q2).
Pelletier F, Durand E, Chaiyut J, Bronstein C, Pessemesse L, Vaysse L, Liengprayoon S, Gaillet S, Brioche T, Bertrand-Gaday C, Coudray C, Sultan A, Feillet-Coudray C, Casas F. (2023). “Furan fatty acid extracted from Hevea brasiliensis latex increases muscle mass in mice. “ Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 Oct;166:115330. (IF=6,90). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Rivet V, Riviere S, Goulabchand R, Suzon B, Henneton P, Partouche L, Rullier P, Quellec AL, Konate A, Schiffmann A, Vincent T, Ziane R, Flori N, Picot MC, Sultan A, Maria ATJ, Guilpain P. (2023). “High prevalence of malnutrition in systemic sclerosis: Results from a French monocentric cross-sectional study. “ Nutrition. 2023 Dec:116:112171. (IF=3,20). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2).
Ruiz-Demoulin S, Trenquier E, Dekkar S, Deshayes S, Boisguérin P, Serrano C, de Santa Barbara P, Faure S. (2023). ”LIX1 Controls MAPK Signaling Reactivation and Contributes to GIST-T1 Cell Resistance to Imatinib. ” Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 12;24(8):7138. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Sarajlic P, Vigor C, Avignon A, Zhou B, Oger C, Galano JM, Durand T, Sultan A, Bäck M. (2023). “ Omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid oxidation ratio as a novel inflammation resolution marker for metabolic complications in obesity. “ Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2023 Jun;33(6):1206-1213. (IF=3,30). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Serantoni V, Jourdan F, Louche H, Avignon A, Sultan A . (2023). “Definition of thermal indicators for the study of thermoregulation alterations in the foot of people living within diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A proof of concept. “ . J Therm Biol. 2023 Nov 7;118:103729. (IF=2,90). Zoology (Q1); Biology (Q2).
Viti F, De Giorgio R, Ceccherini I, Ahluwalia A, Alves MM, Baldo C, Baldussi G, Bonora E, Borrelli O, Dall’Oglio L, De Coppi P, De Filippo C, de Santa Barbara P, Diamanti A, Di Lorenzo C, Di Maulo R, Galeone A, Gandullia P, Hashmi SK, Lacaille F, Lancon L, Leone S, Mahé MM, Molnar MJ, Palmitelli A, Perin S, Prato AP, Thapar N, Vassalli M, Heuckeroth RO. (2023). “ Multi-disciplinary Insights from the First European Forum on Visceral Myopathy 2022 Meeting. “ Dig Dis Sci. 2023 Oct;68(10):3857-3871. (IF=2,50). Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Q3).
Bonnet JB, Macioce V, Jalek A, Bouchdoug K, Elleau C, Gras-Vidal MF, Pochic J, Avignon A, Sultan A. (2022). ” Covid-19 lockdown appears to have had a positive effect on diabetic foot ulcers. ” Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2022 May;38(4):e3520. (IF=8,00). Endocrinology(Q1); Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Nicolet G, Papinaud L, Avignon A, Duflos C, Sultan A. (2022). “Effects of social deprivation and healthcare access on major amputation following a diabetic foot ulcer in a French administrative area: Analysis using the French claim data. “ Diabet Med. 2022 Jun;39(6):e14820.. (IF=3,50). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Sultan A. (2022). “Social Deprivation, Healthcare Access and Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Narrative Review. “ J Clin Med. 2022 Sep 15;11(18):5431 (IF=3,90). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Bou Khalil R, Risch N, Sleilaty G, Richa S, Seneque M, Lefebvre P, Sultan A, Avignon A, Maimoun L, Renard E, Courtet P, Guillaume S. (2022). “Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) variations in relationship with childhood maltreatment in patients with anorexia nervosa: a retrospective cohort study. “ Eat Weight Disord. 2022 Aug;27(6):2201-2212. (IF=2,90). Psychiatry (Q2)
Bou Khalil R, Sultan A, Seneque M, Richa S, Lefebvre P, Renard E, Courtet P, Maimoun L, Guillaume S. (2022). “Clinical Correlates of Measured and Predicted Resting Energy Expenditure in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa: A Retrospective Cohort Study. “ Nutrients. 2022 Jun 30;14(13):2727. (IF=5,90). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Breuker C, Teasdale J, Mallet L, Ricard G, Turcotte JP, Gosselin S, Langlois MF, Imbeault P, Breton M, Couturier Y, Sirois C, Cossette B (2022). “ Communication between hospitals, Family Medicine Groups and community pharmacists during transitions of care interventions. “ Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2022 Aug;18(8):3290-3296. (IF=3,90). Public, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2).
