Pathologies neuromusculaires et physiopathologie : Publications / Awards
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Liste des publications
Liste des Publications par ordre alphabétique du premier auteur / List of Publications in alphabetical order of first author
Les divers membres de l’équipe sont en gras / The various team members are in bold
Goutal S, Lancien M, Rivier F, Tournier N, Vaillend C (2025). “Brain glucose metabolism as a neuronal substrate of the abnormal behavioral response to stress in the mdx mouse, a model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. “Neurobiology of Disease, 2025 Jan:204:106771. (IF=5,10). Neurosciences (Q1).
Sonigo C, Ranisavljevic N, Guigui M, Anahory T, Mayeur A, Moutou C, Rongières C, Reignier A, Leperlier F, Melaye G, Girardet A, Ray PF, Steffann J, Pirrello O, Grynberg M (2025). “Ovarian response in preimplantation genetic testing for myotonic dystrophy type 1. “ . J Assist Reprod Genet. 2025 Jan;42(1):185-192. (IF=3,20). Genetics and Heredity (Q2); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1); Reproductive Biology (Q2).
Vaché C, Faugère V, Baux D, Mansard L, Van Goethem C, Dhaenens CM, Grunewald O, Audo I, Zeitz C, Meunier I, Bocquet B, Cossée M, Bergougnoux A, Kalatzis V, Roux AF (2025). “Validation of Nanopore long-read sequencing to resolve RPGR ORF15 genotypes in individuals with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. “ . Eur J Hum Genet. 2025 Jan;33(1):80-88. (IF=3,70). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Alary B, Cintas P, Claude C, Dellis O, Thèze C, Van Goethem C, Cossée M, Krahn M, Delague V, Bartoli M. (2024). “Store-operated calcium entry dysfunction in CRAC channelopathy: Insights from a novel STIM1 mutation. “ Clin Immunol. 2024 Aug:265:110306. (IF=4,50). Immunology (Q1).
Benarroch L, Bonne G, Rivier F, Hamroun D. (2024). “The 2024 version of the gene table of neuromuscular disorders (nuclear genome). “ Neuromuscul Disord. 2024 Jan;34:126-170. (IF=2,70). Clinical Neurology (Q2); Neurosciences (Q2).
Benkirane M, Bonhomme M, Morsy H, Safgren SL, Marelli C, Chaussenot A, Smedley D, Cipriani V, de Sainte-Agathe JM, Ding C, Larrieu L, Vestito L, Margot H, Lesca G, Ramond F, Castrioto A, Baux D, Verheijen J, Sansa E, Giunti P, Haetty A, Bergougnoux A, Pointaux M, Ardouin O, Van Goethem C, Vincent MC, Hadjivassiliou M, Cossée M, Rouaud T, Bartsch O, Freeman WD, Wierenga KJ, Klee EW; Genomic England Research Consortium; Vandrovcova J, Houlden H, Debant A, Koenig M. (2024)“ De novo and inherited monoallelic variants in TUBA4A cause ataxia and spasticity. “ Brain. 2024 Nov 4;147(11):3681-3689.(IF= 10,60). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q1°.
Bessis D, Poujade L, Cossée M, Boursier G, Barat-Houari M, Tharreau M, Durand L, Aguilar SC, Solassol J, Willems M, Vendrell J. (2024). “ Mosaic EGFR exon 20 in-frame insertion pathogenic variants are associated with papular epidermal nevus with « skyline » basal cell layer (PENS). “ Br J Dermatol. 2024 Sep 18;191(4):641-644 (IF=11,00) Dermatology (Q1).
Brun JF, Varlet-Marie E, Myzia J, Vachoud L, Marion B, Roques C, Raynaud de Mauverger E, Mercier J. (2024). “Which sub-compartments of fat mass and fat-free mass are related to blood viscosity factors? “ Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2024;86(1-2):245-252. (IF=2,10). Hematology (Q4); Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Q3).
Ceprian M, Juntas-Morales R, Campbell G, Walther-Louvier U, Rivier F, Camu W, Esselin F, Echaniz-Laguna A, Stojkovic T, Bouhour F, Latour P, Tricaud N (2024) “The Hexokinase 1 5′-UTR Mutation in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 4G Disease Alters Hexokinase 1 Binding to Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel-1 and Leads to Dysfunctional Mitochondrial Calcium Buffering. . Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Apr 15;25(8):4364. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1); Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Colmard M, Rivier F, de Barry G, Roubertie A, Urtiaga-Valle S, Mercedes-Alvarez B, Combes C, Cambonie G, Milesi C, Meyer P. (2024). “ Efficacy of intravenous clonazepam for paediatric convulsive status epilepticus. “ Dev Med Child Neurol. 2024 Aug;66(8):1053-1061 (IF=3,80). Clinical Neurology (Q2); Pedriatics (Q1).
Da Cunha D, Miro J, Van Goethem C, Notarnicola C, Hugon G, Carnac G, Cossée M, Koenig M, Tuffery-Giraud S (2024). “The exon junction complex is required for DMD gene splicing fidelity and myogenic differentiation“ – Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences…, 2024 Mar 21;81(1):150. (IF=6,20). Cell Biology (Q1); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
Estublier B, Colineaux H, Arnaud C, Cintas P, Baudou E, Chaix Y, Rivier F, Biotteau M, Meyer P, Cheuret E. (2024) “Long-term outcomes of paediatric Guillain-Barré syndrome. “Dev Med Child Neurol. 2024 Feb;66(2):176-186. (IF=3,80=. Clinical Neurology (Q2); Pediatrics (Q1).
Galati G, Pique J, Horellou P, Leroy C, Poinsot M, Marignier R, Giorgi L, Deiva K; Kidbiosep cohort and MIRCEM network avec Meyer P comme collaborateur (2024). “Frequency and clinical relevance of MOG-antibodies in CSF in pediatric patients with MOG antibody-associated diseases. “ Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2024 Jul;51:79-83. (IF=2,30). Clinical Neurology (Q3); Pediatrics (Q2).
Glintzbeck A, Helmer G, Sellin L, Lopez O, Fattori P, Julia M, Mercier J, Hayot M. Gellis A, Gouzi F. (2024). “ Présentations-retours d’expériences de thématique parasportive“ Parasport pour tous : Quel accompagnement ? Lopez Orianne ; Loiret Isabelle Éditeur : Sauramps Médical ISBN 979-10-303-0429-9 pages 73-75.
Khatib L, Do LD, Benaiteau M, Villagrán-García M, Meyer P, Haidar LA, Demeret S, Honnorat J. (2024). “ Autoimmune Cerebellar Ataxia Associated with Anti-Glutamate Receptor δ2 Antibodies: a Rare but Treatable Entity. “ Cerebellum. 2024 Feb;23(1):260-266. (IF=3,50). Neurosciences (Q2).
Khatib L, Do LD, Benaiteau M, Villagrán-García M, Scharf M, Meyer P, Haidar LA, Demeret S, Honnorat J (2024). “Correction to: Autoimmune Cerebellar Ataxia Associated with Anti-Glutamate Receptor δ2 Antibodies: a Rare but Treatable Entity. “ . Cerebellum. 2024 Feb;23(1):267.. (IF=2,70). Neurosciences (Q2).
Marelli C, Ramond F, Vignal C, Blanchet C, Frost S, Hao Q, Bocquet B, Nadjar Y, Leboucq N, Taieb G, Benkirane M, Hersent C, Koenig M, Meunier I (2024). “ Phenotypic variability related to dominant UCHL1 mutations: about three families with optic atrophy and ataxia. “. J Neurol. 2024 Sep;271(9):6038-6044. (IF=4,80). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Methnani J, Brahim MM, Elhraiech A, Ach T, Latiri I, Zaouali M, Rouatbi S, Bouslama A, Brun JF, Omezzine A, Bouhlel E (2024). “ Timing matters: diurnal variation of maximal fat oxidation and substrate oxidation rates in metabolic syndrome-a randomized crossover study. “ . Eur J Appl Physiol. 2024 Oct;124(10):3135-3145.. (IF=2,80). Physiology (Q2); Sport Sciences (Q2).
Mohammadi NA, Ahring PK, Yu Liao VW, Chua HC, Ortiz de la Rosa S, Johannesen KM, Michaeli-Yossef Y, Vincent-Devulder A, Meridda C, Bruel AL, Rossi A, Patel C, Klepper J, Bonanni P, Minghetti S, Trivisano M, Specchio N, Amor D, Auvin S, Baer S, Meyer P, Milh M, Salpietro V, Maroofian R, Lemke JR, Weckhuysen S, Christophersen P, Rubboli G, Chebib M, Jensen AA, Absalom NL, Møller RS (2024). ”Distinct neurodevelopmental and epileptic phenotypes associated with gain- and loss-of-function GABRB2 variants. ” EBioMedicine. 2024 Jul 11;106:105236. (IF=9,70) Medicine Research and Experimental (Q1).
