Muscle et Déficiences d’Organes : Publications / Awards
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Liste des publications
Liste des Publications par ordre alphabétique du premier auteur / List of Publications in alphabetical order of first author
Les divers membres de l’équipe sont en gras / The various team members are in bold
Annesi-Maesano I, Bonniaud P, Bouchaud G, Boyer L, Gosset P, Gras D, Guignabert C, Ladjemi MZ, Matecki S, Morelot C, Pilette C, Planes C, Plantier L, Polette M, Si-Tahar M, Taillé C, Zaragosi LE, Vachier I, Mari B, Guibert C; membres du groupe RESPIRenT (2025). “ [On your marks, get set, go for the 20th edition of J2R 2024 in Paris!]. “ . Rev Mal Respir. 2025 Mar 11:S0761-8425(25)00048-8.sous presse. (IF=0,50). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Canaud B, Popa C, Leray-Moragues H, Morena-Carrere M, Cristol JP (2025) « Can Gut Instinct Guide the Detection of Intestinal Bacterial Translocation in Dialysis Patients? ». Kidney Int Rep. (2025) 10, 12–16; (IF=5,70) Nephrology (Q1).
Capdevila M, De Jong A, Jaber S (2025). » Optimizing ICU weaning: globalizing personalized weaning strategies-author’s reply. » Intensive Care Med. 2025 Jan 16. Sous presse. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Capdevila M, De Jong A, Belafia F, Vonarb A, Carr J, Molinari N, Choquet O, Capdevila X Jaber S (2025). “Ultrasound guided transcutaneous phrenic nerve stimulation in critically ill patients: a new method to evaluate diaphragmatic function“ – Anesthesiology, 2025 Mar 1;142(3):522-531.. (IF=9,10). Anessthesiology (Q1).
Capdevila M, Pensier J, De Jong A, Jung B, Beghin J, Laumon T, Aarab Y, Deffontis L, Sfara T, Cuny A, Carr J, Molinari N, Le Guennec JY, Raynaud F, Matecki S, Brochard L, Lacampagne A, Jaber S. (2025). “Impact of under-assisted ventilation on diaphragm function and structure in a porcine model. “ Anesthesiology. 2025 Jan 24. Sous presse. (IF=9,10). Anesthesiology (Q1).
De Jong A, Capdevila M, Aarab Y, Cros M, Pensier J, Lakbar I, Monet C, Quintard H, Cinotti R Asehnoune K, Arnal JM, Guitton C, PaugamBurtz, Abback P, Mekontso-Dessap A, Lakhal K, Lasoki S, Plantefeve G, Claud B, Potteecher J, Corne P, Ichai C, Molinari N, Chanques G, Papazian L, Azoulay E, Jaber S for freeRéa Study Group C025). “ Incidence, risk factors and long-term outcomes for extubation failure in intensive care unit in patients with obesity A retrospective analysis of a multicenter prospective …“ CHEST 2025 Jan;167(1):139-151. (IF=9,50). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory Systems (Q1).
De Jong A, Capdevila M, Jaber S. “Response. “ Chest. 2025 Mar;167(3):e104. (IF=9,50); Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Desbordes C, Szabo V, Greco F, Chalard K, Dargazanli,C, Molinari N, Matzner E, Macioce V, Pissarra J, Chanques G, Pierre Perrigault P (2025), “Influence of meteorological changes on the occurrence of cerebral aneurysm rupture in the Montpellier region: A retrospective study “ Neurochirurgie, 2025 sous presse. (IF=1,50)Surgery (Q2).
Dhuique-Mayer C, Boada S, Meile JC, Poucheret P, Landrier JF, Urdaci M, Lambert K, Servent A (2025). “A fermented functional food enriched in phytosterol and carotenoids improves lipid profile and insulin resistance and restores vitamin A status in high-fat diet-induced metabolic syndrome rats. “. Food Funct. 2025 Mar 24.sous presse. (IF=5,10). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Food , Science and Technology (Q1).
Fosset M, von Wedel D, Redaelli S, Talmor D, Molinari N, Josse J, Baedorf-Kassis EN, Schaefer MS, Jung B. (2025). “Subphenotyping prone position responders with machine learning. “ Crit Care. 2025 Mar 14;29(1):116. (IF=8,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Fujita K, Desmond P, Blondelle J, Soták M, Rajan MR, Clark M, Estève É, Chan Y, Gu Y, Actis Dato V, Marrocco V, Dalton ND, Ghassemian M, Do A, Klos M, Peterson KL, Sheikh F, Cho Y, Börgeson E, Lange S. (2025). “Combined Loss of Obsc and Obsl1 in Murine Hearts Results in Diastolic Dysfunction, Altered Metabolism, and Deregulated Mitophagy. “ Circ Heart Fail. 2025 Mar 11:e011867 sous presse. (IF=4,35). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine miscellaneous (Q1).
Ghosh P, Ward PA,. Orrock JL, Greif R and McNarry AF, on behalf of the HFNO expert consensus group, avec , De Jong A comme collaboratrice (2025). “A safety checklist for apnoeic oxygenation using high-flow nasal oxygen for laryngotracheal surgery in adults: An international Delphi consensus “ – European Journal of Anesthesiology… 2025 sous presse. (IF=4,20) Anesthesiology (Q1).
Guyot A, Rouxel P, Jaber S, Pereira B, Lambert C Futier E, Beloeil, H (2025). “ Personalised analgesia/nociception index-guided opioid administration for abdominal surgery: A randomised trial“ – European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2025 sous presse. (IF=4,20). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Jabaudon M, Quenot JP, Badie J, Audard J, Jaber S, Rieu B, Varillon C, Monsel A, Thouy F, Lorber J, Cousson J, Bulyez S, Bourenne J, Sboui G, Lhommet C, Lemiale V, Bouhemad B, Brault C, Lasocki S, Legay F, Lebouvier T, Durand A, Pottecher J, Conia A, Brégeaud D, Velly L, Thille AW, Lambiotte F, L’Her E, Monchi M, Roquilly A, Berrouba A, Verdonk F, Chabanne R, Godet T, Garnier M, Blondonnet R, Vernhes J, Sapin V, Borao L, Futier E, Pereira B, Constantin JM; SESAR Trial Investigators avec comme collaborateur (Chanques G, De Jong A, Jung B) (2025). “Inhaled Sedation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: The SESAR Randomized Clinical “. . JAMA. 2025 Mar 18. Sous presse. (IF=63,10). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Jaber S (2025). “ A new chapter in intensive care medicine “ – Intensive Care Medicine, (2025) 51:1–3. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jivraj NK, Lakbar I, Sadeghirad B, Müller MM, Sohn SY, Peel JK, Jaffer A, Phoophiboon V, Trivedi V, Chaudhuri D, Lu C, Liu Y, Giammarioli B, Einav S, Burns KEA (2025). “ Intra-operative ventilation strategies and their impact on clinical outcomes: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised trials. “. Anaesthesia. 2025 Mar 25 sous presse. (IF=7,50). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Ke L, Ye B, Huang M, Chen T, Doig G, Li C, Chen Y, Zhang H, Zhao L, Chen G, Tu S, Fu L, Xia H, Yang D, Wu B, Ye B, Zhang G, Yang M, Li Q, Chen X, Pan X, Mao W, Buxbaum J, Jaber S, Tong Z, Liu Y, Windsor J, Bellomo R, Li W; Chinese Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Trials Group (CAPCTG). (2025). “Balanced Solution versus Normal Saline in Predicted Severe Acute Pancreatitis: A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial. “ Ann Surg. 2025 Jan 1;281(1):86-94. (IF=7,50). Surgery (Q1).
Khirani S, Griffon L, Amaddeo A, Baudin F, Bierme P, Taytard J, Stremler N, Baravalle-Einaudi M, Mazenq J, Ioan I, Schweitzer C, Lampin ME, Binoche A, Mordacq C, Bergounioux J, Mbieleu B, Rubinsztajn R, Sigur E, Labouret G, Becourt A, Hullo E, Pin I, Bui S, Galodé F, Menard J, Moreau J, Renoux MC, Matecki S, Lavadera ML, Heyman R, Pomedio M, Le Clainche L, Bokov P, Dudoignon B, Masson A, Hangard P, Menetrey C, Jokic M, Gachelin E, Perisson C, Pervillé A, Gourdan P, Giovannini-Chami L, Fleurence E, Barzic A, Cros P, Breining A, Ollivier M, Labbé G, Coutier L, Aubertin G, Fauroux B; NIV Group of the French Society of Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy (Société Pédiatrique de Pneumologie et Allergologie (SP2A)). (2025) “ Home noninvasive ventilation in pediatric patients: Does one size fit all? “ Respir Med. 2025 Feb 4:107983. Sous presse. (IF=3,50). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2); Respiratory System (Q2).
Lakbar I, Capdevila M, Pensier J, De Jong A– (2025). “Clinical Management of Patients with Severe Post-Operative Pulmonary Complications“ Current Anesthesiology Reports, 2025 sous presse. (IF=1,60). Anesthesiology (Q2).
Lewis K, Balas MC, Stollings JL, McNett M, Girard TD, Chanques G, Kho ME, Pandharipande PP, Weinhouse GL, Brummel NE, Chlan LL, Cordoza M, Duby JJ, Gélinas C, Hall-Melnychuk EL, Krupp A, Louzon PR, Tate JA, Young B, Jennings R, Hines A, Ross C, Carayannopoulos KL, Aldrich JM (2025). “.A Focused Update to the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Pain, Anxiety, Agitation/Sedation, Delirium, Immobility, and Sleep Disruption in Adult Patients in the ICU. “ Crit Care Med. 2025 Feb 21. . Sous presse. . (IF=7,70) Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Lewis K, Balas MC, Stollings JL, McNett M, Girard TD, Chanques G, Kho ME, Pandharipande PP, Weinhouse GL, Brummel NE, Chlan LL, Cordoza M, Duby JJ, Gélinas C, Hall-Melnychuk EL, Krupp A, Louzon PR, Tate JA, Young B, Jennings R, Hines A, Ross C, Carayannopoulos KL, Aldrich JM (2025). “Executive Summary of a Focused Update to the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Pain, Anxiety, Agitation/Sedation, Delirium, Immobility, and Sleep Disruption in Adult Patients in the ICU. “ Crit Care Med. 2025 Feb 21. Sous presse. (IF=7,70) Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Long MT, Krause BM, de Jong A, Dollerschell JT, Brewer JM, Casey JD, Gaillard JP, Gandotra S, Ghamande SA, Gibbs KW, Ginde AA, Hughes CG, Janz DR, Khan A, Latimer A, Mitchell S, Page DB, Russell DW, Self WH, Semler MW, Stempek S, Trent S, Vonderhaar DJ, West JR, Halliday SJ; Pragmatic Critical Care Research Group (PCCRG). (2025). “Diabetes Mellitus Is Not a Risk Factor for Difficult Intubation Among Critically Ill Adults: A Secondary Analysis of Multicenter Trials. “ Crit Care Med. 2025 Jan 1;53(1):e65-e73. (IF=7,70) Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Mondesert E, Baud B, Roubertie A, Benoist JF, Grillet PE, Cristol JP, Francois-Heude MC, Schiff M, Badiou S. . (2025). “ Disorder of intracellular cobalamin metabolism: Importance of rapid diagnostic illustrated by a case report of early-onset methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria, cobalamin C type. “ Heliyon. 2025 Jan 23;11(3):e42086. (IF=3,40) . Multidisciplinary Siences (Q2).
Monet C, Capdevila M, Lakbar I, Raimbert C Jaber S, De Jong A (2025) “Intubation difficile en réanimation “- Médecine Intensive …, 2025 sous presse. (IF=à venir) Emergency Medicine (Q4); Emergency Nursing (Q4).
Pensier J, Naudet-Lasserre A, Monet C, Capdevila M, Aarab Y, Lakbar I, Chanques G, Molinari N, De Jong A and Jaber S (2025). “Noninvasive respiratory support following extubation in critically ill adults with obesity: a systematic review and network meta-analysis“ eClinicalMedicine, Volume 79103002 January 2025. (IF=9,60). Medicine Research and experimental (Q1).
Pensier J, Monet C, Jaber S, De Jong A – (2025). “Challenges in Ventilation in Patients with Obesity “Current Anesthesiology Reports, January 2025 Volume 15, article number 27 (IF=1,60 ) Anesthesiology (Q2).
Regagnon T, Raynaud F, Subra G, Carnac G, Hugon G, Flatres A, Humblot V, Raymond L, Martin J, Carretero E, Clavié M, Saint N, Calas S, Echalier C, Etienne P, Matecki S (2025). “A new biofunctionalized and micropatterned PDMS is able to promote stretching induced human myotube maturation. “ . Lab Chip. 2025 Feb 13. Sous presse. (IF=6,10) Biochemistry (Q1); Bioengineering (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Chemistry miscellaneous (Q1); Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (Q1).