Cariou B, Wargny M, Boureau AS, Smati S, Tramunt B, Desailloud R, Lebeault M, Amadou C, Ancelle D, Balkau B, Bordier L, Borot S, Bourgeon M, Bourron O, Cosson E, Eisinger M, Gonfroy-Leymarie C, Julla JB, Marchand L, Meyer L, Seret-Bégué D, Simon D, Sultan A, Thivolet C, Vambergue A, Vatier C, Winiszewski P, Saulnier PJ, Bauduceau B, Gourdy P, Hadjadj S; CORONADO investigators (2022). “Impact of diabetes on COVID-19 prognosis beyond comorbidity burden: the CORONADO initiative. “. Diabetologia. 2022 Sep;65(9):1436-1449. (IF=8,20). Endocrinology and Metabolisms (Q1).
Dardari D, Potier L, Sultan A, Francois M, M’Bemba J, Bouillet B, Chaillous L, Kessler L, Carlier A, Jalek A, Sbaa A, Orlando L, Bobony E, Detournay B, Kjartansson H, Bjorg Arsaelsdottir R, Baldursson BT, Charpentier G. (2022). “Intact Fish Skin Graft vs. Standard of Care in Patients with Neuroischaemic Diabetic Foot Ulcers (KereFish Study): An International, Multicentre, Double-Blind, Randomised, Controlled Trial Study Design and Rationale. Medicina (Kaunas). 2022 Dec 1;58(12):1775. (IF=2,95). Medicine (all) (Q2).
Deshayes S, Konate K, Vivès E,Boisguérin P. (2022). “Tips and Tools to Understand Direct Membrane Translocation of siRNA-Loaded WRAP-Based Nanoparticles. “ Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2383:475-490. (IF=1,37). Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
Diallo A, Pichelin M, Wargny M, Gourdy P, Bonnet JB, Hadjadj S, Cariou B, Sultan A, Galtier F; CORONADO investigators (2022). “Influenza vaccination and prognosis of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients with diabetes: Results from the CORONADO study. “ .Diabetes Obes Metab. 2022 Feb;24(2):343-347. (IF=5,80); Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1).
Faria R, Paul M, Biswas S, Vivès E, Boisguérin P, Sousa Â, Costa D. (2022). ”Peptides vs. Polymers: Searching for the Most Efficient Delivery System for Mitochondrial Gene Therapy. ”. Pharmaceutics. 2022 Mar 31;14(4):757. (IF=5,40). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1)
Fernandez Rico C, Konate K, Josse E, Nargeot J, Barrère-Lemaire S, Boisguérin P. (2022). ”Therapeutic Peptides to Treat Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. ”Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 Feb 17;9:792885. (IF=3,60). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Guérin A, Angebault C, Kinet S, Cazevieille C, RojoM, Fauconnier J, Lacampagne A, Mourier A, Taylor N, de Santa Barbara P, Faure S. (2022). “LIX1-mediated changes in mitochondrial metabolism control the fate of digestive mesenchyme-derived cells. “- Redox Biology, 2022 Oct;56:102431 (IF=11,40). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1).
Khalilipalandi S, Breton M, Breuker C, Cossette B. (2022). ” Transitions de soins pharmaceutiques chez les personnes âgées: une évaluation de la mise en place” Santé Publique 2022 / 4 (Vol. 34), pages 517 à 525 (IF=0,29).