Neves A, Albuquerque T, Faria R, Santos CRA, Vivès E, Boisguérin P, Carneiro D, Bruno DF, Pavlaki MD, Loureiro S, Sousa Â, Costa D (2024). “Evidence That a Peptide-Drug/p53 Gene Complex Promotes Cognate Gene Expression and Inhibits the Viability of Glioblastoma Cells. “ . Pharmaceutics. 2024 Jun 8;16(6):781. (IF=4,90) Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Onnée M, Bénézit A, Bastu S, Nadaj-Pakleza A, Lannes B, Ader F, Thèze C, Cintas P, Cances C, Carlier RY, Metay C, Cossée M, Malfatti E (2023). “The FLNC Ala1186Val Variant Linked to Cytoplasmic Body Myopathy and Cardiomyopathy Causes Protein Instability. “ . Biomedicines. 2024 Jan 30;12(2):322. (IF= 3,90) Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1); Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Perrin A, Garcia-Uzquiano R, Stojkovic T, Tard C, Metay C, Bergougnoux A, Van Goethem C, Thèze C, Larrieux M, Faure-Gautron H, Laporte J, Lefebvre G, Krahn M, Juntas-Morales R, Titin’s Network Collaborators, Koenig M, Quijano-Roy S, Carlier RY, Cossée M. (2024). “Congenital Titinopathies Linked to Mutations in TTN Metatranscript-Only Exons. “ Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Dec 3;25(23):12994. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(Q1); Chemistry Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Pincemail J, Defraigne JO, Cheramy-Bien JP, Sakalihasan N, Christelbach S, Le Goff C, Laoudj-Chevinesse D, Maury J, Rousseau AF, Cavalier E (2024) “BLOOD REDOX STATUS IN DIFFERENT HUMAN PATHOLOGIES“ RedoXplore. 2024 Aug 29;1(1) Editor: Bato Korac
Pion E, Bonne G, Atalaia A, Salort-Campana E, Gorokhova S, Attarian S, Cossée M, Krahn M (2024). “.[The clinical actionability of genes: A concept for rare diseases and the first objective assessment for myopathies]. “ Med Sci (Paris). 2024 Nov;40 Hors série n° 1:6-8. (IF=0,60) edicine, esearch andxperimental ( Q4)
Raynaud de Mauverger É, (2024) Tests dynamiques endocriniens Editeur : Elsevier Masson | Nombre de pages : 144
Rouzier C, Pion E, Chaussenot A, Bris C, Ait-El-Mkadem Saadi S, Desquiret-Dumas V, Gueguen N, Fragaki K, Amati-Bonneau P, Barcia G, Gaignard P, Steffann J, Pennisi A, Bonnefont JP, Lebigot E, Bannwarth S, Francou B, Rucheton B, Sternberg D, Martin-Negrier ML, Trimouille A, Hardy G, Allouche S, Acquaviva-Bourdain C, Pagan C, Lebre AS, Reynier P, Cossee M, Attarian S, Paquis-Flucklinger V; MitoDiag’s Network Collaborators; Procaccio V. (2024). Primary mitochondrial disorders and mimics: Insights from a large French cohort. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2024 Jun;11(6):1478-1491. (IF=4,40). Clinical Neurology (Q2); Neurosciences (Q2).
Roze E, Silveira-Moriyama L, Leu-Semenescu S, Villeneuve N, Lecardonnel B, François-Heude MC, Meyer P, de Gusmao CM, Roubertie A (2024). “KCNMA1-Related Episodes of Behavioral Arrest and Loss of Postural Reflexes: A Critical Reappraisal. “. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2024 Dec 2. Sous presse. (IF=2,60). Clinical Neurology (Q2).
Sabbagh Q, Larrieux M, Schneider A, Theze C, Vincent MC, Coubes C, Puechberty J, Renard S, Koenig M, Pellestor F, Cossée M, Gatinois V. (2024) “Confined placental mosaicism is a diagnostic pitfall in dystrophinopathies: a clinical report. “ Eur J Hum Genet. 2024 Jul 16. Sous presse. (IF=3,70). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Souidi M, Resta J, Dridi H, Sleiman Y, Reiken S, Formoso K, Colombani S, Amédro P, Meyer P, Charrabi A, Vincenti M, Liu Y, Soni RK, Lezoualc’h F, Stéphane Blot DVM, Rivier F, Cazorla O, Parini A, Marks AR, Mialet-Perez J, Lacampagne A, Meli AC (2024). “ Ryanodine receptor dysfunction causes senescence and fibrosis in Duchenne dilated cardiomyopathy. “ . J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2024 Apr;15(2):536-551 (IF=9,40). Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1); Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Souweine JS, Pasquier G, Morena M, Patrier L, Rodriguez A, Raynal N, OhresserI, Benomar R, Hayot M, Mercier J, Gouzi F, and Cristol JP (2024). “ Beyond sarcopenia: frailty in chronic haemodialysis patients“ – Clinical Kidney Journal, 2024 Jun 29;17(7):sfae069. (IF,=3,90). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Wilson VD, Bommart S, Passerieux E, Thomas C, Pincemail J, Picot MC, Mercier J, Portet F, Arbogast S, Laoudj-Chenivesse D. (2024)“Muscle strength, quantity and quality and muscle fat quantity and their association with oxidative stress in patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy: Effect of antioxidant supplementation. “ Free Radic Biol Med. 2024 Jul:219:112-126. (IF=7,10). Biochemistry and Molecvular Biology (Q1); Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1).
Amzali S, Wilson VD, Bommart S, Picot MC, Galas S, Mercier J, Poucheret P, Cristol JP, Arbogast S and Laoudj-Chenivesse D (2023) “ Nutritional Status of Patients with Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy “ –Nutrients 2023 Mar 30;15(7):1673. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Baide-Mairena H, Coget A, Leboucq N, Procaccio V, Blanluet M, Meyer P, Malinge MC, François-Heude MC, Moreno M, Geneviève D, Marelli C, Roubertie A Infantile-onset parkinsonism, dyskinesia, and developmental delay: do not forget polyglutamine defects! ”. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2023 Oct;10(10):1937-1943. (IF=4,40). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q2).
Benarroch L, Bonne G, Rivier F, Hamroun D (2023). “The 2023 version of the gene table of neuromuscular disorders (nuclear genome). “. Neuromuscul Disord. 2023 Jan;33(1):76-117. (IF=2,70). Clinical Neurology (Q2) ; Neurosciences (Q2).
Bergougnoux A, Billet A, Ka C, Heller M, Degrugillier F, Vuillaume ML, Thoreau V, Sasorith S, Bareil C, Thèze C, Ferec C, Gac GL, Bienvenu T, Bieth E, Gaston V, Lalau G, Pagin A, Malinge MC, Dufernez F, Lemonnier L, Koenig M, Fergelot P, Claustres M, Taulan-Cadars M, Kitzis A, Reboul MP, Becq F, Fanen P, Mekki C, Audrezet MP, Girodon E, Raynal C (2023). “The multi-faceted nature of 15 CFTR exonic variations: Impact on their functional classification and perspectives for therapy. “ . J Cyst Fibros. 2023 May;22(3):515-524. . (IF=5,40). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bughin F, Mendelson M, Jaffuel D, PépinJL, Gagnadoux F, Goutorbe F , Abril B , Ayoub B , Aranda A , Alagha K, Pomiès P , Roubille F, Mercier J , Molinari N , Dauvilliers J , Héraud N and Hayot M (2023). “ Impact of a telerehabilitation programme combined with continuous positive airway pressure on symptoms and cardiometabolic risk factors in obstructive sleep apnea … “ – DIGITAL HEALTH, 2023 Apr 6:9:20552076231167009. (IF=2,90). Health Policy (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Health Informatics (Q2); Health Information Management (Q2)
Chavez‑Guevara IA, Amaro‑Gahete FJ, Ramos‑Jimenez A, Brun JF (2023). “ Toward Exercise Guidelines for Optimizing Fat Oxidation During Exercise in Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta‑Regression “.Sports Medicine 2023 Dec;53(12):2399-2416. (IF=9,30). Sport Sciences (Q1).
Claus C, Slavin M, Ansseau E, Lancelot C, Bah K, Lassche S, Fievet M, Greco A, Tomaiuolo S, Tassin A, Dudome V, Kusters B, Decleves AE, Laoudj‑Chenivesse D, van Engelen BGM, Nonclercq D, BelayewA, Kalisman N and Coppee F* (2023). “The double homeodomain protein DUX4c is associated with regenerating muscle fibers and RNA-binding proteins“ Skeletal Muscle, 2023 Mar 7;13(1):5. (IF=5,30). Cell Biology (Q2) ; Molecular Biol (Q2) ; Orthopedics and Sport Medicine (Q1).
Coarelli G, Wirth T, Tranchant C, Koenig M, Durr A, Anheim M. (2023) ”The inherited cerebellar ataxias: an update. ”J Neurol. 2023 Jan;270(1):208-222. (IF=4,80). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
De Sainte Agathe JM, Filser M, Isidor B, Besnard T, Gueguen P, Perrin A, Van Goethem C, Verebi C, Masingue M, Rendu J, Cossée M, Bergougnoux A, Frobert L, Buratti J, Lejeune É, Le Guern É, Pasquier F, Clot F, Kalatzis V, Roux AF, Cogné B, Baux D. (2023). ”SpliceAI-visual: a free online tool to improve SpliceAI splicing variant interpretation. ” Hum Genomics. 2023 Feb 10;17(1):7. (IF=3,80). Molecular Medicine (Q1).
Estublier B, Colineaux H, Arnaud C, Cintas P, Baudou E, Chaix Y, Rivier F, Biotteau M, Meyer P, Cheuret E. (2023).”Long-term outcomes of paediatric Guillain-Barré syndrome. ” Dev Med Child Neurol. 2023 Jul 27. (IF=3,80). Clinical Neurology (Q2); Pediatrics (Q1).
François-Heude MC, Poulen G, Flamand Roze E, Nguyen Morel MA, Gras D, Roch-Toreilles I, Quintard A, Baroux G, Meyer P, Coubes P, Milesi C, Cambonie G, Baleine J, Sola C, Delye B, Dimopoulou E, Sanchez S, Gasnier M, Touati S, Zamora A, Pontal D, Leboucq N, Kouyoumdjian V, Lebasnier A, Sanquer S, Mariano-Goulart D, Roujeau T, Roubertie A. (2023).”Intraputaminal Gene Delivery in Two Patients with Aromatic L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency. ” Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2023 Feb 24;10(5):811-818. (IF=2,60). Clinical Neurology (Q2).