Virsolvy A, Benmira AM, Allal S, Demattei C, Sutra T, Cristol JP, Jouy N, Richard S, Perez-Martin A … (2025) “Benefits of Dietary Supplementation with Specific Silicon-Enriched Spirulina on Arterial Function in Healthy Elderly Individuals: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled … “ – Nutrients, 2025 sous presse. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
von Wedel D, Redaelli S, Jung B, Baedorf-Kassis EN, Schaefer MS; Lung Injury Group. (2025). “Higher mortality in female versus male critically ill patients at comparable thresholds of mechanical power: necessity of normalization to functional lung size.” Intensive Care Med. 2025 Jan 23. Sous presse. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Aarab Y, Debourdeau T, Garnier F, Capdevila M, Monet C, De Jong A, Capdevila X, Charbit J, Dagod G, Pensier J, Jaber S. (2024) . “Management and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted in a newly created ICU and an expert ICU, a retrospective observational study “Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine…, 2024 Feb;43(1):101321. (IF=3,70). Anesthesiology (Q2); Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
Amedro P, Gavotto A, Huguet H, Souilla L, Huby AC, Matecki S, Cadene A, De La Villeon G, Vincenti M, Werner O, Bredy C, Lavastre K, Abassi H, Cohen S, Hascoet S, Dauphin C, Chalard A, Dulac Y, Souletie N, Bouvaist H, Douchin S, Lachaud M, Ovaert C, Soulatges C, Combes N, Thambo JB, Iriart X, Bajolle F, Bonnet D, Ansquer H, Delpey JG, Cohen L, Picot MC, Guillaumont S; QUALIREHAB Study Group. (2024). “ Early hybrid cardiac rehabilitation in congenital heart disease: the QUALIREHAB trial. “ Eur Heart J. 2024 Apr 21;45(16):1458-1473. (IF= 37,60). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1).
Assouly J, Hayes M, Debien B, Roubille C, Jung B. (2024). “Navigating the challenges: Would onboarding bootcamps enhance comfort and wellbeing of residents in medicine? “ Eur J Intern Med. 2024 Oct:128:141-142. . (IF= 5,90). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Azoulay E, Barnes NK, Nainan-Myatra S, Martin-Delgado MC, Arabi Y, Boulanger C, Mistraletti G, Theodorakopoulou M, Van Heerden V, Paiva JA, Demirkvran O, Heras La Calle G, BUrghi G, François G, Barth A, De Waele J, Jaber S, Darmon M, Cecconi M (2024)” HELLO: a protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial to enhance interpersonal relationships and team cohesion among ICU healthcare professionals. ”- Intensive Care Medicine 2024 Oct 7;12(1):90.. (IF=27,10). Critical care Medicine (Q1)
Balloufaud M, Hosni S, Bolivar J, Saguintaah M, Virassamy M, Laffont I, Coulet B, Lambert K, Delpont M. (2024). “Subscapularis impairment on magnetic resonance imaging is correlated with functional limitations in neonatal brachial plexus palsy. “ Int Orthop. 2024 Jun;48(6):1635-1643. (IF=2,00). Orthopedics (Q2).
Bargnoux AS, Morena M, Rodriguez A, Courtais-Coulon C, Dupuy AM, Kuster N, Chalabi L, Cristol JP. (2024). “Monitoring of ionized magnesium in hemodialysis patients: A useful tool to allow a personalized prescription of dialysate composition. “ Clin Chim Acta. 2024 Jan 1;552:117687. (IF=3,20). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Bargnoux AS, Sutra T, Badiou S, Grillet PE, Dupuy AM, Szwarc I, Pageaux GP, Le Quintrec M, Cristol JP (2024). “ Transplant patient classification based on everolimus blood concentrations: Is there a risk of « misclassifications » using immunoassays? “ Clin Chim Acta. 2024 Oct 17:120009. (IF=3,20). Medical Labatory Technology (Q2).
Barozet M, Le Tilly O, Bejan-Angoulvant T, Fesler P, Roubille C. (2024)“Hypertension and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. “ Curr Hypertens Rep. 2024 Nov;26(11):419-429.. . (IF=3,90). Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q1).
Baud B, Dupuy AM, Zozor S, Badiou S, Bargnoux AS, Mathieu O, Cristol JP. (2024). “Free hemoglobin determination at patients’ bedside to evaluate hemolysis. “ Bioanalysis. 2024 Jan;16(2):65-74. (IF=1,90). Biochemistry Rese rch and Methods (Q3); Chemistry, Analytical (Q2).
Bauer PR, De Jong A (2024). “ How to Make Tracheal Intubation in the ICU Safer and More Effective? “ . Crit Care Med. 2024 May 1;52(5):859-862. (IF=7,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Beurton A, Kooistra EJ, De Jong A, Schiffl H, Jourdain M, Garcia B, Vimpére D, Jaber S, Pickkers P and Papazian L …(2024). “ – Specific and Non-specific Aspects and Future Challenges of ICU Care Among COVID-19 Patients with Obesity: A Narrative Review “ Current Obesity Reports, 2024 Sep;13(3):545-563. (IF=9,50). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1): Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Beydon N, Abou Taam R, Delclaux C, Du Boisbaudry C, Gauthier R, Ioan I, Le Bourgeois M, Giroux-Metges MA, Matecki S; Groupe Efr pédiatrique français (2024). “ [Pulmonary function test: The testing of children]. “ . Rev Mal Respir. 2024 Sep;41(7):488-497. (IF=0,50). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Boulet N, Pensier J, Occean BV, Peray PF, Mimoz O, Rickard CM, Buetti N, Lefrant JY, Muller L, Roger C. (2024). “Central venous catheter-related infections: a systematic review, meta-analysis, trial sequential analysis and meta-regression comparing ultrasound guidance and landmark technique for insertion. “ Crit Care. 2024 Nov 19;28(1):378. (IF=8,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Canaud B, Davenport A, Leray-Moragues H, Morena-Carrere M, Cristol JP, Kooman J, Kotanko P. (2024). Canaud B, Davenport A, Leray-Moragues H, Morena-Carrere M, Cristol JP, Kooman J, Kotanko P. “Digital Health Support: Current Status and Future Development for Enhancing Dialysis Patient Care and Empowering Patients. “ Toxins (Basel). 2024 Apr 30;16(5):211. (IF=3,90). Food Science and Technology (Q2); Toxicology (Q1).
Capozzi A, Dudoit A, Garcia L, Carnac G, Hugon G, Saucier C, Bisbal C, Lambert K. (2024). “Syrah Grape Polyphenol Extracts Protect Human Skeletal Muscle Cells from Oxidative and Metabolic Stress Induced by Excess of Palmitic Acid: Effect of Skin/Seed …“ – Antioxidants, 2024 Mar 19;13(3):373. (IF= 6,00). Agricultural and Biological Sciences Food Science (Q1); Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biology Biochemistry (Q2); Cell biology (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2).
Carrara M, Aubertin G, Khirani S, Massenavette B, Bierme P, Griffon L, Ioan I, Schweitzer C, Binoche A, Lampin ME, Mordacq C, Rubinsztajn R, Debeilleix S, Galode F, Bui S, Hullo E, Becourt A, Lubrano M, Moreau J, Renoux MC, Matecki S, Stremler N, Baravalle-Einaudi M, Mazenq J, Sigur E, Labouret G, Genevois AL, Heyman R, Pomedio M, Masson A, Hangard P, Menetrey C, Le Clainche L, Bokov P, Dudoignon B, Fleurence E, Bergounioux J, Mbieleu B, Breining A, Giovannin-Chami L, Fina A, Ollivier M, Gachelin E, Perisson C, Pervillé A, Barzic A, Cros P, Jokic M, Labbé G, Diaz V, Coutier L, Fauroux B, Taytard J. (2024). “Pediatric long-term noninvasive respiratory support in children with central nervous system disorders. “ Pediatr Pulmonol. 2024 Mar;59(3):642-651. (IF=2,70). Pediatrics (Q2); Respiratory Systems (Q3).
Da Cunha D, Miro J, Van Goethem C, Notarnicola C, Hugon G, Carnac G, Cossée M, Koenig M, Tuffery-Giraud S (2024). “The exon junction complex is required for DMD gene splicing fidelity and myogenic differentiation“ – Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences…, 2024 Mar 21;81(1):150. (IF=6,20). Cell Biology (Q1); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
Debourdeau E, Ortis F, Chamard C, Crowdy H, Jeanjean L, Audemard D, Payerols A, VillainM, De Jong A, Daien V (2424). “.Predictors of pain during phacoemulsification under local sedation: A multicentric study. “J Fr Ophtalmol. 2024 Oct 29;48(1):104346. (IF=1,20) Ophthalmology (Q3).
De Jong A, Pensier J, Jaber S. (2024). “ Integrating multidisciplinary expertise in postoperative noninvasive ventilation management. Authors’ reply. “ Intensive Care Med. 2024 Dec;50(12):2221-2222. (IF= 27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Dupuy AM, Yahyaoui A, Bargnoux AS, Coulon C, Badiou S, Cristol JP. (2024). “New procalcitonin point-of-care test meets analytical performances to stratification of infectious syndrome. “ Pract Lab Med. 2024 Feb 23;39:e00372. (IF=1,70) Clinical Biochemistry (Q3); radiological and Ultrasound Technology (Q3).
Fauroux B, Taytard J, Ioan I, Lubrano M, Le Clainche L, Bokov P, Dudoignon B, Debelleix S, Galode F, Coutier L, Sigur E, Labouret G, Ollivier M, Binoche A, Bergougnioux J, Mbieleu B, Essid A, Hullo E, Barzic A, Moreau J, Jokic M, Denamur S, Aubertin G, Schweitzer C; of the NIV Group of the French Society of Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy (Société Pédiatrique de Pneumologie et Allergologie (SP2A)) avec Matecki S comme collaborateur (2024). “Non-invasive respiratory support in children and young adults with complex medical conditions in pediatric palliative care. “ . Arch Dis Child. 2024 Jul 12:archdischild-2023-326782. (IF=3,90). Pediatrics (Q1).
Fernández S, Grafia I, Peyrony O, Canet E, Vigneron C, Monet C, Issa N, Decavele M, Moreau AS, Lautrette A, Lacave G, Morel G, Cadoz C, Argaud L, Statlender L, Azem K, Quenot JP, Lesieur O, Fernández J, Farrero M, Marcos MÁ, Lemiale V, Castro P, Azoulay É. (2024). “Clinical characteristics and outcomes of immunocompromised critically ill patients with cytomegalovirus end-organ disease: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. “ . Crit Care. 2024 Jul 16;28(1):243 (IF=8,80) Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Ferreyro BL, De Jong A, Grieco DL. (2024).” How to use facemask noninvasive ventilation” – Intensive Care Medicine, 2024 Aug;50(8):1346-1349. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Goyer I, Lakbar I, Freund Y, Lévy B, Leone M. (2024)“Norepinephrine dosing in France: Time to move forward! “ Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2024 May 29:101397. (IF=3,70). Anaesthesiology (Q2); Critical Care Medicine (Q3°.
Helms J, Póvoa P, Jaber S (2024). “ – Refining trial design in sepsis management: balancing realism with ideal outcomes“ Intensive Car Je Medicine, 2024 Jul;50(7):1126-1128.. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Huet F, Mariano-Goulart D, Aguilhon S, Delbaere Q, Lacampagne A, Fauconnier J, Leclercq F, Macia JC, Akodad M, Jammoul N, Prunier F, Mewton N, Angoulvant D, Lozza C, Soltani S, Rodier A, Grandemange S, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP, Amico M, Nagot N, Roubille F. Colchicine to prevent sympathetic denervation after acute myocardial infarction: the COLD-MI trial. Eur Heart J. 2024 Mar 1;45(9):725-727. (IF=37,60). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q1).
Ippolito M, Noto A, Lakbar I, Chalkias A, Afshari A, Kranke P, Garcia CSR, Myatra SN, Schultz MJ, Giarratano A, Bilotta F, De Robertis E, Einav S, Cortegiani A (2024). “Peri-operative night-time work of anaesthesiologists: A qualitative study of critical issues and proposals. “ . Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2024 Jan 1;41(1):34-42. (IF=4,20). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Jaber S, Pensier J, Futier E, Paugam-Burtz C, Seguin P, Ferrandiere M, Lasocki S, Pottecher J, Abback PS, Riu B, Belafia F, Constantin JM, Verzilli D, Chanques G, De Jong A, Molinari N; NIVAS Study Group “Noninvasive ventilation on reintubation in patients with obesity and hypoxemic respiratory failure following abdominal surgery: a post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial. “ Intensive Care Med. 2024 Aug;50(8):1265-1274 (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jaquet M, Bengue M, Lambert K, Carnac G, Missé D, Bisbal C. (2024). “Human muscle cells sensitivity to chikungunya virus infection relies on their glycolysis activity and differentiation stage. “ 2024 Mar;218:85-95. (IF=3,30), Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2).
Jozwiak M, Hayes MM, Canet E, Lautrette A, Morvan-Duroyon M, Molinari N and Jung B…(2024) “Management of diabetic keto-acidosis in adult patients admitted to intensive care unit: an ESICM-endorsed international survey“ – Critical Care, 2024 Dec 18;28(1):408. (IF=8,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jung B, Fosset M, Amalric M, Baedorf-Kassis E, O’Gara E, Sarge T, Moulaire V, Brunot V, Bourdin A, Molinari A and Matecki S (2024). Early and late effects of volatile sedation with sevoflurane on respiratory mechanics of critically ill COPD patients. “ – Annals of Intensive Care, 2024 Jun 18;14(1):91.. (IF=5,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Karamchandani K, Nasa P, Jarzebowski M, Brewster DJ, De Jong A, Bauer PR, Berkow L, Brown III CA, Cabrini L, Casey J, Cook T, Davitia JV, Duggan LV, Ellard L, Ergan B, Faferlund MJ, GatWard J, Greif R, Higgs A, Jaber S, Jazz D, Joffe AM, Jung B, Kovacs G, Kwizera A, Laffey JG, Lascarrou JB, Law JA, Marshall S, Mc Grath BA, Mosier JM, Perin D, Roca O, Rolle A, Russotto V, Sakles JC, Sherstha GS, Smischney NJ, Sorbello M, Tung A, Jabaley CS, …Myatra SN on behalf of the Society of critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA) Physiologically Difficult Aiway Talsk Force – (2024). “ Tracheal intubation in critically ill adults with a physiologically difficult airway. An international Delphi study– “ Intensive Care Medicine, 2024 Oct; 50(10): 1563-1579. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Khirani S, Griffon L, Thébault C, Aubertin G, Dupont P, Mbielen B, Galodé F, Canavesio C, Fleurence E, Labouret G, Cros P, Barzic A, Lavadera ML,Chami LG, Gilardoni JM, Gourdan P, Moreau J, Matecki S, Zitvogel F, Durand M, Perisson C, Tavtard J Fauroux B- (2024). “Lung volume recruitment and airway clearance for children at home in France “ “Respiratory Medicine 2024 Sep:231:107726. (IF=3,50). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2); Respiratory System (Q2).