Laux X, Rondet E, Grabulos J, Dore R, Ollier L, Virsolvy A, Mariano-goulart D, Maimoun L (2022) . ” Ultrasonic transmission through small tubes such as rat tibias for axial Young’s modulus estimation: Discussion and recommendations ” – Applied Acoustics, Volume 188, January 2022, 108573 (IF=3,40). Acoustics (Q2).
Lengvenyte A, Strumila R, Maimoun L, Seneque M, Olié E, Lefebvre P, Renard E, Courtet P, Guillaume S (2022). “A specific association between laxative misuse and suicidal behaviours in patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. “ Eat Weight Disord. 2022 Feb;27(1):307-315. (IF=2,90). Psychiatry (Q2)
Lohan L, Marin G, Faucanie M, Laureau M, Perier D, Pinzani V, Giraud I, Villiet M, Sebbane M, Sultan A, Breuker C. (2022). “Frequency, Characteristics, and Predictive Factors of Adverse Drug Events in an Adult Emergency Department according to Age: A Cross-Sectional Study. “ J Clin Med. 2022 Sep 27;11(19):5731. (IF=3,90). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Lohan L, Cool C, Viault L, Cestac P, Renard E, Galtier F,Villiet M, Avignon A, Sultan A and Breuker C “Impact of Hospitalization in an Endocrinology Department on Vaccination Coverage in People Living with Diabetes: A Real-Life Study. “ Medicina (Kaunas). 2022 Feb 1;58(2):219. (IF=2,95). General Medicine (Q2).
Maïmoun L, Serrand C, Mura T, Renard E, Nocca D, Lefebvre P, Boudousq V, Avignon A, Mariano-Goulart D, Sultan A.(2022). “Definition of an adapted cut-off for determining low lean tissue mass in older women with obesity: a comparison to current cut-offs. “ Sci Rep. 2022 Oct 7;12(1):16905. (IF=4,60). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Mariano-Goulart D, Huguet H, Renard E, Lefebvre P, Picot MC, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP, Courtet P, Boudousq V, Avignon A, Guillaume S, Sultan A. (2022). “In patients with anorexia nervosa, myokine levels are altered but are not associated with bone mineral density loss and bone turnover alteration. “ Endocr Connect. 2022 May 10;11(5):e210488. (IF=2,90). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q3).
Maïmoun L, Mahadea KK, Boudousq V, Mura T, Mariano-Goulart D. (2022). “Comparison of the Lunar Prodigy and Stratos DR dual-energy X-ray absorptiometers to assess regional bone mineral density. “ Journal of Clinical Densitometry 2022 Oct-Dec;25(4):569-576.. (IF=2,62). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q3).
Neves AR, Albuquerque T, Faria R, Gonçalves AM, Santos C, Vivès E, Boisguérin P, Passarinha LA, Sousa Â, Costa D (2022). “ Development of WRAP5 Peptide Complexes for Targeted Drug/Gene Co-Delivery toward Glioblastoma Therapy. “. Pharmaceutics. 2022 Oct 18;14(10):2213. (IF=5,40). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1)
Rey J, Breiden M, Lux V, Bluemke A, Steindel M, Ripkens K, Möllers B, Bravo Rodriguez K, Boisguerin P, Volkmer R, Mieres-Perez J, Clausen T, Sanchez-Garcia E, Ehrmann M. (2022). “An allosteric HTRA1-calpain 2 complex with restricted activation profile. . “ Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Apr 5;119(14):e2113520119. (IF=10,70). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Romain AJ, Macioce V, Boegner C, Attalin V, Avignon A, Sultan A. (2022). “Patterns of eating behavior in people with severe obesity seeking weight loss treatment: An exploratory study. “ Appetite. 2022 Feb 1;169:105797. (IF=5,40). Nutritional Diabetics (Q3); Behavioral Scienves (Q1).