Harion M, Qebibo L, Riquet A, Rougeot C, Afenjar A, Garel C, Louha M, Lacaze E, Audic-Gérard F, Barth M, Berquin P, Bonneau D, Bourdain F, Busa T, Colin E, Cuisset JM, Des Portes V, Dorison N, Francannet C, Héron B, Laroche C, Lebrun M, Métreau J, Odent S, Pasquier L, Trujillo YP, Perrin L, Pinson L, Rivier F, Sigaudy S, Thauvin-Robinet C, Louvier UW, Labayle O, Rodriguez D, Valence S, Burglen L (2023). “New insights into CC2D2A-related Joubert syndrome. “ J Med Genet. 2023 Jun;60(6):578-586. (IF=3,50). Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
Magot A, Wahbi K, Leturcq, F Jaffre S, Péréon Y, Sole G. The French BMD working group avec Rivier F parmi les collaborateurs (2023). “Diagnosis and management of Becker muscular dystrophy: the French guidelines“ – Journal of Neurology, 2023 Oct;270(10):4763-4781. (IF=4,80). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Mondesert E, Bargnoux AS, Portet F, Laoudj-Chenivesse D, Arbogast S, Badiou S, Brun JF, Kuster N, Raynaud de Mauverger E, Cristol JP. “Cystatin C for kidney function assessment in patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. “ Clin Chim Acta. 2023 Apr 1:544:117328. (IF=3,20). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Morsy H, Benkirane M, Cali E, Rocca C, Zhelcheska K, Cipriani V, Galanaki E, Maroofian R, Efthymiou S, Murphy D, O’Driscoll M, Suri M, Banka S, Clayton-Smith J, Wright T, Redman M, Bassetti JA, Nizon M, Cogne B, Jamra RA, Bartolomaeus T, Heruth M, Krey I, Gburek-Augustat J, Wieczorek D, Gattermann F, Mcentagart M, Goldenberg A, Guyant-Marechal L, Garcia-Moreno H, Giunti P, Chabrol B, Bacrot S, Buissonnière R, Magry V, Gowda VK, Srinivasan VM, Melegh B, Szabó A, Sümegi K, Cossée M, Ziff M, Butterfield R, Hunt D, Bird-Lieberman G, Hanna M, Koenig M, Stankewich M, Vandrovcova J, Houlden H; Queen Square Genomics; Genomics England Research Consortium. (2022). “Expanding SPTAN1 monoallelic variant associated disorders: From epileptic encephalopathy to pure spastic paraplegia and ataxia. “ Genet Med. 2023 Jan;25(1):76-89. (IF=6,60); Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
Narcy L, Durand S, Grimaud M, Leboucq N, Grevent D, Cambonie G, Couloigner V, Rivier F, Meyer P, Kossorotoff M. (2023). “Cerebral sinovenous thrombosis associated with head/neck infection in children: Clues for improved management. “ Dev Med Child Neurol. 2023 Feb;65(2):215-222.(IF=3,80). Clinical Neurology (Q2) ; Padiatrics (Q1).
Perrin A, Métay C, Savarese M, Ben Yaou R, Demidov G, Nelson I, Solé G, Péréon Y, Bertini ES, Fattori F, D’Amico A, Ricci F, Ginsberg M, Seferian A, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Servais L, Chapon F, Lagrange E, Gaudon K, Bloch A, Ghanem R, Guyant-Maréchal L, Johari M, Van Goethem C, Fardeau M, Morales RJ, Genetti CA, Marttila M, Koenig M, Beggs A, Udd B, Bonne G, Cossée M. (2023). “Titin copy number variations associated with dominant inherited phenotypes. “ . J Med Genet. 2023 Nov 7:jmg-2023-109473.(IF=3,50). Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
Radu RA, Costalat V, Machi P, Derraz I, Dargazanli C, Meyer P, Cagnazzo F. (2023). “ Thrombectomy for a basilar artery occlusion in a 2-year-old child: A focus on anatomical and technical aspects. “ Interv Neuroradiol. 2023 Apr 16:15910199231169602. Sous presse. (IF=1,50). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Tardieu M, Cudejko C, Cano A, Hoebeke C, Bernoux D, Goetz V, Pichard S, Brassier A, Schiff M, Feillet F, Rollier P, Mention K, Dobbelaere D, Fouilhoux A, Espil-Taris C, Eyer D, Huet F, Walther-Louvier U, Barth M, Chevret L, Kuster A, Lefranc J, Neveu J, Pitelet G, Ropars J, Rivier F, Roubertie A, Touati G, Vanhulle C, Tardieu E, Caillaud C, Froissart R, Champeaux M, Labarthe F, Chabrol B. (2023). “ Long-term follow-up of 64 children with classical infantile-onset Pompe disease since 2004: a French real-life observational study. “ Eur J Neurol. 2023 Sep;30(9):2828-2837. (IF=4,50). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q1).
Vaché C, Cubedo N, Mansard L, Sarniguet J, Baux D, Faugère V, Baudoin C, Moclyn M, Touraine R, Lina-Granade G, Cossée M, Bergougnoux A, Kalatzis V, Rossel M, Roux AF. (2023). “ Identification and in vivo functional investigation of a HOMER2 nonstop variant causing hearing loss. “ Eur J Hum Genet. 2023 Jul;31(7):834-840. (IF=3,70). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Verebi C, Gravrand V, Pacault M, Audrezet MP, Couque N, Vincent MC, Leturcq F, Tsatsaris V, Bienvenu T, Nectoux J. (2023). “ [Towards a generalization of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of single-gene disorders? Assesment and outlook]. “ Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2023 Oct;51(10):463-470. (IF=0,60). Obstetrcis and Gynecology (Q4).
Yauy K, Van Goethem C, Pégeot H, Baux D, Guignard T, Thèze C, Ardouin O, Roux AF, Koenig M, Bergougnoux A, Cossée M. (2023). ”Evaluating the Transition from Targeted to Exome Sequencing: A Guide for Clinical Laboratories. ” Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 15;24(8):7330. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Absalom NL, Liao VWY, Johannesen KMH, Gardella E, Jacobs J, Lesca G, Gokce-Samar Z, Arzimanoglou A, Zeidler S, Striano P, Meyer P, Benkel-Herrenbrueck I, Mero IL, Rummel J, Chebib M, Møller RS, Ahring PK (2022). “ Gain-of-function and loss-of-function GABRB3 variants lead to distinct clinical phenotypes in patients with developmental and epileptic encephalopathies. “ Nat Commun. 2022 Apr 5;13(1):1822. (IF=16,60). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Althubaiti F, Guiomard C, Rivier F, Meyer P, Leboucq N. (2022). “Prognostic value of contrast-enhanced MRI in Guillain-Barré syndrome in children. “ Arch Pediatr. 2022 Apr;29(3):230-235.. (IF=1,80). Pediatrics ( Q4).
Arbogast S, Kotzur H, Frank C, Compagnone N, Sutra T, Pillard F, Pietri S, Hmada N, AbbaMoussa DM, Bride J, Franconnet S, Mercier J, Cristol JP, Dabauvalle MC, Laoudj-chenivesse D. ” ANT1 overexpression models: Some similarities with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. ”Redox Biology, 2022 Oct;56:102450. (IF=11,40). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1).
Baudou E, Cances C, Magdelaine C, Latour P, Louvier UW, Juntas-Morales R, Cintas P, Rivier F. (2022). “ Unexpected Intermediate Nerve Conduction Velocity Findings in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndromes Classified as Demyelinated or Axonal in a Pediatric Population. “ Neuropediatrics. 2022 Jun;53(3):182-187. (IF=1,40). Clinical Neurology ( Q4). Pediatrics (Q3).
Benkirane M, Da Cunha D, Marelli C, Larrieu L, Renaud M, Varilh J, Pointaux M, Baux D, Ardouin O, Vangoethem C, Taulan-Cadars M, Daumas Duport B, Bergougnoux A, Corbillé AG, Cossée M, Juntas Morales R, Tuffery-Giraud S, Koenig M, Isidor B, Vincent MC. (2022). “RFC1 nonsense and frameshift variants cause CANVAS: clues for an unsolved pathophysiology. “Brain. 2022 Nov 21;145(11):3770-3775.. (IF=14,50). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neursciences (Q1).
Benquey T, Pion E, Cossée M, Krahn M, Stojkovic T, Perrin A, Cerino M, Molon A, Lia AS, Magdelaine C, Francou B, Guiochon-Mantel A, Malinge MC, Leguern E, Lévy N, Attarian S, Latour P, Bonello-Palot N. (2022). “A National French Consensus on Gene List for the Diagnosis of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease and Related Disorders Using Next-Generation Sequencing. “ Genes (Basel). 2022 Feb 9;13(2):318. (IF=3,50). Genetics and Heradity (Q2)
Brun JF, Myzia J, Varlet-Marie E, , Mercier J, Raynaud de Mauverger E (2022). ”Extended physiological functions for erythrocyte deformability and aggregation beyond regulation of oxygen delivery?”Series on Biomechanics, Vol.36 No.1 (2022), 7-20 (IF=0,20). Biochemical Engineering (Q4); Biophysics (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4); Orthopedics and Sport Medicine (Q4).
Brun JF, Myzia J, Varlet-Marie E, Mercier J, Raynaud de Mauverger E, (2022). ”The weight-lowering effect of low-intensity endurance training targeted at the level of maximal lipid oxidation (LIPOX max) lasts for more than 8 years, and is associated with improvements in body composition and blood pressure ”Science & Sports 37 (2022) 603—609. (IF=1,10). Sport Sciences ( Q4)
Brun JF, Varlet-Marie E, Myzia J, Raynaud de Mauverger E and Pretorius E (2022). “Metabolic Influences Modulating Erythrocyte Deformability and Eryptosis” Metabolites 2022 12, 4. (IF=4,10). Biochemistry (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2).
Brun JF, Myzia J, Varlet-Marie E, Raynaud de Mauverger E and Mercier J (2022). “Beyond the Calorie Paradigm: Taking into Account in Practice the Balance of Fat and Carbohydrate Oxidation during Exercise? “Nutrients 2022, 14, 1605. (IF=5,90). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Bughin F, Kovacsik H, Jaussent I, Solecki K, Aguilhon S, Vanoverschelde J, Zarqane H, Mercier J, Gouzi F, Roubille F, Dauvilliers Y. (2022). “ Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome on Ventricular Remodeling after Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Proof-of-Concept Study. “ . J Clin Med. 2022 Oct 27;11(21):6341. (IF=3,90); Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Coste T, Aloui C, Petit F, Moutton S, Devisme L, Wells CF, Leboucq N, Verpillat P, Yvert M, Rivier F, Tournier-Lasserve E. (2022). “Rare metabolic disease mimicking COL4A1/COL4A2 fetal brain phenotype. “ Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Dec;60(6):805-811. (IF=7,10). Acoustics (Q1) ; Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1).