Lakbar I, Monet C, Piron L, De Jong A, Le Bihan C (2024). “Cas clinique commenté: infection à Clostridium difficile chez un patient avec hypertension portale “Anesthésie & Réanimation, Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2024, Pages 23-27 (IF=0,20). Anesthesiology (Q4).
Lakbar I, Maakaron E, Leone M, Delamarre L, Yon DK, Tran B, Boyer L, Fond G. (2024). “Severe mental illness and mortality in sepsis and septic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis. “ Mol Psychiatry. 2024 Dec;29(12):3857-3864 (IF=9,60). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1). Psychiatry (Q1).
Laurent-Lacroix C, Vincenti M, Matecki S, Mahé P, Moulis L, De La Villeon G, Guillaumont S, Requirand A, Moreau J, Lalande M, Picot MC, Amedro P, Gavotto A (2024). “Aerobic physical capacity and health-related quality of life in children with sickle cell disease. “. Pediatr Res. 2024 Sep;96(4):1006-1012. (IF=3,10). Pediatrics, Perinatalogy and Child health (Q1).
Legrand M, van der Horst ICC, De Jong A (2024). “Serial lactate measurements to guide resuscitation: more evidence not to? “ . Intensive Care Med. 2024 May;50(5):728-730. (IF=27,10). Critial Care Medicine (Q1).
Legrand M, Falcone J, Cholley B, Charbonneau H, Delaporte A, Lemoine A, Garot M, Joosten A, Meistelman C, Cheron-Leroy D, Rives JP, Pastene B, Dewitte A, Sigaut S, Danguy des Deserts M, Truc C, Boisson M, Lasocki S, Cuvillon P, Schiff U, Jaber S, Le Guen M, Caillard A, Bar S, Pereira sz Souza Neto E, Colas V, Dimache F, Girardot T, Jozefowitcz E, Viquesnel S, Berthier F, Vicaut EGayat E for the stop-or-not Trial Group. (2024) “ Continuation vs Discontinuation of Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors Before Major Noncardiac Surgery: The Stop-or-Not Randomized Clinical Trial“ – JAMA 2024 sous presse. (IF=63,10). Medicine General and internal (Q1).
Le Marec J, Hajage D , Decavèle M, Schmidt M, Laurent I, Ricard JD, Jaber S, Azoulay E, Fartoukh M, Hraiech S, Mercat A, Similowski T, Demoule A.… (2024). “High Airway Occlusion Pressure Is Associated with Dyspnea and Increased Mortality in Critically Ill Mechanically Ventilated Patients“ American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2024 Jul 15;210(2):201-210.. (IF= 19,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Magaldi M, Nogue E, Molinari N, De Luca N, Dupuy AM, Leclercq F, Pasquie JL, Roubille C, Mercier G, Cristol JP, Roubille F. (2024). “ Predicting One-Year Mortality after Discharge Using Acute Heart Failure Score (AHFS). “ J Clin Med. 2024 Mar 30;13(7):2018. (IF=3,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Aouinti S, Puech M, Lefebvre P, Humbert L, Deloze M, de Santa Barbara P, Maïmoun-Nande L, Boudousq V, Cristol JP, Renard E, Picot MC, Mariano-Goulart D, Nocca D. (2024). “Modification of bone architecture following sleeve gastrectomy: a 5-year follow-up. “ J Bone Miner Res. 2024 Dec 18:zjae202. (IF=5,10). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1).
Mancilla-Galindo J, Ortiz-Gomez JE, Pérez-Nieto OR, De Jong A, Escarramán-Martínez D, Kammar-García A, Ramírez Mata LC, Díaz AM, Guerrero-Gutiérrez MA (2024). “Preoperative Atelectasis in Patients with Obesity Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: A Cross-Sectional Study. “ Anesth Analg. 2024 Aug 23. Sous presse. (IF=4,60. Anesthesiology (Q1).
Mathieu A, Reignier J, Le Gouge A, Plantefeve G, Mira JP, Argaud L, Asfar P, Badie J, Botoc NV, Bui HN, Chatellier D, Chauvelot L, Cracco C, Darmon M, Delbove A, Devaquet J, Dumont LM, Gontier O, Groyer S, Hourmant Y, Jaber S, Lambiotte F, Madeux B, Maizel J, Martinet O, Maxime V, Mercier E, Nay MA, Nseir S, Piton G, Quenot JP, Renault A, Rigaud JP, Schneider F, Sirodot M, Souweine B, Tamion F, Thévenin D, Thieulot-Rolin N, Tinturier F, Tirot P, Vinatier I, Vinsonneau C, Lascarrou JB, Laurent A; NUTRIREA-3 Trial Investigators; Clinical Research In Intensive Care and Sepsis (CRICS-TRIGGERSEP) Group (2024). ”Resilience after severe critical illness: a prospective, multicentre, observational study (RESIREA).” . Crit Care. 2024 Jul 12;28(1):237. (IF=8,80); Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Maufrais C, Josse M, Patrier L, Grandperrin A, Isnard M, Turc-Baron C, Nottin S, Mandigout S, Cristol JP, Obert P. (2024). “Cardioprotective effect of intradialytic exercise on left atrial mechanics. “ Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2024 May 1;326(5):F694-F703.(IF=3,70). Physiology (Q1); Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Michaud J, Dutron S, Pico J, Jeandel C, Joly-Monrigal P, Neagoe P, Alkar F, Sarradin T, Domitien L, Prodhomme O, Jeziorski E, Delpont M. (2024). “The feasibility and safety of ultrasound-guided puncture for treatment of septic arthritis in children. “ Ital J Pediatr. 2024 Sep 27;50(1):198. (IF=3,20). Pediatrics (Q1).
Monet C, Richebé P, Jaber S. (2024). “. Universal use of videolaryngoscope for all intubations in the ICU: the time is now! “ Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2024 Jul 30:101417 sous presse. (IF=3,70). Anaesthesiology (Q2); Critical care Medicine (Q3).
Monet C, Renault T, Aarab Y, Pensier J, Prades A, Lakbar I, Le Bihan C, Capdevila M, De Jong A, Molinari N, Jaber S. (2024). “ Feasibility and safety of ultra-low volume ventilation (≤ 3 ml/kg) combined with extra corporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) in acute respiratory failure patients. “ Crit Care. 2024 Dec 27;28(1):433.(IF=8,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Morena-Carrere M, Jaussent I, Chenine L, Dupuy AM, Bargnoux AS, Leray-Moragues H, Klouche K, Vernhet H, Canaud B, Cristol JP. (2024). “Severe coronary artery calcifications in chronic kidney disease patients, coupled with inflammation and bone mineral disease derangement, promote major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) through vascular remodeling.” Kidney Blood Press Res. 2024 Nov 27:1-20. (IF=2,30). Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q2); Physiology (Q3).
Moury PH, Béhouche A, Bailly S, Durand,Dessertaine G, Pollet A, Jaber S, Verges S , Albaladeio P (2024). “Diaphragm thickness modifications and associated factors during VA-ECMO for a cardiogenic shock: a cohort study“ Annals of Intensive Care, 2024 Mar 8;14(1):38. (IF=5,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Pensier J, Naudet-Lasserre A, Monet C, Capdevila M, Aarab Y, Lakbar I, Chanques G, Molinari N, De Jong A and Jaber S (2024). “Noninvasive respiratory support following extubation in critically ill adults with obesity: a systematic review and network meta-analysis”. eClinicalMedicine, 2024 Dec 16:79:103002. (IF=9,60). Medicine Research and experimental (Q1).
Pensier J, Benoist F, Deffontis L, Boulet N, Al Taweel B, Costa D, Deruelle P, Capdevielle D, De Jong A, Morin D, Chanques G. (2024). “ Motivation and socialization during summer predict medical students’ success: An artificial intelligence study. “ Med Teach. 2024 Nov 25:1-10. (IF=1,54). Health Sciences and Services (Q1); Education Scientific Disciplines (Q1).
Plawecki M, Gayrard N, Jeanson L, Chauvin A, Lajoix AD, Cristol JP, Jover B, Raynaud F. (2024). “Cardiac remodeling associated with chronic kidney disease is enhanced in a rat model of metabolic syndrome: Preparation of mesenchymal transition. “ Mol Cell Biochem. 2024 Jan;479(1):29-39. (IF=3,50). Cell Biomlogy (Q3).
Richard JCM, Beloncle FM, Béduneau G , Mortaza S, Ehrmann S, Diehl JL, Prat G, Jaber S, Rahmani H, Reignier J, Boulain T, Yonis H, Richecoeur J, Thille AW, Declercq PJ, Antok E, Carteaux G, Vielle B, Brochard L and Mercat A on behalf of the REVA network (2024). “ Pressure control plus spontaneous ventilation versus volume assist-control ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome. A randomised clinical trial “ Intensive Care Medicine, 2024 sous presse. (IF=27,10) Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Robba C, Citerio G, Jaber S. (2024). “Redefining the paradigm: incentivizing the peer review process for scientific advancement. “Intensive Care Med. 2024 Aug;50(8):1320-1322 (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Robba C, Citerio G, Jaber S. (2024). “Beyond peer review: rethinking scientific publishing with AI. Author’s reply. “ Intensive Care Med. 2024 Aug 15. Sous presse. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Roger C, Ling L, Petrier M, Elotmani L, Atchade E, Allaouchiche B, Aubrun F, Constantin JM, Dahyot-Fizelier C, Delhaye N, Dupont H, Fischer MO, Garnier M, Gayat E, Ichai C, Jaber S, Morel J, Plaud B, Rimmelé T, Robin S, Saba R, Joynt GM, Lefrant JY, Fabbro-Peray P, Lipman J, Conejero I, Laupland K. (2024). “Occurrences of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and burnout syndrome in ICU staff workers after two-year of the COVID-19 pandemic: the international PSY-CO in ICU study. “ Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2024 Jan 3;23(1):3. (IF=3,60). Psychiatry (Q2).
Santarisi A, Suleiman A, Redaelli S, von Wedel D, Beitler JR, Talmor D, Goodspeed V, Jung B, Schaefer MS and Baedorf Kassis E (2024). “ Transpulmonary Pressure as a Predictor of Successful Lung Recruitment: Reanalysis of a Multicenter International Randomized Clinical Trial“ – Respiratory Care, 2024 sous presse. (IF=2,4). Critical Care medicine (Q2); Respiratory Medicine (Q2).
Sarfati S, Ehrmann S, Vodovar D, Jung B, Aissaoui N, Darreau C, Bougouin W, Deye N, Kallel H, Kuteifan K, Luyt CE, Terzi N, Vanderlinden T, Vinsonneau C, Muller G, Guitton C; CEMIR (Collège des Enseignants de Médecine Intensive Réanimation, French National College of Intensive Care Scholars); CNP MIR. (Conseil National Professionel de Médecine Intensive Réanimation, French National Council of Intensive Care Medicine). (2024). “Inadequate intensive care physician supply in France: a point-prevalence prospective study. “Ann Intensive Care. 2024 Jun 18;14(1):92. (IF=5,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Shahn Z, Jung B, Talmor D, Kennedy EH, Li-wei HL, Baedorf-Kassis E (2024). “The impact of aggressive and conservative propensity for initiation of neuromuscular blockade in mechanically ventilated patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure“ – Journal of Critical Care, 2024 Aug:82:154803. (IF=3,20). Critical Care Medicine (Q2).
Tchakerian S, Besnard N, Brunot V, Moulaire V, Benchabane N, Platon L, Daubin D, Corne P, Machado S, Jung B, Bendiab E, Landreau L, Pelle C, Larcher R, Klouche K. (2024). “ Epidemiology, clinical and biological characteristics, and prognosis of critically ill COVID 19 patients: a single-center experience through 4 successive waves. “ Pneumonia (Nathan). 2024 Nov 5;16(1):27. (IF=8,50). Respiratory System (Q1).
Tommesani C, Khirani S, Amaddeo A, Massenavette B, Bierme, P, Taytard, J, Stremler, N, Baravalle-Einaudi, M, Mazenq, J, Ioan, J,Schweitzer, C, Lampin, ME, Binoche, A,Mordacq, C, Bergounioux, J, Mbieleu, B, Rubinsztajn, R, Sigur, E, Labouret, G, Genevois, A, Becourt, A, Hullo, E, Pin, I, Debelleix, S, Galodé, F, Bui, S, Moreau, J, Renoux, MC, Matecki, S, Lavadera, ML, Heyman, R, Pomedio, M, Le Clainche, L, Bokov, L, Masson, A, Hangard, P, Menetrey, C, Jokic, M, Gachelin, L, Perisson, C, Pervillé, A, Fina, A, -Chami, AG, Fleurence, E, Barzic, A, Breining, A, Ollivier, M, Labbé, G , Coutier, L, Aubertin, G, Fauroux, B. 2024). “ Long term noninvasive respiratory support in children with OSA-I and OSA-II: data of a nation-wide study“ Sleep Medicine, 2024 Nov 29:126:67-72. (IF=3,80). Clinical Neurology (Q2).