Roubille C, Eduin B, Breuker C, Zerkowski L, Letertre S, Mercuzot C, Bigot J, Du Cailar G, Roubille F, Fesler P. (2022). “Predictive risk factors for death in elderly patients after hospitalization for acute heart failure in an internal medicine unit. “ Intern Emerg Med. 2022 Sep;17(6):1661-1668. (IF=5,47). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Seisel Q, Lakumpa I, Josse E, Vivès E, Varilh J, Taulan-Cadars M, Boisguérin P. (2022). ”Highway to Cell: Selection of the Best Cell-Penetrating Peptide to Internalize the CFTR-Stabilizing iCAL36 Peptide. ” Pharmaceutics. 2022 Apr 7;14(4):808. (IF=5,40). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1)
Sicard P, Falco A, Faure S, Thireau J, Lindsey SE, Chauvet N, De Santa Barbara P. (2022 ( “High-resolution ultrasound and speckle tracking: a non-invasive approach to assess in vivo gastrointestinal motility during development. “ Development. 2022 Aug 15;149(16):dev200625. . (IF=4,60). Developental Biology ( Q1).
Strumila R, Lengvenyte A, Olié E, Seneque M, Dupuis-Maurin K, Alacreu-Crespo A, Maimoun L, Lefebre P, Courtet P, Guillaume S. (2022). ”Selenium deficiency is associated with disease severity, disrupted reward processing, and increased suicide risk in patients with Anorexia Nervosa. – Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 140, June 2022, 105723 (IF=3,70). Endocrinology and Methalbolism (Q2) ; Neurosciences (Q2)
Tejedor G, Boisguerin P, Vivès É, Jorgensen C, Guicheux J, Vinatier C, Gondeau C, Djouad F. (2022). ” PPARβ/δ-Interfering Peptide Enhanced Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Immunoregulatory Properties. ” Stem Cells Int. 2022 Dec 13;2022:5494749. (IF=4,30). Biology (Q2) ; Molecular Biology (Q2).
Wyplosz B, Fernandes J, Sultan A, Roche N, Roubille F, Loubet P, Fougère B, Moulin B, Duhot D, Vainchtock A, Raguideau F, Lortet-Tieulent J, Blanc E, Moïsi J, Goussiaume G. (2022). “Pneumococcal and influenza vaccination coverage among at-risk adults: A 5-year French national observational study. “Vaccine. 2022 Aug 5;40(33):4911-4921. (IF=5,50). Immunology (Q3) ; Medicine , Research and Experimental (Q3).
Audurier Y, Roubille C, Manna F, Zerkowski L, Faucanie M, Macioce V, Castet-Nicolas A, Jalabert A, Villiet M, Fesler P, Lohan-Descamps L, Breuker C. (2021). “Development and validation of a Score to Assess Risk of Medication Errors detected during medication reconciliation process at admission in Internal Medicine Unit: SCOREM study. “ Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Feb;75(2):e13663. (IF=3,15). Medicine General and Internal (Q2) .
Boisguérin P, Konate K, Josse E, Vivès É and Deshayes S (2021) “Peptide-Based Nanoparticles for Therapeutic Nucleic Acid Delivery”Biomedicines 2021, 9(5), 583 (IF=4,76). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1); Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Sultan A. (2022). “Narrative Review of the Relationship Between CKD and Diabetic Foot Ulcer. “ Kidney Int Rep. 2021 Dec 21;7(3):381-388. (IF=6,23). Nephrology (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Berchoux E, Sultan A. (2021). ”Decompensated primary hypoparathyroidism in a patient with COVID-19. ” Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2021 Apr;82(2):123-124.. (IF=3,12). Endocrinology et Metabolism (Q4).
Breuker C, Macioce V, Mura T, Castet-Nicolas A, Audurier Y, Boegner C, Jalabert A, Villiet M, Avignon A, Sultan A (2021). ” Medication Errors at Hospital Admission and Discharge: Risk Factors and Impact of Medication Reconciliation Process to Improve Healthcare. ”. J Patient Saf. 2021 Oct 1;17(7):e645-e652. (IF=2,24). Health Care Sciences & Services (Q1).
Breuker C, Faucanié M, Laureau M, Perier D, Pinzani V, Marin G, Sebbane M, Villiet M. (2021). “Impact of a medico-pharmaceutical follow-up and an optimized communication between hospital and community on the readmission to the emergency department for an adverse drug event: URGEIM, study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. “ Trials. 2021 Aug 6;22(1):521. (IF=2,73). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q3).