Dardari D, Schuldiner S, Julien CA, Ha Van G, M’Bemba J, Bourgeon M, Sultan A, Lepeut M, Grandperret-Vauthier S, Baudoux F, François M, Clavel S, Martini J, Vouillarmet J, Michon P, Moret M, Monnier A, Chingan-Martino V, Rigalleau V, Dumont I, Kessler L, Stifii I, Bouillet B, Bonnin P, Lemoine A, Da Costa Correia E, Faraill MMB, Muller M, Cazaubiel M, Zemmache MZ, Hartemann A. (2022). “Trends in the relation between hyperglycemia correction and active Charcot neuroarthropathy: results from the EPICHAR study. “ BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2022 Sep;10(5):e002380. (IF=4,10). Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1).
Ditters IAM, Huidekoper HH, Kruijshaar ME, Rizopoulos D, Hahn A, Mongini TE, Labarthe F, Tardieu M, Chabrol B, Brassier A, Parini R, Parenti G, van der Beek NAME, van der Ploeg AT, van den Hout JMP; European Pompe Consortium project group on classic infantile Pompe disease avec comme collaborateur Rivier F. (2022. “ Effect of alglucosidase alfa dosage on survival and walking ability in patients with classic infantile Pompe disease: a multicentre observational cohort study from the European Pompe Consortium. “ Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2022 Jan;6(1):28-37. (IF=36,40). Pediatrics (Q1).
François-Heude MC, Lebigot E, Roze E, Warde MTA, Cances C, Damaj L, Espil C, Fluss J, de Lonlay P, Kern I, Lenaers G, Munnich A, Meyer P, Spitz MA, Torre S, Doummar D, Touati G, Leboucq N, Roubertie A. (2022) “Movement disorders in valine métabolism diseases caused by HIBCH and ECHS1 deficiencies. “ Eur J Neurol. 2022 Nov;29(11):3229-3242. (IF=5,10). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q1).
Ganne B, Dauriat B, Richard L, Lamari F, Ghorab K, Magy L, Benkirane M, Perani A, Marquet V, Calvas P, Yardin C, Bourthoumieu S. (2022). “GM2 gangliosidosis AB variant: first case of late onset and review of the literature. “Neurol Sci. 2022 Nov;43(11):6517-6527 (IF=3,30). Clinical Neurology (Q3) ; Neurosciences (Q3).
Grillet PE, Badiou S, Lambert K, Sutra T, Plawecki M, Raynaud de Mauverger E, Brun JF, Mercier J, Gouzi F, Cristol JP. (2022). “Biomarkers of Redox Balance Adjusted to Exercise Intensity as a Useful Tool to Identify Patients at Risk of Muscle Disease through Exercise Test. “ Nutrients. 2022 Apr 29;14(9):1886. (IF=5,90. Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Lanot N, Vincenti M, Abassi H, Bredy C, Agullo A, Gamon L, Mura T, Lavastre K, De La Villeon G, Barrea C, Meyer P, Rivier F, Meli AC, Fauconnier J, Cazorla O, Lacampagne A, Amedro P. (2022). “Assessment of left ventricular dyssynchrony by speckle tracking echocardiography in children with duchenne muscular dystrophy. “ Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2022 Jan;38(1):79-89. (IF=2,32). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q3) ; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging (Q3) .
Liautard-Haag C, Durif G, VanGoethem C, Baux D, Louis A, Cayrefourcq L, Lamairia M, Willems M, Zordan C, Dorian V, Rooryck C, Goizet C, Chaussenot A, Monteil L, Calvas P, Miry C, Favre R, Le Boette E, Fradin M, Roux AF, Cossée M, Koenig M, Alix-Panabière C, Guissart C, Vincent MC (2022). “Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases induced by triplet repeat expansion by linked read haplotyping and Bayesian approach. “. Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 6;12(1):11423. (IF=4,60). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Maillard PY, Baer S, Schaefer É, Desnous B, Villeneuve N, Lépine A, Fabre A, Lacoste C, El Chehadeh S, Piton A, Porter LF, Perriard C, Abi Wardé MT, Spitz MA, Laugel V, Lesca G, Putoux A, Ville D, Mignot C, Héron D, Nabbout R, Barcia G, Rio M, Roubertie A, Meyer P, Paquis-Flucklinger V, Patat O, Lefranc J, Gerard M; Epigen consortium, de Bellescize J, Villard L, de Saint Martin A, Milh M (2022). “Molecular and clinical description of patients with GABAA receptor gene variants (GABRA1, GABRB2, GABRB3, GABRG2): a cohort study, review of literature, and genotype-phenotype correlations. “ . Epilepsia. 2022 Oct;63(10):2519-2533. (IF=5,60). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Mafla AC, Benavides RJ, Meyer P, Giraudeau N, Schwendicke F (2022). “Association of children’s toothbrushing and fine motor skills: a cross-sectional study. “ Braz Oral Res. 2022 Jul 11;36:e103. (IF=2,50). Dentistry, Oral Surgery anf Medicine (Q2).
Mansard L, Vaché C, Bianchi J, Baudoin C, Perthus I, Isidor B, Blanchet C, Baux D, Koenig M, Kalatzis V, Roux AF. (2022). “.Identification of the First Single GSDME Exon 8 Structural Variants Associated with Autosomal Dominant Hearing Loss. “. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Jan 15;12(1):207. (IF=3,60). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Méreaux JL, Banneau G, Papin M, Coarelli G, Valter R, Raymond L, Kol B, Ariste O, Parodi L, Tissier L, Mairey M, Ait Said S, Gautier C, Guillaud-Bataille M; French SPATAX clinical network (avec comme collaborateurs Ko M), Forlani S, de la Grange P, Brice A, Vazza G, Durr A, Leguern E, Stevanin G (2022). ”Clinical and genetic spectra of 1550 index patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia. ” Brain. 2022 Apr 29;145(3):1029-1037 (IF=14,50). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neursciences (Q1).
Myzia J, Brun JF, Varlet-Marie E, Bui G, Raynaud de Mauverger E, Mercier J. (2022). ”Endurance training minimizing carbohydrate oxidation by targeting the optimal level of fat/carbohydrate oxidation ratio (OLORFOX)? ” Science & Sports 37 (2022) 624—628 (IF=1,10). Sport Sciences ( Q4).
Perrin A, Van Goethem C, Thèze C, Puechberty J, Guignard T, Lecardonnel B, Lacourt D, Métay C, Isapof A, Whalen S, Ferreiro A, Arne-Bes MC, Quijano-Roy S, Nectoux J, Leturcq F, Richard P, Larrieux M, Bergougnoux A, Pellestor F, Koenig M, Cossée M. (2022). “Long reads sequencing strategy to localize variants in TTN repeated domains. “ J Mol Diagn. 2022 Jul;24(7):719-726. (IF=5,34). Pathology (Q1).
Quijano-Roy S, Haberlova J, Castiglioni C, Vissing J, Munell F, Rivier F, Stojkovic T, Malfatti E, Gómez García de la Banda M, Tasca G, Costa Comellas L, Benezit A, Amthor H, Dabaj I, Gontijo Camelo C, Laforêt P, Rendu J, Romero NB, Cavassa E, Fattori F, Beroud C, Zídková J, Leboucq N, Løkken N, Sanchez-Montañez Á, Ortega X, Kynčl M, Metay C, Gómez-Andrés D, Carlier RY (2022). “Diagnostic interest of whole-body MRI in early- and late-onset LAMA2 muscular dystrophies: a large international cohort. “ .J Neurol. 2022 May;269(5):2414-2429.. (IF=5,60). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Sanson B, Stalens C, Guien C, Villa L, Eng C, Rabarimeriarijaona S, Bernard R, Cintas P, Solé G, Tiffreau V, Echaniz-Laguna A, Magot A, Juntas Morales R, Boyer FC, Nadaj-Pakleza A, Jacquin-Piques A, Béroud C, Sacconi S; French FSHD registry collaboration group. (avec parmi les collaborateurs Rivier F) (2022). “ Convergence of patient- and physician-reported outcomes in the French National Registry of Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy. “ Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2022 Mar 2;17(1):96. (IF=3,70). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Vaché C, Baux D, Bianchi J, Baudoin C, Faugère V, Francannet C, Koenig M, Kalatzis V, Roux AF (2021). “Reclassification of a TMC1 synonymous substitution as a variant disrupting splicing regulatory elements associated with recessive hearing loss. “ Eur J Hum Genet. 2022 Jan;30(1):34-41. (IF=5,20). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Valle SU, Souvannanorath S, Leboucq N, Haouy S, Rivier F, Roubertie A, Meyer P (2022). “Monocentric retrospective clinical outcome in a group of 13 patients with opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome, proposal of diagnostic algorithm and review of the …“ – European Journal of Paediatric Neurology Volume 40, September 2022, Pages 18-27 (IF=3,10). Clinical Neurology (Q3); Pediatrics (Q2).
Varlet-Marie E,. Brun J.-F, Myzia J., Bui G., Chérif A., Javernaud E, Hammoudi L, Mercier J, Raynaud de Mauverge E. (2022). “Exercise targeted on maximal lipidoxidation has long-term weight-reducingeffects but improves insulin secretion andlipid oxidation before reducing fat mass“Science & Sports Volume 37, Issue 2, April 2022, Pages 101-112 (IF=1,10). Sport Sciences ( Q4).
Vecten M, Pion E, Bartoli M, Morales RJ, Sternberg D, Rendu J, Stojkovic T, Bourdain CA, Métay C, Richard I, Cerino M, Milh M, Campana-Salort E, Gorokhova S, Levy N, Latypova X, Bonne G, Biancalana V, Petit F, Molon A, Perrin A, Laforêt P, Attarian S, Krahn M, Cossée M. (2022). “Objective Evaluation of Clinical Actionability for Genes Involved in Myopathies: 63 Genes with a Medical Value for Patient Care. “ Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jul 31;23(15):8506.(IF=5,60). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Achkar El CM, Harrer M, Smith L, Kelly M, Iqbal S, Maljevic S, Niturad CE, Vissers LELM, Poduri A, Yang E, Lal D, Lerche H, Møller RS, Olson HE; GABRB2 Working Group. (avec Meyer Pierre comme collaborateur) (2021).”Characterization of the GABRB2-Associated Neurodevelopmental Disorders. ” Ann Neurol. 2021 Mar;89(3):573-586. (IF=11,27). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q1).
