Maladies respiratoires et environnement : Publications / Awards
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Liste des publications
Liste des Publications par ordre alphabétique du premier auteur / List of Publications in alphabetical order of first author
Les divers membres de l’équipe sont en gras / The various team members are in bold
Ali S, Vidal-Gómez X, Piquet M, Vergori L, Simard G, Dubois S, Ducluzeau PH, Pomiès P, Kamli-Salino S, Delibégovic M, Henni S, Gagnadoux F, Andriantsitohaina R, Martínez MC; (2025). “Circulating extracellular vesicle-carried PTP1B and PP2A phosphatases as regulators of insulin resistance. “ Metabol Study Group. Diabetologia. 2025 Jan;68(1):231-242. (IF=8,40). Endocrinology and Metabolisms (Q1).
Beneyto M, Martins R, Galand V, Kindo M, Schneider C, Sebestyen A, Boignard A, Sebbag L, Pozzi M, Genet T, Bourguignon T, Martin AC, Achouh P, Vanhuyse F, Blangy H, Henri C, Michel M, Anselme F, Litzler PY, Jungling M, Vincentelli A, Eschalier R, D’ostrevy N, Nataf P, Para M, Garnier F, Rajinthan P, Porterie J, Faure M, Picard F, Gaudard P, Rouvière P, Babatasi G, Blanchart K, Gariboldi V, Porto A, Flecher E, Delmas C (2025). “Right ventriculoarterial coupling surrogates and long-term survival in LVAD recipients: Results of the ASSIST-ICD multicentric registry. “ . J Card Fail. 2025 Feb;31(2):388-396. (IF=6,70). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1).
Bourdin A, Nogue E, Suehs CM, Malafaye N, Pissarra J , Vachier I, Ahmed E, Molinari N (2025). “Healthcare Resource Utilisation and Costs of Mepolizumab Initiation: A 5-Year National Cohort Analysis “ Allergy, 2025 sous presse. (IF=12,20).Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Castro M, Papi A, Porsbjerg C, Lugogo NL, Bridghtline CE, Gonzalez-Barcala FJ, Bourdin A, Ostrovskyy M, Staevska M, Chou PC, Duca L, Pereira AM, Fogarty C, Nadama R, Zhang M, Rodrigues A, Soler X, Sacks HJ, Deniz Y, Rowe PJ, de Prado Gómez L, Jacob-Nara JA (2025). “ Effect of dupilumab on exhaled nitric oxide, mucus plugs, and functional respiratory imaging in patients with type 2 asthma (VESTIGE): a randomised, double-blind …“ – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine…, 2025 sous presse. (IF=38,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) Respiratory System (Q1). <
Larenas-Linnemann D, Rhee CK, Altraja A, Busby J, Tran TN, Wang E, Popov TA, Mitchell PD, Pfeffer PE, Pleasants RA, Katial R, Koh MS, Bourdin A, Schleich F, Máspero J, Hew M, Peters MJ, Jackson DJ, Christoff GC, Perez-de-Llano L, Cherrez-Ojeda I, Fonseca JA, Costello RW, Torres-Duque CA, Kuna P, Menzies-Gow AN, Stjepanovic N, Gibson PG, Pitrez PM, Bergeron C, Porsbjerg CM, Taillé C, Taube C, Papadopoulos NG, Papaioannou AI, Salvi S, Canonica GW, Heffler E, Iwanaga T, Al-Ahmad MS, Lehmann S, Al-Lehebi R, Cosio BG, Perng DW, Mahboub B, Heaney LG, Patel PH, Lugogo N, Wechsler ME, Bulathsinhala L, Carter V, Fletton K, Neil DL, Scelo G, Price DB. (2025) “ International Severe Asthma Registry (ISAR): 2017-2024 Status and Progress Update. “ Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2025 Feb 6.. sous presse (IF=2,50) Respiratory System (Q2).
Morichon L, Assou S, Bourdin A, Muriaux D, De Vos J. (2025). “[In vitro preclinical models reproducing the respiratory epithelium: Application to the study of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection]. “ Rev Mal Respir. 2025 Feb 28:S0761-8425(25)00044-0. Sous presse. (IF=0,50). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Mottet G, Grassart A, Barthélemy P, Antignac C, Arrabal S, Bourdin A, Descroix S, De Vos John, Doutriaux A, Fabrega Q, Galaup A, Graff-Dubois S, Illano S, Legallais C, Maisonneuve B, Piwnica D, Quéméneur E, Salentey V, Rozenberg J, Sotiropoulos A, Devillier P (2024) “ Organoids, organs-on-chips, complex in vitro model: Definitions, applications, validation, ethics “ Therapies, 2025 Jan-Feb;80(1):17-31. (IF=3,37) Medicine-Pharmacology(Medical) (Q2).
Richard M, Fresnel E, Mallet JP, Gilson R, Kerfourn A, Patout M, Philippe C, Jaffuel D, Lebret M. (2025). “Performances of Auto-CPAP Devices Under Real-Life Leak Patterns: A High-Fidelity Modeling Approach. “ Arch Bronconeumol. 2025 Jan 18:S0300-2896(25)00029-8. Sous presse. (IF=8,70). Respiratory System (Q1).
Simon G, Moulinié J, Lorber Q, Hayot M, Gouzi F.(2025) “[A simple method to assess dynamic hyperinflation outside a pulmonary function test laboratory: The metronome-paced tachypnea test]. “ Rev Mal Respir. 2025 Feb 5:S0761-8425(24)00348-6. Sous presse (IF=0,50). Respiratory System (Q4).
Singh D, Brightling CE, Rabe KF, Han MLK, Christensson SA, Bradley-rummond M, Papi A, Pavord ID, Molfino NA, Almqvist G, Kotalik A, Hellqvist A, Golabek M, Sindhwani SS, Ponnaralbil S on the behalf of the COURSE study investigators avec Bourdin A comme collaborateur (2025). “ Efficacy and safety of tezepelumab versus placebo in adults with moderate to very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COURSE): a randomised, placebo … “ The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2025 Jan;13(1):47-58. (IF= 38,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Vidal C, Mallet JP, Skinner S, Gilson R, Gaubert O, Prigent A, Gagnadoux F, Bourdin A, Molinari N, Jaffuel D.(2025) . “ The influence of atmospheric temperature on long-term CPAP-usage in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. “Sleep Med. 2025 Jan 23;128:22-28. (IF= 3,80). Clinical Neurology (Q2).
Vidal C, Bertelli F, Mallet JP, Gilson R, Borel JC, Gagnadoux F, Skinner S, Bourdin A, Molinari N, Jaffuel D (2025). …“Added value of technician intervention to improve mask management for apneic patients treated with long-term CPAP. “ Sleep Breath. 2025 Feb 28;29(1):117. (IF=2,10). Neurology clinical (Q2) ; Otorhinolaryngology (Q2).
Virsolvy A, Benmira AM, Allal S, Demattei C, Sutra T, Cristol JP, Jouy N, Richard S, Perez-Martin A … (2025) “Benefits of Dietary Supplementation with Specific Silicon-Enriched Spirulina on Arterial Function in Healthy Elderly Individuals: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled … “ – Nutrients, 2025 sous presse. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Wechsler ME, Silver J, Wolff G, Price RG, Verghis R, Weller PF, Merkel PA, Khoury P on behalf of the EGPA Mepolizumab Open Label Extension study group; avec parmi les collaborateurs Bourdin A (2025). …“- Long‐Term Safety and Efficacy of Mepolizumab in Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis “-– Arthritis & Rheumatology 2025 sous presse. (IF=11,40). Rheumatology (Q1).
Yang B, Piedfort O, Sanchez-Sanchez G, Lavergne A, Gong M, Peng G, Madrigal A, Petrellis G, Katsandegwaza B, Rodriguez LR, Balthazar A, Meyer SJ, Van Isterdael G, Van Duyse J, Andris F, Bai Q, Marichal T, Machiels B, Nitschke L, Najafabadi HS, King IL, Vermijlen D, Dewals BG. (2025). “ IL-4 induces CD22 expression to restrain the effector program of virtual memory T cells. “ Sci Immunol. 2025 Feb 7;10(104):eadk4841. (IF=17,8). Immunology (Q1).
Ahmed E, Assou S, Foisset F, Bourdais C, Vanheerswynghels M, Petit A, Gamez AS, Gras D, Chanez P, de Vos J, Hammad H, Bourdin A, Lambrecht B. (2024). “ [Modeling T2 high severe asthma using human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC)]. “ Rev Mal Respir. 2024 Mar 8:S0761-8425(24)00142-6. (IF=0,50). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Ahmed E, Fieldès M, Bourguignon C, Mianné J, Petit A, Amel N, Foisset F, Bourdais C, Vachier I, Assou S, De Vos J, Bourdin A (2024). “ Generation of a healthy heavy smoker patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell line UHOMi007-A from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. “ . Stem Cell Res. 2024 May 4;77:103437. (IF=0,80). Biotechnology and Applies Microbiology (Q4); Cell and Time Engineering (Q4); Cell Biology (Q4).
Ahmed E, Janssen I, Assou S, Gamez AS, Vanheerswynghels, M, Gonvcalves A, Petit A, Vachier I, Maes T, De Vos J, Hammad H, Bourdin A, Lambrecht B… (2024).” Modeling mucus plugging during type 2-high severe asthma using human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). European Respiratory Journal – 2024 sous presse. (IF=16,60) Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Akamkam A, Galand V, Jungling M, Delmas C, Dambrin C, Pernot M, Kindo M, Gaudard P, Rouviere P, Senage T, Chavanon O, Para M, Gariboldi V, Pozzi M, Litzler PY, Babatasi G, Bouchot O, Radu C, Bourguignon T, D’Ostrevy N, Abi Akar R, Vanhuyse F, Gaillard M, Chatelier G, Fels A, Flecher E, Guihaire J. (2024) “ Association between pulmonary artery pulsatility and mortality after implantation of left ventricular assist device. “ ESC Heart Fail. 2024 Apr 5. (IF=3,20). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Ali S, Vidal-Gómez X, Piquet M, Vergori L, Simard G, Dubois S, Ducluzeau PH, Pomiès P, Kamli-Salino S, Delibégovic M, Henni S, Gagnadoux F, Andriantsitohaina R, Martínez MC; (2024). “Circulating extracellular vesicle-carried PTP1B and PP2A phosphatases as regulators of insulin resistance. “ Metabol Study Group. Diabetologia. 2024 Oct 18. Sous presse. (IF=8,40). Endocrinology and Metabolisms (Q1).
Azoulay A, Prouse G, Hireche K, Canaud L, Alric P (2024). “Acute Type B Aortic Dissection: Insights From a Single-Center Retrospective Experience Over 12 Years“ Journal of Endovascular Therapy…, 2024 sous presse. (IF=1,70). Surgery (Q2); Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Q2).
Bacri C, Hireche K, Alric P, Canaud L – (2024). “Total aortic arch repair with double-fenestrated physician-modified endografts, at least 3 years follow up“ Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2024 Aug;80(2):344-354 (IF=3,90). Surgery (Q1); Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q2).
Bacri C, Hireche K, Alric P , Canaud L (2024). “Ascending aorta anastomotic aneurysm exclusion with double-fenestrated PMEG after open repair“ – Annals of Vascular Surgery sous presse. (IF= 1,40). Oncology (Q3); Surgery (Q1)
Bacri C, Hireche K, Alric P, Canaud L (2024). “ Total Aortic Arch Repair With Double-Fenestrated Physician-Modified Endograft Under Local Anesthesia And Sedation: A Prospective Study“- Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 2024 sous presse. (IF=1,70). Surgery (Q2); Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Q2).
Barateau L, Baillieul S, Andrejak C, Bequignon É, Boutouyrie P, Dauvilliers Y, Gagnadoux F, Geoffroy PA, Micoulaud-Franchi JA, Montani D, Monaca C, Patout M, Pépin JL, Philip P, Pilette C, Tamisier R, Trzepizur W, Jaffuel D, Arnulf I (2024). “Guidelines for the assessment and management of residual sleepiness in obstructive apnea-hypopnea syndrome: Endorsed by the French Sleep Research and Medicine Society (SFRMS) and the French Speaking Society of Respiratory Diseases (SPLF). “ . Respir Med Res. 2024 Apr 6;86:101105. Sous presse. (IF=2,20); Pulmonary and respiratory Medicine (Q4); Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Benkirane M, Bonhomme M, Morsy H, Safgren SL, Marelli C, Chaussenot A, Smedley D, Cipriani V, de Sainte-Agathe JM, Ding C, Larrieu L, Vestito L, Margot H, Lesca G, Ramond F, Castrioto A, Baux D, Verheijen J, Sansa E, Giunti P, Haetty A, Bergougnoux A, Pointaux M, Ardouin O, Van Goethem C, Vincent MC, Hadjivassiliou M, Cossée M, Rouaud T, Bartsch O, Freeman WD, Wierenga KJ, Klee EW; Genomic England Research Consortium; Vandrovcova J, Houlden H, Debant A, Koenig M. (2024)“ De novo and inherited monoallelic variants in TUBA4A cause ataxia and spasticity. “ Brain. 2024 Jun 17:awae193. Sous presse. .(IF= 10,60). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q1°.
Boucly A, Solinas S, Beurnier A, Jaïs X, Keddache S, Eyries M, Seferian A, Jevnikar M, Roche A, Bulifon S, Bourdin A, Chaouat A, Cottin V, Bertoletti L, Savale L, Humbert M, Sitbon O, Montani D (2024). “Outcomes and risk assessment in pulmonary veno-occlusive disease. . “ . ERJ Open Res. 2024 Jan 15;10(1):00612-2023. (IF=4,30). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Bourdin A, Ahmed E, Vachier I, Roche N, Pissarra J, Malafaye N; Molinari N. (2024) “Hospitalizations for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation During COVID-19 “JAMA Network Open, 2024 May 1;7(5):e2412383. (IF=10,50). Medicine, General and Internal ( Q1).
Bourdin A, Brusselle G, Couillard S, Fajt ML, Heaney LG, Israel E, Mc Dowell J, Menzies-Gow A, Martin N, Mitchell PD, Petoui N, Quirce PS, Schleich F, Pavord ID (2024). “Phenotyping of Severe Asthma in the Era of Broad-acting Anti-asthma Biologics. -“ The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immmunology in Practice 2024 Apr;12(4):809-823. (IF=11,40). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Bourdin A, Chupp G,, Jackson DJ, Cohen D, Emerath U, Shavit A, Kurdynkova Y, Menzies-Gow A. (2024) “MELTEMI and COLUMBA: 5-Year Comparative Safety Analysis of Benralizumab and Mepolizumab“ – The Journal of Allergy and and Clinical Immunology: In Practice…, 2024 sous presse. (IF=11,40). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Bourdin A, Bardin P, Chanez P. (2024). “ Imagining the severe asthma decision trees of the future. “Expert Rev Respir Med. 2024 Aug 9. Sous presse. (IF=2,90) Respiratory System (Q2).
Burgel PR, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Girodon E, Durieu I, Houdouin V, Audousset C, Macey J, Grenet D, Porzio M, Murris-Espin M, Reix P, Baravalle M, Belleguic C, Mely L, Verhille J, Weiss L, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Mittaine M, Hamidfar R, Ramel S, Cosson L, Douvry B, Danner-Boucher I, Foucaud P, Roy C, Burnet E, Raynal C, Audrezet MP, Da Silva J, Martin C ; French Cystic Fibrosis Reference Network study group (2024). “The expanded French compassionate programme for elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor use in people with cystic fibrosis without a F508del CFTR variant: a real-world study. “Lancet Respir Med. 2024 Aug 13:S2213-2600(24)00208-X. sous presse. (IF=38,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Canaud, L., Alric, P. (2024 “Endovascular Management of Thoracic Aortic Trauma “. In: Geroulakos, G., Avgerinos, E., Becquemin, J.P., Makris, G.C., Froio, A. (eds) Mastering Endovascular Techniques. Springer, Cham. 2024 30 April 2024 Chapitre du livre pp 633–637
Canaud L, Alric P. (2024). “The Surgeons Take Back Control. “ Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2024 Aug;68(2):200. (IF=5,70). Surgery (Q1) ; Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q1
Cardelli LS, Magaldi M, Agullo A, Richard G, Nogue E, Berdague P, Galiner M, Georger F, Picard F, Prunet E, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Jaffuel D, Roubille F, (2024) “Sacubitril/valsartan has an underestimated impact on the right ventricle in patients with sleep-disordered breathing, especially central sleep apnoea syndrome -“ Archives of Cardiovascular Disease …, 2024 Jun-Jul;117(6-7):409-416. (IF=2,30). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Chen W, Tran TN, Sadatsafavi M, Murray RB, Wong NCB, Ali N, Ariti C, Bulathsinhala L, Gil EG, Fitzgerald JM, Alacqua M, Al-Ahmad M, Altraja A, Al-Lehebi R, Bhutani M, Bjemer L, Bjerrum AS, Bourdin A, et al. (2024). “Reply to “Exploring the long-term effects of biologic initiation in severe asthma: Insights from the International Severe Asthma Registry” – The Journal of Allergy and clinical Immunology…, 2024 Feb;12(2):536-539. (IF=11,40). Alergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Demoly P, Gamez AS, Bourdin A, Caimmi D (2024). “ Precision medicine targeting groups of intervention in difficult-to-treat asthma“ Journal of Allergy and Hypersensitivity , Volume 2, April–June 2024, 100013 (IF=à venir).
Denimal D, Badiou S, Blin J, Bonnan M, Boullier A, Chauvin A, Dupont A, Diesnis R, Dupré T, Fabresse N, Gernez É, Imbard A, Kim I, Mondesert É, Niguet JP, Parant F, Redonnet-Vernhet I, Trillot N, Grzych G. “Biomarkers for the diagnosis and monitoring of nitrous oxide intoxication: objectives and methodology of the SFBC Working Group. “ Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2024 Feb 24;81(6):585-590. (IF=0,40) Medical Laboratory Technology (Q4); Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q4).
Denton E, Hew M, Peters MJ, Upham JW, Bulathsinhala L, Tran TN, Martin N, Celine Bergeron , Mona Al-Ahmad, Alan Altraja, Désirée Larenas-Linnemann, Ruth Murray, Carlos Andres Celis-Preciado, Riyad Al-Lehebi, Manon M. Belhassen, Mohit Bhutani, Sinthia Z Bosnic-Anticevich, Arnaud Bourdin, Guy Brusselle, John BusbyGiorgio Walter Canonica, Enrico Heffler, Kenneth R Chapman, Jeremy Charriot, George C Christoff, Li Ping Chung, Borja G. Cosio, Andréanne Côté, Richard W Costello, Breda Cushen, James Fingleton, João A. Fonseca, Peter G. Gibson, Liam G Heaney, Erick Wan-Chun Huang, Takashi Iwanaga, David J Jackson, Mariko Siyue Koh, Lauri Lehtimäki, Jorge Máspero, Bassam Mahboub, Andrew Menzies-Gow, Patrick Mitchell, Nikolaos G Papadopoulos, Andriana I. Papaioannou, Luis Perez-De-Llano, Diahn-Warng Perng Steve, Paul E Pfeffer, Todor A Popov, Celeste M. Porsbjerg, Chin Kook Rhee, Nicolas Roche, Mohsen Sadatsafavi, Sundeep Salvi, Johannes Martin Schmid, Chau-Chyun Sheu, Concetta Sirena, Carlos A. Torres-Duque, Laila Salameh, Pujan H Patel, Charlotte Suppli Ulrik, Eileen Wang, Michael E Wechsler, David Price, ISAR LUMINANT (2024). “Real-world biologics response and super-response in the International Severe Asthma Registry cohort “ Allergy, 2024 sous presse. (IF= 12,60). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Diesler R, Legendre M, Si-Mohamed S, Brillet PY, Wemeau L, Manali ED, Gagnadoux F, Hirschi S, Lorillon G, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Bironneau V, Blanchard E, Bourdin A, Dominique S, Justet A, Macey J, Marchand-Adam S, Morisse-Pradier H, Nunes H, Papiris SA, Traclet J, Traore I, Crestani B, Amselem S, Nathan N, Borie R, Cottin V; OrphaLung network. (2024). “Similarities and differences of interstitial lung disease associated with pathogenic variants in SFTPC and ABCA3 in adults. “ Respirology. 2024 Apr;29(4):312-323. (IF=6,60) Respiratory Systems (Q1).
El Tahan MM, Cheng DC, Szegedi L, Mellin-Olsen J, Zdravkovic M, Lineburger EB, Filipescu D, Tritapepe L, Guarracino F, Neto CN, Garcia PC, Ángel Rodenas Monteagudo M, Granell MG, Guillén RV, Gaudard P, Abdulmomen A, Eldawlatly AA, Bubenek-Turconi SI, Stoica R, Licker M, Erdoes G, Mauermann E, Kirov M, Lomivorotov V, Saldien V, Momeni M, Huang J. (2024). “A Multi-Country Survey on the Availability of Intraoperative Use of Echocardiography for Noncardiac Surgery. “ Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2024 Jun 6:10892532241256020. Sous presse. (IF=1,10) Anesthesiology (Q3).
Farhadova S, Ghousein A, Charon F, Surcis C, Gomez-Velazques M, Roidor C, Di Michele F, Borensztein M, De Sario A, Esnault C, Noordermeer D, Moindrot B, Feil R.(2024). “ The long non-coding RNA Meg3 mediates imprinted gene expression during stem cell differentiation. “Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 Jun 24;52(11):6183-6200. (IF=16,60). Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology (Q1).
Glintzbeck A, Helmer G, Sellin L, Lopez O, Fattori P, Julia M, Mercier J, Hayot M. Gellis A, Gouzi F. (2024). “ Présentations-retours d’expériences de thématique parasportive“ Parasport pour tous : Quel accompagnement ? Lopez Orianne ; Loiret Isabelle Éditeur : Sauramps Médical ISBN 979-10-303-0429-9 pages 73-75.
Godet C, Brun AL, Couturaud F, Laurent F, Frat JP, Marchand-Adam S, Gagnadoux F, Blanchard E, Taillé C, Philippe B, Hirschi S, Andréjak C, Bourdin A, Chenivesse C, Dominique S, Mangiapan G, Murris-Espin M, Rivière F, Garcia G, Blanc FX, Goupil F, Bergeron A, Flament T, Priou P, Mal H, de Keizer J, Ragot S, Cadranel J; NebuLamB Study Group and GREPI Network (2024). “CT Imaging Assessment of Response to Treatment in Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis in Adults With Bronchial Asthma. “ . Chest. 2024 Jun;165(6):1307-1318. (IF=9,50). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Guinot PG, Desebbe O, Besch G, Guerci P, Gaudard P, Lena D, Mertes PM, Abou-Arab O, Bouhemad B; NOVACC study group. (2024). “Prospective randomized double-blind study to evaluate the superiority of Vasopressin versus Norepinephrine in the management of the patient at renal risk undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (NOVACC trial). “ Am Heart J. 2024 Jun;272:86-95. (IF=3,70). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Haas M, Boiché J, Chevance G, Latrille C, Brusseau M, Courbis AL, Dupeyron A (2024). “ Motivation toward physical activity in patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders: a meta-analysis of the efficacy of behavioural interventions. “ . Sci Rep. 2024 Aug 13;14(1):18740. (IF=3,80). Multidisciplinaty Sciences (Q1).
Hédon C, Gouzi F, Padovani C, Schuster I, Maufrais C, Cade S, Cransac F, Bui G, Morcillo S, Ayoub B, Thireau J, Izem O, Reboul C, Walther G, Hayot M, Nottin S, Cazorla O (2024). “Cardiac Fatigue in Male Athletes with Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Impairments After a Very Long-Distance Triathlon. “ . Sports Med. 2024 Oct 16. Sous presse. (IF=9,30). Sport Sciences (Q1).
Jung B, Fosset M, Amalric M, Baedorf-Kassis E, O’Gara E, Sarge T, Moulaire V, Brunot V, Bourdin A, Molinari A and Matecki S (2024). “ Early and late effects of volatile sedation with sevoflurane on respiratory mechanics of critically ill COPD patients“ – Annals of Intensive Care, 2024 Jun 18;14(1):91. (IF=5,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Khaleva E, Brightling C, Eiwegger T, Altraja A, Bégin P, Blumchen K, Bossios A, Bourdin A, Brinke AT, Brusselle G, Bumbacea RS, Bush A, Casale TB, Clarke GW, Chaudhuri R, Chung KF, Coleman c, Corren J, Dahlen SE, Deschildre A, Djukanovic R, Eger K, Exley A, Fleming L, Fowler SJ, Gaillard EA, Gappa A, Haitchi HM, Hashimoto S, Heaney LG, Hedlin G, Henderson M, Hua W, Jackson DJ, Karadag B, Katelaris CH, Koh MS, Kopp MV, Koppelman GH, Kull I, Kurukulaaratchy RJ, Lee JH, Mahler V, Makela M, Masoli M, Mathioudakis AG, Mazon A, Melen E, Milger K, Moeller A, Murray CS, Nagakumar P, Nair P, Negus J, Nieto A, Papadopoulos NG Paton J, Pinenburg MW, Pike KC, Porsbjerg C, Rattu A, Rupani H, Rusconi F, Rutjes NW, Saglani S, Sedddon P Siddiqui S, Singer F, Tajiri T, Turner S, Upham JW, Vijverberg SJH, Wark PAB, Yasinska V, Roberts G. (2024)”Patient-centred composite scores as tools for assesment of response to biological therapy for paediatric and adult severe asthma. ” – European Respiratory Journal…, 2024 sous presse. (IF=16,60). Respiraroty Systems (Q1).