Breuker C, Guedj AM, Allan M, Coinus L, Molinari N, Chapet N, Roubille F, Le Quintrec M, Duhalde V, Jouglen J, Cestac P, Kinowski JM, Faure S, Faucanie M, Lohan L, Villiet M, Altwegg R, Sultan A. (2021). “The COVID-19 Pandemic Led to a Small Increase in Changed Mentality Regarding Infection Risk without Any Change in Willingness to Be Vaccinated in Chronic Diseases Patients. “ J Clin Med. 2021 Sep 1;10(17):3967.(IF=4,96). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1)
Burgarelli Lages E, Salgado Fernandes R, Sena Andrade M, Paiyabhroma N, Barbosa de Oliveira R, FernandesC, Dantas Cassali G, Sicard P, Richard S, Branco de Barros AL, Miranda Ferreira LA. (2021) “pH-sensitive doxorubicin-tocopherol succinate prodrug encapsulated in docosahexaenoic acid-based nanostructured lipid carriers: An effective strategy to improve pharmacokinetics and reduce toxic effects. “ Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2021 Dec;144:112373. (IF=7,42). Pharmacology and pharmacy (Q1).
Cariou B, Goronflot T, Rimbert A, Boullu S, Le May C, Moulin P, Pichelin M, Potier L, Smati S, Sultan A, Tramunt B, Wargny M, Gourdy P, Hadjadj S; CORONADO investigators. (2021). “Routine use of statins and increased mortality related to COVID-19 in inpatients with type 2 diabetes: Results from the CORONADO study. .” Diabetes Metab. 2021 Mar;47(2):101202. (IF=8,25). Endocrinology and Metabolisms (Q1).
Dupuis C, Le Bihan C, Maubon D, Calvet L, Ruckly S, Schwebel C, Bouadma L, Azoulay E, Cornet M, Timsit JF; Empiricus Study Group. (avec comme collaborateurs : Samir Jaber, Boris Jung, Kada Klouche, Cyril Breuker) (2021). ”Performance of Repeated Measures of (1-3)-β-D-Glucan, Mannan Antigen, and Antimannan Antibodies for the Diagnosis of Invasive Candidiasis in ICU Patients: A Preplanned Ancillary Analysis of the EMPIRICUS Randomized Clinical Trial. ” Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Mar 2;8(3):ofab080. (IF=4,42). Immunology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (Q2).
Ea V, Bergougnoux A, Philibert P, Servant-Fauconnet N, Faure A, Breaud J, Gaspari L, Sultan C, Paris F, Kalfa N (2021). “How Far Should We Explore Hypospadias? Next-generation Sequencing Applied to a Large Cohort of Hypospadiac Patients. “ Eur Urol. 2021 Apr;79(4):507-515. (IF= 24,27). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Faria R, Vivés E, Boisguerin P, Sousa A, Costa D ( 2021). ”Development of Peptide-Based Nanoparticles for Mitochondrial Plasmid DNA Delivery. ” Polymers (Basel). 2021 Jun 1;13(11):1836. (IF=4,97). Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1),
Ferreiro I, Genevois C, Konate K, Vivès É, Boisguérin P, Deshayes S and Couillaud F (2021) “In Vivo Follow-Up of Gene Inhibition in Solid Tumors Using Peptide-Based Nanoparticles for siRNA Delivery” Pharmaceutics 2021, 13(5), 749 (IF=6,52). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Gallo A, Pérez de Isla L, Charrière S, Vimont A, Alonso R, Muñiz-Grijalvo O, Díaz-Díaz JL, Zambón D, Moulin P, Bruckert E, Mata P, Béliard S; REFERCHOL and SAFEHEART investigators.(Parmi les collaborateurs Sultan A). (2021). “The Added Value of Coronary Calcium Score in Predicting Cardiovascular Events in Familial Hypercholesterolemia. “ JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021 Jul 8: (IF=16,05). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems ( Q1); Radiology , Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging (Q1).