Bar C, Breuillard D, Kuchenbuch M, Jennesson M, Le Guyader G, Isnard H, Rolland A, Doummar D, Fluss J, Afenjar A, Berquin P, De Saint Martin A, Dupont S, Goldenberg A, Lederer D, Lesca G, Maurey H, Meyer P, Mignot C, Nica A, Odent S, Poisson A, Scalais E, Sekhara T, Vrielynck P, Barcia G, Nabbout R (2021). “Adaptive behavior and psychiatric comorbidities in KCNB1 encephalopathy. “ Epilepsy Behav. 2022 Jan;126:108471. (IF=3,34). Behaviorial Sciences (Q2); Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Baux D, Van Goethem C, Ardouin O, Guignard T, Bergougnoux A, Koenig M, Roux AF. (2021). “MobiDetails: online DNA variants interpretation. “ Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 Feb;29(2):356-360. (IF=5,35). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Begemann A, Sticht H, Begtrup A, Vitobello A, Faivre L, Banka S, Alhaddad B, Asadollahi R, Becker J, Bierhals T, Brown KE, Bruel AL, Brunet T, Carneiro M, Cremer K, Day R, Denommé-Pichon AS, Dyment DA, Engels H, Fisher R, Goh ES, Hajianpour MJ, Haertel LRM, Hauer N, Hempel M, Herget T, Johannsen J, Kraus C, Le Guyader G, Lesca G, Mau-Them FT, McDermott JH, McWalter K, Meyer P, Õunap K, Popp B, Reimand T, Riedhammer KM, Russo M, Sadleir LG, Saenz M, Schiff M, Schuler E, Syrbe S, Van der Ven AT, Verloes A, Willems M, Zweier C, Steindl K, Zweier M, Rauch A.. (2021). “New insights into the clinical and molecular spectrum of the novel CYFIP2-related neurodevelopmental disorder and impairment of the WRC-mediated actin dynamics. “Genet Med. 2021 Mar;23(3):543-554. (IF=8,86) Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
Benkirane M, Marelli C, Guissart C, Roubertie A, Ollagnon E, Choumert A, Fluchère F, Magne FO, Halleb Y, Renaud M, Larrieu L, Baux D, Patat O, Bousquet I, Ravel JM, Cuntz-Shadfar D, Sarret C, Ayrignac X, Rolland A, Morales R, Pointaux M, Lieutard-Haag C, Laurens B, Tillikete C, Bernard E, Mallaret M, Carra-Dallière C, Tranchant C, Meyer P, Damaj L, Pasquier L, Acquaviva C, Chaussenot A, Isidor B, Nguyen K, Camu W, Eusebio A, Carrière N, Riquet A, Thouvenot E, Gonzales V, Carme E, Attarian S, Odent S, Castrioto A, Ewenczyk C, Charles P, Kremer L, Sissaoui S, Bahi-Buisson N, Kaphan E, Degardin A, Doray B, Julia S, Remerand G, Fraix V, Haidar LA, Lazaro L, Laugel V, Villega F, Charlin C, Frismand S, Moreira MC, Witjas T, Francannet C, Walther-Louvier U, Fradin M, Chabrol B, Fluss J, Bieth E, Castelnovo G, Vergnet S, Meunier I, Verloes A, Brischoux-Boucher E, Coubes C, Geneviève D, Lebouc N, Azulay JP, Anheim M, Goizet C, Rivier F, Labauge P, Calvas P, Koenig M . (2021). “High rate of hypomorphic variants as the cause of inherited ataxia and related diseases: study of a cohort of 366 families. “ Genet Med. 2021 Nov;23(11):2160-2170.. (IF=8,86). Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
Biotteau M, Tournay E, Baudou E, Destarac S, Iannuzzi S, Faure-Marie N, Castelnau P, Schweitzer E, Rodriguez D, Kemlin I, Dorison N, Rivier F, Carneiro M, Preclaire E, Barbarot S, Lauwers-Cancès V, Chaix Y (2021). “Reading Comprehension Impairment in Children With Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1): The Need of Multimodal Assessment of Attention. “ J Child Neurol. 2021 Jul;36(8):625-634. (IF=2,36). Clinical Neurology (Q4) ; Pediatrics (Q3).
Bousquet J, Anto JM, Bachert C, Haahtela T, Zuberbier T, Czarlewski W, Bedbrook A, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Walter Canonica G, Cardona V, ElisioCosta, Cruz AA, Erhola M, Fokkens WJ, Fonseca JA, Illario M, CarlosIvancevich J, Jutel M, Klimek L, PiotrKuna, Kvedariene V, Le L, Larenas-Linnemann D, Laune D, Lourenço OM, Melén E, Mullol J, Niedoszytko M, Odemyr M, Okamoto Y, Papadopoulos NG, Patella V, Pfaar O, Pham-Thi N, Rolland C, Samolinski B, Sheikh A, Sofiev M, SuppliUlrik C, Todo-Bom A, Tomazic PV, Toppila-Salmi S, Tsiligianni I, Valiulis A, Valovirta E, Ventura MT, Walker S, Williams S, Yorgancioglu A, Agache I, Akdis CA, Almeida R, Ansotegui IJ, Annesi-Maesano I, Arnavielhe S, Basagaña X, Bateman E, Bédard A, Bedolla-Barajas M, Becker S, Bennoor KS, Benveniste S, Bergmann KC, Bewick M, Bialek S, Billo N, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bjermer L, Blain H, Bonini M, Bonniaud P, Bosse I, Bouchard J, Boulet LP, Bourret R, Boussery K, Braido F, Briedis V, Briggs A, Brightling CE, JanBrozek, Brusselle G, Brussino L, Buhl R, Buonaiuto R, Calderon MA, Camargos P, Camuzat T, Caraballo L, Carriazo AM, Carr W, Cartier C, Casale T, Cecchi L, Cepeda Sarabia AM, Chavannes N, Chkhartishvili E, Chu DK, Cingi C, Correia de Sousa J, Costa DJ, Courbis AL, Custovic A, Cvetkosvki B, D’Amato G, da Silva J, Dantas C, Dokic D, Dauvilliers Y, De Feo G, De Vries G, Devillier P, Di Capua S, Dray G, Dubakiene R, Durham SR, Dykewicz M, Ebisawa M, Gaga M, El-Gamal Y, Heffler E, Emuzyte R, Farrell J, Fauquert JL, Fiocchi A, Fink-Wagner A, Fontaine JF, Fuentes Perez JM, Gemicioğlu B, Gamkrelidze A, Garcia-Aymerich J, Gevaert P, Gomez M, González Diaz S, Gotua M, Guldemond NA, Guzmán MA, Hajjam J, Huerta Villalobos YR, Humbert M, Iaccarino G, Ierodiakonou D, TomohisaIinuma, Jassem E, Joos G, Jung KS, Kaidashev I, Kalayci O, Kardas P, Keil T, Khaitov M, Khaltaev N, Kleine-Tebbe J, Kouznetsov R, Kowalski ML, Kritikos V, Kull I, La Grutta S, Leonardini L, Ljungberg H, Lieberman P, Lipworth B, Lodrup Carlsen KC, Lopes-Pereira C, Loureiro CC, Louis R, Mair A, Mahboub B, Makris M, Malva J, Manning P, Marshall GD, Masjedi MR, Maspero JF, Carreiro-Martins P, Makela M, Mathieu-Dupas E, Maurer M, De Manuel Keenoy E, Melo-Gomes E, Meltzer EO, Menditto E, Mercier J, Micheli Y, Miculinic N, Mihaltan F, Milenkovic B, Mitsias D, Moda G, Mogica-Martinez MD, Mohammad Y, Montefort S, Monti R, Morais-Almeida M, Mösges R, Münter L, Muraro A, Murray R, Naclerio R, Napoli L, Namazova-Baranova L, Neffen H, Nekam K, Neou A, Nordlund B, Novellino E, Nyembue D, O’Hehir R, Ohta K, Okubo K, Onorato GL, Ouedraogo S, Palamarchuk J, Pali-Schöll I, Panzner P, Park HS, Passalacqua G, Pépin JL, Paulino E, Phillips J, Picard R, Pinnock H, Plavec D, Popov TA, Portejoie F, Price D, Prokopakis EP, Psarros F, Pugin B, Puggioni F, Quinones-Delgado P, Raciborski F, Rajabian-Söderlund R, Regateiro FS, Reitsma S, Rivero-Yeverino D, Roberts G, Roche N, Rodriguez-Zagal E, Rolland C, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Rosario N, Romano A, Rottem M, Ryan D, Salimäki J, Sanchez-Borges MM, Sastre J, Scadding GK, Scheire S, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Schünemann HJ, Serpa F, Shamji M, Sisul JC, Sofiev M, Solé D, Somekh D, Sooronbaev T, Sova M, Spertini F, Spranger O, Stellato C, Stelmach R, Thibaudon M, To T, MondherToumi, Usmani O, Valero A, Valenta R, Valentin-Rostan M, van der Kleij R, Van Eerd M, Vandenplas O, Vasankari T, Vaz Carneiro A, Vezzani G, Viart F, Viegi G, Wallace D, Wagenmann M, Wang Y, Waserman S, Wickman M, Williams DM, Wong G, Wroczynski P, Yiallouros PK, Yusuf OM, Zar HJ, Zeng S, Zernotti ME, Zhang L, Zhong NS, Zidarn M. (2021). “ARIA digital anamorphosis: Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice. “ Allergy. 2021 Jan;76(1):168-190.. (IF=14,71). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1.