Vermeulen TD, Hol L, Swart P, Hiesmayr M, Mills GH et al., For the LAS VEGAS Collaborators group1 avec Jaber S et De Jong A parmi les collaborateurs. (2024)…” Sex dependence of postoperative pulmonary complications–A post hoc unmatched and matched analysis of LAS VEGAS” – Journal of Clinical Anesthesia…, 2024 Dec:99:111565. (IF=5,,00)Anesthesiology (Q1).
Voeltzel J, Garnier O, Prades A, Carr J, De Jong A, Molinari N, Jaber S, Chanques G. (2024). “Assessing pain in paralyzed critically ill patients receiving neuromuscular blocking agents: A monocenter prospective cohort. “Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2024 Aug;43(4):101384. (IF=3,70). Anesthesiology (Q2); Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
von Wedel D, Redaelli S, Suleiman A, Wachtendorf LJ, Fosset M, Santer P, Shav D, Munoz-Acune R, Chen G Talmor D, Jung B, Baedorf-Kassis EN, Schaefer M (2024). “Adjustments of Ventilator Parameters During Operating Room to ICU Transition and 28-Day Mortality – American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2024 Mar 1;209(5):553-562. (IF=19,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Xu X, Ma H, Zhang Y, Liu W, Jung B, Li X, Shen L –(2024). “Efficacy of bougie first approach for endotracheal intubation with video laryngoscopy during continuous chest compression: a randomized crossover manikin trial“ BMC Anesthesiology, 2024 May 21;24(1):181.. (IF=2,30). Anesthesiology (Q4).
Alaterre C, Fazilleau C, Cayot-Constantin S, Chanques G, Kacer S, Constantin JM, James A (2023). “Monitoring delirium in the intensive care unit: Diagnostic accuracy of the CAM-ICU tool when performed by certified nursing assistants–A prospective multicenter study “ – Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 2023 Dec:79:103487. (IF=4,90). Nursing (Q1).
Al Taweel B, Cassese G, Chanques G, Bouyabrine H, Herrero A, Navarro F, Panaro F. (2023). “Gastrointestinal perforation in liver transplantation recipients: risk factors analysis from a 10-year retrospective study with an international multicenter survey about management strategies. “ Updates Surg. 2023 Apr;75(3):553-561. (IF=2,40). Surgery (Q2).
Amedro P, Mura T, Matecki S, Guillaumont S, Requirand A, Jeandel C, Kollen L, Gavotto A. (2023). “Use of new paediatric VO2max reference equations to evaluate aerobic fitness in overweight or obese children with congenital heart disease. “ Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2023 Nov 30;30(17):1865-1873. (IF=8,40). Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Epidemiology(Q1).
Amedro P, Matecki S, Pereira Dos Santos T, Guillaumont S, Rhodes J, Yin SM, Hager A, Hock J, De La Villeon G, Moreau J, Requirand A, Souilla L, Vincenti M, Picot MC, Huguet H, Mura T, Gavotto A. “Reference Values of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Parameters in the Contemporary Paediatric Population. “ Sports Med Open. 2023 Aug 1;9(1):68.(IF=4,10) Sport Sciences (Q1).
Amzali S, Wilson VD, Bommart S, Picot MC, Galas S, Mercier J, Poucheret P, Cristol JP, Arbogast S and Laoudj-Chenivesse D (2023) “ Nutritional Status of Patients with Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy “ –Nutrients 2023, 15, 1673. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Anstey MH, de Jong A, Skrifvars MB. (2023). . “ Should we give steroids after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest? . “ – Intensive Care Medicine, 2023 sous presse. (IF= 27,10) Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Barbar SD, Bourredjem A, Trusson R, Dargent A, Binquet C, Quenot JP; IDEAL-ICU Study. avec Klouche K et Jaber S comme collaborateus(2023). “Differential effect on mortality of the timing of initiation of renal replacement therapy according to the criteria used to diagnose acute kidney injury: an IDEAL-ICU substudy. “ Crit Care. 2023 Aug 17;27(1):316. (IF=8,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Bargnoux AS, Morena M, Rodriguez A, Courtais-Coulon C, Dupuy AM, Kuster N, Chalabi L, Cristol JP. (2023). “Monitoring of ionized magnesium in hemodialysis patients: A useful tool to allow a personalized prescription of dialysate composition. “ Clin Chim Acta. 2023 Dec 7:117687 (IF=3,20). Medical Laboratory Tchnology (Q1).
Bendiab E, Garnier F, Soler M, Fosset M, Jaber S, Molinari N, Jung B; BICAR-ICU Investigators avec Chanques G et Klouche K parmi les collaborateurs. (2023). “Long-Term Outcome of Severe Metabolic Acidemia in ICU Patients, a BICAR-ICU Trial Post Hoc Analysis“Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1;51(1):e1-e12.(IF=7,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Berger M, Daubin D, Charriot J, Klouche K, Le Moing V, Morquin D, Halimi L, Jaussent A, Taourel P, Hayot M, Cristol JP, Nagot N, Fesler P and Roubille C (2023). “Mid-Term Sequelae of Surviving Patients Hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit for COVID-19 Infection: The REHCOVER Study“ – Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023 Jan 28;12(3):1000.. (IF=3,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Bolesta S, Burry L, Perreault MM, Gélinas C, Smith KE, Eadie R, Carini FC, Saltarelli K, Mitchell J, Harpel J, Stewart R, Riker RR, Fraser GL, Erstad BL; AduLt iatrogEnic withdRawal sTudy in the ICU (ALERT-ICU) Study Investigators avec Chanques G parmi les collaborateurs. . (2023). “International Analgesia and Sedation Weaning and Withdrawal Practices in Critically Ill Adults: The Adult Iatrogenic Withdrawal Study in the ICU. “ Crit Care Med. 2023 Nov 1;51(11):1502-1514. (IF=7,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Bonafos B, Cortés-Espinar AJ, Balas L, Pessemesse L, Lambert K, Benlebna M, Gaillet S, Pelletier F, Delobel P, Ávila-Román J, Abellán MM, Bertrand-Gaday C, Durand T, Coudray C, Casas F, Feillet-Coudray C (2023). “9-PAHPA long term intake in DIO and db/db mice ameliorates insulin sensitivity but has few effects on obesity and associated metabolic disorders. . J Nutr Biochem. 2022 Nov 11;112:109216. (IF=4,80) ; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Nutrition and dietetics (Q1).
Bonnet JB, Couvert P, Di-Filippo M, Boissiere F, Cristol JP, Sutra T, Cheillan D, Moulin P, Sultan A. (2032). “Tuberous xanthomatosis is not necessarily associated with increased plasma concentrations of cholestanol in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. “ J Intern Med. 2023 Jan;293(1):121-123 (IF=9,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Burry L, De Jong A. (2023). “Dexmedetomidine and Propofol Sedation in Critically Ill Patients: How much is too much? “Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Apr 1;207(7):806-807. (IF=19,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Buzancais A, Brunot V, Larcher R, Tudesq JJ, Platon L, Besnard N, Amalric M, Daubin D, Corne P, Moulaire V, Jung B, Canaud B, Cristol JP, Klouche K. (2023). “Sodium flux during hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration treatment of acute kidney injury: Effects of dialysate and infusate sodium concentration at 140 and 145 mmol/L. “ Artif Organs. 2023 Jun;47(6):999-1006. (IF=2,20). Engineering Biomedical (Q3) ; Transplantation (Q3).
Canaud B, Leray-Moragues H, Chenine L, Morena M, Miller G, Canaud L, Cristol JP. (2023).”Comparative Clinical Performances of Tunneled Central Venous Catheters versus Arterio-Venous Accesses in Patients Receiving High-Volume Hemodiafiltration: The Case for High-Flow DualCath, a Tunneled Two-Single-Lumen Silicone Catheter. ”J Clin Med. 2023 Jul 17;12(14):4732. (IF=3,00). Medicine, General and internal(Q1).
Canaud B, Kooman J, Davenport A, Campo D, Carreel E, Morena-Carrere M, Cristol JP. (2023).” Digital health technology to support care and improve outcomes of chronic kidney disease patients: as a case illustration, the Withings toolkit health sensing tools. ” Front Nephrol. 2023 Apr 24;3:1148565. (IF= à venir)
Capdevila M, De Jong A, Aarab Y, Vonarb A, Carr J, Molinari N, Capdevila X, Brochard L and Jaber S. (2023). ” Which spontaneous breathing trial to predict effort to breathe after extubation according to five critical illnesses: the cross-over GLOBAL WEAN study protocol. l” – BMJ Open, 2023 sous presse (IF=2,40). Medicine, General and Internal (Q2).
Carrara M, Aubertin G, Khirani S, Massenavette B, Bierme P, Griffon L, Ioan I, Schweitzer C, Binoche A, Lampin ME, Mordacq C, Rubinsztajn R, Debeilleix S, Galode F, Bui S, Hullo E, Becourt A, Lubrano M, Moreau J, Renoux MC, Matecki S, Stremler N, Baravalle-Einaudi M, Mazenq J, Sigur E, Labouret G, Genevois AL, Heyman R, Pomedio M, Masson A, Hangard P, Menetrey C, Le Clainche L, Bokov P, Dudoignon B, Fleurence E, Bergounioux J, Mbieleu B, Breining A, Giovannin-Chami L, Fina A, Ollivier M, Gachelin E, Perisson C, Pervillé A, Barzic A, Cros P, Jokic M, Labbé G, Diaz V, Coutier L, Fauroux B, Taytard J. (2023). “ Pediatric long-term noninvasive respiratory support in children with central nervous system disorders. “ Pediatr Pulmonol. 2023 Dec 13. Sous presse. (IF=2,70) Pediatrics Sciences (Q1); Respiratory System (Q2).
Chabanne R, Geeraerts T, Begard M, Balança B, Rapido F, Degos V, Tavernier B, Molliex S, Velly L, Verdonk F, Lukaszewicz AC, Perrigault PF, Albucher JF, Cognard C, Guyot A, Fernandez C, Masgrau A, Moreno R, Ferrier A, Jaber S, Bazin JE, Pereira B, Futier E; ANARLF NetworkAMETIS Study Group (2023). “Outcomes After Endovascular Therapy With Procedural Sedation vs General Anesthesia in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: The AMETIS Randomized Clinical Trial. “ . JAMA Neurol. 2023 May 1;80(5):474-483. (IF=20,40). Neurology (Clinical) (Q1).
Charles F, Castet-Nicolas A, Amouroux C, Moreau J, Werner O, Morin D, Berland P, Fila M, de Barry G. (2023). “Evaluation of the impact of pharmaceutical trainings and tools on the proper use of medicines in pediatrics. “ Front Pharmacol. 2023 Apr 25:14:1143974. (IF=4,40) Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Contou D, Béduneau G, Rabault C, Sonneville R, Marchalot A, Coudroy R, Roux D, Cour M, Massol J, Préau S, de Prost N; HOPEFUL Study Group. (avec Jaber S parmi les collaborateurs (2023). “Skin biopsy in adult patients with meningococcal purpura fulminans: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. “ Crit Care. 2023 Apr 30;27(1):166. (IF=8,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Coulon C, Bargnoux AS, Jourdan O, Foulongne V, Mondain AM, Dupuy AM, Sebbane M, Cristol JP (2023). “Feedback on the Implementation of a Rapid and Connectable Point-of-Care COVID-19 Antigen Test in an Emergency Department. “ . Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Nov 22;13(23):3508. (IF=3,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Coustal C, Vanoverschelde J, Quantin X, Lesage C, Michot JM, Lappara A, Ederhy S , Assenat E, Faure M, Issa N, Lambotte O, Puyade M, Dereure O, Tosi D, Rullier P, Serre I, Larcher R, Klouche K, Chanques G, Vernhet-Kovacsik H, Faillie JL, Agullo A, Roubille F, Guilpain P, ATJ Maria. (2023).” Prognosis of immune checkpoint inhibitors-induced myocarditis: a case series” – Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer , 2023 May;11(5):e004792.. (IF=10,30). Immunology (Q1); Oncology (Q1).
Cristol JP, Thierry AR, Bargnoux AS, Morena-Carrere M, Canaud B. (2023). “What is the role of the neutrophil extracellular traps in the cardiovascular disease burden associated with hemodialysis bioincompatibility? “ Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Nov 15;10:1268748. (IF=3,10). Medicine, General and Internal (Q2).
Daniel J, Dumortier J, Del Bello A, Gamon L, Molinari N, Faure S, Meszaros M, Ursic-Bedoya J, Meunier L, Monet C, Navarro F, Boillot O, Pageaux GP, Donnadieu-Rigole H. (2023).” Integrating an addiction team into the management of patients transplanted for alcohol-associated liver disease reduces the risk of severe relapse. ” JHEP Rep. 2023 Jul 30;5(10):100832. (IF=9,50). Gastroenterology and Hapathology (Q1).