Lahmar Z, Bergougnoux A, Bourdin A (2024). “ The HHIP gene: from a candidate to an established participant in COPD susceptibility “ – eBioMedicine, 2024 Apr:102:105059. (IF=9,70). Medicine Research and Experimental (Q1).
Latrille C, Hayot M, Bosselut G, Bughin F, Boiché J. (2024). “Determinants of physical activity in newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea patients: testing the health action process approach. “ J Behav Med. 2024 Aug;47(4):609-621. (IS=2,80). Psychiatry and Mental Health, Psychology (Q1).
Le TT, Price D, Erhard C, Cook B, Quinton A, Katial R, Christoff GC, Perez-De-Llano L, Altraja A, Bergeron C , Bourdin A, Koh MS, Lehtimäki L, Mahboub B, Papadopoulos NG, Pfeffer PE, Rhee CK, Carter V, Martin N, Tran TN, *EVEREST Study Working Group (2024). “ Disease Burden and Access to Biologic Therapy in Patients with Severe Asthma, 2017–2022: An Analysis of the International Severe Asthma Registry “ – Journal of Asthma and Allergy., 2024 sous presse. (IF=3,70). Allergy (Q3); Immunology (Q3).
Lokchine A, Bergougnoux A, Servant N, Akloul L, Launay E, Mary L, Cluzeau L, Philippe M, Domin-Bernhard M, Duros S, Odent S, Tucker E, Paris F, Belaud-Rotureau MA, Jaillard S. (2024). “ Identification and Characterization of Novel FSHR Copy Number Variations Causing Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. “ Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Nov 4:e63924. (IF=1,70). Genetics and Heredity (Q3).
Manteaux G, Amsel A, Riquier-Morcant B, Prieto Romero J, Gayte L, Fourneaux B, Larroque M, Gruel N, Quignot C, Perot G, Jacq S, Cisse MY, Pomiès P, Sengenes C, Chibon F, Heuillet M, Bellvert F, Watson S, Carrere S, Firmin N, Riscal R, Linares LK (2024). “A metabolic crosstalk between liposarcoma and muscle sustains tumor growth. “ . Nat Commun. 2024 Sep 12;15(1):7940. (IF=14,70). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Meiners S, Reynaert NL, Matthaiou AM, Rajesh R, Ahmed E, Guillamat-Prats R, Heijink IH, Cuevas-Ocaña S. (2024). “The importance of translational science within the respiratory field.” Breathe (Sheff). 2024 Mar;20(1):230183. (IF=2,30) Respiratory System (Q4).
Menzies-Gow AN, Tran TN, Stanley B, Carter VA, Smolen JS, Bourdin A, Fitzgerald JM, Raine T, Chapaneri J, Emmanuel B, Jackson DJ, Price DB. (2024). “Trends in Systemic Glucocorticoid Utilization in the United Kingdom from 1990 to 2019: A Population-Based, Serial Cross-Sectional Analysis. “ Pragmat Obs Res. 2024 Mar 15;15:53-64. (IF=2,30). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Moqaddam M, Bacri C, K Hireche, Alric P, Canaud L (2024). “ – Short-term results of fenestrated Physician-Modified Endografts for type1a endoleak after conventional thoracic endovascular aortic repair“ JTCVS Techniques, 2024 Mar 12:25:8-18. (IF=1,70) Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q3); Surgery (Q2).
Mottet G, Grassart A, Barthélemy P, Antignac C, Arrabal S, Bourdin A, Descroix S, De Vos John, Doutriaux A, Fabrega Q, Galaup A, Graff-Dubois S, Illano S, Legallais C, Maisonneuve B, Piwnica D, Quéméneur E, Salentey V, Rozenberg J, Sotiropoulos A, Devillier P (2024) “ Organoids, organs-on-chips, complex in vitro model: Definitions, applications, validation, ethics “ Therapies, 2024 Sous presse. (IF=3,37) Medicine-Pharmacology(Medical) (Q2).
Muenster S, Zarragoikoetxea I, Moscatelli A, Balcells J, Gaudard P, Pouard P, Marczin N, Janssens SP. (2024). “Inhaled NO at a crossroads in cardiac surgery: current need to improve mechanistic understanding, clinical trial design and scientific evidence. “ Front Cardiovasc Med. 2024 Apr 5;11:1374635. (IF=2,80). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Passerieux E, Desplanche E, Alburquerque L, Wynands Q, Bellanger A, Virsolvy A, Gouzi F, Cazorla O, Bourdin A, Hayot M, Pomiès P. (2024). “ Altered skeletal muscle function and beneficial effects of exercise training in a rat model of induced pulmonary emphysema. “Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2024 May 15:e14165. (IF=5,60). Physiology (Q1).
Perez-de-Llano L, Scelo G, Tran TN, Le TT, Faregås M, Cosio BG, Peters M, Pfeffer PE, Al-Ahmad M, Al-Lehebi RO, Altraja A, Bergeron C, Bjermer LH, Bjerrum AS, Bulathsinhala L, Busby J, Cano Rosales DJ, Canonica GW, Carter VA, Charriot J, Christoff GC, Denton EJ, Dorscheid DR, Fernandez Sanchez MJ, Fonseca JA, Gibson PG, Goh CYY, Heaney LG, Heffler E, Hew M, Iwanaga T, Katial R, Koh MS, Kuna P, Larenas-Linnemann DES, Lehtimäki L, Mahboub B, Martin N, Matsumoto H, Menzies-Gow AN, Papadopoulos NG, Popov TA, Porsbjerg CM, Patel P, Rhee CK, Sadatsafavi M, Taillé C, Torres-Duque CA, Tsai MJ, Ulrik CS, Upham JW, von Bülow A, Wang E, Wechsler ME, Price DB. (2024). “ Exploring Definitions and Predictors of Severe Asthma Clinical Remission Post-Biologic in Adults. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 May 3. Sous presse. (IF=19,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Perez-de-Llano L, Scelo G, Canonica GW, Chen W, Henley W, Larenas-Linnemann D, Peters MJ, Pfeffer PE, Tran TN, Ulrik CS, Popov TA, Sadatsafavi M, Hew M, Maspero J, Gibson PG, Christoff GC, Fitzgerald JM, Torres-Duque CA, Porsbjerg CM, Papadopoulos NG, Papaioannou AI, Heffler E, Iwanaga T, Al-Ahmad M, Kuna P, Fonseca JA, Al-Lehebi R, Rhee CK, Koh MS, Cosio BG, Perng Steve DW, Mahboub B, Menzies-Gow AN, Jackson DJ, Busby J, Heaney LG, Patel PH, Wang E, Wechsler ME, Altraja A, Lehtimäki L, Bourdin A, Bjermer L, Bulathsinhala L, Carter V, Murray R, Beastall A, Denton E, Price DB (2023). “Impact of pre-biologic impairment on meeting domain-specific biologic responder definitions in patients with severe asthma. “. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2024 May;132(5):610-622.e7.. (IF=5,80). Allergy (Q2); Immunology (Q2).
Perotin JM, Gauquelin L, Just N, Devouassoux G, Chenivesse C, Bourdin A, Garcia G, Saint Raymond C, Boudjemaa A, Bonniaud P, Chanez P, Barnig C, Beurnier A, Maurer C, Freymond N, Didi T, Tcherakian C, Russier M, Drucbert M, Guillo S, Estellat C, Taillé C. (2024). “Severe asthma care trajectories: the French RAMSES cohort. “ ERJ Open Res. 2024 Apr 22;10(2):00837-2023. (IF=4,30). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Pitoulis FG, Smith JJ, Pamias-Lopez B, de Tombe PP, Hayman D, Terracciano CM (2024). “ MyoLoop: Design, development and validation of a standalone bioreactor for pathophysiological electromechanical in vitro cardiac studies. “ . Exp Physiol. 2024 Mar;109(3):405-415. (IF=2,60). Physiology (Q2)
Pommier A, Bleuse S, Deletang K, Varilh J, Nadaud M ,Boisguerin P, Bourdin A, Taulan-Cadars M. (2024). “The RNA Binding Protein Tristetraprolin Contributes to CFTR mRNA Stability in Cystic Fibrosis “ American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 2024 sous presse (IF=5,90) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Respiratory System (Q1).
Popov TA, Côté A, Bergeron C, Dorscheid D, FitzGerald JM, Chapman KR, Boulet LP, Bhutani M, Sadatsafavi M, Jiménez-Maldonado L, Duran-Silva M, Rodriguez B, Celis-Preciado CA, Cano-Rosales DJ, Solarte I, Fernandez-Sanchez MJ, Parada-Tovar P, von Bülow A, Bjerrum AS, Ulrik CS, Assing KD, Rasmussen LM, Hansen S, Altraja A, Bourdin A, Taille C, Charriot J, Roche N, Papaioannou AI, Kostikas K, Papadopoulos NG, Salvi S, Long D, Mitchell PD, Costello R, Sirena C, Cardini C, Heffler E, Puggioni F, Canonica GW, Guida G, Iwanaga T, Al-Ahmad M, García U, Kuna P, Fonseca JA, Al-Lehebi R, Koh MS, Rhee CK, Cosio BG, Perez de Llano L, Perng DW, Huang EW, Wang HC, Tsai MJ, Mahboub B, Salameh LIJ, Jackson DJ, Busby J, Heaney LG, Pfeffer PE, Goddard AG, Wang E, Hoyte FCL, Chapman NM, Katial R, Carter V, Bulathsinhala L, Eleangovan N, Ariti C, Lyu J, Porsbjerg C, Price DB (2024). “ Association Between T2-related Comorbidities and Effectiveness of Biologics in Severe Asthma. “. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 Feb 1;209(3):262-272. (IF=19,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory systems (Q1).
Porsbjerg CM, Townend J, Bergeron C, Christoff GC et al., avec Bourdin A comme collaborateur (2024). “ Association between pre-biologic T2-biomarker combinations and response to biologics in patients with severe asthma. “Frontiers in Immunology 2024 Apr 19:15:1361891. (IF=5,70).Microbiology (Q1)
Saour M, Blin C, Zeroual N, Mourad M, Amico M, Gaudard P, Picot MC, Colson PH (2024).“Impact of a bundle of care (intravenous iron, erythropoietin and transfusion metabolic adjustment) on post-operative transfusion incidence in cardiac surgery: a single-centre, randomised, open-label, parallel-group controlled pilot trial. “ Lancet Regional Health-Eur. 2024 Jun 24:43:100966 (IF=13,60). Public, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Health Care Sciences and Services (Q1).
Scelo G, Tran TN, Le TT, Faregås M, Dorscheid D, Busby J, Al-Ahmad M, Al-Lehebi R, Altraja A, Beastall A, Bergeron C, Bjermer L, Bjerrum AS, Cano-Rosales DJ, Canonica GW, Carter V, Charriot J, Christoff GC, Cosio BG, Denton E, Fernandez-Sanchez MJ, Fonseca JA, Gibson PG, Goh C, Heaney LG, Heffler E, Hew M, Iwanaga T, Katial R, Koh MS, Kuna P, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lehtimäki L, Mahboub B, Martin N, Matsumoto H, Menzies-Gow AN, Papadopoulos NG, Patel P, Perez-De-Llano L, Peters M, Pfeffer PE, Popov TA, Porsbjerg CM, Rhee CK, Sadatsafavi M, Taillé C, Torres-Duque CA, Tsai MJ, Ulrik CS, Upham JW, von Bülow A, Wang E, Wechsler ME, Price DB.(2024). “Exploring definitions and predictors of response to biologics for severe asthma. “ J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2024 May 18:S2213-2198(24)00530-0. Sous presse. (IF=8,20). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Sidali S, Borie R, de Fontbrune FS, El Husseini K, Rautou P-E Lainey E, Goria O, Crestani B, Cadrane J, Cottin V, Bune V, Dumortier J, Jacquemin E, Reboux N, Hirschi S, Bourdin A, Meszaros M, Dharancy S, Hilaire S, Mallet V, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Terriou L, Gottrand F, Abou-Chahla W, Khan J-E Carrier P, Saliba F, Rubbia-Brandt L, Aubert J-D, Elkrief L, de Lédinghen V, Abergel A, Tournilhac O, Houssel P, Jouneau S, Wemeau L, Bergeron A, Leblanc T, Ollivier-Hourmand I, Nguyen Khac E, Morisse-Pradier H, Ba I, Boileau C, Roudot-Thoraval F, Vilgrain V, Bureau C, Nunes H, Naccache J-M, Durand F, Francoz C, Roulot D, Valla D, Paradis V, Kannengiesser C, Plessier A. (2024)“- Liver disease in germline mutations of telomere-related genes: Prevalence, clinical, radiological, pathological features, outcome, and risk factors. “- Hepatology 2024 Jun 1;79(6):1365-1380. (IF=12,90). Gastroenterology and Hapatology (Q1).
Simmonds NJ, Southern KW, De Wachter E, De Boeck K, Bodewes F, Mainz JG, Middleton PG, Schwarz C, Vloeberghs V, Wilschanski M, Bourrat E, Chalmers JD, Ooi CY, Debray D, Downey DG, Eschenhagen P, Girodon E, Hickman G, Koitschev A, Nazareth D, Nick JA, Peckham D, VanDevanter D, Raynal C, Scheers I, Waller MD, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Castellani C; ECFS Diagnostic Network Working Group (2024). “ECFS standards of care on CFTR-related disorders: Identification and care of the disorders. “ . J Cyst Fibros. 2024 Mar 19:S1569-1993(24)00037-7. Sous presse. (IF=5,40). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Souidi M, Resta J, Dridi H, Sleiman Y, Reiken S, Formoso K, Colombani S, Amédro P, Meyer P, Charrabi A, Vincenti M, Liu Y, Soni RK, Lezoualc’h F, Stéphane Blot DVM, Rivier F, Cazorla O, Parini A, Marks AR, Mialet-Perez J, Lacampagne A, Meli AC (2024). “ Ryanodine receptor dysfunction causes senescence and fibrosis in Duchenne dilated cardiomyopathy. “ . J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2024 Apr;15(2):536-551. (IF=9,40). Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1); Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Souweine JS, Pasquier G, Morena M, Patrier L, Rodriguez A, Raynal N, OhresserI, Benomar R, Hayot M, Mercier J, Gouzi F, and Cristol JP (2024“Beyond sarcopenia: frailty in chronic haemodialysis patients. “ Clinical Kidney Journal, 2024 Jun 29;17(7):sfae069. . (IF,=3,90). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Taillé C, Humbert M, Bourdin A, Thonnelier C, Lajoinie A, Chassetuiller J (2024). “Transition of care from adolescence to early adulthood in severe asthmatic patients treated with omalizumab in real-life “- ERJ Open Research, 024 Jul 8;10(4):00976-2023. . (IF=4,30). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Toïgo M, Marc J, Hayot M, Moulis L, Carbonnel F. (2024). . “Quality Assessment of Smartphone Medication Management Apps in France: Systematic Search. . “ . JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2024 Mar 18;12:e54866. (IF=5,40). Health Care Sciences and Services( Q1) ; Medical Informatics(Q2).
Tran TN, Heatley H, Rowell J, Chan JSK, Bourdin A, Chapaneri J, Emmanuel B, Gibson D, Jackson DJ, Menzies-Gow AN, Murray R, Skinner D, Price DB (2024). “Longitudinal patterns of intermittent oral corticosteroid therapy for asthma in the United Kingdom. “ . J Allergy Clin Immunol Glob. 2024 Feb 2;3(2):100225. (IF=à venir).
Tran TN, Heatley H, Bourdin A, Menzies-Gow A, Jackson DJ, Maslova E, Chapaneri J, Henley W, Carter V, Kai Chan JS, Ariti C, Haughney J & Price D (2024). “Healthcare Resource Utilization Associated with Intermittent Oral Corticosteroid Prescribing Patterns in Asthma. “– Journal of Asthma and Allergy…, 2024 Jun 21:17:573-587 (IF=3,70). Allergy (Q2); Immunology (Q2).
Ughetto A, Eliet J, Nagot N, David H, Bazalgette F, Marin G, Kollen S, Mourad M, Zeroual N, Muller L, Gaudard P, Colson P. (2024). “Early temporary mechanical circulatory support for cardiogenic shock: real-life data from a regional cardiac assistance network. “ J Heart Lung Transplant. 2024 Jun;43(6):911-919. (IF=6,40) . Cardiac and Cardiovscular Systems (Q1) ; Respiratory Systems (Q1) ; Surgery (Q1) ; Transplantations (Q1).
Valery S, Simon-Tillaux N, Devouassoux G, Bonniaud P, Beurnier A, Boudjemaa A, Chenivesse C, Bourdin A, Gauquelin L, Guillo S, Taillé C, Estellat C ; RAMSES Study Group∗ avec Jaffuel D comme collaborateur (2024). “Anti-IL-4R versus Anti-IL-5/5R after Anti-IL-5/5R failure in asthma: an emulated target trial “ – Journal of Allergy and Clinical immunology…, 2024 sous presse. (IF=11,40). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Vidal C, Bertelli F, Mallet JP, Gilson R, Borel JC, Gagnadoux F, Bourdin A, Molinari N, Jaffuel D. (2024). “Mask side-effects are related to gender in long-term CPAP: results from the InterfaceVent real-life study. “ Respir Res. 2024 Sep 6;25(1):331. (IF=4,70) Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Wechsler ME, Brusselle G, Virchow JC, Bourdin A, Kostikas K, Llanos JP, Roseti SL, Ambrose CS, Hunter G, Jackson DJ, Castro M, Lugogo N, Pavord ID, Martin N, Brightling CE. (2024). “Clinical response and on-treatment clinical remission with tezepelumab in a broad population of patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma: results over 2 years from the NAVIGATOR and DESTINATION studies. “ Eur Respir J. 2024 Sep 26:2400316. (IF=16,60) Respiratory System (Q1).
Wechsler ME, Nair P, Terrier B, Walz B, Bourdin A, Jayne DRW, Jackson DJ, Roufosse F, Börjesson Sjö L, Fan Y, Jison M, McCrae C, Necander S, Shavit A, Walton C, Merkel PA; MANDARA Study Group. (222024). “Benralizumab versus Mepolizumab for Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis. “ N Engl J Med. 2024 Mar 7;390(10):911-921. (IF=96,20). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Ahmed E, Lahmar ZM, Bourdin A (2023). “Revisiting Peter Macklem’s old dream through the PRISm of lung volumes. “ ERJ Open Res. 2023 Sep 25;9(5):00469-2023.(IF=4,30). Respiratory systems (Q2).
Amzali S, Wilson VD, Bommart S, Picot MC, Galas S, Mercier J, Poucheret P, Cristol JP, Arbogast S and Laoudj-Chenivesse D (2023) “Nutritional Status of Patients with Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy. “ Nutritional Status of Patients with Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy. “ –Nutrients 2023, 15, 1673. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Anselmi A, Mansour A, Para M, Mongardon N, Porto A, Guihaire J, Morgant MC, Pozzi M, Cholley B, Falcoz PE, Gaudard P, Lebreton G, Labaste F, Barbanti C, Fouquet O, Chocron S, Mottard N, Esvan M, Fougerou-Leurent C, Flecher E, Vincentelli A, Nesseler N; for the ECMOSARS Investigators (2023). “Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Circulatory Failure in COVID-19 Patients: Insights from the ECMOSARS Registry. “ Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2023 Sep 7;64(3):ezad229. (IF=3,10). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2) ; Respiratory Sytems (Q2) ; Surger (Q1).
Arfi F, Courbis AL, Lambolais T, Bughin F, Hayot M (2023). “Formal verification of a telerehabilitation system through an abstraction and refinement approach using UPPAAL” IET Software 2023;1–18. (IF=1,50). Computer graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2).
Assou S, Ahmed E, Morichon L, Nasri A, Foisset F, Bourdais C, Gros N, Tieo S, Petit A, Vachier I, Muriaux D, Bourdin A, De Vos J. (2023). “The Transcriptome Landscape of the In Vitro Human Airway Epithelium Response to SARS-CoV-2. “ Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jul 27;24(15):12017. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry And Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Chemistry Multidisciplinaty (Q2).
Aubertin G, Akkari M, Andrieux A, Colas des Francs C, Fauroux B, Franco P, Gagnadoux F, de Santerre OG, Grollemund B, Hartley S, Jaffuel D, Lafond L, Schröder CM, Schweitzer C, Charley-Monaca C. (2023). “Management of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome type 1 in children and adolescents – A French consensus. “ Arch Pediatr. 2023 Aug 1:S0929-693X(23)00115-X. sous presse. (IF=1,30) Pediatrics (Q4).
Ayache D, Rousseau R, Kniazeva E, Charensol J, Seoudi T, Bahriz M, Gouzi F, Spagnolo V, Vicet A. (2023). “Commercial and Custom Quartz Tuning Forks for Quartz Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: Stability under Humidity Variation. “ Sensors (Basel). 2023 Mar 15;23(6):3135. (IF=3,40). Chemistry (Q1); Computer Science Informatiion Systems (Q1); Engenering (Q1).
Bacri C, Chastant R, Chassin-Trubert L, Hireche K, Alric P, Canaud L. (2023).- Fenestrated Physician-Modified Endovascular Grafts for Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery and/or Kommerell’s diverticulum.. “). “Fenestrated Physician-Modified Endovascular Grafts for Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery and/or Kommerell’s diverticulum. “ Journal of Endovascular Therapy…, 2024 Dec:109:396-406. (IF=1,70). Surgery (Q2); peripheral Vascular diseases (Q2)
Barrigah-Benissan K, Ory J, Simon C, Loubet P, Martin A, Beregi JP, Lavigne JP, Sotto A, Larcher R. (2023). “Clinical factors associated with peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) related bloodstream infections: a single centre retrospective cohort. “ Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2023 Jan 30;12(1):5. (IF=4,80). Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
Baudry G, Coutance G, Dorent R, Bauer F, Blanchart K, Boignard A, Chabanne C, Delmas C, D’Ostrevy N, Epailly E, Gariboldi V, Gaudard P, Goéminne C, Grosjean S, Guihaire J, Guillemain R, Mattei M, Nubret K, Pattier S, Vermes E, Sebbag L, Duarte K, Girerd N. (2023). “ Diuretic dose is a strong prognostic factor in ambulatory patients awaiting heart transplantation. “ ESC Heart Fail. 2023 Oct;10(5):2843-2852. (IF=3,20). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1)
Benkirane M, Bonhomme M, Morsy H, Safgren SL, Marelli C, Chaussenot A, Smedley D, Cipriani V, de Sainte-Agathe JM, Ding C, Larrieu L, Vestito L, Margot H, Lesca G, Ramond F, Castrioto A, Baux D, Verheijen J, Sansa E, Giunti P, Haetty A, Bergougnoux A, Pointaux M, Ardouin O, Van Goethem C, Vincent MC, Hadjivassiliou M, Cossée M, Rouaud T, Bartsch O, Freeman WD, Wierenga KJ, Klee EW; Genomic England Research Consortium; Vandrovcova J, Houlden H, Debant A, Koenig M. (2024)“ De novo and inherited monoallelic variants in TUBA4A cause ataxia and spasticity. “ Brain. 2024 Nov 4;147(11):3681-3689. .(IF= 10,60). Clinical Neurology (Q1); Neurosciences (Q1°.
Berger M, Daubin D, Charriot J, Klouche K, Le Moing V, Morquin D, Halimi L, Jaussent A, Taourel P, Hayot M, Cristol JP, Nagot N, Fesler P and Roubille C (2023). “ Mid-Term Sequelae of Surviving Patients Hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit for COVID-19 Infection: The REHCOVER Study. “ Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023 Jan 28;12(3):1000. (IF=3,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Bergougnoux A, Billet A, Ka C, Heller M, Degrugillier F, Vuillaume ML, Thoreau V, Sasorith S, Bareil C, Thèze C, Ferec C, Gac GL, Bienvenu T, Bieth E, Gaston V, Lalau G, Pagin A, Malinge MC, Dufernez F, Lemonnier L, Koenig M, Fergelot P, Claustres M, Taulan-Cadars M, Kitzis A, Reboul MP, Becq F, Fanen P, Mekki C, Audrezet MP, Girodon E, Raynal C. (2023). “ The multi-faceted nature of 15 CFTR exonic variations: Impact on their functional classification and perspectives for therapy. “ J Cyst Fibros. 2023 May;22(3):515-524. (IF=5,40) Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bergougnoux A, Gaspari L, Soleirol M, Servant N, Soskin S, Rossignol S, Wagner-Mahler K, Bertherat J, Sultan C, Kalfa N, Paris F. (2023). “Virilization at puberty in adolescent girls may reveal a 46,XY disorder of sexual development. “ Endocr Connect. 2023 Nov 8;12(12):e230267. (IF=2,60). Endocrynology and Metabolism (Q3).