Bughin F, Jaussent I, Ayoub B, Aguilhon S, Chapet N, Soltani S, Mercier J, Dauvilliers Y, Roubille F. (2021). “Prognostic Impact of Sleep Patterns and Related-Drugs in Patients with Heart Failure. “ J Clin Med. 2021 Nov 18;10(22):5387. (IF=4,96). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Bughin F, Bui G, Ayoub B, Blervaque L, Saey D, Avignon A, Brun JF, Molinari N, Pomies P, Mercier J, Gouzi F, Hayot M (2021).”Impact of a Mobile Telerehabilitation Solution on Metabolic Health Outcomes and Rehabilitation Adherence in Patients With Obesity: Randomized Controlled Trial.”.JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2021 Dec 6;9(12):e28242.(IF=4,97). Health Care Sciences and Services (Q1) ; Medical Informatics (Q2).
Cobo-Calvo A, Ruiz A, Rollot F, Arrambide G, Deschamps R, Maillart E, Papeix C, Audoin B, Lépine AF, Maurey H, Zephir H, Biotti D, Ciron J, Durand-Dubief F, Collongues N, Ayrignac X, Labauge P, Meyer P, Thouvenot E, Bourre B, Montcuquet A, Cohen M, Horello P, Tintoré M, De Seze J, Vukusic S, Deiva K, Marignier R; NOMADMUS, KidBioSEP, and OFSEP study groups. (2021). “Clinical Features and Risk of Relapse in Children and Adults with Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease. “ Ann Neurol. 2021 Jan;89(1):30-41. (IF=11,27). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q1).
Collier JJ, Guissart C, Oláhová M, Sasorith S, Piron-Prunier F, Suomi F, Zhang D, Martinez-Lopez N, Leboucq N, Bahr A, Azzarello-Burri S, Reich S, Schöls L, Polvikoski TM, Meyer P, Larrieu L, Schaefer AM, Alsaif HS, Alyamani S, Zuchner S, Barbosa IA, Deshpande C, Pyle A, Rauch A, Synofzik M, Alkuraya FS, Rivier F, Ryten M, McFarland R, Delahodde A, McWilliams TG, Koenig M, Taylor RW. (2021). “Developmental Consequences of Defective ATG7-Mediated Autophagy in Humans. “ N Engl J Med. 2021 Jun 24;384(25):2406-2417. (IF=176,08). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Cohen E, Bonne G, Rivier F, Hamroun D (2021). “The 2022 version of the gene table of neuromuscular disorders (nuclear genome). “ Neuromuscular Disorders, 2021 Dec;31(12):1313-1357. (IF=3,54). Clinical Neurology (Q2) ; Neurosciences (Q2).
Delpont M, Coulet B, Cottalorda J, Ramdani S, Lagacé JC, Mercier J, Laffont I, Bernard PL, Lambert K (2021). “Weakness of shoulder rotator muscles in children with brachial plexus palsy under age 5 years: not only in lateral rotation. “. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Nov 15;65(3):101572. (IF=5,39). Rehabilitation (Q1).
Filipe A, Chernorudskiy A, Arbogast S, Varone E, Villar-Quiles RN, Pozzer D, Moulin M, Fumagalli S, Cabet E, Dudhal S, De Simoni MG, Denis R, Vadrot N, Dill C, Giovarelli M, Szweda L, De Palma C, Pinton P, Giorgi C, Viscomi C, Clementi E, Missiroli S, Boncompagni S, Zito E, Ferreiro A (2021). Defective endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts and bioenergetics in SEPN1-related myopathy. “Defective endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts and bioenergetics in SEPN1-related myopathy. “Cell Death Differ. 2021 Jan;28(1):123-138.. (IF=12,08). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Cell Biology” (Q1).
François-Heude MC, Walther-Louvier U, C Espil-Taris C, Beze-Beyrie P, Rivier F, Baudou E, Uro-Coste E, Rigau V ,Martin Negrier ML ,Rendu J JuntasMorales R, Pégeot H,Thèze C, Lacourt D, Coville AC, Cossée M Cances C. (2021). Evaluating next-generation sequencing in neuromuscular diseases with neonatal respiratory distress European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 2021 Feb 17;31:78-87. (IF=3,69). Clinical Neurology (Q3); Pediatrics (Q2).
Géraud J, Dieterich K, Rendu J, Uro Coste E, Dobrzynski M, Marcorelle P, Ioos C, Romero NB, Baudou E, Brocard J, Coville AC, Fauré J, Koenig M, Juntas Morales R, Lacène E, Madelaine A, Marty I, Pegeot H, Theze C, Siegfried A, Cossee M, Cances C (2021). “Clinical phenotype and loss of the slow skeletal muscle troponin T in three new patients with recessive TNNT1 nemaline myopathy. “ . J Med Genet. 2021 Sep;58(9):602-608.. (IF=5,95). Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
Gueguen N, Piarroux J, Sarzi E, Benkirane M, Manes G, Delettre C, Amedro P, Leboucq N, Koenig M, Meyer P, Meunier I, Reynier P, Lenaers G, Roubertie A. (2021). “Optic neuropathy linked to ACAD9 pathogenic variants: a potentially riboflavin-responsive disorder? “ Mitochondrion. 2021 May 20;59:169-174.. (IF=4,16). Cell Biology (Q2) ; Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Hafner P, Schmidt S, Schädelin S, Rippert P, et al., and , MFM registry Study Group avec comme collaborateur Rivier F, (2021). “Implementation of Motor Function Measure score percentile curves – Predicting motor function loss in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. “ European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2021 Dec 14;36:78-83 (IF=3,69). Clinical Neurology (Q3); Pediatrics (Q2).
Juntas Morales R, Perrin A, Solé G, Lacourt D, Pegeot H, Walther-Louvier U, Cintas P, Cances C, Espil C, Theze C Zenagui R, Yauy K, Cosset E, Renard D, Rigau V, Maues de Paula A, Urocoste E, Ame-Bes MC, Martin Negier ML, Leboucq N, Acket B, Malfatti E, Biancalana V, Metay C, Richard P, Rendu J, Rivier F, Koenig M, Cossee M (2021). “An Integrated Clinical-Biological Approach to Identify Interindividual Variability and Atypical Phenotype-Genotype Correlations in Myopathies: Experience on A Cohort …“ Genes, 2021, 12(8), 1199. (IF=4,14). Genetics and Heradity (Q2)
Juntas Morales R, Perrin A, Solé G, Lacourt D, Pegeot H, Walther-Louvier U, Cintas P, Cances C, Espil C, Theze C, Zenagui R, Yauy K, Cosset E, Renard D, Rigau V, Maues de Paula A, Uro-Coste E, Arne-Bes MC, Martin Négrier ML, Leboucq N, Acket B, Malfatti E, Biancalana V, Metay C, Richard P, Rendu J, Rivier F, Koenig M, Cossée M. (2021) “An Integrated Clinical-Biological Approach to Identify Interindividual Variability and Atypical Phenotype-Genotype Correlations in Myopathies: Experience on A Cohort of 156 Families. “ Genes (Basel). 2021 Jul 31;12(8):1199. (IF=4,14). Genetics and Heradity (Q2)
Majorel-Beraud C, Baudou E, Walther-Louvier U, Espil-Taris C, Beze-Beyrie P, Cintas P, Rivier F, Cances C. (2021). “Clinical Phenotype in an Early-Onset French Pediatric Population: Charcot-Marie-Tooth’s Disease Type 2A. “ Neuropediatrics. 2021 Oct;52(5):351-357. (IF=1,70). Clinical Neurology ( Q4). Pediatrics (Q3).
Mansard L, Baux D, Vaché C, Blanchet C, Meunier I, Willems M, Faugère V, Baudoin C, Moclyn M, Bianchi J, Dollfus H, Gilbert-Dussardier B, Dupin-Deguine D, Bonneau D, Drumare I, Odent S, Zanlonghi X, Claustres M, Koenig M, Kalatzis V, Roux AF. (2021). “The Study of a 231 French Patient Cohort Significantly Extends the Mutational Spectrum of the Two Major Usher Genes MYO7A and USH2A. “.Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 10;22(24):13294.(IF=6,21). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Meyer P, Notarnicola C, Meli AC, Matecki S, Hugon G, Salvador J, Khalil M, Féasson L, Cances C, Cottalorda J, Desguerre I, Cuisset JM, Sabouraud P, Lacampagne A, Chevassus H, Rivier F, Carnac G (2021). “Skeletal Ryanodine Receptors Are Involved in Impaired Myogenic Differentiation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients. “ Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov 30;22(23):12985. (IF=6,21). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Montaut S, Diedhiou N, Fahrer P, Marelli C, Lhermitte B, Robelin L, Vincent MC, Corti L, Taieb G, Gebus O, Rudolf G, Tarabeux J, Dondaine N, Canuet M, Almeras M, Benkirane M, Larrieu L, Chanson JB, Nadaj-Pakleza A, Echaniz-Laguna A, Cauquil C, Lannes B, Chelly J, Anheim M, Puccio H, Tranchant C. (2021). “Biallelic RFC1-expansion in a French multicentric sporadic ataxia cohort. “ J Neurol. 2021 Sep;268(9):3337-3343. IF=6,68). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Mounier S, Gavotto A, Tenenbaum J, Meyer P, Fila M, Baleine J (2021). “Hemolytic uremic syndrome related to Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli with encephalitis hiding a human herpesvirus-6 infection: a case report. “ J Med Case Rep. 2021 May 25;15(1):300. (IF=0,88). Medical (miscellaneaous) (Q3).
Perrin A, Juntas Morales R, Chapon F, Thèze C, Lacourt D, Pégeot H, Uro-Coste E, Giovannini D, Leboucq N, Mallaret M, Lagrange E, Rigau V, Gaudon K, Richard P, Koenig M, Métay C, Cossée M. (2021). “Novel dominant distal titinopathy phenotype associated with copy number variation. “ Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2021 Sep;8(9):1906-1912. (IF=5,43). Clinical Neurology (Q2) ; Neurosciences (Q2).