De Jong A, Bignon A, Stephan F, Godet T, Constantin JM, Asehnoune K, Sylvestre A, Sautillet J, Blondonnet R, Ferrandière M, Seguin P, Lasocki S, Rollé A, Fayolle PM, Muller L, Pardo E, Terzi N, Ramin S, Jung B, Abback PS, Guerci P, Sarton B, Rozé H, Dupuis C, Cousson J, Faucher M, Lemiale V, Cholley B, Chanques G, Belafia F, Huguet H, Futier E, Azoulay E, Molinari N, Jaber S; EXTUB-OBESE trial group (2023). “Effect of non-invasive ventilation after extubation in critically ill patients with obesity in France: a multicentre, unblinded, pragmatic randomised clinical trial. . “. Lancet Respir Med. 2023 Jun;11(6):530-539. (IF=38,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
De Jong A, Pouzeratte Y, Sfara T, Jaber S (2023). ”Use of videolaryngoscopy as the first option for all tracheal intubations: not so fast. Comment on Br J Anaesth 2023; 130: e12-e13. ” Br J Anaesth. 2023 Feb;130(2):e187-e189.. (IF=9,10). Anestesiology (Q1).
De Jong A, Penne , Kapandji N, Touaibia M, Laatar C , Penne M, Carr J, Pouzeratte Y Jaber S (2023). “Determinants of information provided by anaesthesiologists to relatives of patients during surgical procedures. “..-..- BJA Open, 2023 Jun 28:7:100205. (IF=à voir)
De Jong A, Talmor D, Jaber S. (2023). “How to optimize extubation? “ Intensive Care Med. 2023 Mar;49(3):337-340 (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
de Roij van Zuijdewijn CLM, Rootjes PA, Nubé MJ, Bots ML, Canaud B, Blankestijn PJ, van Ittersum FJ, Maduell F, Morena M, Peters SAE, Davenport A, Vernooij RWM, Grooteman MPC; HDF Pooling Project investigators. (2023). “Long-term peri-dialytic blood pressure changes are related to mortality. “ Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2023 Aug 31;38(9):1992-2001.. (IF=4,80). Transplantation (Q1) ; Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Dore L, Durand E, Bonafos B, Chaiyut J, Vaysse L, Liengprayoon S, Gaillet S, Pessemesse L, Lambert K, Bertrand-Gaday C, Coudray C, Sultan A, Casas F, Feillet-Coudray C. (2023). . “ Preventive nutritional supplementation with furan fatty acid in a DIO mouse model increases muscle mass and reduces metabolic disorders. . “ Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 Aug:164:114945. (IF=6,90). Pharmacology and pharmacy (Q1).
Dridi H, Yehya M, Barsottid R, Liu Y, Reiken S, Azriac L, Yuana Q, Bahloulia L, Kumar-Soni R, Marks AR, Lacampagne A and Matecki S. (2023). “Aberrant mitochondrial dynamics contributes to diaphragmatic weakness induced by mechanical ventilation“ PNAS Nexus, 2023 Nov 7;2(11):pgad336. (IF=2,20) Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q2); Social Sciences, Multidisciplinary (Q1).
Dupuy AM, Cristol JP, Bargnoux AS, Plawecki M, Lotierzo M, Aguilar-Martinez P, Badiou S. (2023).”The pivotal role of HbA1c assay to detect hemoglobinopathies: A 5-year observational retrospective study in the population of Southern France. ”Health Sci Rep. 2023 Jul 16;6(7):e1270. (IF=2,10). Medicine, General and Internal (Q2); Public Environmental and Occupationnal Health (Q3).
Eduin B, Roubille C, Badiou S, Cristol JP, Fesler P. (2023). “Association between Elevated Plasma Vitamin B12 and Short-Term Mortality in Elderly Patients Hospitalized in an Internal Medicine Unit. “ Int J Clin Pract. 2023 Dec 18;2023:6652671. . (IF=2,20) Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Etienne H, Morris IS, Hermans G, Heunks L, Goligher EC, Jaber S, Morelot-Panzini C, Assouad J, Gonzalez-Bermejo J, Papazian L, Similowski T, Demoule A, Dres M. (2023). “Diaphragm Neurostimulation Assisted Ventilation in Critically Ill Patients. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 May 15;207(10):1275-1282. (IF=19,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Femenia V, Pommier V, Huguet H, Iriart X, Picot MC, Bredy C, Lorca L, Villeon GDL, Guillaumont S, Pasquie J-L, Matecki S, Roubertie F, Leobon B, Thambo J-Benoît, Jalal Z, Thomas J, Mouton J-B, Avesani M, Amedro P (2023). “.Correlation between three-dimensional echocardiography and cardiopulmonary fitness in patients with univentricular heart: A cross-sectional multicentre prospective study. “- Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases 2023 Mar 9:S1875-2136(23)00055-4. (IF=2,30). Cardiac ad Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Fessi H, Nicoud P, Serrato T, Gilbert O, Courivaud C, Daoud S, Morena M, Thomas M, Canaud B, Cristol JP. (2023). “Two Years’ Experience of Intensive Home Hemodialysis with the Physidia S3 System: Results from the RECAP Study. “ J Clin Med. 2023 Feb 8;12(4):1357. (IF=3,00). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Finkenstedt A, Jaber S, Joannidis M. (2023). “Ten tips to manage severe acute pancreatitis in an intensive care unit. “ Intensive Care Med. 2023 Sep;49(9):1127-1130. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Frapard T, Amaddeo G, Decavele M, Abback PS, Gaillet A, Bouzbib C, Vanlemmens C, Younan R, Canet E, Moreau AS, Neuville M, Azoulay E, Sitbon A, Mokart D, Radenne S, Abergel A, Guichon C, Roux O, Bonadona A, Mekontso Dessap A, De Jong A, Dumortier J, de Prost N; GrrrOH and Gref2 study groups. (2023). “ Herpes Simplex Virus Hepatitis in Patients Requiring Intensive Care Unit Admission: A Retrospective, Multicenter, Observational Study. “ Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Oct 3;10(11):ofad484. (IF=3,80). Immunology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology( Q2).
Galvano AN, Ippolito M, Noto A, Lakbar I, Einav S, Giarratano A, Cortegiani A. (2023).” Nighttime working as perceived by Italian anesthesiologists: a secondary analysis of an international survey. ”J Anesth Analg Crit Care. 2023 Sep 11;3(1):32 (IF=à venir)
Gaudard P, David H, Bideaux P, Sicard P, Cristol JP, Guillon G, Richard S , Colson P and Virsolvy A (2023). “Involvement of Vasopressin in Tissue Hypoperfusion during Cardiogenic Shock Complicating Acute Myocardial Infarction in Rats“ Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 1325. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Gavotto A, Mura T, Rhodes J, Yin SM, Hager A, Hock J, Guillaumont S, Vincenti M, De La Villeon G, Requirand A, Picot MC, Huguet H, Souilla L, Moreau J, Matecki S, Amedro P. (2023). “Reference values of aerobic fitness in the contemporary paediatric population. “ Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2023 Jul 12;30(9):820-829. (IF=8,40). Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Epidemiology(Q1).
Gavotto A, Dubard V, Avesani M, Huguet H, Picot MC, Abassi H, Guillaumont S, De La Villeon G, Haouy S, Sirvent N, Sirvent A, Theron A, Requirand A, Matecki S, Amedro P. (2023). “ Impaired aerobic capacity in adolescents and young adults after treatment for cancer or non-malignant haematological disease. “ Pediatr Res. 2023 Aug;94(2):626-631. (IF=3,10). Pediatrics, Perinatalogy and child health (Q1).
Gavotto A, Ladeveze M, Avesani M, Huguet H, Guillaumont S, Picot MC, Requirand A, Matecki S, Amedro P (2023). “Aerobic fitness change with time in children with congenital heart disease: A retrospective controlled cohort study. “. Int J Cardiol. 2023 Jan 15;371:140-146. (IF=3,20). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Grasselli G, Calfee CS, Camporota L, Poole D, Amato MBP, Antonelli M, Arabi YM, Baroncelli F, Beitler JR, Bellani G, Bellingan G, Blackwood B, Bos LDJ, Brochard L, Brodie D, Burns KEA, Combes A, D’Arrigo S, De Backer D, Demoule A, Einav S, Fan E, Ferguson ND, Frat JP, Gattinoni L, Guérin C, Herridge MS, Hodgson C, Hough CL, Jaber S, Juffermans NP, Karagiannidis C, Kesecioglu J, Kwizera A, Laffey JG, Mancebo J, Matthay MA, McAuley DF, Mercat A, Meyer NJ, Moss M, Munshi L, Myatra SN, Ng Gong M, Papazian L, Patel BK, Pellegrini M, Perner A, Pesenti A, Piquilloud L, Qiu H, Ranieri MV, Riviello E, Slutsky AS, Stapleton RD, Summers C, Thompson TB, Valente Barbas CS, Villar J, Ware LB, Weiss B, Zampieri FG, Azoulay E, Cecconi M; European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Taskforce on ARDS (2023). “ESICM guidelines on acute respiratory distress syndrome: definition, phenotyping and respiratory support strategies. “. Intensive Care Med. 2023 Jul;49(7):727-759.. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Gris JC, Guillotin F, Dos Santos TP, Chéa M, Loubet P. Laureillard D, Sotto A , Muller L, Davide-Barbar S, Roger C, Lefrant JY, Jung B, Klouche K, Mure T, Quéré I, Perez-Martin A. (2023). “Prognostic value of an automated thrombin generation assay in COVID-19 patients entering hospital: A multicentric, prospective observational study. “- Thrombosis Research, 2023 Jan 2;222:85-95. (IF=3,70). Hematology (Q1).
Huby S, Gelisse P, Tudesq JJ, Labauge P, Duflos C, Cartron G, Gallerand MA, Platon L, Badiou S, Lamure S, Menjot de Champfleur N, Ayrignac X, Taieb G. (2023). “Frontal Intermittent Rhythmic Delta Activity Is a Useful Diagnostic Tool of Neurotoxicity After CAR T-Cell Infusion. “ Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2023 Apr 14;10(4):e200111.. (IF=7,80). Neurology (Q1) ; Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Idres AY, Tousch D, Dhuyque-Mayer C, Hammad I, Lambert K, Cazals G, Portet K, Ferrare K, Bidel LPR, Poucheret P. (2023). “An Original Asteraceae Based Infused Drink Prevents Metabolic Syndrome in Fructose-Rat Model. “ Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Jan 31;12(2):340. (IF=6,00). Biochemistry (Q1); Clinical Biochemistry (Q1); Food Science (Q1); Physiology (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
Jaber S, De Jong A, Schaefer MS, Zhang J, Ma X, Hao X, Zhou S, Lv S, Banner-Goodspeed V, Niu X, Sfara T, Talmor D. (2023). “ Preoxygenation with standard facemask combining apnoeic oxygenation using high flow nasal cannula versuss standard facemask alone in patients with and without obesity: the OPTIMASK international study. “ Ann Intensive Care. 2023 Apr 4;13(1):26. (IF=5,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jaber S, De Jong A. (2023). “ Weaning from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units: a call for new international consensus guidelines. “ Lancet Respir Med. 2023 May;11(5):398-400 (IF=38,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Jabaudon M, Genevrier A, Jaber S, Windisch O, Bulyez S, Laterre PF, Escudier E, Sossou A, Guerci P, Bertrand PM, Danin PE, Bonnassieux M, Bühler L, Heidegger CP, Chabanne R, Godet T, Roszyk L, Sapin V, Futier E, Pereira B, Constantin JM; EPIPAN study group. (2023). “Thoracic epidural analgesia in intensive care unit patients with acute pancreatitis: the EPIPAN multicenter randomized controlled trial. “ Crit Care. 2023 May 31;27(1):213. (IF=8,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jaquet M, Bengue M, Lambert K, Carnac G, Missé D, Bisbal C. (2023). “Human muscle cells sensitivity to chikungunya virus infection relies on their glycolysis activity and differentiation stage. “ Biochimie. 2023 Sep 14:218:85-95 (IF=3,30). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2).
Josse M, Patrier L, Isnard M, Turc-Baron C, Grandperrin A, Nottin S, Mandigout S, Cristol JP, Maufrais C, Obert P. (2023).” Cardioprotective Effect of Acute Intradialytic Exercise: A Comprehensive Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography Analysis. ” J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Aug 1;34(8):1445-1455. (IF=10,30). Urology ad Nephrologyy ( Q1).
Jung B, Huguet H, Molinari N, Jaber S (2023). “Sodium bicarbonate for the treatment of severe metabolic acidosis with moderate or severe acute kidney injury in the critically ill: protocol for a randomised clinical trial (BICARICU-2). “ . BMJ Open. 2023 Aug 17;13(8):e073487. (IF=2,40). Medicine , General and Internal (Q2).
Khanna AK, De Jong A, Myatra SN (2023). “ High-Flow Nasal Cannula and Outcomes in COVID-19: Reading Between the Lines “ – Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2023 Apr 1;136(4):689-691. (IF=4,60). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Laget J, Cortijo I, Boukhaled JH, Muyor K, Duranton F, Jover B, Raynaud F, Lajoix AD, Argilés À, Gayrard N. (2023). “Cafeteria Diet-Induced Obesity Worsens Experimental CKD. “ Nutrients. 2023 Jul 26;15(15):3331. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Lakbar I, Singer M, Leone M. (2023). “ 2030: will we still need our microbiologist? “ Intensive Care Med. 2023 Aug 22. Sous presse. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Larcher R, Bargnoux AS, Badiou S, Besnard N, Brunot V, Daubin D, Platon L, Benomar R, Amalric M, Dupuy AM, Klouche K, Cristol JP. (2023). “ Acute kidney injury in critical COVID-19 patients: usefulness of urinary biomarkers and kidney proximal tubulopathy. “Ren Fail. 2023;45(2):2292152. (IF=3,00). Urology and Nephrology (Q2).