Borel JC, Bughin F, Texereau J. (2023). “[Telemonitoring of patients with chronic respiratory failure in France]. “ Rev Mal Respir. 2023 Sep;40(7):623-629. (IF=0,50). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Boucly A, Tu L, Guignabert C, Rhodes C, De Groote P, Prévot G, Bergot E, Bourdin A, Beurnier A, Roche A, Jevnikar M, Jaïs X, Montani D, Wilkins MR, Humbert M, Sitbon O, Savale L. (2023). “ Cytokines as Prognostic Biomarkers in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. “ Eur Respir J. 2023 Mar 23;61(3):2201232. (IF=16,60). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bourdin A, Bommart S, Marin G, Vachier I, Gamez AS, Ahmed E, Suehs CM, Molinari N. (2023). “Obesity in women with asthma: baseline disadvantage plus greater small-airway responsiveness. “ Allergy. 2023 Mar;78(3):780-790. (IF=12,60). Allergy (Q1) ; Immunology (Q1).
Borges GSM, Sicard P, de Mello Gomides Loures C, Evangelista FGC, Sales CC, de Paula Sabino A, Fernandes C, Ferreira LAM, Richard S. (2023). “ Tocotrienols-enriched Self-nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System Enhances the Antileukemic Activity of All-trans Retinoic Acid but not Electrocardiogram Alterations Evoked by Its Combination with Arsenic Trioxide. “ AAPS PharmSciTech. 2023 Mar 14;24(3):79. (IF=3,40). Pharmaceutical Science (Q2).
Bughin F, Mendelson M, Jaffuel D, PépinJL, Gagnadoux F, Goutorbe F , Abril B , Ayoub B , Aranda A , Alagha K, Pomiès P , Roubille F, Mercier J , Molinari N , Dauvilliers J , Héraud N and Hayot M (2023). Impact of a telerehabilitation programme combined with continuous positive airway pressure on symptoms and cardiometabolic risk factors in obstructive sleep apnea patients. “ – DIGITAL HEALTH, 2023 Apr 6:9:20552076231167009. (IF=2,90). Health Policy (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Health Informatics (Q2); Health Information Management (Q2)
Cadranel JFD, Ollivier‑Hourmand I, Cadranel J, Thevenot T, Zougmore H, Nguyen‑Khac E, Bureau C, Allaire M, Nousbaum JB, Loustaud‑Ratti V, Causse X, Sogni P, Hanslik B, Bourliere M, Peron JM, Ganne‑Carrie N, Dao T, Thabut D,. Maitre B, Debzi N, Smadhi R, Sombie R, Kpossou R, Nouel O, Bissonnette J, Isaac Ruiz I, Medmoun M, Negrin Dastis S, Deltenre P, Artru F, Raherison C, Elkrief L and Lemagoarou T avec Bourdin A comme collaborateur (2023). “International survey among hepatologists and pulmonologists on the hepatic hydrothorax: plea for recommendations“ – BMC Gastroenterology, 2023 sous presse. (IF=2,50). Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Q4).
Caspersen E, Guinot PG, Rozec B, Oilleau JF, Fellahi JL, Gaudard P, Lorne E, Mahjoub Y, Besnier E, Moussa MD, Mongardon N, Hanouz JL, Briant AR, Paul LPS, Tomadesso C, Parienti JJ, Descamps R, Denisenko A, Fischer MO; ARCOTHOVA Group. (2023).. “Comparison of landiolol and amiodarone for the treatment of new-onset atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery (FAAC) trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. “ Trials. 2023 May 25;24(1):353. (IF=2,00). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q3).
Chaigne B, Chevalier K, Boucly A, Agard C, Baudet A, Bourdin A, Chabanne C, Cottin V, Fesler P, Goupil F, Jego P, Launay D, Lévesque H, Maurac A, Mohamed S, Tromeur C, Rottat L, Sitbon O, Humbert M, Mouthon L (2023). “In-depth characterization of pulmonary arterial hypertension in mixed connective tissue disease: a French national multicenter study. “ . Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 Oct 3;62(10):3261-3267. (IF=4,70). Rheumatology (Q1)
Charriot J, Zysman M, Guilleminault L, Volpato M, Fort-Petit A, Vachier I, Patarin J, Suehs C, Ahmed E, Molinari N, Bourdin A (2023). “ Sputum-Rheology-Based Strategy for Guiding Azithromycin Prescription in COPD Patients with Frequent Exacerbations: A Randomized, Controlled Study (« COPD CARhE ») “ . Biomedicines. 2023 Mar 1;11(3):740. (IF=3,90). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1); Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Charriot J, Ahmed E, Bourdin A (2023). “Local targeting of TSLP: feat or defeat. “ Eur Respir J. 2023 Mar 9;61(3):2202389. (IF=16,60). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Charriot J, Descamps V, Jankowski R, Maravic M, Bourdin A, (2023). “ Multiple Biologics for Multiple T2 Diseases: A Pharmacoepidemiological Algorithm for Sorting Out Patients by Indication“ – Journal of Asthma and Allergy2023 Nov 29:16:1287-1295. (IF=3,70). Allergy (Q3); Immunology (Q3).
Chassagnon G, El Hajjam M, Boussouar S, Revel MP, Khoury R, Ghaye B, Bommart S, Lederlin M, Tran Ba S, De Margerie-Mellon C, Fournier L, Cassagnes L, Ohana M, Jalaber C, Dournes G, Cazeneuve N, Ferretti G, Talabard P, Donciu V, Canniff E, Debray MP, Crutzen B, Charriot J, Rabeau V, Khafagy P, Chocron R, Leonard Lorant I, Metairy L, Ruez-Lantuejoul L, Beaune S, Hausfater P, Truchot J, Khalil A, Penaloza A, Affole T, Brillet PY, Roy C, Pucheux J, Zbili J, Sanchez O, Porcher R; on the behalf of the French Society of Thoracic Imaging (2023). “Strategies to safely rule out pulmonary embolism in COVID-19 outpatients: a multicenter retrospective study. “ . Eur Radiol. 2023 Aug;33(8):5540-5548. (IF=4,70). Radiology, NuclearMedicine and Medical Imaging (Q1).
Chen W, Tran TN, Sadatsafavi M, Murray R, Wong NCB, Ali N, Ariti C, Bulathsinhala L, Gil EG, FitzGerald JM, Alacqua M, Al-Ahmad M, Altraja A, Al-Lehebi R, Bhutani M, Bjermer L, Bjerrum AS, Bourdin A, von Bülow A, Busby J, Walter Canonica G, Carter V, Christoff GC, Cosio BG, Costello RW, Fonseca JA, Gibson PG, Yoo KH, Heaney LG, Heffler E, Hew M, Hilberg O, Hoyte F, Iwanaga T, Jackson DJ, Jones RC, Koh MS, Kuna P, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lehmann S, Lehtimäki L, Lyu J, Mahboub B, Maspero J, Menzies-Gow AN, Newell A, Sirena C, Papadopoulos NG, Papaioannou AI, Perez-de-Llano L, Perng Steve DW, Peters M, Pfeffer PE, Porsbjerg CM, Popov TA, Rhee CK, Salvi S, Taillé C, Taube C, Torres-Duque CA, Ulrik C, Ra SW, Wang E, Wechsler ME, Price DB. (2023). “Impact of initiatinG bioLogics In patients with severe asThma on long-Term OCS or frEquent Rescue steroids (GLITTER): data from the International Severe Asthma Registry. “ J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2023 Sep;11(9):2732-2747. (IF=8,20). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Chevalier P, Moreau A, Bessière F, Richard S, Chahine M, Millat G, Morel E, Paganelli F, Lesavre N, Placide L, Montestruc F, Ankou B, Puertas RD, Asatryan B, Delinière A; MAP-IDM Investigators. (2023). : “ Identification of Cx43 variants predisposing to ventricular fibrillation in the acute phase of ST-elevation myocardial infarction. “Europace. 2023 Feb 8;25(1):101-111. (IF=7,90). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Choquet C, Sicard P, Vahdat J, Nguyen THIM, Kober F; Varlet I, Bernard M , Richard S , Kelly RG, Lalevée N, and Miquerol L. (2023) “Nkx2-5 Loss of Function in the His-Purkinje System Hampers Its Maturation and Leads to Mechanical Dysfunction. “- Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 2023 Apr 27;10(5):194 (IF=2,40). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Chupp G, Alobid I, Lugogo NL, Kariyawasam HH, Bourdin A, Chaker AM, Smith SG, Sousa AR, Mayer B, Chan RH, Malucci A (2023)” Mepolizumab reduces systemic corticosteroid use in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. ” The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 2023 Nov;11(11):3504-3512.e2. (IF= 8,20). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Colson P, Fellahi JL, Gaudard P, Provenchère S, Rozec B; from the ARCOTHOVA Group. (2023). “Cost Analysis of Aprotinin Reintroduction in French Cardiac Surgery Centres: A Real-World Data-Based Analysis. “ Adv Ther. 2023 Apr;40(4):1803-1817. (IF=3,40). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q2) ; Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Q1).
Colson PH, Gaudard P, Meunier C, Seguret F (2023). ”Impact of Red Blood Cell Transfusion on In-hospital Mortality of Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Retrospective Observational Study of French Nationwide 3-year Cohort. ” . Ann Surg. 2023 Jul 1;278(1):e184-e189.. (IF=7,50). Surgery (Q1)
Corren J, Menzies-Gow A, Bimmel J, McGuinness A, Almqvist G,Bowen K, Janet, Griffiths M, Ponnarambil S, Bourdin A, Israel E, Colice G, Brightling CE & Wechsler ME on behalf of the PATHWAY and NAVIGATOR study investigators (2023). -“Tezepelumab for the treatment of severe asthma: a plain language summary of the PATHWAY and NAVIGATOR studies. . “Immunotherapy, 2023 Nov;15(16):1327-1340. (IF=2,70) Immunology (Q4).
Cushen B, Koh MS, Tran TN, Martin N, Murray R, Uthaman T, Goh CYY, Vella R, Eleangovan N, Bulathsinhala L, Maspero JF, Peters MJ, Schleich F, Pitrez P, Christoff G, Sadatsafavi M, Torres-Duque CA, Porsbjerg C, Altraja A, Lehtimäki L, Bourdin A, Taube C, Papadopoulos NG, Zsuzsanna C, Björnsdóttir U, Salvi S, Heffler E, Iwanaga T, Al-Ahmad M, Larenas-Linnemann D, van Boven JFM, Aarli BB, Kuna P, Loureiro CC, Al-Lehebi R, Lee JH, Marina N, Bjermer L, Sheu CC, Mahboub B, Busby J, Menzies-Gow A, Wang E, Price DB; ISAR Inventory Study Group (2023). “ Adult Severe Asthma Registries: A Global and Growing Inventory. “ . Pragmat Obs Res. 2023 Oct 20;14:127-147. (IF=2,30). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Desplanche E, Grillet PE, Wynands Q, Bideaux P, Alburquerque L, Charrabi A, Bourdin A, Cazorla O, Gouzi F, Virsolvy A (2023). “Elevated Blood Pressure Occurs without Endothelial Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Pulmonary Emphysema. “ . Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Aug 9;24(16):12609. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Chemistry Multidisciplinary (Q1).
De Sainte Agathe JM, Filser M, Isidor B, Besnard T, Gueguen P, Perrin A, Van Goethem C, Verebi C, Masingue M, Rendu J, Cossée M, Bergougnoux A, Frobert L, Buratti J, Lejeune É, Le Guern É, Pasquier F, Clot F, Kalatzis V, Roux AF, Cogné B, Baux D. (2023). ”SpliceAI-visual: a free online tool to improve SpliceAI splicing variant interpretation. ” Hum Genomics. 2023 Feb 10;17(1):7. (IF=3,60). Molecular Medicine (Q1).
Dewan S, Witayavanitkul N, Kumar M, Mayer BJ, Betancourt L, Cazorla O, de Tombe PP. (2023). “Depressed myocardial cross-bridge cycling kinetics in a female guinea pig model of diastolic heart failure. “ J Gen Physiol. 2023 Jun 5;155(6):e202213288. (IF=3,30). Physiology (Q1).
Favier V, Charriot J, Crampette L, Bourdin A, Ahmed E (2023). “ What place will tezepelumab hold in the treatment paradigm in chronic rhinosinusitis? “. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2023 Jul-Dec;19(8):821-825. (IF=3,90). Immunology (Q2).
Foisset F, Lehalle C, Nasri A, Bourdais C, Morichon L, Petit A, Vachier I, Assou S, Bourdin A, Frossard N, De Vos J. (2023). “[Production of innervated bronchial epithelium from a blood sample]. “ Rev Mal Respir. 2023 Mar;40(3):247-249. (IF=0,50). Respiratory Systems (Q4
Freycon-Tardy L, Ozdemir BA, Hireche K, Alric P, Canaud L. (2022). “Double Fenestrated Physician-Modified Stent Graft for Endovascular Treatment of Traumatic Aortic Isthmus Rupture With an Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery. “ J Endovasc Ther. 2023 Feb;30(1):151-155 (IF=1,70). Surgery (Q2) ; Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Q2).
Galvez T, Lotierzo M, Conquet G, Verani Q, Aguilhon C, Rangeard I, Cristol JP, Renard E. (2023). “Factitious hypoglycemia in insulin-treated diabetic patients. “ Ann Endocrinol (Paris).. 2023 May;84(3):364-366 (IF=2,90). Endocrinology et Metabolism (Q4).
Gaudard P, David H, Bideaux P, Sicard P, Cristol JP, Guillon G, Richard S , Colson P and Virsolvy A (2023). “Involvement of Vasopressin in Tissue Hypoperfusion during Cardiogenic Shock Complicating Acute Myocardial Infarction in Rats“ Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 1325. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Gouzi F, Dubois-Gamez AS, Lacoude P, Abdellaoui A, Hédon H, Charriot J, Boissin C, Vachier I, Hayot M, Molinari N, Bourdin A. (2023). “Feasibility of a nasal breathing training during pulmonary rehabilitation. A pilot randomized controlled study. “ Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2023 Feb;308:103987. (IF=1,90). Physiology (Q3), Respiratory System ( Q4).
Gouzi F, Philippe A, Pastre J, Renaud B, Gendron N, Subileau M, Hua-Huy T, Planquette B, Sanchez O, Smadja DM, Günther S. (2023). “ Recovery of Endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation impairment in convalescent COVID-19 patients: Insight from a pilot study. “ Respir Med Res. 2023 Aug 4;84:101044. (IF= 3,20). Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q4); Respiratory System (Q4).
Grandperrin A, Schnell F, Donal E, Galli E, Hedon C, Cazorla O, Nottin S (2023). “Specific alterations of regional myocardial work in strength-trained athletes using anabolic steroids compared to athletes with genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. “ J Sport Health Sci. 2023 Jul;12(4):477-485. (IF=9,70). Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism (Q1); Sport Sciences (Q1).
Grillet PE, Desplanche E, Wynands Q, Gouzi F, Bideaux P, Fort A, Scheuermann V, Lacampagne A, Virsolvy A, Thireau J, de Tombe P, Bourdin A, Cazorla O. (2023) “Diastolic Cardiomyopathy Secondary to Experimentally Induced Exacerbated Emphysema. “ Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2023 Aug;69(2):230-241. (IF=5,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Respiratory System (Q1).
Guignabert C, Savale L, Boucly A, Thuillet R, Tu L, Ottaviani M, Rhodes CJ, De Groote P, Prévot G, Bergot E, Bourdin A, Howard LS, Fadel E, Beurnier A, Roche A, Jevnikar M, Jaïs X, Montani D, Wilkins MR, Sitbon O, Humbert M. (2023). “Serum and Pulmonary Expression Profiles of the Activin Signaling System in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. “Circulation. 2023 Jun 13;147(24):1809-1822. . (IF=35,50). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systemss (Q1); Peripheral Vascular disease (Q1).
Haughney J, Tran TN, Heatley H, Bourdin A, Menzies-Gow A, Jackson DJ, Maslova E, Chapaneri J, Skinner D, Carter V, Chan JSK, Price D (2023). “Application of an algorithm to analyze patterns of intermittent oral corticosteroid use in asthma. “. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2023 Mar 4;33(1):9. (IF=3,10). Family Practice (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2)
Heatley H, Tran TN, Bourdin A, Menzies-Gow A, Jackson DJ, Maslova E, Chapaneri J, Skinner D, Carter V, Chan JSK, Ariti C, Haughney J, Price DB (2023). “Observational UK cohort study to describe intermittent oral corticosteroid prescribing patterns and their association with adverse outcomes in asthma. “ . Thorax. 2023 Sep;78(9):860-867. (IF=9,00). Respiratory System (Q1).
Henrot P, Blenaque L, Dupin I, Zysman M, Esteve P, Gouzi F, Hayot M, Pomies P and Berger P. (2023). “Cellular interplay in skeletal mucle regeneration and wasting: insight from animal models. “ J of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2023 Apr;14(2):745-757. (IF=12,06). Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1) ; Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Henrot P, Dupin I, Schilfarth P, Esteves P, Blervaque L, Zysman M, Gouzi F, Hayot M, Pomies P, and Berger P…(2023) “ Main Pathogenic Mechanisms and Recent Advances in COPD Peripheral Skeletal Muscle Wasting. “-Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(7), 6454; (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Hireche K, Lounes Y, Bacri C, Solovei L, Marty-Ané C, Canaud L, Alric P. (2023). “VATS versus Open Lobectomy following Induction Therapy for Stage III NSCLC: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis. “ Cancers (Basel). 2023 Jan 8;15(2):414. (IF=4,50). Oncology (Q1).
Hireche K, Canaud L, Peyron PA, Sakhri L, Serres I, Kamel S, Lounes Y, Gandet T, Alric P. (2023). “Ex Vivo Comparison of the Elastic Properties of Vascular Substitutes Used for Pulmonary Artery Replacement. “ J Surg Res. 2023 Nov 30;295:222-230. (IF=1,80). Surgery (Q3).
Huang X, Torre I, Chiappi M, Yin Z, Vydyanath A, Cao S, Raschdorf O, Beeby M, Quigley B, de Tombe PP, Liu J, Morris EP, Luther PK. (2023). “ Cryo-electron tomography of intact cardiac muscle reveals myosin binding protein-C linking myosin and actin filaments. “. J Muscle Res Cell Motil. 2023 Sep;44(3):165-178. (IF=2,76) Cell Biology (Q3).
Jaffuel D, Mallet JP, Roubille F, Bourdin A. (2023). .” Muscle sympathetic nerve activity and adaptive servo-ventilation: questions remain. .” Eur Respir J. 2023 Apr 20;61(4):2300002. (IF=16,60). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Jaffuel D, Bouchaut Y, Mallet JP, Vidal C, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Roubille F. (2023). “ Dapagliflozin initiation in chronic heart failure patients improves central sleep apnoea. “ ERJ Open Res. 2023 Jun 26;9(3):00123-2023. (IF=4,30). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Jaffuel D, Serrano E, Leroyer C, Chartier A, Demoly P. (2023). “SQ HDM sublingual immunotherapy tablet for the treatment of HDM allergic rhinitis and asthma improves subjective sleepiness and insomnia: an exploratory analysis of the real-life CARIOCA study. “ J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2023 Sep 4:0.sous presse. (IF=6,10). Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q1).
Jaffuel D, Mallet JP, Sabil A. (2023). “Accuracy of continuous positive airway pressure devices: the devil is in the details, the best is yet to come. “ Sleep Breath. 2023 Aug;27(4):1651-1654. (IF=2,10). Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Otorhinolaryngology (Q2)
Karsenty C, Guilbeau-Frugier C, Genet G, Seguelas MH, Alzieu P, Cazorla O, Montagner A, Blum Y, Dubroca C, Maupoint J, Tramunt B, Cauquil M, Sulpice T, Richard S, Arcucci S, Flores-Flores R, Pataluch N, Montoriol R, Sicard P, Deney A, Couffinhal T, Senard JM, Galés C (2023). “Ephrin-B1 regulates the adult diastolic function through a late postnatal maturation of cardiomyocyte surface crests. “. Elife. 2023 Jan 17;12:e80904. (IF=6,40). Developental Biology (Q1).
Khaleva E, Rattu A, Brightling C, Bush A, Bourdin A, Bossios A, Chung KF, Chaudhuri R, Coleman C, Djukanovic R, Dahlén SE, Exley A, Fleming L, Fowler SJ, Gupta A, Hamelmann E, Koppelman GH, Melén E, Mahler V, Seddon P, Singer F, Porsbjerg C, Ramiconi V, Rusconi F, Yasinska V, Roberts G on behalf of the 3TR definition of response working group- (2023) “Definitions of non-response and response to biological therapy for severe asthma: a systematic review “ ERJ Open Research, 2023 May 2;9(3):00444-2022. (IF=4,30). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Khaleva E, Rattu A, Brightling C, Bush A, Bossios A, Bourdin A, Chung KF, Chaudhuri R, Coleman C, Dahlén SE, Djukanovic R, Deschildre A, Fleming L, Fowler SJ, Gupta A, Hamelmann E, Hashimoto S, Hedlin G, Koppelman GH, Melén E, Murray CS, Pilette C, Porsbjerg C, Pike KC, Rusconi F, Williams C, Ahrens B, Alter P, Anckers F, van den Berge M, Blumchen K, Brusselle G, Clarke GW, Cunoosamy D, Dahlén B, Dixey P, Exley A, Frey U, Gaillard EA, Giovannini-Chami L, Grigg J, Hartenstein D, Heaney LG, Karadag B, Kaul S, Kull I, Licari A, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Mahler V, Schoos AM, Nagakumar P, Negus J, Nielsen H, Paton J, Pijnenburg M, Ramiconi V, Vilarnau SR, Principe S, Rutjes N, Saglani S, Seddon P, Singer F, Staudinger H, Turner S, Vijverberg S, Winders T, Yasinska V, Roberts G; COMSA working group in the 3TR consortium. (2023). “Development of Core Outcome Measures sets for paediatric and adult Severe Asthma (COMSA). “ Eur Respir J. 2023 Apr 3;61(4):2200606.. (IF=16,60). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Kroes JA, Alfonso-Cristancho R, Bansal AT, Berret E, Bieksiene K, Bourdin A, Brussino L, Canhoto D, Cardini C, Celik G, Csoma Z, Dahlén B, Damadoglu E, Eger K, Gauquelin L, Gemicioglu B, Goksel O, Graff S, Heffler E, Hofstee HB, Howarth P, Jakes RW, Jaun F, Kalinauskaite-Zukauske V, Kopač P, Kwon N, Loureiro CC, Lozoya García V, Masoli M, Rezelj MP, Pérez De Llano L, Popović-Grle S, Ramos-Barbón D, Sà Sousa A, Samitas K, Schleich F, Sirena C, Skrgat S, Zervas E, Zichnalis G, Bel EH, Sont JK, Hashimoto S, Ten Brinke A. (2023). “Evaluation of real-world mepolizumab use in severe asthma across Europe: the SHARP experience with privacy-preserving federated analysis. “ ERJ Open Res. 2023 Apr 3;9(2):00745-2022. (IF=4,30). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Larcher R, Lottelier M, Badiou S, Dupuy AM, Bargnoux AS, Cristol JP (2023). “Analytical Performances of the Novel i-STAT Alinity Point-of-Care Analyzer. “ . Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jan 13;13(2):297. (IF=3,00). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Latrille C, Chapel B , Héraud N , Bughin F , Hayot M and Boiché J. (2023). “An individualized mobile health intervention to promote physical activity in adults with obstructive sleep apnea: An intervention mapping approach“DIGITAL HEALTH, Volume 9: 1–17. (IF=3,90). Health Policy and Services (Q1); Public, Environnemental and Occupational Health (Q1); Health Care Sciences and Services (Q1)., Medical Informatics (Q2)
Levy ML, Bateman ED, Allan K, Bacharier LB, Bonini M, , Boulet LP, Bourdin A, Brightling C, Brusselle G, Buhl R, Chakaya MJ, Cruz AA, Drazen J, Ducharme FM, Duijts L, Fleming L, Inoue H, Ko FWS, Krishnan JA, Masekela R, Mortimer K, Pitrez P, Salvi S, Sheikh A, Reddel HK, Yorgancıoğlu A. (2023). “ Global access and patient safety in the transition to environmentally friendly respiratory inhalers: the Global Initiative for Asthma perspective “ – The Lancet, 2023 Sep 16;402(10406):1012-1016. (IF=98,40) Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Leyba K, Paiyabhroma N, Salvas JP, Damen FW, Janvier A, Zub E, Bernis C, Rouland R, Dubois CJ, Badaut J, Richard S, Marchi N, Goergen CJ, Sicard P. (2023). “Neurovascular hypoxia after mild traumatic brain injury in juvenile mice correlates with heart-brain dysfunctions in adulthood. “ Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2023 Jun;238(2):e13933. (IF=5,60). Physiology (Q1).