Pommier A, Varilh J, Bleuse S, Delétang K, Bonini J, Bergougnoux A, Brochiero E, Koenig M, Claustres M, Taulan-Cadars M (2021). “miRNA repertoires of cystic fibrosis ex vivo models highlight miR-181a and miR-101 that regulate WISP1 expression. “ J Pathol. 2021 Feb;253(2):186-197. (IF=9,88). Oncology (Q1); Pathology (Q1).
Porcher R, Desguerre I, Amthor H, Chabrol B, Audic F, Rivier F, Isapof A, Tiffreau V, Campana-Salort E, Leturcq F, Tuffery-Giraud S, Ben Yaou R, Annane D, Amédro P, Barnerias C, Bécane HM, Béhin A, Bonnet D, Bassez G, Cossée M, de La Villéon G, Delcourte C, Fayssoil A, Fontaine B, Godart F, Guillaumont S, Jaillette E, Laforêt P, Leonard-Louis S, Lofaso F, Mayer M, Morales RJ, Meune C, Orlikowski D, Ovaert C, Prigent H, Saadi M, Sochala M, Tard C, Vaksmann G, Walther-Louvier U, Eymard B, Stojkovic T, Ravaud P, Duboc D, Wahbi K. (2021). “Association between prophylactic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and overall survival in Duchenne muscular dystrophy-analysis of registry data. . “ Eur Heart J. 2021 May 21;42(20):1976-1984. (IF=35,85). Cardiac ad Cardiovascular Systems (Q1)
Ravel JM, Benkirane M, Calmels N, Marelli C, Ory-Magne F, Ewenczyk C, Halleb Y, Tison F, Lecocq C, Pische G, Casenave P, Chaussenot A, Frismand S, Tyvaert L, Larrieu L, Pointaux M, Drouot N, Bossenmeyer-Pourié C, Oussalah A, Guéant JL, Leheup B, Bonnet C, Anheim M, Tranchant C, Lambert L, Chelly J, Koenig M, Renaud M (2021). “Expanding the clinical spectrum of STIP1 homology and U-box containing protein 1-associated ataxia. “ J Neurol. 2021 May;268(5):1927-1937. (IF=6,68). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Renaud M, Tranchant C, Koenig M, Anheim M (2021). ”Reply to: « Autosomal-Recessive Cerebellar Ataxias With Elevated Alpha-Fetoprotein: Uncommon Diseases, Common Biomarker ». ”. Mov Disord. 2021 Mar;36(3):789-790. (IF=9,70). Neurology (Q1) ; Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Souweine JS, Pasquier G, Kuster N, Rodriguez A, Patrier L, Morena M, Badia E, Raynaud F, Chalabi L, Raynal N, Ohresser I, Hayot M, Mercier J, Le Quintrec M, Gouzi F, Cristol JP. (2020). ”Dynapenia and sarcopenia in chronic haemodialysis patients: do muscle weakness and atrophy similarly influence poor outcome? ” Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Sep 27;36(10):1908-1918. (IF=7,19). Transplantation (Q1) ; Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Souweine JS, Gouzi F, Badia É, Pomies P, Garrigue V, Morena M, Hayot M, Mercier J, Ayoub B, Quintrec ML, Raynaud F, Cristol JP (2021). ”Skeletal Muscle Phenotype in Patients Undergoing Long-Term Hemodialysis Awaiting Kidney Transplantation. ” .Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021 Nov;16(11):1676-1685.(IF=10,67). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Spitz MA, Lenaers G, Charif M, Wirth T, Chelly J, Abi-Warde MT, Meyer P, Leboucq N, Schaefer E, Anheim M, Roubertie A (2021). ” Paroxysmal Dyskinesias Revealing 3-Hydroxy-Isobutyryl-CoA Hydrolase (HIBCH) Deficiency. ”.Neuropediatrics. 2021 Oct;52(5):410-414. (IF=1,70). Clinical Neurology ( Q4). Pediatrics (Q3).
Valensi P, Henry P, Boccara F, Cosson E, Prevost G, Emmerich J, Ernande L, Marcadet D, Mousseaux E, Rouzet F, Sultan A, Ferrières J, Vergès B, Van Belle E (2021)” Risk stratification and screening for coronary artery disease in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus: Position paper of the French Society of Cardiology and the French-speaking Society of Diabetology. ” Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2021 Feb;114(2):150-172.. (IF=3,20). Cardiac ad Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Verdura E, Rodríguez-Palmero A, Vélez-Santamaria V, Planas-Serra L, de la Calle I, Raspall-Chaure M, Roubertie A, Benkirane M, Saettini F, Pavinato L, Mandrile G, O’Leary M, O’Heir E, Barredo E, Chacón A, Michaud V, Goizet C, Ruiz M, Schlüter A, Rouvet I, Sala-Coromina J, Fossati C, Iascone M, Canonico F, Marcé-Grau A, de Souza P, Adams DR, Casasnovas C, Rehm HL, Mefford HC, González Gutierrez-Solana L, Brusco A, Koenig M, Macaya A, Pujol A (2021). “Biallelic PI4KA variants cause a novel neurodevelopmental syndrome with hypomyelinating leukodystrophy. “.Brain. 2021 Oct 22;144(9):2659-2669. (IF=15,25). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neursciences (Q1).
Ayrignac X, Goulabchand R, Jeziorski E, Rullier P, Carra-Dallière C, Lozano C, Portales P, Vincent T, Viallard JF, Menjot de Champfleur N, Rieux-Laucat F, Besnard C, Koenig M, Guissart C, Labauge P, Guilpain P. (2020). “Two neurologic facets of CTLA4-related haploinsufficiency. “Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020 Jun 4;7(4):e751. . (IF=8,48). Neurology (Q1), Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Bar C, Barcia G, Jennesson M, Le Guyader G, Schneider A, Mignot C, Lesca G, Breuillard D, Montomoli M, Keren B, Doummar D, de Villemeur TB, Afenjar A, Marey I, Gerard M, Isnard H, Poisson A, Dupont S, Berquin P, Meyer P, Genevieve D, De Saint Martin A, El Chehadeh S, Chelly J, Guët A, Scalais E, Dorison N, Myers CT, Mefford HC, Howell KB, Marini C, Freeman JL, Nica A, Terrone G, Sekhara T, Lebre AS, Odent S, Sadleir LG, Munnich A, Guerrini R, Scheffer IE, Kabashi E, Nabbout R. (2020). “Expanding the genetic and phenotypic relevance of KCNB1 variants in developmental and epileptic encephalopathies: 27 new patients and overview of the literature. “ Hum Mutat. 2020 Jan;41(1):69-80. (IF=4,88). Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
Bar C, Kuchenbuch M, Barcia G, Schneider A, Jennesson M, Le Guyader G, Lesca G, Mignot C, Montomoli M, Parrini E, Isnard H, Rolland A, Keren B, Afenjar A, Dorison N, Sadleir LG, Breuillard D, Levy R, Rio M, Dupont S, Negrin S, Danieli A, Scalais E, De Saint Martin A, El Chehadeh S, Chelly J, Poisson A, Lebre AS, Nica A, Odent S, Sekhara T, Brankovic V, Goldenberg A, Vrielynck P, Lederer D, Maurey H, Terrone G, Besmond C, Hubert L, Berquin P, Billette de Villemeur T, Isidor B, Freeman JL, Mefford HC, Myers CT, Howell KB, Rodríguez-Sacristán Cascajo A, Meyer P, Genevieve D, Guët A, Doummar D, Durigneux J, van Dooren MF, de Wit MCY, Gerard M, Marey I, Munnich A, Guerrini R, Scheffer IE, Kabashi E, Nabbout R (2020). “Developmental and epilepsy spectrum of KCNB1 encephalopathy with long-term outcome. “ Epilepsia. 2020 Nov;61(11):2461- (IF=5,86). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Bédard A, Antó JM, Fonseca JA, Arnavielhe S, Bachert C, Bedbrook A, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Cardona V, Cruz AA, Fokkens WJ, Garcia-Aymerich J, Hellings PW, Ivancevich JC, Klimek L, Kuna P, Kvedariene V, Larenas-Linnemann D, Melén E, Monti R, Mösges R, Mullol J, Papadopoulos NG, Pham-Thi N, Samolinski B, V Tomazic P, Toppila-Salmi S, Ventura MT, Yorgancioglu A, Bousquet J, Pfaar O, Basagaña X; MASK study group(avec parmi les collaborateurs Mercier J). (2020). “Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air® App. “ Allergy. 2020 Jul;75(7):1672-1688. (IF=13,15). Allerg (Q1) ; Immunology (Q1).
Benarroch L, Bonne G, Rivier F, Hamroun D (2020). “The 2021 version of the gene table of neuromuscular disorders (nuclear genome). “ Neuromuscul Disord. 2020 Dec;30(12):1008-1048 (IF=4,30). Clinical Neurology (Q2) ; Neurosciences (Q2).
Bieth E, Nectoux J, Girardet A, Gruchy N, Mittre H, Laurans M, Guenet D, Brouard J, Gerard M. (2020). “ Genetic counseling for cystic fibrosis: A basic model with new challenges. “. Arch Ped 2020 Feb;27 Suppl 1:eS30-eS34. (IF=0,76). Pediatrics ( Q4).
Biotteau M, Déjean S, Lelong S, Iannuzzi S, Faure-Marie N, Castelnau P, Rivier F, Lauwers-Cancès V, Baudou E, Chaix Y (2020); “Sporadic and Familial Variants in NF1: An Explanation of the Wide Variability in Neurocognitive Phenotype? “ Front Neurol. 2020 May 5;11:368. (IF=4,00). Clinical Neurology (Q3) ; Neurosciences (Q3).
Blervaque L, Pomiès P, Rossi E, Catteau M, Blandinières A, Passerieux E, Blaquière M, Ayoub B, Molinari N, Mercier J, Perez-Martin A, Marchi N, Smadja DM, Hayot M, Gouzi F. (2020). “ COPD is deleterious for pericytes: implications during training-induced angiogenesis in skeletal muscle. “ Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020 Nov 1;319(5):H1142-H1151. (IF=4,73). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2); Physiology (Q1) ; Paripheral Vascular Diseases (Q2).