Gaspari L, Tessier B, Paris F, Bergougnoux A, Hamamah S, Sultan C, Kalfa N. (2021).”Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Disorders of Penile Development in Humans. .” Sex Dev. 2021;15(1-3):213-228. (IF=1,94). Developmental Biology (Q4).
Giraud J, Foroutan M, Boubaker-Vitre J, Grillet F, Homayed Z, Jadhav U, Crespy P, Breuker C, Bourgaux JF, Hazerbroucq J, Pignodel C, Brulin B, Shivdasani RA, Jay P, Hollande F, Pannequin J. (2021). “ Progastrin production transitions from Bmi1+/Prox1+ to Lgr5high cells during early intestinal tumorigenesis. “ Transl Oncol. 2021 Feb;14(2):101001..(IF=4,80). Oncology (Q2).
Konate K, Josse E, Tasic M, Redjatti K, Aldrian G, Deshayes S, Boisguérin P, Vivès E (2021). “WRAP-based nanoparticles for siRNA delivery: a SAR study and a comparison with lipid-based transfection reagents. “ .J Nanobiotechnology. 2021 Aug 11;19(1):236. (IF=9,43). Biotechnology and Applied microbiology (Q1) ; Nanoscience and Nonotechnology (Q1).
Lambert K, Demion M, Lagacé JC, Hokayem M, Dass M, Virsolvy A, Jover B, Bourret A, Bisbal C. (2021) Grape polyphenols and exercise training have distinct molecular effects on cardiac hypertrophy in a model of obese insulin-resistant rats. J Nutr Biochem. 2021 Jan;87:108522 (IF=6,12). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Nutrition and dietetics (Q1).
Laureau M, Vuillot O, Gourhant V, Perier D, Pinzani V, Lohan L, Faucanie M, Macioce V, Marin G, Giraud I, Jalabert A, Villiet M, Castet-Nicolas A, Sebbane M, Breuker C. (2021). “Adverse Drug Events Detected by Clinical Pharmacists in an Emergency Department: A Prospective Monocentric Observational Study. “ J Patient Saf. 2021 Dec 1;17(8):e1040-e1049. (IF=2,24). Health Care Sciences & Services (Q1).
Lohan L, Galtier F, Manson T, Mura T, Castet-Nicolas A, Faure D, Chapet N, Leclercq F, Pasquié JL, Roubille F, Roubille C, Blain H, Guilpain P, Villiet M, Avignon A, Sultan A and Breuker C. (2021) “Compliance with Prescription Guidelines for Glucose-Lowering Therapies According to Renal Function: Real-Life Study in Inpatients of Internal Medicine“Medicina, 2021 Dec 17;57(12):1376 (IF=2,95). General Medicine (Q2).
Lohan L, Clément F, Duflos C, Villiet M, Castet-Nicolas A, Boegner C, Avignon A, Sultan A, Breuker C. (2021). “Hypoglycemia While Driving in Insulin-Treated Patients: Incidence and Risk Factors. “ J Patient Saf. 2021 Dec 1;17(8):e1034-e1039. (IF=2,24). Health Care Sciences & Services (Q1).
Lohan L, Marin G, Faucanie M, Laureau M, Macioce V, Perier D, Pinzani V, Giraud I, Castet-Nicolas A, Jalabert A, Villiet M, Sebbane M, Breuker C (2021). “Impact of medication characteristics and adverse drug events on hospital admission after an emergency department visit: prospective cohort study. “. Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Apr 18:e14224. (IF=3,15). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Maïmoun L, Renard E, Humbert L, Aouinti S, Mura T, Boudousq V, Lefebvre P, Mahadea K, Philibert P, de Santa-Barbara P, Avignon A, Guillaume S, Sultan A, Nocca D, Mariano-Goulart D. (2021). ”Modification of bone mineral density, bone geometry and volumetric BMD in young women with obesity.” Bone. 2021 Sep;150:116005. (IF=4,63). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q2).