Li J, Sundnes J, Hou Y, Laasmaa M, Ruud M, Unger A, Kolstad TR, Frisk M, Norseng PA, Yang L, Setterberg IE, Alves ES, Kalakoutis M, Sejersted OM, Lanner JT, Linke WA, Lunde IG, de Tombe PP, Louch WE (2023). “Stretch Harmonizes Sarcomere Strain Across the Cardiomyocyte. “. Circ Res. 2023 Jul 21;133(3):255-270. (IF=16,50). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1); Hematology (Q1) ; Peripheral Vascular diseases (Q1).
Lookin O, de Tombe P, Boulali N, Gergely C, Cloitre T, Cazorla O. (2023). “Cardiomyocyte sarcomere length variability: Membrane fluorescence versus second harmonic generation myosin imaging. “ J Gen Physiol. 2023 Apr 3;155(4):e202213289. (IF=3,30). Physiology (Q1).
Lookin O, Boulali N, Cazorla O, de Tombe P (2023). Impact of stretch on sarcomere length variability in isolated fully relaxed rat cardiac myocytes. . Pflugers Arch. 2023 Aug 21.sous presse. (IF=2,90) Physiology (Q2).
Lorusso R, De Piero ME, Mariani S, Di Mauro M, Folliguet T, Taccone FS, Camporota L, Swol J, Wiedemann D, Belliato M, Broman LM, Vuylsteke A, Kassif Y, Scandroglio AM, Fanelli V, Gaudard P, Ledot S, Barker J, Boeken U, Maier S, Kersten A, Meyns B, Pozzi M, Pedersen FM, Schellongowski P, Kirali K, Barrett N, Riera J, Mueller T, Belohlavek J; EuroECMO-COVID Study Group. (2023). “In-hospital and 6-month outcomes in patients with COVID-19 supported with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (EuroECMO-COVID): a multicentre, prospective observational study. “ Lancet Respir Med. 2023 Feb;11(2):151-162. (IF=38,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Lounes Y, Belarbi A, Hireche K, Chassin-Trubert L, Ozdemir BA, Akodad M, Alric P, Canaud L. (2023). “Physician-Modified Stent Graft for Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injuries: Do the Benefits Worth the Trouble? “ Ann Vasc Surg. 2023 Mar;90:100-108. (IF=1,40). Surgery (Q4); Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Q4).
Mabo A, Borie R, Wemeau-Stervinou L, Uzunhan Y, Gomez E, Prevot G, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Traclet J,Bergot E, Cadranel J, Marchand-Adam S, Bergeron A, Blanchard E, Bondue B, Bonniaud P, Bourdin A, Burgel PR, , Hirschi S, Marquette CH, Quétant S, Nunes H, Chenivesse C, Crestani B, Guirriec Y, Monnier D, Ménard C, Tattevin P, Cottin V, Luque Paz D, Jouneau S. (2023) “Infections in autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: a large retrospective cohort. -“ Thorax, 2023 Dec 15;79(1):68-74. (IF=9,00). Respirtory Systems (Q1).
Maher TM, Ford P, Brown KK, Costabel U, Cottin V, Danoff SK, Groenveld I, Helmer E, Jenkins RG, Milner J, Molenberghs G, Penninckx B, Randall MJ, Van Den Blink B, Fieuw A, Vandenrijn C, Rocak S, Seghers I, Shao L, Taneja A, Jentsch G, Watkins TR, Wuyts WA, Kreuter M, Verbruggen N, Prasad N, Wijsenbeek MS; ISABELA 1 and 2 Investigators avec Bourdin A parmi les collaborateurs. (2023). “ Ziritaxestat, a Novel Autotaxin Inhibitor, and Lung Function in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: The ISABELA 1 and 2 Randomized Clinical Trials. “ JAMA. 2023 May 9;329(18):1567-1578. (IF=68,10). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Massart N, Guervilly C, Mansour A, Porto A, Flécher E, Esvan M, Fougerou C, Fillâtre P, Duburcq T, Lebreton G, Para M, Stephan F, Hraiech S, Ross JT, Schmidt M, Vincentelli A, Nesseler N; Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Respiratory Failure and/or Heart failure related to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (ECMOSARS) Investigators, avec Gaudard P parmi les collaborateurs. (2023). “Impact of Prone Position in COVID-19 Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. “ Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1;51(1):36-46. (IF=7,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Menzies-Gow A, Bourdin A, Chupp G, Israel E, Hellqvist Å, Hunter G, Roseti SL, Ambrose CS, Llanos JP, Cook B, Corren J, Colice G. (2023). “Effect of tezepelumab on healthcare utilization in patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma: the NAVIGATOR study. “ Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2023 Sep;131(3):343-348.e2. (IF=5,80). Allergy (Q2); Immunology (Q2).
Menzies-Gow A, Wechsler ME, Brightling CE, Korn S, Corren J, Israel E, Chupp G, Bednarczyk A, Ponnarambil S, Caveney S, Almqvist G, Gołąbek M, Simonsson L, Lawson K, Bowen K, ColiceG, on behalf of the DESTINATION study investigators avec Bourdin A comme collaborateur (2023). “ Long-term safety and efficacy of tezepelumab in people with severe, uncontrolled asthma (DESTINATION): a randomised, placebo-controlled extension study “ – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine…, 2023 May;11(5):425-438. (IF=38,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Moulinié J, Hayot M, Gouzi F. (2023). “[The FEV1/VC ratio to define bronchial obstruction: Should we use a fixed ratio or the lower limit of normal?]. “ Rev Mal Respir. 2023 Sep;40(7):564-571. (IF=0,50). Medicine General and Internal (Q4).
Nguyen A, Solovei L, Marty-Ané C, Bourdin A, Canaud L, Alric P, Hireche K. (2023). “Arterial Sleeve Lobectomy: Does Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction Type Impact Lung Function? “ Cancers (Basel). 2023 Oct 13;15(20):4971. (IF=4,50). Oncology (Q1).
Orenti A, Pranke I, Faucon C, Varilh J, Hatton A, Golec A, Dehillotte C, Durieu I, Reix P, Burgel PR, Grenet D, Tasset C, Gachelin E, Perisson C, Lepissier A, Dreano E, Tondelier D, Chevalier B, Weiss L, Kiefer S, Laurans M, Chiron R, Lemonnier L, Marguet C, Jung A, Edelman A, Kerem BS, Girodon E, Taulan-Cadars M, Hinzpeter A, Kerem E, Naehrlich L, Sermet-Gaudelus I; ECFSPR Steering group (2023). “Nonsense mutations accelerate lung disease and decrease survival of cystic fibrosis children. “ . J Cyst Fibros. 2023 Jul 6:S1569-1993(23)00819-6. Sous presse. (IF=5,40). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Pfeffer PE, Ali N, Murray R, Ulrik C, Tran TN, Maspero J, Peters M, Christoff GC, Sadatsafavi M, Torres-Duque CA, Altraja A, Lehtimäki L, Papadopoulos NG, Salvi S, Costello RW, Cushen B, Heffler E, Iwanaga T, Al-Ahmad M, Larenas-Linnemann D, Kuna P, Fonseca JA, Al-Lehebi R, Rhee CK, Perez-de-Llano L, Perng Steve DW, Mahboub B Wang E, Goh C, Lyu J, Newell A, Alacqua M,. Belevskiy AS, Bhutani M, Bjermer L, Bjornsdottir U, Bourdin A, von Bulow A, Busby J, Canonica GW, Cosio BG, Del Dorscheid, Muñoz-Esquerre M, FitzGerald JM, Garcia Gil E, Gibson PG,. Heaney LG, Hew M, Hilberg O, Hoyte F, Jackson DJ, Siyue Koh M, Ko Bruce HK, Lee JH, Lehmann S, Chaves Loureiro C, Lúðvíksdóttir D, Menzies-Gow AN, Mitchell P, Papaioannou AI, Popov TA, Porsbjerg CM, Salameh L, Sirena C, Taillé C, Taube C, Tohda Y,. Wechsler ME, Price D. (2023) » Comparative effectiveness of Anti-IL5 and Anti-IgE biologic classes in patients with severe asthma eligible for both. « Allergy, 2023 Jul;78(7):1934-1948. (IF=12,60). Allergy (Q1) ; Immunology (Q1).
Pisareva E, Badiou S, Mihalovičová L, Mirandola A, Pastor B, Kudriavstev A, Berger M, Roubille C, Fesler P, Klouche K, Cristol JP, Thierry AR (2023). “Persistence of Neutrophil extracellular traps and anti-cardiolipin auto-antibodies in post-acute phase COVID-19 patients. “ J Med Virol. 2023 Jan;95(1):e28209.. (IF=6,80). Virology (Q1).
Plawecki M, Bistoquet M, Grillet PE, Abdo N, Souweine JS, Cristol JP. (2023). “Drug-Induced Urinary Stone of Atazanavir Incidentally Found in an Asymptomatic Patient: A Case Report. “ Case Rep Urol. 2023 Mar 29:2023:4890711. (IF=à venir)
Pranke IM, Varilh J, Hatton A, Faucon C, Girodon E, Dreano E, Chevalier B, Karri S, Reix P, Durieu I, Bidou L, Namy O, Taulan M, Hinzpeter A, Sermet-Gaudelus I. (2023). “The U UGA C sequence provides a favorable context to ELX-02 induced CFTR readthrough. “ J Cyst Fibros. 2023 May;22(3):560-563. . (IF=5,40). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Prigent A, Blanloeil C, Serandour AL, Barlet F, Gagnadoux PF, Jaffuel D. (2023). “ A biphasic effect of age on CPAP adherence: a cross-sectional study of 26,343 patients. “Respir Res. 2023 Sep 27;24(1):234. (IF=4,70). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Pujol JL, Mercier G, Vasile M, Serre I, Vernhet-Kovacsik H, Bommart S. (2023). “Brief Report: A Multidisciplinary Initial Workup for Suspected Lung Cancer as Fast-Track Intervention to Histopathologic Diagnosis. “ JTO Clin Res Rep. 2023 May 12;4(6):100526. (IF=3,00). Oncology (Q2); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2).
Reisqs JB, Moreau A, Sleiman Y, Charrabi A, Delinière A, Bessière F, Gardey K, Richard S, Chevalier P. (2023). “Spironolactone as a Potential New Treatment to Prevent Arrhythmias in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Cell Model. “ J Pers Med. 2023 Feb 15;13(2):335. (IF=3,00). Health care Sciences and Services (Q2); Medicine General and Internal (Q2)
Reisqs JB, Moreau A, Sleiman Y, Boutjdir M, Richard S, Chevalier P. (2023). “ Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy as a myogenic disease: highlights from cardiomyocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. “ Front Physiol. 2023 May 11:14:1191965. (IF=3,20). Physiology (Q1).
Richard M, Jaffuel D, Mallet JP, Gilson R, Patout M, Fresnel E, Lebret M. (2023). “General nomenclature of air leak patterns: A proposal. “ Sleep Med. 2023 Oct 23;112:188-190. (IF=3,80). Clinical Neurology (Q2).
Rolland R, Loubet A, Bommart S, Monnin-Bares V, Zarqane H, Vanoverschelde J, Herman F, Molinari N, Kovacsik H (2023). “Safety, Efficacy and Mid-Term Outcome for Transarterial Embolization (TAE) of Renal Angiomyolipoma (AML) Using Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer Liquid Embolic Agent (EVOH). “. J Clin Med. 2023 May 10;12(10):3385. (IF=3,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Rubenstein E, Henneton P, Rivière S, Casanova ML, Broner J, Arnaud E, Oziol E, Quintrec ML, Moranne O, Jorgensen C, Combe B, Bourdin A, Fontaine C, Schiffmann A, Fraison JB, Hallé O, Fraisse T, Veysseyre F, Taieb G, Aerts C, Crampette L, Alovisetti C, Guis L, Mehlal S, Papinaud L, Le Quellec A, Guilpain P, Mahr A. (2023). “ Prevalence of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis in the south of France, using the capture-recapture method. “ Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 Oct 11:kead557 (IF=4,70). Rheumatology (Q1).
Southern KW, Castellani C, Lammertyn E, Smyth A, VanDevanter D, van Koningsbruggen-Rietschel S, Barben J, Bevan A, Brokaar E, Collins S, Connett GJ, Daniels TWV, Davies J, Declercq D, Gartner S, Gramegna A, Hamilton N, Hauser J, Kashirskaya N, Kessler L, Lowdon J, Makukh H, Martin C, Morrison L, Nazareth D, Noordhoek J, O’Neill C, Owen E, Oxley H, Raraigh KS, Raynal C, Robinson K, Roehmel J, Schwarz C, Sermet I, Shteinberg M, Sinha I, Takawira C, van Mourik P, Verkleij M, Waller MD, Duff A (2023). “Standards of care for CFTR variant-specific therapy (including modulators) for people with cystic fibrosis. “. J Cyst Fibros. 2023 Jan;22(1):17-30. (IF=5,40). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Sperelakis-Beedham B, Lopez M, Bourrat E, Gaitch N, Houriez F, Martinez B, Fajac I, Burgel PR, Hickman G, Audrézet MP, Gonde D, Cabet F, Gerfaud-Valentin M, Nove-Josserand R, Raynal C, Pagin A, Reboul MP, de Becdelièvre A, Bienvenu T, Callebaut I, Girodon E. (2023). “ AQP5, a second gene at play with CFTR in aquagenic palmoplantar keratoderma. “ J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 May;37(5):e654-e657 (IF=8,40). “Dermatology (Q1); Dermatology and Venereal Diseases ((Q1).
Suehs CM, Vachier I, Galeazzi D, Vaast F, Cardon F, Molinari N, Bourdin A. (2023). “Standard patient training versus Vik-Asthme chatbot-guided training: ‘AsthmaTrain’ – a protocol for a randomised controlled trial for patients with asthma. “ BMJ Open. 2023 Feb 21;13(2):e067039. (IF=2,40). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Suehs CM, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Solovei L. (2023). “Change in cardiorespiratory parameters following surgical correction of pectus excavatum: protocol for the historical-prospective HeartSoar cohort. “ BMJ Open. 2023 Jun 15;13(6):e070891. (IF=2,40). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
UGHETTO A, ROUBILLE F, MOLINA A, BATTISTELLA P, GAUDARD P, DEMARIA R, GUIHAIRE J, LACAMPAGNE A, DELMAS C. (2023). “Heart graft preservation technics and limits: An update and perspectives “Front. Cardiovasc. Med Vol 10, 2023 sous presse. (IF=2,80). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Vaché C, Cubedo N, Mansard L, Sarniguet J, Baux D, Faugère V, Baudoin C, Moclyn M, Touraine R, Lina-Granade G, Cossée M, Bergougnoux A, Kalatzis V, Rossel M, Roux AF. (2023). “ Identification and in vivo functional investigation of a HOMER2 nonstop variant causing hearing loss. “ Eur J Hum Genet. 2023 Jul;31(7):834-840. (IF=3,70). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Vernisse C, Tuaillon E, Suehs C, Gras D, Bedin AS, Charriot J, Knabe L, Vachier I, Chanez P, Petit A, Bourdin A (2023). : ”Airway epithelial type-2 alarmin profiles: Blood eosinophil counts remain in memory. ” Eur J Immunol. 2023 Apr;53(4):e2250101. (IF=4,50). Immunology (Q2).
Veron L, Chaltiel D, Raynard B, Rassy N, Scotté F, Charles C, Pons M, De Jesus A, Accolas LG, Bergougnoux A, Caron O, Delaloge S (2023). “Information needs on nutrition in link to cancer prevention among cancer patients, high-risk individuals and general population – A national cross-sectional study. “. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2023 Apr;54:421-429. (IF=2,90). Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2).
Yauy K, Van Goethem C, Pégeot H, Baux D, Guignard T, Thèze C, Ardouin O, Roux AF, Koenig M, Bergougnoux A, Cossée M. (2023). ”Evaluating the Transition from Targeted to Exome Sequencing: A Guide for Clinical Laboratories. ” Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 15;24(8):7330. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Yehya M, Boulghobra D, Grillet PE, Fleitas-Paniagua PR, Bideaux P, Gayrard S, Sicard P, Thireau J, Reboul C, Cazorla O. (2023).” Natural Extracts Mitigate the Deleterious Effects of Prolonged Intense Physical Exercise on the Cardiovascular and Muscular Systems. ”Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Jul 22;12(7):1474. (IF=6,00) Agricultural and Biological Sciences –Food Science(Q1; Biochemistry, Genetics and molecular Biology- Biochemistry (Q2) – Biology (Q2) – Clinical Biochemistry (Q2) – Molecular Biology (Q2).
Yorgancıoğlu A, Reddel HK; GINA Board of Directors and GINA Science Committee avec A. Bourdin comme collaborateur) (2023). “ Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA): 30 years of promoting evidence-based asthma care. “ Allergy. 2023 Jul;78(7):1737-1739. (IF=12,60). Allergy (Q1) ; Immunology (Q1).
Zysman M, Asselineau J, Saut O, Frison E, Oranger M, Maurac A, Charriot J, Achkir R, Regueme S, Klein E, Bommart S, Bourdin A, Dournes G, Casteigt J, Blum A, Ferretti G, Degano B, Thiébaut R, Chabot F, Berger P, Laurent F, Benlala I. (2023) “Development and external validation of a prediction model for the transition from mild to moderate or severe form of COVID-19. “ Eur Radiol. 2023 Dec;33(12):9262-9274. (IF=4,70) Radiology, NuclearMedicine and Medical Imaging (Q1).
Aalioui L, Gouzi F, Tricot A (2022). “Reducing cognitive load during video lectures in physiology with eye movements modeling and pauses: a randomized controlled study. “ . Adv Physiol Educ. 2022 Jun 1;46(2):288-296.. (IF=2,10). Education, Scientific Disciplines (Q3) ; Physiology (Q3).
Ahmed E, Fieldes M, Bourguignon C, Mianné J, Petit A, Jory M, Cazevieille C, Boukhaddaoui H, Garnett JP, Hirtz C, Massiera G, Vachier I, Assou S, Bourdin A, De Vos J. (2022). “Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Patients with Severe COPD into Functional Airway Epithelium. “ Cells. 2022 Aug 5;11(15):2422. (IF=6,00). Cell Biology (Q2).
Alexandre F, Molinier V, Hayot M, Chevance G, Moullec G, Varray A, Héraud N. (2022). “Association between long-term oxygen therapy provided outside the guidelines and mortality in patients with COPD. “ BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 11;12(1):e049115. (IF=2,90). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Andreas S, Testa M, Boyer L, Brusselle G, Janssens W, Kerwin E, Papi A, Pek B, Puente-Maestu L, Saralaya D, Watz H, Wilkinson TMA, Casula D, Di Maro G, Lattanzi M, Moraschini L, Schoonbroodt S, Tasciotti A, Arora AK, Maltais F; NTHi-Mcat-002 study group avec comme collaborateur Bourdin A. (2022). “Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae-Moraxella catarrhalis vaccine for the prevention of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, observer-blinded, proof-of-concept, phase 2b trial. “.Lancet Respir Med. 2022 May;10(5):435-446. (IF=76,20). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Baudry G, Coutance G, Dorent R, Bauer F, Blanchart K, Boignard A, Chabanne C, Delmas C, D’Ostrevy N, Epailly E, Gariboldi V, Gaudard P, Goéminne C, Grosjean S, Guihaire J, Guillemain R, Mattei M, Nubret K, Pattier S, Pozzi M, Rossignol P, Vermes E, Sebbag L, Girerd N. (2022). ”Prognosis value of Forrester’s classification in advanced heart failure patients awaiting heart transplantation. ”ESC Heart Fail. 2022 Oct;9(5):3287-3297. (IF=3,80). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Bedin AS, Makinson A, Picot MC, Mennechet F, Malergue F, Pisoni A, Nyiramigisha E, Montagnier L, Bollore K, Debiesse S, Morquin D, Bourgoin P, Veyrenche N, Renault C, Foulongne V, Bret C, Bourdin A, Le Moing V, Van de Perre P, Tuaillon E. (2022). ”Erratum to: Monocyte CD169 Expression as a Biomarker in the Early Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease 2019. ” .J Infect Dis. 2022 Feb 15;225(4):744. (IF=7,76). Immunology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q1).
Bertelli F, Suehs CM, Mallet JP, Court-Fortune I, Gagnadoux F, Borel JC, Gaubert O, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Jaffuel D . (2022). “Did COVID-19 impact Positive Airway Pressure adherence in 2020? A cross-sectional study of 8477 patients with sleep apnea. “. Respir Res. 2022 Mar 4;23(1):46. (IF=5,80). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Boucly A, Weatherald J, Savale L, de Groote P, Cottin V, Prévot G, Chaouat A, Picard F, Horeau-Langlard D, Bourdin A, Jutant EM, Beurnier A, Jevnikar M, Jaïs X, Simonneau G, Montani D, Sitbon O, Humbert M (2022). “External validation of a refined 4-strata risk assessment score from the French pulmonary hypertension Registry. “ .Eur Respir J. 2022 Jun 30;59(6):2102419. (IF=24,30). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bourdin A, Virchow JC, Papi A, Lugogo NL, Bardin P, Antila M, Halpin DMG, Daizadeh N, Djandji M, Ortiz B, Jacob-Nara JA, Gall R, Deniz Y, Rowe PJ (2022). “Dupilumab efficacy in subgroups of type 2 asthma with high-dose inhaled corticosteroids at baseline. “ Respir Med. 2022 Oct;202:106938. (IF=4,30). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2) ; Respiratory System (Q2).
Bourdin A, Molinari N (2022). ”Non-optimal methodology questions indirect treatment comparison of dupilumab vs. other biologics in severe asthma. ” .Respir Med. 2022 Jan;191:105999. (IF=4,30). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2) ; Respiratory System (Q2).
Brouillet S, Mereuze S, Ranisavljevic N, Chauveau C, Hamamah S, Cattin J, Verebi C, Cabrol C, Ishmukhametova A, Girardet A, Anahory T, Willems M (2022). “Molecular Characterization of a Rare Case of Monozygotic Dichorionic Diamniotic Twin Pregnancy after Single Blastocyst Transfer in Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). “. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 16;23(18):10835. (IF=5,60). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Buhl R, Bel E, Bourdin A, IDávila I, Douglass JoA, FitzGerald JM, Jackson DJ, Lugogo P, Matucci A, Pavord ID, Wechsler ME, Kraft M. (2022). “Effective Management of Severe Asthma with Biologic Medications in Adult Patients: A Literature Review and International Expert Opinion.“ JACIP 2022 Feb;10(2):422-432.. (IF=9,40). Allergy (Q1) ; Imunology (Q1).
Canaud L, Chassin-Trubert L, Abouliatim I, Hireche K, Bacri C, Alric P, Gandet T. (2022). “Total Arch Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair Using Double Fenestrated Physician-Modified Stent-Grafts: 100 Patients. “J Endovasc Ther. 2022 Aug 4:sous presse. (IF=3,09). Surgery (Q2) ; Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Q2).
Canonica GW, Bourdin A, Peters AT, Desrosiers M, Bachert C, Weidinger S, Simpson EL, Daizadeh N, Chen Z, Kamat S, Khan AH, Chao J, Graham NMH, Laws E, Rossi AB, Ardeleanu M, Mannent LP, Amin N, Ortiz B, Deniz Y, Djandji M, Rowe PJ (2022). “Dupilumab Demonstrates Rapid Onset of Response Across Three Type 2 Inflammatory Diseases. “ . J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 Jun;10(6):1515-1526. (IF=9,40). Allergy (Q1) ; Imunology (Q1).
Carrère-Kremer S, Kolia-Diafouka P, Pisoni A, Bolloré K, Peries M, Godreuil S, Bourdin A, Van de Perre P, Tuaillon E. (2022). “QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus Assay in Patients With Latent vs. Active Tuberculosis in a Low Incidence Setting: Level of IFN-γ, CD4/CD8 Responses, and Release of IL-2, IP-10, and MIG. “ Front Microbiol. 2022 Apr 8;13:825021.. (IF=5,20). Microbiology (Q1).
Casale TB, Burnette A, Bourdin A, Howarth P, Hahn B, Stach-Klysh A, Khurana S. (2022). “Oral corticosteroid-sparing effects of mepolizumab in severe eosinophilic asthma: evidence from randomized controlled trials and real-world studies. “ Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2022 Jan-Dec;16:17534666221107313. (IF=4,30). Respiratory System (Q2).
Chapel B, Alexandre F,Heraud N, Ologeanu-Taddei R,Cases AS, Bughin F; Hayot M. (2021). “Standardization of the assessment process within telerehabilitation in chronic diseases: a scoping meta-review. “. BMC Health Service Res 2022 Aug 2;22(1):984. (IF=2,80). Health Care Sciences and Services (Q3).