Brun JF, Myzia J, Bui G, Grubka E, Karafiat M, Mercier J, Raynaud de Mauverger E. The 6-minute walk-test in type 2 diabetics predicts to some extent maximal aerobic capacity but not its training-induced improvement. Ann Musculoskelet Med, 2020, 4, 003-009.
Bughin F, Desplan M, Mestejanot C, Picot MC, Roubille F, Jaffuel D, Mercier J, Jaussent I, Dauvilliers Y. (2020). “Effects of an individualized exercise training program on severity markers of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a randomised controlled trial. “ Sleep Med. 2020 Feb 18;70:33-42. (IF=3,49). Clinical Neurology (Q2).
Catteau M, Gouzi F, Blervaque L, Passerieux E, Blaquière M, Ayoub B, Bughin F, Mercier J, Hayot M, Pomiès P (2020). ”Effects of a human microenvironment on the differentiation of human myoblasts. ” Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 May 14;525(4):968-973. (IF=3,57). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q3); Biophysics” (Q2).
Cayrefourcq L, Vincent MC, Pierredon S, Moutou C, Imbert-Bouteille M, Haquet E, Puechberty J, Willems M, Liautard-Haag C, Molinari N, Zordan C, Dorian V, Rooryck-Thambo C, Goizet C, Chaussenot A, Rouzier C, Boureau-Wirth A, Monteil L, Calvas P, Miry C, Favre R, Petrov Y, Khau Van Kien P, Le Boette E, Fradin M, Alix-Panabières C, Guissart C. (2020). “Single Circulating Fetal Trophoblastic Cells Eligible for Non Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis: the Exception Rather than the Rule. “ Sci Rep. 2020 Jun 17;10(1):9861. (IF=4,38). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Cerino M, Campana-Salort E, Salvi A, Cintas P, Renard D, Juntas Morales R, Tard C, Leturcq F, Stojkovic T, Bonello-Palot N, Gorokhova S, Mortreux J, Maues De Paula A, Lévy N, Pouget J, Cossée M, Bartoli M, Krahn M, Attarian S (2020). “Novel CAPN3 variant associated with an autosomal dominant calpainopathy. “ Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2020 Oct;46(6):564-578. . (IF=8,09). Clinical Neurology (Q1) ; Neurosciences (Q1) ; Pathology (Q1).
Fratter C, Dalgleish R, Allen SK, Santos R, Abbs S, Tuffery-Giraud S, Ferlini A (2020). “EMQN best practice guidelines for genetic testing in dystrophinopathies. “ Eur J Hum Genet. 2020 Sep;28(9):1141-1159. . (IF=4,25). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Gayrard N, Muyor K, Notarnicola C, Duranton F, Jover B, Argiles A. (2020).” Optimisation of cell and ex vivo culture conditions to study vascular calcification PLoS One 2020. 15 (3), e0230201 (IF=3,24). MultidisciplinarySciences (Q1).
Guissart C, Harrison AN, Benkirane M, Oncel I, Arslan EA, Chassevent AK, Baraῆano K, Larrieu L, Iascone M, Tenconi R, Claustres M, Eroglu-Ertugrul N, Calvas P, Topaloglu H, Molday RS, Koenig M. (2020). “ATP8A2-related disorders as recessive cerebellar ataxia. “ J Neurol. 2020 Jan;267(1):203-213. (IF=4,85). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Hammoudi L., Brun J.F., Noirez P., Bui C., Chevalier C., Gimet F., Mercier J., Raynaud de Mauverger E. Effects of 2 years endurance training targeted at the level of maximal lipid oxidation on body composition, Science & Sports, 2020, 35, 350-357. (IF= 0,79). Sport Sciences( Q4).
Harion M, Qebibo L, Riquet A, Rougeot C, Afenjar A, Garel C, Louha M, Lacaze E, Audic-Gérard F, Barth M, Berquin P, Bonneau D, Bourdain F, Busa T, Colin E, Cuisset JM, Des Portes V, Dorison N, Francannet C, Héron B, Laroche C, Lebrun M, Métreau J, Odent S, Pasquier L, Trujillo YP, Perrin L, Pinson L, Rivier F, Sigaudy S, Thauvin-Robinet C, Louvier UW, Labayle O, Rodriguez D, Valence S, Burglen L (2022). “New insights into CC2D2A-related Joubert syndrome. . J Med Genet. . 2022 Nov 1: sous presse. . (IF=5,95). Genetics and Heredity (Q1)
Hully M, Barmerias C, Chabalier D, Le guen S, Grema V, Deladriere E, Vanhulle C, Cuisset JM, Chabrol B, Cances C, Vuillerot C, Espil C, Mayer M, Nouges MC, Sabouraud P, Lefranc J, Laugel V, Rivier F, Louvier UW, Durigneux J, Napui S, Sarret C, Renouil M, Maurel A, Viallard ML, Desguerre I. (2020).” Palliative Care in SMA Type 1: A Prospective Multicenter French Study Based on Parents’ Reports ” Front Pediatr 2020 Feb 18;8:4. (IF=3,42). Pediatrics (Q2).
Humbertclaude V, Riant F, Krams B, Zimmermann V, Nagot N, Annequin D, Echenne B, Tournier-Lasserve E, Roubertie A; Episodic Syndrome Consortium.(avec comme collaborateurs Meyer P, F. Rivier) (2020). “Cognitive impairment in children with CACNA1A mutations. “ Dev Med Child Neurol. 2020 Mar;62(3):330-337. (IF=5,45). Clinical Neurology (Q2) ; Pediatrics ” (Q1).
Lorea CF, Tenório RB, Koenig M, Huebner A, Koehler K, Devos D, Guissart C, Saute JAM (2020). “Neurological Phenotypes Associated with AAAS-Related Disorders: Spastic Ataxia and Complex Spastic Paraplegia. “Cerebellum. 2020 Jun;19(3):465-468. . (IF=3,85). Neurosciences (Q2).
Marelli C, Badiou S, Genestet S, Larrieu L, Damier P, Camu W, Planes M, Koenig M, Guissart C. (2020). “Autosomal dominant SPG9: intrafamilial variability and onset during pregnancy. “ Neurol Sci. 2020 Jul;41(7):1931-1933.(IF=3,31). Clinical Neurology (Q3) ; Neurosciences (Q3).
Maurin N, Rousseau R, Trzpil W, Aoust G, Hayot M, Mercier J, Bahriz M, Gouzi F, Vicet A. (2020). “ First clinical evaluation of a quartz enhanced photo-acoustic CO sensor for human breath analysis “ Sensors and Actuators B chemical Volume 319, 15 September 2020, 128247.(IF= 7,46).
Miro J, Bougé AL, Murauer E, Beyne E, Da Cunha D, Claustres M, Koenig M, Tuffery-Giraud S (2020). “First Identification of RNA-Binding Proteins That Regulate Alternative Exons in the Dystrophin Gene. “ Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Oct 21;21(20):7803. . (IF=5,92). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Mondesert E, Roubertie A, Girard M, Leboucq N, Baud C, Cuntz D, Cristol JP, Rivier F, Cambonie G, Leydet J, Badiou S. (2020). “Menkes disease, a diagnosis to consider in case of severe epilepsy with hyperlactacidemia: a case report. “ Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2020 Aug 1;78(4):441-445. (IF=0,46). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q4); Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q4).
Nguyen Y, Sigaux J, Letarouilly JG, Sanchez P, Czernichow S, Flipo RM, Soubrier M, Semerano L, Seror R, Sellam J, Daïen C. (2020). “Efficacy of Oral Vitamin Supplementation in Inflammatory Rheumatic Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. “ Nutrients. 2020 Dec 30;13(1):E107. (IF=5,72). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Pappalardo P, Benoist JF, Bax BE, Carra-Dallière C, Marelli C, Levene M, Begue L, Rolland A, Flori N, Rivier F, Blanchet C, Munnich A, Altwegg R, Meyer P, Roubertie A. (2020). “Pregnancy in MNGIE: a clinical and metabolic honeymoon. “ Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020 Nov 7;7(12):2484-2488. (IF=4,51). Clinical Neurology (Q2) ; Neurosciences (Q2).
Passarelli C, Selvatici R, Carrieri A, Di Raimo FR, Falzarano MS, Fortunato F, Rossi R, Straub V, Bushby K, Reza M, Zharaieva I, D’Amico A, Bertini E, Merlini L, Sabatelli P, Borgiani P, Novelli G, Messina S, Pane M, Mercuri E, Claustres M, Tuffery-Giraud S, Aartsma-Rus A, Spitali P, T’Hoen PAC, Lochmüller H, Strandberg K, Al-Khalili C, Kotelnikova E, Lebowitz M, Schwartz E, Muntoni F, Scapoli C, Ferlini A. (2020). “Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor SF10A (TNFRSF10A) SNPs Correlate With Corticosteroid Response in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. “ Front Genet. 2020 Jul 3;11:605. (IF=4,60). Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Pergande M, Motameny S, Özdemir Ö, Kreutzer M, Wang H, Daimagüler HS, Becker K, Karakaya M, Ehrhardt H, Elcioglu N, Ostojic S, Chao CM, Kawalia A, Duman Ö, Koy A, Hahn A, Reimann J, Schoner K, Schänzer A, Westhoff JH, Schwaibold EMC, Cossee M, Imbert-Bouteille M, von Pein H, Haliloglu G, Topaloglu H, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Thiele H, Heller R, Cirak S. (2020). “The genomic and clinical landscape of fetal akinesia. “ Genet Med. 2020 Mar; 22(3):511-523, and, Genet Med. 2020 Aug; 22(8):1426-1428. (IF=8,82). Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
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Perrin A, Metay C, Villanova M, Carlier RY, Pegoraro E, Juntas Morales R, Stojkovic T, Richard I, Richard P, Romero NB, Granzier H, Koenig M, Malfatti E, Cossée M. (2020). “A new congenital multicore titinopathy associated with fast myosin heavy chain deficiency. “Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020 May;7(5):846-854. (IF=4,51). Clinical Neurology (Q2); Neurosciences (Q2).
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