Leone M, Lakbar I, Vincent JL (2023). “ Sepsis : Actual numbers and uncertainties. “ . Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2023 Oct 31;71(6):102176. (IF=0,88). Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3); Epidemiology (Q4).
Lotierzo M, Galvez T, Conquet G, Verani Q, Aguilhon C, Rangeard I, Cristol JP, Renard E. (2023). “ Accurate selection of insulin immunoassay to discern factitious hypoglycemia: a case report. “ Acta Diabetol. 2023 Feb;60(2):315-317 (IF=3,10). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q2).
Maggiore SM, Grieco DL, Jaber S, Antonelli M (2023). –“ Reply to Mandal et al. ». American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2023 Mar 15;207(6):799-800. (IF=19,30) Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Maillard A, Le Goff J, Barry M, Lemiale V, Mercier-Delarue S, Demoule A, Feghoul L, Jaber J, Klouche K, Kouatchet A, Argaud L, Barbier F, Bigé N, Moreau AS, Canet E, Pène F, Salmona M, Mokart D, Azoulay E, (2023). “ Multiplex PCR assay to detect nasopharyngeal viruses in immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory failure. “- CHEST, 2023 Dec;164(6):1364-1377. (IF=9,50). Critical Care Medicine (Q1). Respiratory System (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Aouinti S, Puech M, Lefebvre P, Deloze M, De Santa Barbara P, Renard E,Christol JP, Myzia J, Picot MC, Mariano-Goulart D, Nocca D. (2023). “Changes in Lean Tissue Mass, Fat Mass, Biological Parameters and Resting Energy Expenditure over 24 Months Following Sleeve Gastrectomy. “ – Nutrients, 2023 Feb 27;15(5):1201.. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Aouinti S, Puech M, Lefebvre P, Deloze M, de Santa Barbara P, Cristol JP, Brabant S, Gautier T, Nedelcu M, Renard E, Picot MC, Mariano-Goulart D, Nocca D. (2023). “Effect of Nutritional Deprivation after Sleeve Gastrectomy on Bone Mass, Periostin, Sclerostin and Semaphorin 4D: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study. “ Nutrients. 2023 Oct 10;15(20):4310. (IF=4,80). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Martin D, de Jong A, Radermacher P (2023). “Is the U-shaped curve still of relevance to oxygenation of critically ill patients? “ . Intensive Care Med. 2023 May;49(5):566-568. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Merdji H, Long MT, Ostermann M, Herridge M, Myatra SN, De Rosa S, Metaxa V, Kotfis K, Robba C, De Jong A, Helms J, Gebhard CE. (2023).” Sex and gender differences in intensive care medicine. ” Intensive Care Med. 2023 Sep 7. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Mirouse A, Friol A, Moreau AS, Jung B, Jullien E, Bureau C, Djibré M, de Prost N, Zafrani L, Argaud L, Reuter D, Calvet L, de Montmollin E, Benghanem S, Pichereau C, Pham T, Cacoub P, Biard L, Saadoun D. (2023). “Severe SARS-Cov2 pneumonia in vaccinated patients: a multicenter cohort study. “ Sci Rep. 2023 Feb 2;13(1):1902. (IF=3,80). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Mondesert E, Bargnoux AS, Portet F, Laoudj-Chenivesse D, Arbogast S, Badiou S, Brun JF, Kuster N, Raynaud de Mauverger E, Cristol JP. “Cystatin C for kidney function assessment in patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. “ Clin Chim Acta. 2023 Apr 1:544:117328.. (IF=3,20). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Mondesert E, Eiden C, Peyriere H, Formoso A, Corti L, Cristol JP, Badiou S. (2023). “Functional vitamin B12 deficiency is a consistent feature in hospital admissions for neurological disorders due to the use of nitrous oxide. “ Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2023 Nov 2:1-6. (IF=3,00). Toxicology (Q2).
Mondesert E, Reynes J, Makinson A, Bargnoux AS, Plawecki M, Morquin D, Cristol JP, Badiou S. (2023). “ Cystatin C in addition to creatinine for better assessment of glomerular renal function decline in people with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy. “ AIDS. 2023 Mar 1;37(3):447-454. (IF= 3,40). Molecular medicine (Q3). Immunology (Q2) ; Infectious Diseases ( Q1 ; Virology (Q3).
Moranne O, Cristol JP. (2023). “With Single Plasma Exchange, a Better Understanding of the Potential Clinical Effects of Albumin Replacement Is Required. “ Blood Purif. 2023 Aug 23:1-3. Sous presse. (IF=2,20). Hematology (Q3); Urology and Nephrology (Q3).
Moreau J, Socchi F, Renoux MC, Requirand A, Abassi H, Guillaumont S, Matecki S, Huguet H, Avesanni M, Picot MC, Amedro P. (2023). “Cardiopulmonary fitness in children with asthma versus healthy children. “ Arch Dis Child. 2023 Mar;108(3):204-210. (IF=3,90). Pediatrics (Q1).
Moury PH, Pasquier V, Greco F, Arvieux JL, Alves-Macedo S, Richard M, Casez-Brasseur M, Skaare K, Jacon P, Durand M, Bedague D, Jaber S, Bosson JL, Albaladejo P. (2023). “A randomized controlled trial of the intraoperative use of noninvasive ventilation versus supplemental oxygen by face mask for procedural sedation in an electrophysiology laboratory. “ Can J Anaesth. 2023 Jul;70(7):1182-1193. (IF=2,31). Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q1).
Pardo E, Lescot T, Preiser JC, Massanet P, Pons A, Jaber S, Fraipont V, Levesque E, Ichai C, Petit L, Tamion F, Taverny G, Boizeau P, Alberti C, Constantin JM, Bonnet MP; FRANS study group , avec De Jong A comme collaboratrice. (2023). ”Association between early nutrition support and 28-day mortality in critically ill patients: the FRANS prospective nutrition cohort study. ” . Crit Care. 2023 Jan 7;27(1):7. (IF=8,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Pauchard JC, Hafiani EM, Bonnet L, Cabelguenne D, Carenco P, Cassier P, Garnier J, Lallement F, Pons S, Sautou V, De Jong A, Caillard A. (2023). “Guidelines for reducing the environmental impact of general anaesthesia. “ Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2023 Aug 8:101291. (IF=3,70). Anaesthesiology (Q2) ; Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
Pavlin L, Fernandez F, Lowgreen R, Ohresser I, Cristol JP, Turc-Baron C, Bernardi H, Candau R. (2023). “Feasibility and early effects of bed-cycling eccentric training: potential clinical applications. “ Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2023 May;43(3):154-164. (IF=1,30). Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physiology (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q3).
Pensier J, De Jong A, Monet C, Aarab Y, Le Bihan C, Capdevila M, Lakbar I, Stock L, Belafia F, Chanques G, Molinari N, Jaber S. (2023)“Outcomes and time trends of acute respiratory distress syndrome patients with and without liver cirrhosis: an observational cohort. “ Ann Intensive Care. 2023 Sep 29;13(1):96. (IF=5,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Pisareva E, Badiou S, Mihalovičová L, Mirandola A, Pastor B, Kudriavstev A, Berger M, Roubille C, Fesler P, Klouche K, Cristol JP, Thierry AR (2022). “Persistence of Neutrophil extracellular traps and anti-cardiolipin auto-antibodies in post-acute phase COVID-19 patients. “ J Med Virol. 2023 Jan;95(1):e28209. doi. (IF=6,80). Virology (Q1).
Plawecki M, Bistoquet M, Grillet PE, Abdo N, Souweine JS, Cristol JP. (2023). “Drug-Induced Urinary Stone of Atazanavir Incidentally Found in an Asymptomatic Patient: A Case Report. “ Case Rep Urol.. 2023 Mar 29:2023:4890711. (IF=à venir)
Reignier J, Plantefeve G, Mira JP, Argaud L, Asfar P, Aissaoui N, Badie J, Botoc NV, Brisard L, Bui HN, Chatellier D, Chauvelot L, Combes A, Cracco C, Darmon M, Das V, Debarre M, Delbove A, Devaquet J, Dumont LM, Gontier O, Groyer S, Guérin L, Guidet B, Hourmant Y, Jaber S, Lambiotte F, Leroy C, Letocart P, Madeux B, Maizel J, Martinet O, Martino F, Maxime V, Mercier E, Nay MA, Nseir S, Oziel J, Picard W, Piton G, Quenot JP, Reizine F, Renault A, Richecoeur J, Rigaud JP, Schneider F, Silva D, Sirodot M, Souweine B, Tamion F, Terzi N, Thévenin D, Thiery G, Thieulot-Rolin N, Timsit JF, Tinturier F, Tirot P, Vanderlinden T, Vinatier I, Vinsonneau C, Voicu S, Lascarrou JP, Le Gouge A, for the NUTRIREA-3 Trial Investigators and the Clinical Research in Intensive Care and Sepsis (CRICS-TRIGGERSEP) Group (2023). “Low versus standard calorie and protein feeding in ventilated adults with shock: a randomised, controlled, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group trial (NUTRIREA-3) . “ – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine…, 2023 Jul;11(7):602-612. (IF=38,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Redaelli S, von Wedel D, Fosset M, Suleiman A, Chen G, Alingrin J, Gong MN, Gajic O, Goodspeed V, Talmor D, Schaefer MS, Jung B (2023). “Inflammatory subphenotypes in patients at risk of ARDS: evidence from the LIPS-A trial. “ . Intensive Care Med. 2023 Oct 31. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1)
Renault T, Meunier L, Monet C. (2023).” Acute liver failure following immune checkpoint inhibitors. ” Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2023 Sep 2;47(8):102203. (IF=2,60). Gastroenterology (Q3); Hepatology (Q3).
Rollé A, Elsa Vida E, Laguette P, Garnier Y, Delta D , Martino F, Portecop P, Etienne-Julan M, Piednoir P , De Jong A Romana M and Bernit E. (2023). “Pain Control for Sickle Cell Crisis, a Novel Approach? A Retrospective Study “- Medicina, 2023 sous presse. (IF=2,40). Medicine (Q2).
Saliba F, Jaber S. (2023). “Ceremonial purification: which rite is right in liver failure? Author’s reply. “ Intensive Care Med. 2023 Mar;49(3):367-368. (IF=27,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Schmitt F, Tostivint I, Frochot V, Piéroni L, Caspar-Bauguil S, Plawecki M, Roubille M, Cartier R, Pecquet M. (2023). “[31st National Days of the National College of Hospital Biochemistry]. “ Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2023 Jul 21;81(3):331-336. (IF=0,40). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q4) ; Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q4).
Sorbello M, De Jong A, De Robertis E, Greif R. (2023). “ Dubito ergo sum. From philosophy towards prevention of unrecognised oesophageal intubation. “ Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2023 May 1;40(5):310-312. (IF=4,20). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Souilla L, Avesani M, Boisson A, Requirand A, Matecki S, Vincenti M, Werner O, De La Villeon G, Pommier V, Pasquie JL, Guillaumont S, Amedro P (2023). “Cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle fitness, and physical activity in children with long QT syndrome: A prospective controlled study “. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Jan 11;9:1081106. (IF=2,80). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Thomas C, Delfour-Peyrethon R, Lambert K, Granata C, Hobbs T, Hanon C, Bishop DJ. (2023); “The effect of pre-exercise alkalosis on lactate/pH regulation and mitochondrial respiration following sprint-interval exercise in humans. “ Front Physiol. 2023 Jan 27;14:1073407. (IF=3,20). Physiology (Q1).
Uryash A, Mijares A, Estève E, Adams JA, Lopez JR (2023). “ Smooth Muscle Cells of Dystrophic (mdx) Mice Are More Susceptible to Hypoxia; The Protective Effect of Reducing Ca2+ Influx. . “ . Biomedicines. 2023 Feb 19;11(2):623. (IF=3,90). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1); Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q1).
Vialaret J, Vignon M, Badiou S, Baptista G, Fichter L, Dupuy AM, Maceski AM, Fayolle M, Brousse M, Cristol JP, Jeandel C, Hirtz C, Lehmann S. (2023). “New Perspectives of Multiplex Mass Spectrometry Blood Protein Quantification on Microsamples in Biological Monitoring of Elderly Patients. “ Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 10;24(8):6989. (IF=4,90). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Wylie NW, Durrant EL, Phillips EC, De Jong A, Schoettker P, Kawagoe I, de Pinho Martins M, Zapatero J, Graham C, McNarry AF; VL-iCUE Group. (2023) “Videolaryngoscopy use before and after the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: The report of the VL-iCUE survey with responses from 96 countries. “ Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2023 Nov 15. Sous presse. . (IF= 4,20). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Wylie NW, Durrant EL, Phillips EC, De Jong A, Schoettker P, Kawagoe I, de Pinho Martins M, Zapatero J, Graham C, McNarry AF; VL-iCUE Group. (2023) “Videolaryngoscopy use before and after the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic“ Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2023 Nov 15. Sous presse. . (IF= 4,20). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Akrout MT, Laatar C and Chanques G, (2022). “Sédation en réanimation“ Anesthésie et Réanimation Volume 8, Issue 4, July 2022, Pages 414-420 (IF=0,20). Anesthesiology (Q1
Allaer L , Khirani S , Griffon L , Massenavette B, Bierme P , Aubertin G , StremlerN,Baravalle-Einaudi M, Mazenq J, Ioan I,Schweitzer C, Binoche , Lampin AME,Mordacq C, Bergounioux J, Mbieleu B,Rubinsztajn R, Sigur E, Labouret G,Genevois A, Becourt A, Hullo E,Debelleix S, Galode F, Bui S,Moreau J, Renoux MC, Matecki S, Lavadera ML, Heyman R, Pomedio M,Le Clainche L, Bokov P, Dudoignon B,Masson A, Hangard P, Menetrey C , Jokic M , Gachelin E , Perisson C, Perville A,Fina A, Giovannini-Chami L, Fleurence E, Barzic A, Cros P, Breining A , Ollivier M, Labbe G, Coutier L, Taytard J ,Fauroux B. (2022). “Long term noninvasive ventilation and continuous positive airway pressure in children with neuromuscular diseases in France “ Neuromuscular Disorders, 2022 Dec;32(11-12):886-892. (IF=2,80). Clinical Neurology (Q2) ; Neurosciences (Q2).