Chapman KR, Canonica GW, Lavoie KL, Nenasheva N, Garcia G, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Bourdin A, Cano MCD, Abhijith PG, Aggarwal B. (2022). “Patients’ and physicians’ perspectives on the burden and management of asthma: Results from the APPaRENT 2 study. “ Respir Med. 2022 Sep;201:106948. (IF=4,30). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2); Respiratory System (Q2).
Charriot J, Volpato M, Petit A, Vachier I, Bourdin A. (2022). “Methods of Sputum and Mucus Assessment for Muco-Obstructive Lung Diseases in 2022: Time to « Unplug » from Our Daily Routine! “ Cells. 2022 Feb 25;11(5):812. (IF=6,00). Cell Biology (Q2).
Chastant R, Belarbi A, Ozdemir BA, Alric P, Gandet T, Canaud L, Legend FIGUREABLE (2022). “Homemade fenestrated physician-modified stent-grafts for arch aortic degenerative aneurysms. “ J Vasc Surg. 2022 Nov;76(5):1133-1140.e2. (IF=4,86). Surgery (Q1) ; Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q2).
Chiron R, Hoefsloot W, Van Ingen J, Marchandin H, Kremer L, Morisse-Pradier H, Charriot J, Mallet JP, Herrmann JL, Caimmi D, Moreau J, Dumont Y, Godreuil S, Bergeron A, Drevait M, Bouzat-Rossigneux E, Terrail N, Andrejak C, Veziris N, Grenet D, Coudrat A, Catherinot E. (2022). “Amikacin Liposomal Inhalation Suspension in the Treatment of Mycobacterium abscessus Lung Infection: A French Observational Experience. “ Open Forum Infect Dis. 2022 Sep 11;9(10):ofac465. (IF=4,20). Immunology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (Q2).
Cottin V, Bonniaud P, Cadranel J, Crestani B, Jouneau S, Marchand-Adam S, Nunes H, Wémeau-Stervinou L, Bergot E, Blanchard E, Borie R, Bourdin A, Chenivesse C, Clément A, Gomez E, Gondouin A, Hirschi S, Lebargy F, Marquette CH, Montani D, Prévot G, Quetant S, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Salaun M, Sanchez O, Trumbic B, Berkani K, Brillet PY, Campana M, Chalabreysse L, Chatté G, Debieuvre D, Ferretti G, Fourrier JM, Just N, Kambouchner M, Legrand B, Le Guillou F, Lhuillier JP, Mehdaoui A, Naccache JM, Paganon C, Rémy-Jardin M, Si-Mohamed S, Terrioux P; OrphaLung. (2022). “[French practical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of IPF – 2021 update, short version]. “Rev Mal Respir. 2022 Mar;39(3):275-312.. (IF=0,60). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Cottin V, Guéguen S, Nunes H, Jouneau S, Crestani B, Bonniaud P, Wemeau L, Israël-Biet D, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Gondouin A, Cadranel J, Marchand-Adam S, Chevereau M, Dufaure-Garé I, Amselem S, Clément A; and the RaDiCo team avec Bourdin A parmi les collaborateurs (2022). “Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis with Capsule or Tablet Formulations of Pirfenidone in the Real-Life French RaDiCo-ILD Cohort. “ .Adv Ther. 2022 Jan;39(1):405-420. (IF=3,80). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q2) ; Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Q1).
Dagher R, Fogel P, Wang J, Soussan D, Chiang CC, Kearley J, Muthas D, Taillé C, Berger P, Bourdin A, Chenivesse C, Leroy S, Anderson G, Humbles AA, Aubier M, Kolbeck R, Pretolani M; COBRA Consortium. (2022). “Proteomic profiling of serum identifies a molecular signature that correlates with clinical outcomes in COPD. “ PLoS One. 2022 Dec 8;17(12):e0277357. (IF=3,70 ; Multidisciplinary Sciences ( Q1).
De Brandt J, Derave W, Vandenabeele F, Pomiès P, Blancquaert L, Keytsman C, Barusso-Grüninger MS, de Lima FF, Hayot M, Spruit MA, Burtin C. (2022). “Efficacy of 12 weeks oral beta-alanine supplementation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. “ J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2022 Aug 17.sous presse. (IF=12,06). Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1) ; Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Deletang K, Taulan-Cadars M. (2022). “Splicing mutations in the CFTR gene as therapeutic targets. Splicing mutations in the CFTR gene as therapeutic targets. “ Gene Ther. 2022 Aug;29(7-8):399-406. (IF=5,10). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2) ; Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology (Q1).
Djohan YF, Raynaud F, Lambert K, Cristol JP, Coudray C, Feillet-Coudray C, Virsolvy A, Badia E. (2022). “Impact of Highly Saturated versus Unsaturated Fat Intake on Carbohydrate Metabolism and Vascular Reactivity in Rat. “ Biochem Res Int. 2022 Aug 19; sous presse. (IF=3,00). Biochemical Research Methods (Q3).
Dumazet A, Launois C, Lebargy F, Kessler R, Vallerand H, Schmitt P, Hermant C, Dury S, Dewolf M, Dutilh J, Abouda M, Ferreira M, Atallah I, Lachkar S, Charriot J, Jouneau S, Uzunhan Y, Chouabe S, Coiffard B, Dutau H, Hagenburg J, Briault A, Dormoy V, Lirsac M, Vergnon JM, Deslee G, Perotin JM. (2022). “Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica: clinical, bronchoscopic, and comorbid features in a case series. “ BMC Pulm Med. 2022 Nov 17;22(1):423 (IF=3,10). Respiratory System (Q3).
Eger K, Paroczai D, Bacon A, Schleich F, Sergejeva S, Bourdin A, Vachier I, Zervas E, Katsoulis K, Papapetrou D, Kostikas K, Csoma Z, Heffler E, Canonica GW, Grisle I, Bieksiene K, Palacionyte J, Ten Brinke A, Hashimoto S, Smeenk FWJM, Braunstahl GJ, van der Sar S, Mihălţan F, Nenasheva N, Peredelskaya M, Zvezdin B, Čekerevac I, Hromiš S, Ćupurdija V, Lazic Z, Milenkovic B, Dimic-Janjic S, Yasinska V, Dahlén B, Bossios A, Lazarinis N, Aronsson D, Egesten A, Munir AKM, Ahlbeck L, Janson C, Škrgat S, Edelbaher N, Leuppi J, Jaun F, Rüdiger J, Pavlov N, Gianella P, Fischer R, Charbonnier F, Chaudhuri R, Smith SJ, Doe S, Fawdon M, Masoli M, Heaney L, Haitchi HM, Kurukulaaratchy R, Fulton O, Frankemölle B, Gibson T, Needham K, Howarth P, Djukanovic R, Bel E, Hyland M (2022). “The effect ERJ Open Res of the COVID-19 pandemic on severe asthma care in Europe: will care change for good? “ . 2022 May 16;8(2):00065-2022. (IF=4,60). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
El-Tahan MR, Erdoes G, van der Maaten J, Wilkinson K, Kousi T, Antoniou T, von Dossow V, Neto CN, Schindler E, Székely A, Forner AF, Wouters PF, Guarracino F, Burtin P, Unic-Stojanovic D, Schreiber JU, Matute P, Aboulfetouh F, Navarro-Ripoll R, Fassl J, Bettex D, Benedetto M, Szegedi L, Alston RP, Landoni G, Granell M, Gaudard P, Treskatsch S, Van Beersel D, Vuylsteke A, Howell S, Janai AR, Martinez AH, Erb JM, Vives M, El-Ashmawi H, Rex S, Mukherjee C, Paternoster G, Momeni M (2022). “European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship Curriculum: First Edition. “ .J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2022 Mar;36(3):645-653. (IF=2,90). Anesthesiology (Q3) ; CardiacCardiovascular Systems (Q3) ; Respiratory System (Q3) ; Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q3) .
Frix AN, Heaney LG, Dahlén B, Mihaltan F, Sergejeva S, Popović-Grle S, Sedlak V, Lehtimäki L, Bourdin A, Korn S, Zervas E, Csoma Z, Lúðvíksdóttir D, Butler M, Canonica GW, Grisle I, Bieksiene K, Ten Brinke A, Kuna P, Chaves Loureiro C, Nenasheva NM, Lazic Z, Škrgat S, Ramos-Barbon D, Leuppi J, Gemicioglu B, Bossios A, Porsbjerg CM, Bel EH, Djukanovic R, Louis R. (2022). Heterogeneity in the use of biologics for severe asthma in Europe: a SHARP ERS study. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Oct 24;8(4):00273-2022. (IF=4,60). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Foisset F, Lehalle C, Nasri A, Vachier I, Assou S, Muller Q, Flacher V Bourdin A, De Vos J, Frossard N. (2022 “Construction of a 3D innervated bronchial epithelium from human induced pluripotent stem cells iPSC” ERJ Open Research 2022 8: 183; (IF=4,60). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Gervès-Pinquié C, Bailly S, Goupil F, Pigeanne T, Launois S, Leclair-Visonneau L, Masson P, Bizieux-Thaminy A, Blanchard M, Sabil A, Jaffuel D, Racineux JL, Trzepizur W, Gagnadoux F; Pays de la Loire Sleep Cohort Study Group (2022). ” Positive Airway Pressure Adherence, Mortality and Cardio-Vascular Events in Sleep Apnea Patients. ” Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Dec 1;206(11):1393-1404. (IF=24,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Godet C, Couturaud F, Marchand-Adam S, Pison C, Gagnadoux F, Blanchard E, Taillé C, Philippe B, Hirschi S, Andréjak C, Bourdin A, Chenivesse C, Dominique S, Bassinet L, Murris-Espin M, Rivière F, Garcia G, Caillaud D, Blanc FX, Goupil F, Bergeron A, Gondouin A, Frat JP, Flament T, Camara B, Priou P, Brun AL, Laurent F, Ragot S, Cadranel J; NebuLamB* study group and GREPI network (2022). “Nebulised liposomal-amphotericin-B as maintenance therapy in ABPA: a randomised, multicentre, trial. “ .Eur Respir J. 2022 Jun 16;59(6):2102218. (IF=24,30). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Gouzi F, Philippe A, Blervaque L, Günther S, Virsolvy A, Gruest M, Cazorla O, Rossi E, Smadja DM (2022). “ Plasma ratio of angiopoietin-2 to angiopoietin-1 is a biomarker of vascular impairment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. “ Angiogenesis. 2022 Aug;25(3):275-277. (IF=9,80). Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q1).
Grillet PE, Badiou S, Lambert K, Sutra T, Plawecki M, Raynaud de Mauverger E, Brun JF, Mercier J, Gouzi F, Cristol JP. (2022). “Biomarkers of Redox Balance Adjusted to Exercise Intensity as a Useful Tool to Identify Patients at Risk of Muscle Disease through Exercise Test. “ Nutrients. 2022 Apr 29;14(9):1886. (IF=5,90). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Hayot M, Saey D, Costes F, Bughin F, Chambellan A (2022). “[Respiratory telerehabilitation in cases of COPD]. “ .Rev Mal Respir. 2022 Feb;39(2):140-151. (IF=0,60). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Hédon C, Schnell F, Sosner P, Chagué F, Schuster I, Julia M, Duparc A, Guy JM, Molinari N, Michaux L, Cransac F, Cade S. (2022) “ Cardiac screening before returning to elite sport after SARS-CoV-2 infection. “ Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2022 Nov;115(11):562-57 (IF=3,00). Cardiac ad Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Hireche K, Canaud L, Lounes Y, Aouinti S, Molinari N, Alric P. (2022). “Thoracoscopic Versus Open Lobectomy After Induction Therapy for Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer: New Study Results and Meta-Analysis. “ J Surg Res. 2022 Aug;276:416-432 (IF=2,20). Surgery (Q3).
Humbert M, Bourdin A, Taillé C, Kamar D, Thonnelier C, Lajoinie A, Rigault A, Deschildre A, Molimard M. (2022). “Real-life omalizumab exposure and discontinuation in a large nationwide population-based study of pediatric and adult asthmatics. “ Eur Respir J. 2022 Nov 10;60(5):2103130. (IF=24,30). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Jaffuel D, Borel JC (2022). “If Oral Breathing Does Not Determine Mask Choice for CPAP Delivery, What Does? “ . Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Jun 1;205(11):1363-1364 (IF=24,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Jory M, Donnarumma D, Blanc C, Bellouma K, Fort A, Vachier I, Casanellas L, Bourdin A, Massiera G. (2022). “Mucus from human bronchial epithelial cultures: rheology and adhesion across length scales. “Interface Focus. 2022 Oct 14;12(6):20220028.. (IF=4,66) ; Biology (Q1).
Karsenty C, Guilbeau-Frugier C, Genet G, Seguelas MH, Alzieu P, Cazorla O, Montagner A, BlumY, Dubroca C, Maupoint J, Tramunt B, Cauquil M, Sulpice T, Richard S, Arcucci S, Flores-Flores R, Pataluch N, Montoriol R, Sicard P, Deney A, Couffinhal T, Sénard JM, Galés C. (2022). . ”Crest maturation at the cardiomyocyte surface contributes to a new late postnatal development stage that controls the diastolic function of the adult heart ” bioRxiv, February 11, 2022 (sans IF).
Khaleva E, Rattu A, Brightling C, Bush A, Bossios A, Bourdin A, Chung KF, Chaudhuri R, Coleman C, Dahlén SE, Djukanovic R, Deschildre A, Fleming L, Fowler SJ, Gupta A, Hamelmann E, Hashimoto S, Hedlin G, Koppelman GH, Melén E, Murray CS, Pilette C, Porsbjerg C, Pike KC, Rusconi F, Williams C, Ahrens B, Alter P, Anckers F, van den Berge M, Blumchen K, Brusselle G, Clarke GW, Cunoosamy D, Dahlén B, Dixey P, Exley A, Frey U, Gaillard EA, Giovannini-Chami L, Grigg J, Hartenstein D, Heaney LG, Karadag B, Kaul S, Kull I, Licari A, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Mahler V, Schoos AM, Nagakumar P, Negus J, Nielsen H, Paton J, Pijnenburg M, Ramiconi V, Vilarnau SR, Principe S, Rutjes N, Saglani S, Seddon P, Singer F, Staudinger H, Turner S, Vijverberg S, Winders T, Yasinska V, Roberts G; COMSA working group in the 3TR consortium. (2022). “Development of Core Outcome Measures sets for paediatric and adult Severe Asthma (COMSA). “ Eur Respir J. 2022 Oct 13:2200606. Sous presse. (IF=24,30). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Lahmar Z, Ahmed E, Fort A, Vachier I, Bourdin A, Bergougnoux A. (2022). “Hedgehog pathway and its inhibitors in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). “ Pharmacol Ther. 2022 Dec:240:108295 (IF=13,50). Pharmacology and Pharmacy ( Q1).
Lanot N, Vincenti M, Abassi H, Bredy C, Agullo A, Gamon L, Mura T, Lavastre K, De La Villeon G, Barrea C, Meyer P, Rivier F, Meli AC, Fauconnier J, Cazorla O, Lacampagne A, Amedro P. (2022). “Assessment of left ventricular dyssynchrony by speckle tracking echocardiography in children with duchenne muscular dystrophy. “ Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2022 Jan;38(1):79-89. (IF=2,32). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q3) ; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging (Q3)
Laux X, Rondet E, Grabulos J, Dore R, Ollier L, Virsolvy A, Mariano-goulart D, Maimoun L (2022) . ” Ultrasonic transmission through small tubes such as rat tibias for axial Young’s modulus estimation: Discussion and recommendations ” – Applied Acoustics, Volume 188, January 2022, 108573. (IF=3,40). Acoustics (Q2).
Leclercq F, Meunier PA, Gandet T, Macia JC, Delseny D, Gaudard P, Mourad M, Schmutz L, Robert P, Roubille F, Cayla G, Akodad M (2022). “Simplified TAVR Procedure: How Far Is It Possible to Go? “ . J Clin Med. 2022 May 16;11(10):2793. (IF=3,990). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Levy B, Girerd N, Amour J, Besnier E, Nesseler N, Helms J, Delmas C, Sonneville R, Guidon C, Rozec B, David H, Bougon D, Chaouch O, Walid O, Hervé D, Belin N, Gaide-Chevronnay L, Rossignol P, Kimmoun A, Duarte K, Slutsky AS, Brodie D, Fellahi JL, Ouattara A, Combes A; HYPO-ECMO Trial Group and the International ECMO Network (ECMONet).avec parmi les collaborateurs Gaudard P (2022). “Effect of Moderate Hypothermia vs Normothermia on 30-Day Mortality in Patients With Cardiogenic Shock Receiving Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. “ JAMA. 2022 Feb 1;327(5):442-453. (IF=120,70). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Lookin O, Khokhlova A, Myachina T, Butova X, Cazorla O, de Tombe P. (2022). “Contractile State Dependent Sarcomere Length Variability in Isolated Guinea-Pig Cardiomyocytes. “ Front Physiol. 2022 Apr 4;13:857471.(IF=4,00). Physiology (Q1).
Louis R, Satia I, Ojanguren I, Schleich F, Bonini M, Tonia T, Rigau D, Ten Brinke A, Buhl R, Loukides S, Kocks JWH, Boulet LP, Bourdin A, Coleman C, Needham K, Thomas M, Idzko M, Papi A, Porsbjerg C, Schuermans D, Soriano JB, Usmani OS. (2022).”European Respiratory Society Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Asthma in Adults. ” Eur Respir J. 2022 Feb 15;2101585. (IF=24,30). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Luque-Paz D, Tattevin P, Loubet P, Bénézit F, Thibault V, Lainé F, Vanhems P, Amour S, Lina B, Duval X, L’Honneur AS, Fidouh N, Vallejo C, Alain S, Galtier F, Foulongne V, Lagathu G, Lenzi N, Lesieur Z, Launay O, Jouneau S; FLUVAC Study Group.(avec parmi les collaborateurs Bourdin, A , Klouche K ) Chronic use of inhaled corticosteroids in patients admitted for respiratory virus infections: a 6-year prospective multicenter study. Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 10;12(1):4199. (IF= 4,60). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Maher TM, Bourdin A, Volkmann ER, Vettori S, Distler JHW, Alves M, Stock C, Distler O. (2022). “Decline in forced vital capacity in subjects with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease in the SENSCIS trial compared with healthy reference subjects. “ Respir Res. 2022 Jul 5;23(1):178. (IF=5,80). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Mansour A, Flecher E, Schmidt M, Rozec B, Gouin-Thibault I, Esvan M, Fougerou C, Levy B, Porto A, Ross JT, Para M, Manganiello S, Lebreton G, Vincentelli A, Nesseler N; ECMOSARS Investigators.avec parmi les collaboratuers Gaudard P) (2022) “Bleeding and thrombotic events in patients with severe COVID-19 supported with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a nationwide cohort study. “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Aug;48(8):1039-1052. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Mianné J, Nasri A, Van CN, Bourguignon C, Fieldès M, Ahmed E, Duthoit C, Martin N, Parrinello H, Louis A, Iché A, Gayon R, Samain F, Lamouroux L, Bouillé P, Bourdin A, Assou S, De Vos J (2022). ”CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout and interallelic gene conversion in human induced pluripotent stem cells using non-integrative bacteriophage-chimeric retrovirus-like particles. ” .BMC Biol. 2022 Jan 7;20(1):8. (IF=5,40). Biology (Q1).
Monnin-Bares V, Rodiere M, Finas M, Douane F, Lablee A, Larralde A, Hamid Z, Helene VK, Thony F, Bommart S. (2022). “Feasibility of Endovascular Recanalization in Post-Thrombotic Syndrome of Intentionally Interrupted Inferior Vena Cava. “ Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2022 Aug;45(8):1165-1172. (IF=2,90). Cardiac and Carciovascular Systems (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Madical Imaging (Q3).
Mouka A, Arkoun B, Moison P, Drévillon L, Jarray R, Brisset S, Mayeur A, Bouligand J, Boland-Auge A, Deleuze JF, Yates F, Lemonnier T, Callier P, Duffourd Y, Nitschke P, Ollivier E, Bourdin A, De Vos J, Livera G, Tachdjian G, Maouche-Chrétien L, Tosca L. (2022). “ iPSCs derived from infertile men carrying complex genetic abnormalities can generate primordial germ-like cells. “ Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 22;12(1):14302. (IF=4,60). Multidisciplinary Sceinces (Q2).
Naccache JN, Jouneau S, Didier M, Borie R, Cachanado M, Bourdin A, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Bonniaud P, Israël-Biet D, Prévot G, Hirschi S, Lebargy F, Marchand-Adam S, Bautin N,Traclet J, Gomez E, Leroy S, Gagnadoux F, Rivière F, Bergot E, Gondouin A, Blanchard E, Parrot E, Blanc FX, Chabrol A, Dominique S, Gibelin A, Tazi A, Berard L, Brillet PY, DebrayMP, Rousseau A, Kerjouan M, Freynet O, Dombret MC, Gamez AS, Nieves A, Beltramo G, Pastré J, Le Borgne-Krams A, Dégot T, Launois C, Plantier L, Wémeau-Stervinou L, Cadranel J, Chenivesse C, Valeyre D, Crestani B, Cottin V, Simon T, Nunes H, on behalf of the EXAFIP investigators and the OrphaLung network*(2022 “Cyclophosphamide added to glucocorticoids in acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (EXAFIP): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial.“… The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 26-34. (IF=76,20) Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Nesseler N, Fadel G, Mansour A, Para M, Falcoz PE, Mongardon N, Porto A, Bertier A, Levy B, Cadoz C, Guinot PG, Fouquet O, Fellahi JL, Ouattara A, Guihaire J, Ruggieri VG, Gaudard P, Labaste F, Clavier T, Brini K, Allou N, Lacroix C, Chommeloux J, Lebreton G, Matthay MA, Provenchere S, Flécher E, Vincentelli A; ECMOSARS Investigators. (2022). “Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Respiratory Failure Related to COVID-19: A Nationwide Cohort Study. “ Anesthesiology. 2022 May 1;136(5):732-748.. (IF=8,80). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Nolden KA, Egner JM, Collier JJ, Russell OM, Alston CL, Harwig MC, Widlansky ME, Sasorith S, Barbosa IA, Douglas AG, Baptista J, Walker M, Donnelly DE, Morris AA, Tan HJ, Kurian MA, Gorman K, Mordekar S, Deshpande C, Samanta R, McFarland R, Hill RB, Taylor RW, Oláhová M. (2022). “Novel DNM1L variants impair mitochondrial dynamics through divergent mechanisms. “ Life Sci Alliance. 2022 Aug 1;5(12):e202101284. (IF=4,40). Biology (Q1).
Palassin P, Maria ATJ, Ladhari C, Quantin X, Montani D, Bourdin A, Boissin C, Fesler P, Hillaire-Buys D, Guilpain P, Faillie JL. (2022). “Pulmonary hypertension reported with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a pharmacovigilance study. “ Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2022 Dec;71(12):3093-3097.. (IF=5,80). Immunolgy (Q1); Oncology (Q1).
Parker KH, de Tombe P, van der Velden J, Westerhof BE. (2022). “The nature of waves in the arteries in memoriam: Nico Westerhof and John Tyberg. “ J Physiol. 2022 Sep;600(18):4045-4050. (IF=6,23). Neurosciences (Q1) ; Physiology ( Q1).
Pavord ID, Bel EH, Bourdin A, Chan R, Han JK, Keene ON, Liu MC, Martin N, Papi A, Roufosse F, Steinfeld J, Wechsler ME, Yancey SW (2022). “From DREAM to REALITI-A and beyond: Mepolizumab for the treatment of eosinophil driven diseases. “.Allergy. 2022 Mar;77(3):778-797. (IF=12,41). Allergy (Q1) ; Immunology (Q1).
Perrin A, Van Goethem C, Thèze C, Puechberty J, Guignard T, Lecardonnel B, Lacourt D, Métay C, Isapof A, Whalen S, Ferreiro A, Arne-Bes MC, Quijano-Roy S, Nectoux J, Leturcq F, Richard P, Larrieux M, Bergougnoux A, Pellestor F, Koenig M, Cossée M. (2022). “Long reads sequencing strategy to localize variants in TTN repeated domains. “ J Mol Diagn. 2022 Jul;24(7):719-726.. (IF=5,34). Pathology (Q1).