Maïmoun L, Renard E, Huguet H, Lefebvre P, Boudousq V, Mahadea K, Picot MC, Doré R, Philibert P, Seneque M, Gaspari L, Courtet P, Sultan C, Sultan A, Laux D, Guillaume S, Mariano-Goulart D (2021). The quantitative ultrasound method for assessing low bone mass in women with anorexia nervosa. Arch Osteoporos. 2021 Jan 14;16(1):13. (IF=2,88). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q4) ; Orthopedics (Q2).
Martire D, Garnier S, Sagnol S, Bourret A, Marchal S, Chauvet N, Guérin A, Forgues D, Berrebi D, Chardot C, Bellaiche M, Rendu J, Kalfa N, Faure S, de Santa Barbara P. (2021). “Phenotypic switch of smooth muscle cells in paediatric chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome. “ J Cell Mol Med. 2021 Apr;25(8):4028-4039.. (IF=5,29). Cell Biologyy ( Q2); Medicien, Research and Experimental (Q2).
Nobile B, Maimoun L, Jaussent ID, Seneque M, Dupuis-Maurin K, Lefebvre P, Courtet P, Renard E, Guillaume S (2021). “Effects of Hormonal Contraception Use on Cognitive Functions in Patients With Bulimia Nervosa. “ Front Psychiatry. 2021 May 17;12:658182. (IF=5,43). Psychiatry (Q2).
Renaudin P, Coste A, Audurier Y, Berbis J, Canovas F, Lohan L, Dagneaux L Loundou A, Boucekine M, Villiet M, Breuker C. (2021).Clinically significant medication errors in surgical units detected by clinical pharmacist: a real-life study. “ Basic & clinical pharmacology &Toxicol…2021 Dec;129(6):504-509. (IF=3,69). Toxicology (Q2); Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q2).
Valensi P, Belle EV, Cosson E, Emmerich J, Prevost G, Ferriere J, Sultan A, Ernande L, Rouzet F, Marcadet D, Mousseau E, Boccara F, Verges B, Henry P (2021). “ Risk stratification and screening for coronary artery disease in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus. “ Diabetes Metab. 2021 Mar;47(2):101185. (IF=8,25). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1).
Bou Khalil R, Sleilaty G, Richa S, Seneque M, Iceta S, Rodgers R, Alacreu-Crespo A, Maimoun L, Lefebvre P, Renard E, Courtet P, Guillaume S (2020). “ The Impact of Retrospective Childhood Maltreatment on Eating Disorders as Mediated by Food Addiction: A Cross-Sectional Study. “ Nutrients. 2020 Sep 28;12(10):E2969. (IF =5,72). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Brunet C, Aouinti S, Huguet F, Macioce V, Ranisavljevic N, Gala A, Avignon A, Mura T, Sultan A. (2020). “ Impact of Women Obesity and Obesity Severity on Live Birth Rate after In Vitro Fertilization. “ J Clin Med. 2020 Jul 28;9(8):E2414. (IF=4,24). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1)
Chevalier NR, Ammouche Y, Gomis A, Teyssaire C, de Santa Barbara P, Faure S (2020). “Shifting into high gear: how Interstitial Cells of Cajal change the motility pattern of the developing intestine. “Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2020 Oct 1;319(4):G519-G528. (IF=4,05). Physiology (Q1) ; Gastroenterology and Hepathology (Q2).
Covinhes A, Gallot L, Barrère C, Vincent A, Sportouch C, Piot C, Lebleu B, Nargeot J, Boisguérin P, Barrère-Lemaire S (2020). “Anti-apoptotic peptide for long term cardioprotection in a mouse model of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. “ Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 22;10(1):18116. (IF=4,38). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1)
Deshayes S, Konate K, Dussot M, Chavey B, Vaissière A, Van TNN, Aldrian G, Padari K, Pooga M, Vivès E, Boisguérin P (2020). Deciphering the internalization mechanism of WRAP:siRNA nanoparticles. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 2020 Jun 1;1862(6):183252. (IF=3,75). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Biophysics (Q2)
Deshayes S, Aouba A, Grateau G, Georgin-Lavialle S (2020). “Infections and AA amyloidosis: an overview. “ Int J Clin Pract. 2020 Dec 23:e13966. Sous presse. (IF=2,50). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Guérin A, Martire D, Trenquier E, Lesluyes T, Sagnol S, Pratlong M, Lefebvre E, Chibon F, de Santa Barbara P, Faure S (2020). “LIX1 regulates YAP activity and controls gastrointestinal cancer cell plasticity. “J Cell Mol Med. 2020 Jul 7;24(16):9244-9254. (IF= 5,31). Cell Biology (Q2); Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1).