Annesi-Maesano I, Bonniaud P, Bouchaud G, Boyer L, Gazzeri S, Gosset P, Gras D, Guibert C, Guignabert C, Mari B, Matecki S, Morélot C, Pilette C, Planes C, Plantier L, Polette M, Si-Tahar M, Taillé C, Vachier I; membres du comité J2R (2022). «[RESPIRenT: Pneumology network of innovation and translational research, a second wind for J2R]. . Rev Mal Respir. 2022 Feb;39(2):73-74.. (IF=0,60). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Arbogast S, Kotzur H, Frank C, Compagnone N, Sutra T, Pillard F, Pietri S, Hmada N, AbbaMoussa DM, Bride J, Franconnet S, Mercier J, Cristol JP, Dabauvalle MC, Laoudj-chenivesse D. (2022). ” ANT1 overexpression models: Some similarities with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. ” Redox Biology, 2022 Oct;56:102450. (IF=11,40). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1).
Bastier PL, Gallet de Santerre O, Bartier S, De Jong A, Trzepizur W, Nouette-Gaulain K, Bironneau V, Blumen M, Chabolle F, de Bonnecaze G, Dufour X, Ameline E, Kérimian M, Latournerie V, Monteyrol PJ, Thiery A, Tronche S, Vergez S, Bequignon E. (2022). “Guidelines of the French Society of ENT (SFORL): Drug-induced sleep endoscopy in adult obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. “Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2022 Aug;139(4):216-225. (IF=2,50). Otorhinolayngology (Q1)., Surgery (Q1).
Badiou S, Dupuy AM, Cunat S, Delay A, Alcaraz S, Aguilar-Martinez P, Cristol JP, Galtier F. (2022). “A case of inter-assay HbA1c discrepancy due to Hemoglobin G-Copenhagen. “Clin Chim Acta. 2022 Aug 10sous presse. (IF=5,00). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Béraud G, Tubiana S, Erpelding ML, Le Moing V, Chirouze C, Gorenne I, Manchon P, Tattevin P, Vernet V, Varon E, Hoen B, Duval X; AEPEI study group; COMBAT study group avec parmi les collaborateurs Chanques G (2022). “Combined Bacterial Meningitis and Infective Endocarditis: When Should We Search for the Other When Either One is Diagnosed? “ Infect Dis Ther. 2022 Aug;11(4):1521-1540. (IF=6,12). Infectious Diseases (Q1).
Blet A, McNeil JB, Josse J, Cholley B, Cinotti R, Cotter G, Dauvergne A, Davison B, Duarte K, Duranteau J, Fournier MC, Gayat E, Jaber S, Lasocki S, Merkling T, Peoc’h K, Mayer I, Sadoune M, Laterre PF, Sonneville R, Ware L, Mebazaa A, Kimmoun A (2022). “Association between in-ICU red blood cells transfusion and 1-year mortality in ICU survivors. “ Crit Care. 2022 Oct 7;26(1):307. (IF=15,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Bouquier N, Sakkaki S, Raynaud F, Hemonnot-Girard AL, Seube V, Compan V, Bertaso F, Perroy J, Moutin E. (2022). “The Shank3Venus/Venus knock in mouse enables isoform-specific functional studies of Shank3a. “ Front Neurosci. 2022 Dec 8;16:1081010. (IF=3,40). Neuroscineces (all) (Q2).
Brousse M, Bargnoux AS, Courtais-Coulon C, Badiou S, Kuster N, Compan C, Fuchs F, Cristol JP (2022). “Optimization of Patient Management in the Gynecology Emergency Department Using Point-of-Care Beta hCG. “ Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Jul 9;12(7):1670.(IF=3,60). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Burghi G, Metaxa V, Pickkers P, Soares M, Rello J, Bauer PR, van de Louw A, Taccone FS, Loeches IM, Schellongowski P, Rusinova K, Antonelli M, Kouatchet A, Barratt-Due A, Valkonen M, Pène F, Mokart D, Jaber S, Azoulay E, De Jong A; Efraim investigators and the Nine-I study group. (2022). “End of life decisions in immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory failure. “ J Crit Care. 2022 Sep 19;72:154152. (IF=4,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q2).
Canaud B, Morena-Carrere M, Leray-Moragues H, Cristol JP. (2022). “Fluid Overload and Tissue Sodium Accumulation as Main Drivers of Protein Energy Malnutrition in Dialysis Patients. “ Nutrients. 2022 Oct 25;14(21):4489. (IF=5,90). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Capozzi A, Saucier C, Bisbal C, Lambert K. (2022). “ Grape Polyphenols in the Treatment of Human Skeletal Muscle Damage Due to Inflammation and Oxidative Stress during Obesity and Aging: Early Outcomes and Promises. “ Molecules. 2022 Oct 5;27(19):6594. (IF=4,60). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Casey JD, Beskow LM, Brown J, Brown SM, Gayat É, Ng Gong M, Harhay MO, Jaber S, Jentzer JC, Laterre PF, Marshall JC, Matthay MA, Rice TW, Rosenberg Y, Turnbull AE, Ware LB, Self WH, Mebazaa A, Collins SP(2022). ”Use of pragmatic and explanatory trial designs in acute care research: lessons from COVID-19. . ” Lancet Respir Med. 2022 Jul;10(7):700-714. (IF=76,20). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Chanques G. (2022). “1220-2020: the 800th anniversary of medical university teaching in the context of a new pandemic – inaugural lecture of the SFVTT biennial congress in Montpellier. “ Transfus Clin Biol. 2022 Nov;29(4):279-286. (IF=1,70). Hematology (Q4) ; Immunology (Q4).
Chanques G, Gélinas C. (2022). “Monitoring pain in the intensive care unit (ICU). “ Intensive Care Med. (2022) 48:1508–1511 (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Chiron R, Hoefsloot W, Van Ingen J, Marchandin H, Kremer L, Morisse-Pradier H, Charriot J, Mallet JP, Herrmann JL, Caimmi D, Moreau J, Dumont Y, Godreuil S, Bergeron A, Drevait M, Bouzat-Rossigneux E, Terrail N, Andrejak C, Veziris N, Grenet D, Coudrat A, Catherinot E. (2022). “Amikacin Liposomal Inhalation Suspension in the Treatment of Mycobacterium abscessus Lung Infection: A French Observational Experience. “ Open Forum Infect Dis. 2022 Sep 11;9(10):ofac465. (IF=4,20). Immunology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (Q2).
Citerio G; ICM Editorial Board (2022, avec parmi les collaborateurs, De jong A, Jaber S ). “ICM Editors’ reply to a letter by Wiedermann « Institutional recommendation for the withdrawal of scientific articles from Joachim Boldt ». “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Sep;48(9):1251-1252. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Combes A, Brodie D, Aissaoui N, Bein T, Capellier G, Dalton HJ, Diehl JL, Kluge S, McAuley DF, Schmidt M, Slutsky AS, Jaber S. (2022). “Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal for acute respiratory failure: a review of potential indications, clinical practice and open research questions. “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Oct;48(10):1308-1321. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Cottalorda J, Sabah DL, Monrigal PJ, Jeandel C, Delpont M. (2022) “Minimally invasive treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts: systematic literature review. “ Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2022 Jun;108(4):103272. (IF=2,30). Surggery (Q2) ; Orthopedics (Q2).
Coulon C, Lotierzo M, Fesler P, Roubille C, Badiou S, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP. (2022).”Analytical evaluation and bioclinical validation of new aldosterone and renin immunoassays. ” Clin Chem Lab Med. 2022 Sep 13;60(11):1763-1771. (IF=6,80). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1).
De Brandt J, Derave W, Vandenabeele F, Pomiès P, Blancquaert L, Keytsman C, Barusso-Grüninger MS, de Lima FF, Hayot M, Spruit MA, Burtin C. (2022). “Efficacy of 12 weeks oral beta-alanine supplementation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. “ J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2022 Oct;13(5):2361-2372. (IF=12,06). Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1) ; Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
De Jong A, Khanna AK (2022). “Airway management in the critically ill patient with COVID-19. “ .Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2022 Apr 1;35(2):137-143. (IF=2,73). Anaesthesiology (Q3).
De Jong A, Pouzeratte Y , Sfara T, Jaber S. (2022). “ Difficult airway management: is prevent by using routine videolaryngoscopy better than cure? “ Annals of Translational Medicine. 2022 Nov;10(21):1183. (IF=3,62). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q3); Oncology (Q3).
De Jong A, Jaber S. (2022). ”Better airway management saves lives. ” Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2022 May 1;39(5):415-417. (IF=4,18). Anesthesiology (Q1).
De Jong A, Huguet H, Molinari N, Jaber S. (2022) “Non-invasive ventilation versus oxygen therapy after extubation in patients with obesity in intensive care units: the multicentre randomised EXTUB-OBESE study protocol. BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 19;12(1):e052712. (IF=32,90). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
De Jong A, Laatar C, Touaibia M, Capdevila M, Jaber S. (2022). Ventilation du patient avec obésité Anesthésie & Réanimation, Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2022, Pages 241-247 (IF=0,20). Anesthesiology (Q4).
De Jong A, Sfara T, Pouzeratte Y, Pensier J, Rolle A, Chanques G, Jaber S (2022). “Videolaryngoscopy as a first-intention technique for tracheal intubation in unselected surgical patients: a before and after observational study. “ . Br J Anaesth. Oct;129(4):624-634. (IF=9,80). Anestesiology (Q1).
De Jong A, Myatra SN, Roca O, Jaber S (2022). ”How to improve intubation in the intensive care unit. Update on knowledge and devices. ”. Intensive Care Med. 2022 Oct;48(10):1287-1298. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
De Jong A, Jaber S. (2022). ”Analgesia as part of the orotracheal intubation induction sequence. Author’s reply. ” Intensive Care Med. 2022 Dec;48(12):1835-1836 ((IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
De La Villeon G, Gavotto A, Ledong N, Bredy C,Guillaunont S, Man J, Gouzi F, Hayot M, Amedro P, Matecki S. (2022). “ Double gas transfer factors (DLCO-DLNO) at rest in patients with congenital heart diseases correlates with their ventilatory response during maximal exercise“ International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease Volume 8, June 2022, 100346 (IF=2,24). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2)
Demoule A, Hajage D, Messika J, Jaber S, Diallo H, Coutrot M, Kouatchet A, Azoulay E, Fartoukh M, Hraiech S, Beuret P, Darmon M, Decavèle M, Ricard JD, Chanques G, Mercat A, Schmidt M, Similowski T; REVA Network (Research Network in Mechanical Ventilation). (2022). “Prevalence, Intensity and Clinical Impact of Dyspnea in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Invasive Ventilation. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Apr 15;205(8):917-926. (IF=24,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Descoeur J, Dupuy AM, Bargnoux AS, Cristol JP, Mathieu O (2022). “Comparison of four immunoassays to an HPLC method for the therapeutic drug monitoring of methotrexate: Influence of the hydroxylated metabolite levels and impact on clinical threshold. “ J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2022 Jan;28(1):55-63.. (IF=1,42). Oncology (Q4); Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q4).
Djohan YF, Camara-Cissé M, Fouret G, Bonafos B, Jover B, Cristol JP, Coudray C, Feillet-Coudray C, Badia E. (2022). “Diets Rich in Olive Oil, Palm Oil, or Lard Alter Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Mitochondrial Membrane Composition in Rat Liver. “ Biochem Res Int. 2022 Feb 21;2022:9394356.. (IF=3,00). Biochemical Research Methods (Q3).
Djohan YF, Raynaud F, Lambert K, Cristol JP, Coudray C, Feillet-Coudray C, Virsolvy A, Badia E. (2022). “Impact of Highly Saturated versus Unsaturated Fat Intake on Carbohydrate Metabolism and Vascular Reactivity in Rat. “ Biochem Res Int. 2022 Aug 19:2022:8753356 (IF=3,00). Biochemical Research Methods (Q3).