Pitoulis FG, Nunez-Toldra R, Xiao K, Kit-Anan W, Mitzka S, Jabbour RJ, Harding SE, Perbellini F, Thum T, de Tombe PP, Terracciano CM (2022). “Remodelling of adult cardiac tissue subjected to physiological and pathological mechanical load in vitro.” . Cardiovasc Res. 2022 Feb 21;118(3):814-827. (IF=10,80). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1)
Porsbjerg CM, Menzies-Gow AN, Tran TN, Murray RB, Unni B, Audrey Ang SL, Alacqua M, Al-Ahmad M, Al-Lehebi R, Altraja A, Belevskiy AS, Björnsdóttir US, Bourdin A, Busby J, Canonica GW, Christoff GC, Cosio BG, Costello RW, FitzGerald JM, Fonseca JA, Hansen S, Heaney LG, Heffler E, Hew M, Iwanaga T, Jackson DJ, Kocks JWH, Kallieri M, Bruce Ko HK, Koh MS, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lehtimäki LA, Loukides S, Lugogo N, Maspero J, Papaioannou AI, Perez-de-Llano L, Pitrez PM, Popov TA, Rasmussen LM, Rhee CK, Sadatsafavi M, Schmid J, Siddiqui S, Taillé C, Taube C, Torres-Duque CA, Ulrik C, Upham JW, Wang E, Wechsler ME, Bulathsinhala L, Carter V, Chaudhry I, Eleangovan N, Hosseini N, Rowlands MA, Price D, van Boven JF.(2022). “Global Vty in Administrative Approval Prescription Criteria for Biologic Therapy in Severe Asthma. “J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 May;10(5):1202-1216.e23. (IF=9,40). Allergy (Q1) ; Imunology (Q1).
Price D, Bourdin A. (2022). “Proactive Risk Management: A Novel Approach to Embedding Oral Corticosteroid Stewardship into Asthma Care “- European Medical Journal-Respiratory, 2022;10[Suppl 2]:2-10.. (sans IF)
Rattu A, Khaleva E, Brightling C, Dahlén SE, Bossios A, Fleming L, Chung KF, Melén E, Djukanovic R, Chaudhuri R, Exley A, Koppelman GH, Bourdin A, Rusconi F, Porsbjerg C, Coleman C, Williams C, Nielsen H, Davin E, Taverner P, Romagosa Vilarnau S, Roberts G; 3TR consortium Respiratory Work Package (2022). “Identifying and appraising outcome measures for severe asthma: a systematic review. “ Eur Respir J. 2022 Dec 22:2201231. (IF=24,30). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Reisqs JB, Moreau A, Charrabi A, Sleiman Y, Meli AC, Millat G, Briand V, Beauverger P, Richard S, Chevalier P (2022).. “ The PPARγ pathway determines electrophysiological remodelling and arrhythmia risks in DSC2 arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. “Clin Transl Med. 2022 Mar;12(3):e748. (IF=10,60). Oncology (Q1); Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1).
Rouhana S, Virsolvy A, Fares N, Richard S, Thireau J- (2022). “ Ranolazine: An Old Drug with Emerging Potential; Lessons from Pre-Clinical and Clinical Investigations for Possible Repositioning “ Pharmaceuticals, 2022, 15, 31 (IF=4,60). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1) ; Chemistry, Medicinal (Q1).
Roussel J, Larcher R , Sicard P, . Bideaux P, Richard S , Marmigère F & Thireau J (2022). ”The autism‑associated Meis2 gene is necessary for cardiac baroreflex regulation in mice” Sci Rep 2022 Nov 23;12(1):20150. (IF=4,60). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Seisel Q, Lakumpa I, Josse E, Vivès E, Varilh J, Taulan-Cadars M, Boisguérin P. (2022). ”Highway to Cell: Selection of the Best Cell-Penetrating Peptide to Internalize the CFTR-Stabilizing iCAL36 Peptide. ” Pharmaceutics. 2022 Apr 7;14(4):808. (IF=5,40). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1)
Tamisier R, Damy T, Bailly S, Davy JM, Verbraecken J, Lavergne F, Palot A, Goutorbe F, d’Ortho MP, Pépin JL; FACE study investigators, avec parmi les collaborateurs, Mallet JP (2022). “Adaptive servo ventilation for sleep apnoea in heart failure: the FACE study 3-month data. “ Thorax, 2022 Feb;77(2):178-185. (IF=10,00). Respiratory System (Q1)./
Vernisse C, Petit A, Pantesco V, Chanez P, Gras D, Tuaillon E, Duperray C, Vachier I,Assou S, Bourdin A. (2022) “Using intracellular SCGB1A1-sorted, formalin-fixed club cells for successful transcriptomic analysis. “ BBRC 2022 May 14;604:151-157.. (IF=3,10). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q3); Biophysics (Q2).
Vidal-Diniz AT, Guimarães HN, Garcia GM, Braga ÉM, Richard S, Grabe-Guimarães A, Mosqueira VCF (2022). “Polyester Nanocapsules for Intravenous Delivery of Artemether: Formulation Development, Antimalarial Efficacy, and Cardioprotective Effects In Vivo. “ . Polymers (Basel). 2022 Dec 15;14(24):5503. (IF=5,00). Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1)
Vikhorev PG, Vikhoreva NN, Yeung W, Li A, Lal S, Dos Remedios CG, Blair CA, Guglin M, Campbell KS, Yacoub MH, de Tombe P, Marston SB.(2022). “. Titin-Truncating Mutations Associated With Dilated Cardiomyopathy Alter Length-Dependent Activation And Its Modulation Via Phosphorylation. “ Cardiovasc Res. 2022 Jan 7;118(1):241-253.. (IF=10,80). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1)
Vincenti M, Farah C, Amedro P, Scheuermann V, Lacampagne A, Cazorla O. (2022). “Early Myocardial Dysfunction and Benefits of Cardiac Treatment in Young X-Linked Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mice. “ Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2022 Oct;36(5):793-803 (IF=3,40). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2) : Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Volpato M, Vialaret J, Hirtz C, Petit A, Suehs C, Patarin J, Matzner-Lober E, Vachier I, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Charriot J (2022). “Rheology predicts sputum eosinophilia in patients with muco-obstructive lung diseases. “BBRC 2022 Sep 24;622:64-71. (IF=3,10). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q3); Biophysics (Q2).
Warren CM, Halas M, Goldspink PH, Feng HZ, Herren AW, Wolska BM, de Tombe PP, Jin JP, Solaro RJ. (2022). “Truncation of the N-terminus of cardiac troponin I initiates adaptive remodeling of the myocardial proteosome via phosphorylation of mechano-sensitive signaling pathways. “ Mol Cell Biochem. 2022 Jun;477(6):1803-1815.. (IF=4,30). Cell Biomlogy (Q3).
Wechsler ME, Ford LB, Maspero JF, Pavord ID, Papi A, Bourdin A, Watz H, Castro M, Nenasheva NM, Tohda Y, Langton D, Cardona G, Domingo C, Park HS, Chapman KR, Mao X, Zhang Y, Khan AH, Deniz Y, Rowe PJ, Kapoor U, Khokhar FA, Mannent LP, Ruddy M, Laws E, Amin N, Hardin M. (2022. “Long-term safety and efficacy of dupilumab in patients with moderate-to-severe asthma (TRAVERSE): an open-label extension study. “. Lancet Respir Med. 2022 Jan;10(1):11-25. (IF=76,20). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Zysman M, Baptista BR, Soumagne T, da Silva VM, Martin C, de Menonville CT, Boyer L, Degano B, Burgel PR, Perez T, Bourdin A, Raherison C, Pégliasco H, Piperno D, Zanetti C, Morel H, Delclaux B, Delafosse C, Lorenzo A, Housset B, Morélot-Panzini C, Chabot F, Devillier P, Deslée G, Roche N (2022). “Position paper of the French Society of Respiratory Diseases regarding pharmacological treatment optimization for stable COPD in 2021. “. Respir Med Res. 2022 May;81:100889. (IF=2,30). Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q4) ; Respiratory System (Q4).
Ahmed E, Vachier I, Charriot J, Bourdin A. (2021). “Identifier et prendre en charge l’asthme difficile“ La Presse Médicale Formation, Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 159-165. (IF=1,23) Medicine General and Internal (Qx).
Ahmed E, Fieldes M, Mianné J, Bourguignon C, Nasri A, Vachier I, Assou S, Bourdin A, De Vos J (2021). “Generation of four severe early-onset chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell lines from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. “ Stem Cell Res. 2021 Oct;56:102550. (IF=1,59). Biotecnology and Applied Microbiology (Q4) ; Cell and Time engenneering (Q4) ; Cell Biology (Q4).
Alonso W, Ozdemir BA, Chassin-Trubert L, Ziza V, Alric P, Canaud L (2021). “Early outcomes of native and graft related abdominal aortic infection managed with orthotopic xenopericardial grafts. “ J Vasc Surg. 2021 Jan;73(1):222-231. (IF=4,86) Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q2).
Amalric M, Ahmed E, Jung B, Suehs C, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Charriot J. (2021). “Association between increased mortality and bronchial fibroscopy in intensive care units and intermediate care units during COPD exacerbations: an analysis of the 2014 and 2015 National French Medical-based Information System Databases (PMSI). “ J Intensive Care. 2021 Jun 15;9(1):45. (IF=7,50). Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1).
Bargnoux AS, Kuster N, Sutra T, Laroche L, Rodriguez A, Morena M, Chenine L, Chalabi L, Dupuy AM, Badiou S, Cristol JP. (2021). “Evaluation of a new point-of-care testing for creatinine and urea measurement. “ Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2021 Jul;81(4):290-297. (IF=2,21). Medicine, Resaerch and Experimental (Q4).
Baudry G, Nesseler N, Flecher E, Vincentelli A, Goeminne C, Delmas C, Porterie J, Nubret K, Pernot M, Kindo M, Hoang Minh T, Rouvière P, Gaudard P, Michel M, Senage T, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Para M, Verdonk C, Pelcé E, Gariboldi V, Anselme F, Litzler PY, Blanchart K, Babatasi G, Bielefeld M, Bouchot O, Hamon D, Lellouche N, Bailleul X, Genet T, Eschalier R, d’Ostrevy N, Bories MC, Akar RA, Blangy H, Vanhuyse F, Obadia JF, Galand V, Pozzi M. “Characteristics and outcome of ambulatory heart failure patients receiving a left ventricular assist device. “ ESC Heart Fail. 2021 Dec;8(6):5159-5167 (IF=3,61). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1).
Baux D, Van Goethem C, Ardouin O, Guignard T, Bergougnoux A, Koenig M, Roux AF (2021). “MobiDetails: online DNA variants interpretation. “ Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 Feb;29(2):356-360. Et Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 Feb;29(2):361. (IF=5,35). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Genetics and Heredity (Q2).
Bedin AS, Makinson A, Picot MC, Mennechet F, Malergue F, Pisoni A, Nyiramigisha E, Montagnier L, Bollore K, Debiesse S, Morquin D, Bourgoin P, Veyrenche N, Renault C, Foulongne V, Bret C, Bourdin A, Le Moing V, Van de Perre P, Tuaillon E (2021). Monocyte CD169 expression as a biomarker in the early diagnosis of COVID-19. . J Infect Dis. 2021 Feb 24;223(4):562-567. (IF=7,76). Infectious Diseases (Q2) ; Microbiology (Q1).
Bergougnoux A, Ea V, Paris F, Kalfa N (2021). ” Reply to Zhongzhong Chen, Hua Xie, and Fang Chen’s Letter to the Editor re: Vuthy Ea, Anne Bergougnoux, Pascal Philibert, et al. How Far Should We Explore Hypospadias? Next-generation Sequencing Applied to a Large Cohort of Hypospadiac Patients. Eur Urol 2021;79:507-15. ” Eur Urol. 2021 Jul;80(1):e12-e13. (IF=24,27). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Bertelli F, Suehs CM, Mallet JP, Rotty MC, Pepin JL, Gagnadoux F, Matzner-Lober E, Bourdin A, Molinari N, Jaffuel D. (2021). “Apnoea-hypopnoea indices determined via continuous positive airway pressure (AHI-CPAPflow) versus those determined by polysomnography (AHI-PSGgold): a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. “ BMJ Open. 2021 May 10;11(5):e044499. (IF=3,02). Medicine (Q1)
Bidaut A, Flécher E, Nesseler N, Bounader K, Vincentelli A, Moussa M, Delmas C, Porterie J, Nubret K, Pernot M, Kindo M, Schneider C, Gaudard P, Rouvière P, Michel M, Sénage T, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Verdonk C, Para M, Maille B, Gariboldi V, Pozzi M, Hugon-Vallet E, Litzler PY, Anselme F, Blanchart K, Babatasi G, Bielefeld M, Grosjean S, Radu C, Hamon D, Bourguignon T, Genet T, Eschalier R, D’Ostrevy N, Nougue H, Martin AC, Vanhuyse F, Blangy H, Leclercq C, Martins RP, Galand V (2021). “Outcome of Temporary Circulatory Support As a Bridge-to-Left Ventricular Assist Device Strategy in Cardiogenic Shock Patients. “ Crit Care Med. 2021 Dec 31sous presse. (IF=9,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Blervaque L, Préfaut C, Forthin H, Maffre F, Bourrelier M, Héraud N, Catteau M, Pomiès P, Jaffuel D, Molinari N, Hayot M, Gouzi F. Efficacy of a long-term pulmonary rehabilitation maintenance program for COPD patients in a real-life setting: a 5-year cohort study. Respir Res. 2021 Mar 10;22(1):79.(IF=7,16). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Bommart S, Charriot J, Nagot N, Vernhet-Kovacsik H, Revel MP, Boissin C, Bourdin A, Tuaillon E (2021). “Differentiating between active and latent tuberculosis with chest computed tomography. “ Diagn Interv Imaging. 2021 Oct;102(10):605-610. (IF=7,42). Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical imaging (Q2).
Bommart S, Pujol JL, Coffy A, Daurès JP, Roch B. (2021). “Authors reply to letter to the editor by Dr Degens et al. Lung Cancer. 2021 Mar;153:185.. (IF=6,08). Oncology (Q2) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Borges GSM, Lages EB, Sicard P, Ferreira LAM, Richard S. (2021). “Nanomedicine in Oncocardiology: Contribution and Perspectives of Preclinical Studies. “ Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Jun 30;8:690533. (IF=5,85). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Boucly A, Savale L, Jaïs X, Bauer F, Bergot E, Bertoletti L, Beurnier A, Bourdin A, Bouvaist H, Bulifon S, Chabanne C, Chaouat A, Cottin V, Dauphin C, Degano B, De Groote P, Favrolt N, Feng Y, Horeau-Langlard D, Jevnikar M, Jutant EM, Liang Z, Magro P, Mauran P, Moceri P, Mornex JF, Palat S, Parent F, Picard F, Pichon J, Poubeau P, Prévot G, Renard S, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Riou M, Roblot P, Sanchez O, Seferian A, Tromeur C, Weatherald J, Simonneau G, Montani D, Humbert M, Sitbon O (2021). “Association between Initial Treatment Strategy and Long-Term Survival in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. “.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Oct 1;204(7):842-854. (IF=30,53). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1)).
Bourdin A, Charriot J, Boissin C, Ahmed E, Suehs C, De Sevin A, Volpato M, Pahus L, Gras D, Vachier I, Halimi L, Hamerlijnck D, Chanez P. (2021). “Will the asthma revolution fostered by biologics also benefit adult ICU patients? “ Allergy. 2021 Aug;76(8):2395-2406. (IF=14,71). Allergy (Q1) ; Immunology (Q1).
Bourdin A, Molinari N, Ferguson GT, Singh B, Siddiqui MK, Holmgren U, Ouwens M, Jenkins M, De Nigris E (2021). ” Efficacy and Safety of Budesonide/Glycopyrronium / Formoterol Fumarate versus Other Triple Combinations in COPD: A Systematic Literature Review and Network Meta-analysis. ”. Adv Ther. 2021 Jun;38(6):3089-3112. (IF=4,07). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q2) ; Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Q1).
Bourdin A, Papi AA, Corren J, Virchow JC, Rice MS, Deniz Y, Djandji M, Rowe P, Pavord ID. (2021). “Dupilumab is effective in type 2-high asthma patients receiving high-dose inhaled corticosteroids at baseline. “ Allergy. 2021 Jan;76(1):269-280. (IF=14,71). Immunology (Q1).
Bourdin A, Criner G, Devouassoux G, Dransfield M, Halpin DMG, Han MK, Jones CE, Kalhan R, Lange P, Lettis S, Lipson DA, Lomas DA, Echave-Sustaeta María-Tomé JM, Martin N, Martinez FJ, Quasny H, Sail L, Siler TM, Singh D, Thomashow B, Watz H, Wise R, Hanania NA. (2021). ” InforMing the PAthway of COPD Treatment Single-Inhaler Triple Therapy (Fluticasone Furoate/ Umeclidinium/ Vilanterol) Versus Fluticasone Furoate/Vilanterol and Umeclidinium /Vilanterol in Patients With COPD: Analysis of the Western Europe and North America Regions. . ” Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2021 Jan;8(1). (IF=3,90). Respiratory System (Q3)
Bousquet J, Czarlewski W, Zuberbier T, Mullol J, Blain H, Cristol JP, De La Torre R, Pizarro Lozano N, Le Moing V, Bedbrook A, Agache I, Akdis CA, Canonica GW, Cruz AA, Fiocchi A, Fonseca JA, Fonseca S, Gemicioğlu B, Haahtela T, Iaccarino G, Ivancevich JC, Jutel M, Klimek L, Kraxner H, Kuna P, Larenas-Linnemann DE, Martineau A, Melén E, Okamoto Y, Papadopoulos NG, Pfaar O, Regateiro FS, Reynes J, Rolland Y, Rouadi PW, Samolinski B, Sheikh A, Toppila-Salmi S, Valiulis A, Choi HJ, Kim HJ, Anto JM (2021). “Potential Interplay between Nrf2, TRPA1, and TRPV1 in Nutrients for the Control of COVID-19. “ Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2021 Feb 10:1-15. (IF=3,77). Allergy (Q3) ; Immunology (Q3).
Bughin F, Bui G, Ayoub B, Blervaque L, Saey D, Avignon A, Brun JF, Molinari N, Pomies P, Mercier J, Gouzi F, Hayot M (2021).”Impact of a Mobile Telerehabilitation Solution on Metabolic Health Outcomes and Rehabilitation Adherence in Patients With Obesity: Randomized Controlled Trial.”.JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2021 Dec 6;9 (12):e28242.(IF=4,97). Health Care Sciences and Services (Q1) ; Medical Informatics (Q2).
Burgarelli Lages E, Salgado Fernandes R, Sena Andrade M, Paiyabhroma N, Barbosa de Oliveira R, FernandesC, Dantas Cassali G, Sicard P, Richard S, Branco de Barros AL, Miranda Ferreira LA. (2021) “pH-sensitive doxorubicin-tocopherol succinate prodrug encapsulated in docosahexaenoic acid-based nanostructured lipid carriers: An effective strategy to improve pharmacokinetics and reduce toxic effects. “Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2021 Dec;144:112373. (IF=7,42). Pharmacology and pharmacy (Q1).
Catteau M, Passerieux E, Blervaque L, Gouzi F, Hayot M, Pomies P (2021). : ”Response to Electrostimulation Is Impaired in Muscle Cells from Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. : Response to Electrostimulation Is Impaired in Muscle Cells from Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. ”.Cells. 2021 Nov 3;10(11):3002 (IF=7,67) Cell Biology (Q2).
Cazorla O, Barthélémy I, Su JB, Meli AC, Chetboul V, Scheuermann V, Gouni V, Anglerot C, Richard S, Blot S, Ghaleh B, Lacampagne A (2021). “Stabilizing Ryanodine Receptors Improves Left Ventricular Function in Juvenile Dogs With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. “ J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Dec 14;78(24):2439-2453. (IF=27,20). Cardiac ad Ca rdiovascular Systems (Q1).
Certain MC, Chaumais MC, Jaïs X, Savale L, Seferian A, Parent F, Georges M, Favrolt N, Bourdin A, Boissin C, Cottin V, Traclet J, Renard S, Noel V, Picard F, Girerd B, Marie-Rosa G, Perros F, Sitbon O, Bonniaud P, Humbert M, Montani D. (2021). “Characteristics and long-term outcomes of pulmonary veno-occlusive disease induced by Mitomycin-C. “ Chest. 2021 Mar;159(3):1197-1207 (IF=10,26). Respiratory System (Q1).
Chapel B, Alexandre F,Heraud N, Ologeanu-Taddei R,Cases AS, Bughin F; Hayot M. (2021). “Telerehabilitation assessment domains and process in chronic diseases: a scoping meta-review“. BMC Health Service Res 2021 25 juin (IF=2,91). Health Care Sciences and Services (Q3).
Charriot J, Maravic M, Huguet M, Vachier I, Suehs C, Bourdin A… – (2021).“Real-life” management of patients with severe asthma in the biologics era: Can we do better? World Allergy Organization 2021 Mar 18;14(4):100528 (IF=5,52). Allergy (Q3); Immunology (Q2).
Chen E, Nesseler N, Martins RP, Goéminne C, Vincentelli A, Delmas C, Porterie J, Nubret K, Pernot M, Kindo M, Minh TH, Gaudard P, Rouvière P, Michel M, Sénage T, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Verdonk C, Para M, Pelcé E, Gariboldi V, Pozzi M, Baudry G, Litzler PY, Anselme F, Blanchart K, Babatasi G, Garnier F, Bielefeld M, Radu C, Lellouche N, Bourguignon T, Genet T, Eschalier R, D’Ostrevy N, Bories MC, Baudinaud P, Vanhuyse F, Blangy H, Leclercq C, Flécher E, Galand V. (2021). “Comparison of Outcomes and Mortality in Patients Having Left Ventricular Assist Device Implanted Early -vs- Late After Diagnosis of Cardiomyopathy. “ Am J Cardiol. 2021 May 1;146:82-88. (IF=3,13). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Chevalier P, Moreau A, Richard S, Janin A, Millat G, Bessière F, Delinière A. (2021). “Short QT interval as a harbinger of an arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. “ HeartRhythm Case Rep. 2021 Jul 30;7(11):734-738. (IF=1,40). Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3).
Chung C, Bommart S, Marchand-Adam S, Lederlin M, Fournel L, Charpentier MC, Groussin L, Wislez M, Revel MP, Chassagnon G. (2021). “Long-Term Imaging Follow-Up in DIPNECH: Multicenter Experience. “ J Clin Med. 2021 Jun 30;10(13):2950. (IF=4,96). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Collier JJ, Guissart C, Oláhová M, Sasorith S, Piron-Prunier F, Suomi F, Zhang D, Martinez-Lopez N, Leboucq N, Bahr A, Azzarello-Burri S, Reich S, Schöls L, Polvikoski TM, Meyer P, Larrieu L, Schaefer AM, Alsaif HS, Alyamani S, Zuchner S, Barbosa IA, Deshpande C, Pyle A, Rauch A, Synofzik M, Alkuraya FS, Rivier F, Ryten M, McFarland R, Delahodde A, McWilliams TG, Koenig M, Taylor RW. (2021). “Developmental Consequences of Defective ATG7-Mediated Autophagy in Humans. “ N Engl J Med. 2021 Jun 24;384(25):2406-2417. (IF=176,08). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Colombo C, de Winter-de Groot KM, Fajac I, McBennett KA, McKone EF, Ramsey BW, Sutharsan S, Taylor-Cousar JL, Tullis E, Ahluwalia N, Jun LS, Moskowitz SM, Prieto-Centurion V, Tian S, Waltz D, Xuan F, Zhang Y, Rowe SM, Polineni D; VX18-445-104 Study Group..(Parmi les collaborateurs Bourdin A) (2021). “.Triple Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis Phe508del-Gating and -Residual Function Genotypes. “. N Engl J Med. 2021 Aug 26;385(9):815-825. (IF=176,08). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
David H, Ughetto A, Gaudard P, Plawecki M, Paiyabhroma N, Zub E, Colson P, Richard S, Marchi N, Sicard P. (2021). “Experimental Myocardial Infarction Elicits Time-Dependent Patterns of Vascular Hypoxia in Peripheral Organs and in the Brain. “ Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Jan 27;7:615507. (IF=5,85). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
De Brandt J, Burtin C, Pomiès P, Vandenabeele F, Verboven K, Aumann J, Blancquaert L, Everaert I, Van Ryckeghem L, Cops J, Hayot M, Spruit MA, Derave W (2021). “Carnosine, oxidative and carbonyl stress, antioxidants and muscle fiber characteristics of quadriceps muscle of patients with COPD. “. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2021 Oct 1;131(4):1230-1240 (IF=3,89). Physiology (Q2) ; Sport Sciences (Q1).
Edwards AG, Mørk H, Stokke MK, Lipsett DB, Sjaastad I, Richard S, Sejersted OM, Louch WE (2021). “Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Release Is Required for Arrhythmogenesis in the Mouse. “ .Front Physiol. 2021 Oct 12;12:744730.(IF=4,75). Physiology (Q1).
Fieldes M, Bourguignon C, Assou S, Nasri A, Fort A, Vachier I, De Vos J, Ahmed E, Bourdin A. (2021). “Targeted therapy in eosinophilic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. “ ERJ Open Res. 2021 Apr 12;7(2):00437-2020. (IF=4,24). Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1).
Garcia GM, Roy J, Pitta V, Abdalla DSP, Grabe-Guimarães Andrea, Mosqueira VCF, and Richard S (2021). “Polylactide Nanocapsules Attenuate Adverse Cardiac Cellular Effects of Lyso-7, a Pan-PPAR Agonist/Anti-Inflammatory New Thiazolidinedione“- Pharmaceutics, 2021 sous presse (IF=6,52). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1)
Gaspari L, Tessier B, Paris F, Bergougnoux A, Hamamah S, Sultan C, Kalfa N. (2021). “Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Disorders of Penile Development in Humans. “ Sex Dev. 2021 Aug 26:1-16. (IF=1,94). Developmental Biology (Q4).