Ichkova A, Rodriguez-Grande B, Zub E, Saudi A, Fournier ML, Aussudre J, Sicard P, Obenaus A, Marchi N, Badaut J. (2020). “Early cerebrovascular and long-term neurological modifications ensue following juvenile mild traumatic brain injury in male mice. “ Neurobiol Dis. 2020 Jul;141:104952. (IF=6,00). Neurosciences (Q1).
Konate K, Seisel Q, Vivès E, Boisguérin P, Deshayes S (2020). Fluorescent Leakage Assay to Investigate Membrane Destabilization by Cell-Penetrating Peptide. J Vis Exp. 2020 Dec 19;(166). (IF=1,35). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q3).
Maïmoun L, Mura T, Avignon A, Mariano-Goulart D, Sultan A. (2020). ”Body Composition in Individuals with Obesity According to Age and Sex: A Cross-Sectional Study. ”J Clin Med. 2020 Apr 21;9(4):E1188.(IF=4,24). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Mura T, Attalin V, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP, Avignon A, Mariano-Goulart D, Sultan A. (2020). “ Modification of Muscle-Related Hormones in Women with Obesity: Potential Impact on Bone Metabolism. “. J Clin Med. 2020 Apr 17;9(4):E1150. (IF=4,24). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Garnero P, Mura T, Nocca D, Lefebvre P, Philibert P, Seneque M, Gaspari L, Vauchot F, Courtet P, Sultan A, Piketty ML, Sultan C, Renard E, Guillaume S, Mariano-Goulart D. (2020). ”Specific Effects of Anorexia Nervosa and Obesity on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Turnover in Young Women. ” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Apr 1;105(4):dgz259. (IF=5,96). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1).
Margarido AS, Le Guen L, Falco A, Faure S, Chauvet N, de Santa Barbara P. (2020). “PROX1 is a specific and dynamic marker of sacral neural crest cells in the chicken intestine. “ J Comp Neurol. 2020 Apr 1;528(5):879-889. (IF= 3,21). Neurosciences (Q2).
Potier L, François M, Dardari D, Feron M, Belhatem N, Nobecourt-Dupuy E, Dolz M, Bordier L, Ducloux R, Chibani A, Eveno DF, Crea Avila T, Sultan A, Baillet-Blanco L, Rigalleau V, Gand E, Saulnier PJ, Velho G, Roussel R, Pellenc Q, Dupré JC, Malgrange D, Marre M, Mohammedi K; ORTHODIAB study group (2020). “Comparison of a new versus standard removable offloading device in patients with neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers: a French national, multicentre, open-label randomized, controlled trial. “ BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020 May;8(1):e000954. (IF=3,39). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1).
Strumila R, Nobile B, Maimoun L, Jaussent I, Seneque M, Thiebaut S, Iceta S, Dupuis-Maurin K, Lefebvre P, Courtet P, Renard E, Guillaume S. (2020). ”The implications of previous history of anorexia nervosa in patients with current bulimia nervosa: Alterations in daily functioning, decision-making, and bone status. ” Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2020 Jan;28(1):34-45. (IF=4,52). Psychology, Clinical (Q1).
Yin H, Boisguerin P, Moulton HM, Betts C, Seow Y, Boutilier J, Wang Q, Walsh A, Lebleu B, Wood MJA. (2020). “Context Dependent Effects of Chimeric Peptide Morpholino Conjugates Contribute to Dystrophin Exon-skipping Efficiency. “ Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2020 Sep 10;22:166.(IF= 8,89). Medicine, Research and Experimental ( Q1).