Goulabchand R, Roubille C, Montani D, Fesler P, Bourdin A, Malafaye N, Morel J, Arnaud E, Lattuca B, Barateau L, Guilpain P, Mura T (2021); “Cardiovascular Events, Sleep Apnoea, and Pulmonary Hypertension in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: Data from the French Health Insurance Database. “.J Clin Med. 2021 Oct 30;10(21):5115. (IF=4,96); Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Gouzi F, Ayache D, Hedon C, Molinari N, Vicet A (2021). .Breath acetone concentration: too heterogeneous to constitute a diagnosis or prognosis biomarker in heart failure? A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Breath Res. 2021 Nov 16;16(1).. (IF=4,54). Biochemical Research Methods (Q1); Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Grillet PE, Le Souder C, Rohou J, Cazorla O, Charriot J, Bourdin A. (2021).“Glycopyrrolate and formoterol fumarate for the treatment of COPD. “ Expert Rev Respir Med. 2021 Jan;15(1):13-25. (IF= 4,30). Respiratory System (Q2).
Guarracino F, Habicher M, Treskatsch S, Sander M, Szekely A, Paternoster G, Salvi L, Lysenko L, Gaudard P, Giannakopoulos P, Kilger E, Rompola A, Häberle H, Knotzer J, Schirmer U, Fellahi JL, Hajjar LA, Kettner S, Groesdonk HV, Heringlake M (2021). “ Vasopressor Therapy in Cardiac Surgery-An Experts’ Consensus Statement. “ J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2021 Apr;35(4):1018-1029.. (IF= 2,89). Anesthesiology (Q3) ; Cardiac Cardiovascular Systems (Q3) ; Respiratory System (Q3) ; Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q3) .
Halimi L, Suehs CM, Marin G, Boissin C, Gamez AS, Vachier I, Molinari N, Bourdin A. (2021). “Health-related quality of life and disease progression in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients: a 3-year study. “ ERJ Open Res. 2021 Aug 23;7(3):00617-2020. (IF=4,24). Respiratory System (Q2).
Hatton A, Bergougnoux A, Zybert K, Chevalier B, Mesbahi M, Altéri JP, Walicka-Serzysko K, Postek M, Taulan-Cadars M, Edelman A, Hinzpeter A, Claustres M, Girodon E, Raynal C, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Sands D (2021). “Reclassifying inconclusive diagnosis after newborn screening for cystic fibrosis. Moving forward. “ .J Cyst Fibros. 2021 Dec 20:S1569-1993(21)02169-X. (IF=5,53). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Heaney LG, Perez de Llano L, Al-Ahmad M, Backer V, Busby J, Canonica GW, Christoff GC, Cosio BG, FitzGerald JM, Heffler E, Iwanaga T, Jackson DJ, Menzies-Gow AN, Papadopoulos NG, Papaioannou AI, Pfeffer PE, Popov TA, Porsbjerg CM, Rhee CK, Sadatsafavi M, Tohda Y, Wang E, Wechsler ME, Alacqua M, Altraja A, Bjermer L, Björnsdóttir US, Bourdin A, Brusselle GG, Buhl R, Costello RW, Hew M, Siyue MK, Lehmann S, Lehtimäki L, Peters M, Taillé C, Taube C, Tran TN, Zangrilli J, Bulathsinhala L, Carter VA, Chaudhry I, Eleangovan N, Hosseini N, Kerkhof M, Murray RB, Price CA, Price DB (2021). “Eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic asthma: an expert consensus framework to characterize phenotypes in a global real-life severe asthma cohort. “ Chest. 2021 Sep;160(3):814-830. (IF=10,26). Critical Care Medicine ( Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Hedon C, Lambert K, Chakouri N, Thireau J, Aimond F, Cassan C, Bideaux P, Richard S, Faucherre A, Le Guennec JY, Demion M. (2021). .”New role of TRPM4 channel in the cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in response to physiological and pathological hypertrophy in mouse. .” Prog Biophys Mol Biol.. 2021 Jan;159:105-117. (IF=4,80). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q3) ; Biophysics (Q3).
Hghland KB, Distler O, Kuwana M, Allanore Y, Assassi S, Azuma A, Bourdin A, Denton CP, Distler JHW, Hoffmann-Vold AM, Khanna D, Mayes MD, Raghu G, Vonk MC, Gahlemann M, Clerisme-Beaty E, Girard M, Stowasser S, Zoz D, Maher TM; SENSCIS trial investigators. (2021). “Efficacy and safety of nintedanib in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease treated with mycophenolate: a subgroup analysis of the SENSCIS trial”. Lancet Respir Med. 2021 Jan;9(1):96-106. (IF=102,64). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Homan T, Delanoë-Ayari H, Meli AC, Cazorla O, Gergely C, Mejat A, Chevalier P, Moreau A.(2021). “MorphoScript: a dedicated analysis to assess the morphology and contractile structures of cardiomyocytes derived from stem cells. “ Bioinformatics. 2021 May 28;btab400. (IF=6,93). Biochemical Research Methods (Q1); Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology (Q1); Mathematical and Computational Biology (Q1; Computer Science and Interdisciplinary applications (Q1); Statistics and Probability (Q1).
Humbert M, McLaughlin V, Gibbs JSR, Gomberg-Maitland M, Hoeper MM, Preston IR, Souza R, Waxman A, Escribano Subias P, Feldman J, Meyer G, Montani D, Olsson KM, Manimaran S, Barnes J, Linde PG, de Oliveira Pena J, Badesch DB; PULSAR Trial Investigators. (Parmi les collaborateurs Bourdin A). (2021). “Sotatercept for the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. “ N Engl J Med. 2021 Apr 1;384(13):1204-1215. (IF=176,08). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Jaffuel D, Nogue E, Berdague P, Galinier M, Fournier P, Dupuis M, Georger F, Cadars MP, Ricci JE, Plouvier N, Picard F, Puel V, Mallet JP, Suehs CM, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Roubille F (2021). “Sacubitril-valsartan initiation in chronic heart failure patients impacts sleep apnea: the ENTRESTO-SAS study. “ ESC Heart Fail. 2021 Aug;8(4):2513-2526. (IF=3,61). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1).
Jaffuel D, Fabry-Vendrand C, Darnal E, Wilczynski O, Pain E, Bourdin A (2021). “Perception of oral corticosteroids in adult patients with asthma in France. “. J Asthma. 2021 Jul;58(7):946-957 (IF=2,51). Respirtory Sytem (Q3); Allergy (Q3).
Jelinkova S, Sleiman Y, Fojtík P, Aimond F, Finan A, Hugon G, Scheuermann V, Beckerová D, Cazorla O, Vincenti M, Amedro P, Richard S, Jaros J, Dvorak P, Lacampagne A, Carnac G, Rotrekl V, Meli AC. (2021). “Dystrophin Deficiency Causes Progressive Depletion of Cardiovascular Progenitor Cells in the Heart. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 May 10;22(9):5025.(IF=56,21). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Kalmanovich E, Battistella P, Rouviere P, Albat B, Frapier JM, Demaria R, Huet F, Agullo A, Mourad M, Colson P, Leclercq F, Gaudard P and Roubille F.(2021). Idarucizumab (Praxbind®) for dabigatran reversal in patients undergoing heart transplantation: a cohort of ten patients Future Science OA, (2021) FSO689 (IF=2,61). Biotechnology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3).
Korn S, Bourdin A, Chupp G, Cosio BG, Arbetter D, Shah M, Gil EG . (2021). “Integrated Safety and Efficacy Among Patients Receiving Benralizumab for Up to Five Years. “ J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Dec;9(12):4381-4392.e4. (IF=11,02). Allergy (Q1) ; Imunology (Q1).
Lambert K, Demion M, Lagacé JC, Hokayem M, Dass M, Virsolvy A, Jover B, Bourret A, Bisbal C. (2021) Grape polyphenols and exercise training have distinct molecular effects on cardiac hypertrophy in a model of obese insulin-resistant rats. J Nutr Biochem. 2021 Jan;87:108522 (IF=6,12). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Nutrition and dietetics (Q1).
Lange P, Ahmed E, Lahmar ZM, Martinez FJ, Bourdin A (2021). «Natural history and mechanisms of COPD. Respirology. 2021 Apr;26(4):298-321.. (IF=6,17). Respiratory System (Q1).
Lertwanakarn T, Suntravat M, Sánchez EE, Wolska BM, Solaro RJ, de Tombe PP, Tachampa K. (2021). ”Negative inotropic mechanisms of β-cardiotoxin in cardiomyocytes by depression of myofilament ATPase activity without activation of the classical β-adrenergic pathway. ” Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 27;11(1):21154. (IF=5,00). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Lotierzo M, Bruno R, Finan-Marchi A, Huet F, Kalmanovich E, Rodrigues G, Dupuy AM, Adda J, Piquemal D, Richard S, Cristol JP, Roubille F (2021). “ Could a Multi-Marker and Machine Learning Approach Help Stratify Patients with Heart Failure? “ .Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 Sep 22;57(10):996. . (IF=2,95). Generzl Medicine (Q2).
Lounes Y, Chassin-Trubert L, Gandet T, Ozdemir BA, Peyron A, Akodad M, Alric P, Canaud L (2021). “ Endovascular aortic arch repair with a pre-cannulated double-fenestrated physician-modified stent graft: a benchtop experiment. “. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2021 May 27;32(6):942-949. Et Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2021 Jul 19:ivab196. (IF=1,98). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q3); Respiratory System (Q4); Surgery (Q3).
Lynch TL 4th, Kumar M, McNamara JW, Kuster DWD, Sivaguru M, Singh RR, Previs MJ, Lee KH, Kuffel G, Zilliox MJ, Lin BL, Ma W, Gibson AM, Blaxall BC, Nieman ML, Lorenz JN, Leichter DM, Leary OP, Janssen PML, de Tombe PP, Gilbert RJ, Craig R, Irving T, Warshaw DM, Sadayappan S (2021). “Amino terminus of cardiac myosin binding protein-C regulates cardiac contractility. “ J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2021 Mar 26;156:33-44. (IF=5,76). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1) ; Domaine de Recherche Cell Biology (Q2).
Martin N, Bergougnoux A, Baatallah N, Chevalier B, Varilh J, Baux D, Costes B, Fanen P, Raynal C, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Girodon E, Taulan-Cadars M, Hinzpeter A (2021). “Exon identity influences splicing induced by exonic variants and in silico prediction efficacy. “ J Cyst Fibros. 2021 May;20(3):464-472. (IF=5,53). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Mattei L, Suehs CM, Alagha K, Bourdin A, Brousse C, Charriot J, Devouassoux G, Fry S, Guilleminault L, Gouitaa M, Taille C, Chanez P, Pahus L. (2021). “Anti-interleukin 5 therapies failure criteria in severe asthma: a Delphi-consensus study. “Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2021 Jan-Dec 2021;15:17534666211049735. (IF=5,16). Respiratory System (Q2).
Melhem N, Chajadine M, Gomez I, Howangyin KY, Bouvet M, Knosp C, Sun Y, Rouanet M, Laurans L, Cazorla O, Lemitre M, Vilar J, Mallat Z, Tedgui A, Ait-Oufella H, Hulot JS, Callebert J, Launay JM, Fauconnier J, Silvestre JS, and Taleb S. (2020) “ Endothelial Cell Indoleamine 2, 3-Dioxygenase 1 Alters Cardiac Function Following Myocardial Infarction Through Kynurenine. “Circulation, 2021 Feb 9;143(6):566-580. (IF= 29,69). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systemss (Q1); Peripheral Vascular disease (Q1).
Menzies-Gow A, Corren J, Bourdin A, Chupp G, Israel E, Wechsler ME, Brightling CE, Griffiths JM, Hellqvist Å, Bowen K, Kaur P, Almqvist G, Ponnarambil S, Colice G (2021). “Tezepelumab in Adults and Adolescents with Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma. “ N Engl J Med. 2021 May 13;384(19):1800-1809.(IF=176,08). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Moreau A, Reisqs JB, Delanoe-Ayari H, Pierre M, Janin A, Deliniere A, Bessière F, Meli AC, Charrabi A, Lafont E, Valla C, Bauer D, Morel E, Gache V, Millat G, Nissan X, Faucherre A, Jopling C, Richard S, Mejat A, Chevalier P. (2021). “Deciphering DSC2 arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy electrical instability: From ion channels to ECG and tailored drug therapy. “ Clin Transl Med. 2021 Mar;11(3):e319. (IF=8,55). Oncology (Q1); Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1).
Nasri A, Foisset F, Ahmed E, Lahmar Z, Vachier I, Jorgensen C, Assou S, Bourdin A and De Vos J. (2021). “ Roles of Mesenchymal Cells in the Lung: From Lung Development to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease “ Cells, 2021 Dec 9;10(12):3467 (IF= 7,67). Cell Biology (Q2).
Nassar R, Vernus B, Carnac G, Fouret G,Goustard B, Casas F, Tintignac L, ICassar-Malek I, Picard B, ISeiliez I, Brioche T,Koechlin-Ramonatxo C, Bertrand-Gaday C, Hamade A, Najjar F, Chabi B, Bonnieu A. (2021). “ Myostatin gene inactivation increases post-mortem calpain-dependent muscle proteolysis in mice. “ Meat Science 2021 sous presse. (IF=7,08). Food Science and Technology (Q1).
Nassib J, Hireche K, Ozdemir BA, Alric P, Canaud L (2021). “Fate of the Dissected Thoraco-Abdominal Aorta Distal to TEVAR (Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair) for Complicated Acute and Subacute Type B Aortic Dissection. “J Endovasc Ther. 2021 Dec 27: sous presse. (IF=3,09). Surgery (Q2) ; Peripheral Vascular Diseases (Q2).
Pineau F, Caimmi D, Taviaux S, Reveil M, Brosseau L, Rivals I, Drevait M, Vachier I, Claustres M, Chiron R, De Sario A (2021). “DNA Methylation at ATP11A cg11702988 Is a Biomarker of Lung Disease Severity in Cystic Fibrosis: A Longitudinal Study. “ Genes (Basel). 2021 Mar 19;12(3):441. (IF=4,14). Genetics and Heradity (Q2)
Pujol JL, Thomas PA, Giraud P, Denis MG, Tretarre B, Roch B, Bommart S. (2021). “Lung Cancer in France. “ J Thorac Oncol. 2021 Jan;16(1):21-29. (IF=20,12). Oncology (Q1); Respiratory System ((Q1).
Porsbjerg C, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Brusselle G, Canonica GW, Agusti A, Faner R, Vogelmeier CF, Nawijn M, van den Berge M, Rusconi F, Pilette C, Ramiconi V, Coleman C, Chaudhuri R, Chung KF, Wedzicha J, Saglani S, Van der Schee MP, Heaney L, Bourdin A, Roberts G, Djukanovic R, Kuna P, Kupczyk M, Axmann J, Staudinger H, Clarke GW, Dahlen SE, Brightling C (2021). “3TR: a pan-European cross-disease research consortium aimed at improving personalised biological treatment of asthma and COPD. “ .Eur Respir J. 2021 Oct 21;58(4):2102168. (IF=33,81). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Pujol JL, Thomas PA, Giraud P, Denis MG, Tretarre B, Roch B, Bommart S. (2021). “Lung Cancer in France. “ J Thorac Oncol. 2021 Jan;16(1):21-29. (IF=20,12). Oncology (Q1); Respiratory System ((Q1).
Ravens U, Gomez AM, Heijman J, Remme CA, Dobrev D, Smith G, Volders PGA, Cerbai E, Eisner DA, Casadei B, Zaza A, Richard S, Mugelli A, Vassort G, Brown HF, Sipido KR (2021). “Edward Carmeliet (1930-2021)-channelling scientific curiosity: a tribute from the ESC Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology† “. Cardiovasc Res. 2021 Dec 17;117(14):e171-e173. (IF=13,08). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1)
Renoux MC, Dutronc S, Kollen L, Theret S, Moreau J. (2021). “A Case of Disseminated Tuberculosis in a Child with Crohn’s Disease After Treatment with Azathioprine, Adalimumab and Ustekinumab. “ Arch Bronconeumol. 2021 Aug;57(8):552-554. (IF=6,33). Respiratory System (Q1).
Revel MP, Boussouar S, de Margerie-Mellon C, Saab I, Lapotre T, Mompoint D, Chassagnon G, Milon A, Lederlin M, Bennani S, Molière S, Debray MP, Bompard F, Dangeard S, Hani C, Ohana M, Bommart S, Jalaber C, El Hajjam M, Petit I, Fournier L, Khalil A, Brillet PY, Bellin MF, Redheuil A, Rocher L, Bousson V, Rousset P, Grégory J, Deux JF, Dion E, Valeyre D, Porcher R, Jilet L, Abdoul H. (2021). “Study of Thoracic CT in COVID-19: The STOIC Project. “ Radiology. 2021 Oct;301(1):E361-E370. (IF=29,15). Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging (Q1).
Reynaud P, Ahmed E, Serre I, Knabe L, Bommart S, Suehs C, Vachier I, Berthet JP, Romagnoli M, Vernisse C, Mallet JP, Gamez AS, Bourdin A (2021). “Club Cell Loss as a Feature of Bronchiolization in ILD. “ . Front Immunol. 2021 Feb 26;12:630096. (IF=8,79). Immunology (Q1).
Richalet JP, Pillard F, LE Moal D, Rivière D, Oriol P, Poussel M, Chenuel B, Doutreleau S, Vergès S, Demanez S, Vergnion M, Boulet JM, Douard H, Dupré M, Mesland O, Remetter R, Lonsdorfer-Wolf E, Frey A, Vilcoq L, Nedelec Jaffuel A, Debeaumont D, Duperrex G, Lecoq F, Hédon C, Hayot M, Giardini G, Lhuissier FJ. (2021). “Validation of a Score for the Detection of Subjects with High Risk for Severe High-Altitude Illness. “ Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2021 Jun 1;53(6):1294-1302. ((IF=6,29). Sport Sciences (Q1).
Roche N, Devillier P, Berger P, Bourdin A, Dusser D, Muir JF, Martinat Y, Terrioux P, Housset B (2021). ”Individual trajectory-based care for COPD: getting closer, but not there yet. ”.ERJ Open Res. 2021 Dec 13;7(4):00451. (IF=4,24). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Rotty MC, Suehs CM, Mallet JP, Martinez C, Borel JC, Rabec C, Bertelli F, Bourdin A, Molinari N, Jaffuel D. (2021). “Mask side-effects in long-term CPAP-patients impact adherence and sleepiness: the InterfaceVent real-life study. “ Respir Res. 2021 Jan 15;22(1):17. (IF=7,16). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Ryan D, Heatley H, Heaney LG, Jackson DJ, Pfeffer PE, Busby J, Menzies-Gow AN, Jones R, Tran TN, Al-Ahmad M, Backer V, Belhassen M, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Bourdin A, Bulathsinhala L, Carter V, Chaudhry I, Eleangovan N, FitzGerald JM, Gibson PG, Hosseini N, Kaplan A, Murray RB, Rhee CK, Van Ganse E, Price DB.. (2021). ”Potential severe asthma hidden in UK primary care. ” J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Apr;9(4):1612-1623.e9. (IF=11,02). Allergy (Q1) ; Imunology (Q1).
Saour M, Zeroual N, Aubry E, Blin C, Gaudard P, Colson PH (2021). “Blood loss kinetics during first 12 hours after on-pump cardiac surgery. “ Ann Thorac Surg. 2021 Apr;111(4):1308-1315. (IF=5,10). Respiratory System (Q2) ; Sugery (Q1).
Sentenac P, Samarani G, Bideaux P, Sicard P, Bourdois B, Richard S, Colson PH, Eddahibi S. (2021). “Pulmonary hypertension after pneumonectomy: a preclinical model in rats and human pulmonary endothelial cells. “ Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2021 Jan 4;59(1):147-154. (IF= 4,53). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2) ; Respiratory Sytems (Q2) ; Surgery » (Q1).
Souweine JS, Pasquier G, Kuster N, Rodriguez A, Patrier L, Morena M, Badia E, Raynaud F, Chalabi L, Raynal N, Ohresser I, Hayot M, Mercier J, Le Quintrec M, Gouzi F, Cristol JP. (2020). ”Dynapenia and sarcopenia in chronic haemodialysis patients: do muscle weakness and atrophy similarly influence poor outcome? ” Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Sep 27;36(10):1908-1918. (IF=7,19). Transplantation (Q1) ; Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Souweine JS, Gouzi F, Badia É, Pomies P, Garrigue V, Morena M, Hayot M, Mercier J, Ayoub B, Quintrec ML, Raynaud F, Cristol JP (2021). ”Skeletal Muscle Phenotype in Patients Undergoing Long-Term Hemodialysis Awaiting Kidney Transplantation. ” .Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021 Nov;16(11):1676-1685.(IF=10,67). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Suehs CM, Bourdin A. (2021). “Tapering of Oral Corticosteroids for the Treatment of Asthma. “ Arch Bronconeumol. 2021 Feb 17;S0300-2896(21)00054-5. (IF=6,33). Respiratory System (Q1).
Suehs CM, Menzies-Gow A, Price D, Bleecker ER, Canonica GW, Gurnell M, Bourdin A; (2020). “ Expert Consensus on the Tapering of Oral Corticosteroids for the Treatment of Asthma. A Delphi Study.“ Oral Corticosteroids Tapering Delphi Expert Panel. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Apr 1;203(7):871-881. (IF=30,53). Domaine de Recherche: ”Critical Care Medicine ” (3/36, Q1) ; Domaine de Recherche: ”Respiratory System ” (2/64, Q1) ).
Suehs CM, Solovei L, Hireche K, Vachier I, Mariano Goulart D, Gamon L, Charriot J, Serre I, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Bommart S. (2021). “Complication and lung function impairment prediction using perfusion and computed tomography air trapping (CLIPPCAIR): protocol for the development and validation of a novel multivariable model for the prediction of post-resection lung function. “Ann Transl Med. 2021 Jul;9(13):1092.(IF=3,62). Oncology (Q2) ; Medicine Research and Experimental (Q2).
Upham JW, Le Lievre C, Jackson DJ, Masoli M, Wechsler ME, Price DB; Delphi Panel avec comme collaborateur Bourdin A (2021). “Defining a Severe Asthma Super-Responder: Findings from a Delphi Process. “.J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Nov;9(11):3997-4004. (IF=11,02). Allergy (Q1) ; Imunology (Q1).
Virsolvy A, Fort A, Erceau L, Charrabi A, Hayot M , Aimond F and Richard S. (2021). “Hypoxic Conditions Promote Rhythmic Contractile Oscillations Mediated by Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels Activation in Human Arteries“International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021 Mar 4;22(5):2570. (IF=6,21). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Wassmer F, Suehs C, Boissin C, Bourdin A, Charriot J . (2021). “PD-L1 inhibitor-induced worsening of eosinophilic obstructive lung disease successfully rescued with anti-interleukin 5 receptor (IL-5R) therapy. “ J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Jan;9(1):567-569. (IF=11,02). Allergy (Q1) ; Imunology (Q1).
Zeroual N, Blin C, Saour M, David H, Aouinti S, Picot MC, Colson PH, Gaudard P. (2021). “Restrictive Transfusion Strategy after Cardiac Surgery. “ Anesthesiology. 2021 Mar 1;134(3):370-380.. (IF=8,97). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Anselmi A, Galand V, Vincentelli A, Boule S, Dambrin C, Delmas C, Barandon L, Pernot M, Kindo M, Tam HM, Gaudard P, Rouviere P, Senage T, Michel M, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Verdonk C, Para M, Gariboldi V, Pelce E, Pozzi M, Obadia JF, Anselme F, Litzler PY, Babatasi G, Belin A, Garnier F, Bielefeld M, Guihaire J, Kloeckner M, Radu C, Lellouche N, Bourguignon T, Genet T, D’Ostrevy N, Duband B, Jouan J, Bories MC, Vanhuyse F, Blangy H, Colas F, Verhoye JP, Martins R, Flecher E. (2020). “Current results of left ventricular assist device therapy in France: the ASSIST-ICD registry. “ Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2020 Jul 1;58(1):112-120.. (IF=3,19). Cardiac and Cardiovascular System (Q2) ; Respiratory Sytems (Q2) ; Surgery (Q1).
Austin CD, Gonzalez Edick M, Ferrando RE, Solon M, Baca M, Mesh K, Bradding P, Gauvreau GM, Sumino K, FitzGerald JM, Israel E, Bjermer L, Bourdin A, Arron JR, Choy DF, Olsson JK, Abreu F, Howard M, Wong K, Cai F, Peng K, Putnam WS, Holweg CTJ, Matthews JG, Kraft M, Woodruff PG; CLAVIER Investigators. (2020). “A randomized, placebo-controlled trial evaluating effects of lebrikizumab on airway eosinophilic inflammation and remodelling in uncontrolled asthma (CLAVIER). “Clin Exp Allergy. 2020 Dec;50(12):1342-1351. (IF=5,02). Allergy (Q2); Immunology (Q2).
Bareil C, Bergougnoux A (2020). “CFTR gene variants, epidemiology and molecular pathology. “ Arch Pediatr. 2020 Feb;27 Suppl 1:eS8-eS12. (IF=0,59). Pediatrics ( Q4).
Bergougnoux A, Lopez M, Girodon E. (2020). “The Role of Extended CFTR Gene Sequencing in Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis. “ Int J Neonatal Screen. 2020 Mar 21;6(1):23.. (IF=à venir).
Bieth E, Nectoux J, Girardet A, Gruchy N, Mittre H, Laurans M, Guenet D, Brouard J, Gerard M. (2020). “Genetic counseling for cystic fibrosis: A basic model with new challenges. “ Arch Pediatr. 2020 Feb;27 Suppl 1:eS30-eS34. (IF=0,59). Pediatrics ( Q4).
Bleecker ER, Menzies-Gow AN, Price DB, Bourdin A, Sweet S, Martin AL, Alacqua M, Tran TN. (2020). “Systematic Literature Review of Systemic Corticosteroid Use for Asthma Management “ . American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2020 Vol 201, Iss 3, pp 276–293, Feb 1, (IF=21,40). Critical Care Medicine (Q1)
Blervaque L, Pomiès P, Rossi E, Catteau M, Blandinières A, Passerieux E, Blaquière M, Ayoub B, Molinari N, Mercier J, Perez-Martin A, Marchi N, Smadja DM, Hayot M, Gouzi F. (2020). “ COPD is deleterious for pericytes: implications during training-induced angiogenesis in skeletal muscle. “ Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020 Nov 1;319(5):H1142-H1151. (IF=4,73). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2); Physiology (Q1) ; Paripheral Vascular Diseases (Q2).
Boulghobra D, Grillet PE, Mickaël L, Mathieu T, Fauconnier J, Fança-Berthon P, Reboul C, Cazorla O (2020).“ Sinapine, but not sinapic acid, counteracts mitochondrial oxidative stress in cardiomyocytes. “- Redox Biology, Volume 34, July 2020, 101554 IF=11,80). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1).
Bourdin A, Gamez AS, Vachier I, Crestani B. (2020). “LAM is another small airway disease: lessons from microCT.” Eur Respir J. 2020 Jul 2;56(1):2002162.(IF=16,67). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bourdin A, Romagnoli M, Gamez AS, Hireche K, Berthet JP, Mallet JP, Vachier I, Nava S, Reynaud P, Molinari N, Suehs C. (2020). “Careful consideration of the bleeding caused by transbronchial lung cryobiopsies. “ Eur Respir J. 2020 May 21;55(5):1902415.(IF= 16,67). Respiratory Systems (Q1)
Bourdin A, Suehs CM, Colby TV, Vachier I, Molinari N, Romagnoli M; all authors of “Poor Concordance between Sequential Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy and Surgical Lung Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Diffuse Interstitial Lung Diseases.”. (2020) “Reply to: Role of Transbronchial Cryobiopsy in Interstitial Lung Diseases – An Ongoing Tale. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 Jan 15;201(2):260-261 (IF=21,40). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bourdin A, Adcock I, Berger P, Bonniaud P, Chanson P, Chenivesse C, de Blic J, Deschildre A, Devilliers P, Devouassoux G, Didier A, Garcia G, Magnan A, Martinat Y, Perez T, Roche N, Taillé C, Val P, Chanez P. (2020). ”How can we minimise the use of regular oral corticosteroids in asthma? ” Eur Respir Rev. 2020 Feb 5;29(155). (IF=8,84) Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bourdin A, Husereau D, Molinari N, Golam S, Siddiqui MK, Lindner L, Xu X. (2020). “Matching-Adjusted Comparison of Oral Corticosteroid Reduction in Asthma: Systematic Review of Biologics. “Clin Exp Allergy. 2020 Apr;50(4):442-452. . (IF=5,02). Immunology (Q2).
Bourdin A, Suehs C, Charriot J.(2020). “Integrating high dose inhaled corticosteroids into oral corticosteroids stewardship. “ Eur Respir J. 2020 Jan 2;55(1) (IF=16,67). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bourguignon C, Vernisse C, Mianné J, Fieldès M, Ahmed E, Petit A, Vachier I, Bertrand TL, Assou S, Bourdin A, De Vos (2020). ”[Lung organoids]. ” MS- Med Sci (Paris). 2020 Apr;36(4):382-388.(IF=0,82). Medicine, Research and Experimental ( Q4).
Boussaroque A, Audrézet MP, Raynal C, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Bienvenu T, Férec C, Bergougnoux A, Lopez M, Scotet V, Munck A, Girodon E. (2020). “Penetrance is a critical parameter for assessing the disease liability of CFTR variants. “ J Cyst Fibros. 2020 Nov;19(6):949-954.. (IF=5,48). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Bughin F, Desplan M, Mestejanot C, Picot MC, Roubille F, Jaffuel D, Mercier J, Jaussent I, Dauvilliers Y. (2020). “Effects of an individualized exercise training program on severity markers of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a randomised controlled trial. “ Sleep Med. 2020 Feb 18;70:33-42. (IF=3,49). Clinical Neurology (Q2).
Catteau M, Gouzi F, Blervaque L, Passerieux E, Blaquière M, Ayoub B, Bughin F, Mercier J, Hayot M, Pomiès P (2020). ”Effects of a human microenvironment on the differentiation of human myoblasts. ” Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 May 14;525(4):968-973. (IF=3,57). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q3); Biophysics (Q2).
Chakouri N, Farah C, Matecki S, Amedro P, Vincenti M, Saumet L, Vergely L, Sirvent N, Lacampagne A, Cazorla O. (2020). “Screening for in-vivo regional contractile defaults to predict the delayed Doxorubicin Cardiotoxicity in Juvenile Rat. “ Theranostics. 2020 Jul 9;10(18):8130-8142. (IF=11,56). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1).
Charriot J, Pahus L, Chanez P, Nagot N, Bourdin A (2020). “Letter from France. “ Respirology. 2020 Jul;25(7):766-768. (IF=6,42). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Charriot J, Gaga M, Suehs C, Bourdin A. (2020). “Asthma rescue treatments, time to reboot. “ Eur Respir J. 2020 Apr 16;55(4):2000542 (IF=16,67). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Charton M Flécher E, Leclercq C, Delmas C, Dambrin C, Geominne C, Vencentelli A, Michel M, Lehelias L, Verdonk C, Para M, Pozzi M, Obadia JF, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Barandon L, Nubret K, Kindo M, Minh TH, Gaudard P, Pelcé E, Gariboldi V, Litzer PY, Anselme F, Babatasi G, Belin A, Garneir F, Bielefeld M, Hamon D, Lellouche N, Bourguignon T, Genet T, Eschalier R, D’Ostrevy N, Bories MC, Jouan J, Vanhuyse F, Blangy H, Doucerain J, Martins RP, Galand V. (2020). “ Suicide Attempts Among LVAD Recipients: Real-Life Data From the ASSIST-ICD Study “Circulation 2020 Mar 17;141(11):934-936.. (IF=29,69). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systemss (Q1); Peripheral Vascular disease (Q1)
Dupin C, Belhadi D, Guilleminault L, Gamez AS, Berger P, De Blay F, Bonniaud P, Leroyer C, Mahay G, Girodet PO, Raherison C, Fry S, Le Bourdellès G, Proust A, Rosencher L, Garcia G, Bourdin A, Chenivesse C, Didier A, Couffignal C, Taillé C. (2020). “Effectiveness and safety of dupilumab for the treatment of severe asthma in a real-life French multi-centre adult cohort. “ Clin Exp Allergy. 2020 Jul;50(7):789-798. (IF=5,02). Allergy (Q2); Immunology (Q2).
Erdoes G, Vuylsteke A, Schreiber JU, Alston RP, Howell SJ, Wouters PF, Guarracino F, Unic-Stojanovic D, Martinez AH, Vives M, Gaudard P, Burtin P, Bettex D, Granell M, Szekely A, van der Maaten J, Antoniou T, Jiménez MJ, Szegedi L, Seeberger M, Erb JM, Singh R, von Dossow V, Matute P, Rosseel P, Marczin N, Landoni G, Wilkinson K, Diprose P, Mukherjee C, Paternoster G, El-Tahan MR; Education and Subspecialty Committees of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology (EACTA). (2020). “European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology (EACTA) Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Fellowship Curriculum: First Edition. “ J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2020 May;34(5):1132-1141. (IF=2,63).Anesthesiology (Q3). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q3); Respiratory System (Q3); Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q3).
Fieldes M, Ahmed E, Bourguignon C, Mianné J, Martin M, Arnould C, Vachier I, Assou S, De Vos J, Bourdin A (2020) “Generation of the induced pluripotent stem cell line UHOMi002-A from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a healthy male donor“ Stem Cell Research. Volume 49, December 2020, 102037 (IF=2,02). Cell and Time Engineering (Q2) ; Cell Biology (Q2).
Fieldès M, Ahmed E, Bourgignon C, Mianné J, Vernisse C, Fort A, Vachier I, Bourdin A, Assou S, De vos J. (2020). ”[Modelling the bronchial epithelium in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using human induced pluripotential stem cells] ” Rev Mal Respir 2020 Mar;37(3):197-200. (IF=0,62). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
FitzGerald JM, Tran TN, Alacqua M, Altraja A, Backer V, Bjermer L, Bjornsdottir U, Bourdin A, Brusselle G, Bulathsinhala L, Busby J, Canonica GW, Carter V, Chaudhry I, Cho YS, Christoff G, Cosio BG, Costello RW, Eleangovan N, Gibson PG, Heaney LG, Heffler E, Hew M, Hosseini N, Iwanaga T, Jackson DJ, Jones R, Koh MS, Le T, Lehtimäki L, Ludviksdottir D, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Menzies-Gow A, Murray RB, Papadopoulos NG, Perez-de-Llano L, Peters M, Pfeffer PE, Popov TA, Porsbjerg CM, Price CA, Rhee CK, Sadatsafavi M, Tohda Y, Wang E, Wechsler ME, Zangrilli J, Price DB. (2020). “International severe asthma registry (ISAR): protocol for a global registry. “ BMC Med Res Methodol. 2020 Aug 14;20(1):212. (IF=4,61). Health Care Sciences and Services (Q1)
Galand V, Flécher E, Chabanne C, Lelong B, Goéminne C, Vincentelli A, Delmas C , Dambrin C, Nubret K, Pernot M, Kindo M, Hoang Minh T, Gaudard P, Frapier JM, Michel M, Sénage T, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Verdonk C, Para M, Pelcé E, Gariboldi V, Pozzi M, Obadia JF, Litlzer PY, Anselme F, Babatasi G, Plane AF, Garnier F, Bielefeld M, Hamon D, Radu C, Bourguignon T, Genet T, Eschalier R, D’Ostrevy N, Bories MC, Marijon E, Vanhuyse F, Blangy H, Leclercq C, Martins RP (2020). “Septuagenarian population has similar survival and outcomes to younger patients after left ventricular assist device implantation. “Archives of Cardiovascular Dis 2020 Nov;113(11):701-709. (IF=2,34).
Galand V, Flécher E, Chabanne C, Lelong B, Goéminne C, Vincentelli A, Delmas C, Dambrin C, Picard F, Sacher F, Kindo M, Minh TH, Gaudard P, Rouvière P, Sénage T, Michel M, Boignard A, Chavanon O, Verdonk C, Ghodhbane W, Pelcé E, Gariboldi V, Pozzi M, Obadia JF, Litzler PY, Anselme F, Babatasi G, Blanchart K, Garnier F, Bielefeld M, Hamon, Lellouche N, Bourguignon T, Genet T, Eschalier R, D’Ostrevy N, Varlet E, Jouan J, Vanhuyse F, Blangy H, Leclercq C, Martins RP (2020). ” Outcomes of Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation in Patients With Uncommon Etiology Cardiomyopathy. ” Am J Cardiol 2020 May 1;125(9):1421-1428. (IF=2,78). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Ghaleh B, Thireau J, Cazorla O, Soleti R, Scheuermann V, Bizé A, Sambin L, Roubille F, Andriantsitohaina R, Martinez M-C, Lacampagne A (2020). ” Cardioprotective effect of sonic hedgehog ligand in pig models of ischemia reperfusion. ” Theranostics 2020; 10(9): 4006-4016. (IF=11,56). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1).
Humbert M, Bourdin A, Papadopoulos NG, Holgate ST, Hanania NA, Halpin DMG, Chapman KR, Gavornikova M, Price DB, Kaplan A, Heaney LG.(2020). “ Reducing the hidden burden of severe asthma: Recognition and referrals from primary practice. “.J Asthma. 2020 Apr 29:1-9. (IF=2,51). Respirtory Sytem (Q3). Allergy ” (Q3).
ISAR Study Group (avec parmi les participants : Bourdin A). (2020). ”International Severe Asthma Registry: Mission Statement: The ISAR Study Group. ” Chest. 2020 Apr;157(4):805-814. (IF=9,41). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Jaffuel D, Rabec C, Philippe C, Mallet JP, Georges M, Redolfi S, Palot A, Suehs CM, Nogue E, Molinari N, Bourdin A. (2020). ” Patterns of adaptive servo-ventilation settings in a real-life multicenter study: pay attention to volume! : Adaptive servo-ventilation settings in real-life conditions. ” Respir Res. 2020 Sep 21;21(1):243. (IF=5,63). Respiratory Systems (Q2).
Lebret M, Jaffuel D, Suehs CM, Mallet JP, Lambert L, Rotty MC, Pépin JL, Matzner-Lober E, Molinari N, Borel JC (2020). “Feasibility of Type 3 Polygraphy for Evaluating Leak Determinants in CPAP-Treated OSA Patients: A Step Toward Personalized Leak Management. “Chest. 2020 Nov;158(5):2165-2171. (IF=9,41). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Marquette CH, Boutros J, Benzaquen J, Ferreira M, Pastre J, Pison C, Padovani B, Bettayeb F,Fallet V, Guibert, Basille D, Ilie M, Hofman V*, Hofman P*, on behalf of the AIR project Study Group (avec comme collaborateurs, Bourdin A, Berthet JP) (2020). ” Circulating tumour cells as a potential biomarker for lung cancer screening: a prospective cohort study ” Lancet Respir Med 2020 Jul;8(7):709-716. (IF=30,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Meys R, Stoffels AAF, de Brandt J, van Hees HWH, Franssen FME, Sillen MJH, Wouters EFM, Burtin C, Klijn P, Bij de Vaate E, van den Borst B, Otker JM, Donkers J, Schleich FN, Hayot M, Pomiès P, Everaert I, Derave W, Spruit MA; BASES consortium (2020). “Beta-alanine supplementation in patients with COPD receiving non-linear periodised exercise training or neuromuscular electrical stimulation: protocol of two randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. “ BMJ Open. 2020 Sep 13;10(9):e038836. (IF=2,69). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Moreira Souza AC, Grabe-Guimaraes A, Cruz JDS, Santos-Miranda A, Farah C, Teixeira Oliveira L, Lucas A, Aimond F, Sicard P, Mosqueira VCF, Richard S. (2020). “ARTEMETHER TOXICITY MECHANISMS ON SINGLE CARDIOMYOCYTES AND PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF NANOENCAPSULATION. “ Br J Pharmacol. 2020 Jul 1;177(19):4448-4463 (IF=8,74). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Mourad M, Eliet J, Zeroual N, Saour M, Sentenac P, Manna F, Molinari N, Gandet T, Colson PH, Gaudard P. (2020). ”Pulse pressure and end-tidal carbon dioxide for monitoring low native cardiac output during veno-arterial ECLS: a prospective observational study. ” Crit Care. 2020 Sep 22;24(1):569. (IF=9,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Pagin A, Bergougnoux A, Girodon E, Reboul MP, Willoquaux C, Kesteloot M, Raynal C, Bienvenu T, Humbert M, Lalau G, Bieth E. (2020). “Novel ADGRG2 truncating variants in patients with X-linked congenital absence of vas deferens. “ Andrology. 2020 May;8(3):618-624. (IF=3,84). Andrology (Q1).
Pahus L, Suehs CM, Halimi L, Bourdin A, Chanez P, Jaffuel D, Marciano J, Gamez AS, Vachier I, Molinari N. (2020). “Patient distrust in pharmaceutical companies: an explanation for women under-representation in respiratory clinical trials? “ BMC Med Ethics. 2020 Aug 13;21(1):72. (IF=2,65). Medical Ethics (Q1).
Pineau F, Caimmi D, Magalhães M, Fremy E, Mohamed A, Mely L, Leroy S, Murris M, Claustres M, Chiron R, De Sario A (2020). “Blood co-expression modules identify potential modifier genes of diabetes and lung function in cystic fibrosis. “ PLoS One. 2020 Apr 17;15(4):e0231285. (IF=3,24). Multidisciplinary Sciences ( Q2).
Pommier A, Varilh J, Bleuse S, Delétang K, Bonini J, Bergougnoux A, Brochiero E, Koenig M, Claustres M, Taulan-Cadars M. (2020). “miRNA repertoires of cystic fibrosis ex vivo models highlight miR-181a and miR-101 that regulate WISP1 expression. “ J Pathol. 2020 Oct 23. . (IF=8,00). Oncology (Q1); Pathology (Q1).
Price D, Castro M, Bourdin A, Fucile S, Altman P. (2020). “Short-course systemic corticosteroids in asthma: striking the balance between efficacy and safety. “ Eur Respir Rev. 2020 Apr 3;29(155):190151. (IF=8,84). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Prigent A, Gentina T, Launois S, Meurice JC, Pia d’Ortho M, Philippe C, Tamisier R, Gagnadoux F, Jaffuel D; groupe de travail de la Société française de recherche et médecine du sommeil et la Société de pneumologie de langue française. (2020). “[Telemonitoring in continuous positive airway pressure-treated patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: An algorithm proposal]. “ Rev Mal Respir. 2020 Sep;37(7):550-560. . (IF=0,62). Respiratory System (Q4).
Rabec C, Gonzalez-Bermejo J; Respiratory Support, Chronic Care Group GAVO 2 of the French Society of Respiratory Diseases SPLF;( GAVO 2 collaborators = parmi lesquels Jaffuel D). (2020). “Respiratory support in patients with COVID-19 (outside intensive care unit). A position paper of the Respiratory Support and Chronic Care Group of the French Society of Respiratory Diseases. “Respir Med Res. 2020 May 27;78:100768. (IF =1,12).
Ranisavljevic N, Hess M, Castelli C, Willems M, Ferrieres-Hoa A, Girardet A, Anahory T. (2020). “Are ovarian response and pregnancy rates similar in selected FMR1 premutated and mutated patients undergoing preimplantation genetic testing? “ J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020 Jul;37(7):1675-1683. (IF=3,41). Genetics and Heredity (Q3 ; Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2) ; Reproductive Biology (Q2).
Raynal C, Corvol H. (2020). “Variant classifications, databases and genotype-phenotype correlations. “ Arch Pediatr. 2020 Feb;27 Suppl 1:eS13-eS18. . (IF=0,91). Pediatrics ( Q4).
Roch B, Coffy A, Jean-Baptiste S, Palaysi E, Daures JP, Pujol JL, Bommart S. (2020). “Cachexia – sarcopenia as a determinant of disease control rate and survival in non-small lung cancer patients receiving immune-checkpoint inhibitors. “ Lung Cancer. 2020 May;143:19-26. (IF=5,70). Oncology (Q2) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Saour M, Zeroual N, Ridolfo J, Nogue E, Picot MC, Gaudard P, Colson PH (2020). ”Serum Phosphate Kinetics in Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery: An Observational Study. ” . J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2020 Nov;34(11):2964-2972.. (IF=2,63). Anesthesiology (Q3) ; Cardiac Cardiovascular Systems (Q3) ; Respiratory System (Q3) ; Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q3)
Sasorith S, Baux D, Bergougnoux A, Paulet D, Lahure A, Bareil C, Taulan-Cadars M, Roux AF, Koenig M, Claustres M, Raynal C. (2020). “The CYSMA web server: An example of integrative tool for in silico analysis of missense variants identified in Mendelian disorders. “Hum Mutat. 2020 Feb;41(2):375-386. (IF=4,88). Genetics and Heredity (Q1).
Savale L, Guimas M, Ebstein N, Fertin M, Jevnikar M, Renard S, Horeau-Langlard D, Tromeur C, Chabanne C, Prevot G, Chaouat A, Moceri P, Artaud-Macari É, Degano B, Tresorier R, Boissin C, Bouvaist H, Simon AC, Riou M, Favrolt N, Palat S, Bourlier D, Magro P, Cottin V, Bergot E, Lamblin N, Jaïs X, Coilly A, Durand F, Francoz C, Conti F, Hervé P, Simonneau G, Montani D, Duclos-Vallée JC, Samuel D, Humbert M, De Groote P, Sitbon O. (2020). “Portopulmonary hypertension in the current era of pulmonary hypertension management. “J Hepatol. 2020 Jul;73(1):130-139. And . J Hepatol. 2020 Nov;73(5):1293-1294. . (IF=25,08). Gastroenterology and Hepathology ( Q1).
Scott M, De Sario A (2020). “DNA methylation changes in cystic fibrosis: Cause or consequence? “ Clin Genet. 2020 Jul;98(1):3-9. . (IF=4,44). Genetics & Heredity (Q2) Sleiman Y, Souidi M, Kumar R, Yang E, Jaffré F, Zhou T, Bernardin A, Reiken S, Cazorla O, Kajava AV, Moreau A, Pasquié JL, Marks AR, Lerman BB, Chen S, Cheung JW, Evans T, Lacampagne A, Meli AC. (2020). “Modeling polymorphic ventricular tachycardia at rest using patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. “EBioMedicine. 2020 Oct;60:103024. (IF= 8,14). Medicine Research and Experimental (Q1).
Suehs CM, Zysman M, Chenivesse C, Burgel PR, Couturaud F, Deslee G, Berger P, Raherison C, Devouassoux G, Brousse C, Roche N, Molimard M, Chinet T, Devillier P, Chanez P, Kessler R, Didier A, Martinat Y, Le Rouzic O, Bourdin A. (2020). “Prioritising outcomes for evaluating eosinophil-guided corticosteroid therapy among patients with acute COPD exacerbations requiring hospitalisation: a Delphi consensus study. “ BMJ Open. 2020 Jul 1;10(7):e035811 (IF=2,69). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Suehs C, Bourdin A, Vachier I, Molinari N, Romagnoli M (2020). “Transbronchial cryobiopsy in the diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases: methodologies and perspectives from the Cryo-PID and COLDICE studies. “ Ann Transl Med, 2020 Oct;8(20):1330. (IF=3,93). Oncology (Q2) ; Medicine Research and Experimental (Q2).
Taillé C, Chanez P, Devouassoux G, Didier A, Pison C, Garcia G, Charriot J, Bouée S, Gruber A, Pribil C, Bourdin A, Humbert M (2020). ”Mepolizumab in a population with severe eosinophilic asthma and corticosteroid dependence: results from a French early access programme. ” Eur Respir J. 2020 Jun 25;55(6):1902345. (IF=16,67). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Taillé C, Chenivesse C, Devouassoux G, Bourdin A, Garcia G; G2A (Groupe Asthme et Allergie); French Language Respiratory Society SPLF Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française.(2020). ”Management of asthma during the Coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak. ” Respir Med Res. 2020 May 25;78:100762. (IF=1,12). (Respiratory system (Q4).
Tuaillon E, Bolloré K, Pisoni A, Debiesse S, Renault C, Marie S, Groc S, Niels C, Pansu N, Dupuy AM, Morquin D, Foulongne V, Bourdin A, Le Moing V, Van de Perre P (2020) “Detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies using commercial assays and seroconversion patterns in hospitalized patients. “ J Infect. 2020 Aug;81(2):e39-e45. (IF= 6,07). Infectious Diseases (Q1)
Varga B, Meli AC, Radoslavova S, Panel M, Lacampagne A,Gergely C, Cazorla O, Cloitre T. (2020)“ Internal structure and remodeling in dystrophin-deficient cardiomyocytes using second harmonic generation. “.Nanomedicine, Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 2020 Nov;30:102295.. (IF=6,46). Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Q2) ; Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1).
Vikhorev PG, Vikhoreva NN, Yeung W, Li A, Lal S, Dos Remedios CG, Blair CA, Guglin M, Campbell KS, Yacoub MH, de Tombe P, Marston SB.(2020). “. Titin-Truncating Mutations Associated With Dilated Cardiomyopathy Alter Length-Dependent Activation And Its Modulation Via Phosphorylation. “ Cardiovasc Res. 2020 Nov 2:cvaa316. Sous presse. (IF=10,79). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1)