Dres M, Gama de Abreu M, Merdji H, Müller-Redetzky H, Dellweg D, Randerath WJ, Mortaza S, Jung B, Bruells C, Mörer O, Scharffenberg M, Jaber S, Besset S, Bitter T, Geise A, Heine A, Malfertheiner MV, Kortgen A, Benzaquen J, Nelson T, Uhrig A, Mönig O, Meziani F, Demoule A, Similowski T; RESCUE-2 Study Group Investigators. (2022). “Randomised Clinical Study of Temporary Transvenous Phrenic Nerve Stimulation in Difficult-to-Wean Patients. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 May 15;205(10):1169-1178. (IF=24,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Dumain C, Broner J, Arnaud E, Dewavrin E, Holubar J, Fantone M, Wazières B, Parreau S, Fesler P, Guilpain P, Roubille C, Goulabchand R. (2022). “Patients’ Baseline Characteristics, but Not Tocilizumab Exposure, Affect Severe Outcomes Onset in Giant Cell Arteritis: A Real-World Study. “ J Clin Med. 2022 May 31;11(11):3115. (IF=3,90). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Dupuy AM, Badiou S, Marrolley J, Plawecki M, Aguilar-Martinez P, Cristol JP. (2022). “Comparison of Sebia Capillarys 3-OCTA with the Tosoh Bioscience HLC®-723G8 method for A1C testing with focus on analytical interferences and variant detection. “ Clin Chem Lab Med. 2022 Jun 24;60(9):e216-e220. (IF=6,80). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1).
Dupuy MA, Cau I, Badiou S, Cristol JP (2022). “Evaluation of high speed centrifugation for routine biochemistry. “ Clin Chim Acta. volume 533, 1 August 2022, Pages 144-147 . (IF=5,00). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Fernando SM, Tran A, Sadeghirad B, Burns KEA, Fan E, Brodie D, Munshi L, Goligher EC, Cook DJ, Fowler RA, Herridge MS, Cardinal P, Jaber S, Møller MH, Thille AW, Ferguson ND, Slutsky AS, Brochard LJ, Seely AJE, Rochwerg B. (2022). “Noninvasive respiratory support following extubation in critically ill adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Feb;48(2):137-147. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Fessi H, Szelag JC, Courivaud C, Nicoud P, Aguilera D, Gilbert O, Morena M, Thomas M, Canaud B, Cristol JP. (2022). “Safety and Efficacy of Short Daily Hemodialysis with Physidia S3 System: Clinical Performance Assessment during the Training Period. “ J Clin Med. 2022 Apr 11;11(8):2123. (IF=3,90). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Futier E, Jaber S, Garot M, Vignaud M, Panis Y, Slim K, Lucet JC, Lebuffe G, Ouattara A, El Amine Y, Couderc P, Dupré A, De Jong A, Lasocki S, Leone M, Pottecher J, Pereira B, Paugam-Burtz C; COMBINE study group. (2022). “Effect of oral antimicrobial prophylaxis on surgical site infection after elective colorectal surgery: multicentre, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial. “ BMJ. 2022 Nov 3;379:e071476. (IF=105,70). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Gandon C, Gricourt Y, Thomas M, Garnaud B, Elhaj M, Boisson C, Boudemaghe T, Jaber S, Claret PG, Cuvillon P. (2022). ”How traditional and digital analytics interventions can enhance lung-protective ventilation strategies during general anaesthesia: A two-year quality improvement project analysis. ” Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2022 Dec;41(6):101143. (IF=5,50). Anaesthesiology (Q2) ; Critical Care Medicine ( Q3).
Garçon C, Abdelnour H, Jeandel C, Louahem D, Laffont I, Cottalorda J, Lambert K, Coulet B, Delpont M (2022). “Response to the letter to the editor concerning: « Change in shoulder external rotation strength and motion after lower trapezius transfer to the infraspinatus in children with obstetric brachial plexus palsy ».“ .Int Orthop. 2022 May;46(5):1203-1204. (IF=3,48). Orthopedics (Q2).
Godet T, Dufraisse S, Kurrek M, Constantin JM, Chanques G. (2022). ” French translation of the Johns Hopkins Adapted Cognitive Examination. ” Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2022 2022 Jun;41(3):101075. (IF=5,50). Anaesthesiology (Q2) ; Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
Godet T, de Jong A, Chanques G, Jabaudon M, Futier E, Jaber S. (2022). ”Intubation en réanimation en 2022: quoi de neuf? ” Anesthésie & Réanimation, Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2022, Pages 269-277 (IF=0,20). Anesthesiology (Q4).
Godet T, De Jong A, Garin C, Guérin R, Rieu B, Borao L, Pereira B, Molinari N, Bazin JE, Jabaudon M, Chanques G, Futier E, Jaber S. (2022). “ Impact of Macintosh blade size on endotracheal intubation success in intensive care units: a retrospective multicenter observational MacSize-ICU study. “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Sep;48(9):1176-1184. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Gricourt Y, Prin Derre C, Demattei C, Bertran S, louart B, Muller L, Simon N, Lefrant JY, Cuvillon P, Jaber S and Roger C (2022). ”A Pilot Study Assessing a Closed-Loop System for Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy in Abdominal Surgery Patients” Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022 12, 1409 (IF= 3,51). Health care Sciences and Services (Q2); Medicine General and Internal (Q2)
Grieco DL, Jaber S. (2022). “Pre-Emptive Noninvasive Ventilation to Facilitate Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation in Obese Patients at High Risk of Re-Intubation. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Feb 15;205(4):382-383. (IF=24,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Grillet PE, Badiou S, Lambert K, Sutra T, Plawecki M, Raynaud de Mauverger E, Brun JF, Mercier J, Gouzi F, Cristol JP. (2022). “Biomarkers of Redox Balance Adjusted to Exercise Intensity as a Useful Tool to Identify Patients at Risk of Muscle Disease through Exercise Test. “ Nutrients. 2022 Apr 29;14(9):1886. (IF=5,90). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Jaber S, Citerio G, Combes A. (2022). “Machines that save lives in intensive care: why a special issue in ICM? “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Oct;48(10):1271-1273 (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
James A, De Jong A, Jeanmougin T, Blanie A, Figueiredo S, Goffin P, Le Guen M, Kantor E, Cipriani F, Campion S, Raux M, Jaber S, Futier E, Constantin JM; Société Française d’Anesthésie Réanimation (SFAR) Research Network (2021). ”Characteristics and outcomes of patients undergoing anesthesia while SARS-CoV-2 infected or suspected: a multicenter register of consecutive patients. ” BMC Anesthesiol. 2022 Feb 14;22(1):46. (IF=2,20). Anesthesiology (Q4).
Khaled L, Godet T , Jaber S, Chanques G, Asehnoune K, Bourdier J, Araujo L, Futier E, Pereira B. (2022). “Intraoperative protective mechanical ventilation in patients requiring emergency abdominal surgery: the multicentre prospective randomised IMPROVE-2 study protocol. “ BMJ Open, 2022 May 6;12(5):e054823. (IF=2,90). Medicine (Q1).
Kentish-Barnes N, Chevret S, Valade S, Jaber S, Kerhuel L, Guisset O, Martin M, Mazaud A, Papazian L, Argaud L, Demoule A, Schnell D, Lebas E, Ethuin F, Hammad E, Merceron S, Audibert J, Blayau C, Delannoy PY, Lautrette A, Lesieur O, Renault A, Reuter D, Terzi N, Philippon-Jouve B, Fiancette M, Ramakers M, Rigaud JP, Souppart V, Asehnoune K, Champigneulle B, Goldgran-Toledano D, Dubost JL, Bollaert PE, Chouquer R, Pochard F, Cariou A, Azoulay E (2022). “A three-step support strategy for relatives of patients dying in the intensive care unit: a cluster randomised trial. “ Lancet. 2022 Feb 12;399(10325):656-664. (IF=168,90). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Lecronier M, Jung B, Molinari N, Pinot J, Similowski T, Jaber S, Demoule A, Dres M (2022). “Severe but reversible impaired diaphragm function in septic mechanically ventilated patients. “ . Ann Intensive Care. 2022 Apr 11;12(1):34. (IF=8,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Lê Dinh M, Darmon M, Kouatchet A, Jaber S, Meziani F, Perbet S, Chanques G, Azoulay E, Demoule A. (2022). “Factors Associated with and Prognosis Impact of Perceived Sleep Quality and Estimated Quantity in Patients Receiving Non-Invasive Ventilation for Acute Respiratory Failure. “ J Clin Med. 2022 Aug 8;11(15):4620. (IF=3,90). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Lotierzo M, Galvez T, Conquet G, Verani Q, Aguilhon C, Rangeard I, Cristol JP, Renard E. (2022). “ Accurate selection of insulin immunoassay to discern factitious hypoglycemia: a case report. “ Acta Diabetol. 2022 Oct 18. Sous presse. (IF=3,80). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q2).
Louahem D, Jeandel C, Aldugman T, Joly-Monrigal P, Cottalorda J, Delpont M. (2022). “Closed reduction by trans-physealantegrade elastic stable intramedullary nailing in acute pediatric Monteggia fractures: a report of 22 cases. “ . J Pediatr Orthop B. 2022 Jan 1;31(1):43-49. (IF=1,04). Orthopedics (Q4); Pediatrics (Q4).
Luz M, Brandão Barreto B, de Castro REV, Salluh J, Dal-Pizzol F, Araujo C, De Jong A, Chanques G, Myatra SN, Tobar E, Gimenez-Esparza Vich C, Carini F, Ely EW, Stollings JL, Drumright K, Kress J, Povoa P, Shehabi Y, Mphandi W, Gusmao-Flores D (2022). “Practices in sedation, analgesia, mobilization, delirium, and sleep deprivation in adult intensive care units (SAMDS-ICU): an international survey before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. “.Ann Intensive Care. 2022 Feb 4;12(1):9. (IF=8,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Maggiore SM, Jaber S, Grieco DL, Mancebo J, Zakynthinos S, Demoule A, Ricard JD, Navalesi P, Vaschetto R, Hraiech S, Klouche K, Frat JP, Lemiale V, Fanelli V, Chanques G, Natalini D, Ischaki E, Reuter D, Morán I, La Combe B, Longhini F, De Gaetano A, Ranieri VM, Brochard LJ, Antonelli M; RINO trial study group avec parmi les collaborateurs De Jong A (2022). ” High-Flow Versus VenturiMask Oxygen Therapy to Prevent Re-Intubation in Hypoxemic Patients After Extubation: A Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Trial. ”Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Dec 15;206(12):1452-1462. (IF=24,70). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Maïmoun L, Mariano-Goulart D, Huguet H, Renard E, Lefebvre P, Picot MC, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP, Courtet P, Boudousq V, Avignon A, Guillaume S, Sultan A. (2022). “In patients with anorexia nervosa, myokine levels are altered but are not associated with bone mineral density loss and bone turnover alteration. “ Endocr Connect. 2022 May 10;11(5):e210488. (IF=2,90). Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q3).
Merliot-Gailhoustet L, Raimbert C, Garnier O, Carr J, De Jong A, Molinari N, Jaber S, Chanques G. (2022). Discomfort improvement for critically ill patients using electronic relaxation devices: results of the cross-over randomized controlled trial E-CHOISIR (Electronic-CHOIce of a System for Intensive care Relaxation). Crit Care. 2022 Sep 3;26(1):263. (IF=15,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Monet C, De Jong A, Aarab Y, Piron L, Prades A, Carr J, Belafia F, Chanques G, Guiu B, Pageaux GP, Jaber S. (2022). ”Adverse events, short- and long-term outcomes of extra corporeal liver therapy in the intensive care unit: 16 years experience with MARS® in a single center. ” Crit Care. 2022 Sep 19;26(1):282. (IF=15,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Monet C, Touaibia M, LaatarC, Jaber S, De Jong A (2022). “ Oxygénothérapie à haut débit, oxygénation apnéique et intubation en anesthésie “ Le Praticien en anesthésie réanimation Volume 26, Issue 5, October 2022, Pages 259-266 (IF=0,20). Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q4); Emergency Medicine (Q4),;Emergency Nursing (Q4).
Muyor K, Laget J, Cortijo I, Duranton F, Jover B, Argilés À, Gayrard N (2022) “Vascular calcification in different arterial beds in ex vivo ring culture and in vivo rat model. “ Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 13;12(1):11861. (IF=4,60). Multidisciplinary Sciences (Q1).
Nasa P, Azoulay E, Chakrabarti A, Divatia JV, Jain R, Rodrigues C, Rosenthal VD, Alhazzani W, Arabi YM, Bakker J, Bassetti M, De Waele J, Dimopoulos G, Du B, Einav S, Evans L, Finfer S, Guérin C, Hammond NE, Jaber S, Kleinpell RM, Koh Y, Kollef M, Levy MM, Machado FR, Mancebo J, Martin-Loeches I, Mer M, Niederman MS, Pelosi P, Perner A, Peter JV, Phua J, Piquilloud L, Pletz MW, Rhodes A, Schultz MJ, Singer M, Timsit JF, Venkatesh B, Vincent JL, Welte T, Myatra SN (2022). ” Infection control in the intensive care unit: expert consensus statements for SARS-CoV-2 using a Delphi method. ” .Lancet Infect Dis. 2022 Mar;22(3):e74-e87. (IF=56,30). Infectious Diseases (Q1).
Nassar R, Vernus B, Carnac G, Fouret G, Goustard B, Casas F, Tintignac L, Cassar-Malek I, Picard B, Seiliez I, Brioche T, Koechlin-Ramonatxo C, Bertrand-Gaday C, Hamade A, Najjar F, Chabi B, Bonnieu A. (2022). “Myostatin gene inactivation increases post-mortem calpain-dependent muscle proteolysis in mice. “ Meat Sci. 2022 Mar;185:108726. (IF=7,10). Food Science and Technology (Q1).
Nocca D, Galtier F, Taleb S, Picot MC, Jaussent A, Silvestri M, Lefebvre P, de Jong A, Gautier T, Loureiro M, Nedelcu M. (2022). “Peri-operative Morbidity of Nissen Sleeve Gastrectomy: Prospective Evaluation of a Cohort of 365 Patients, Beyond the Learning Curve. “ Obes Surg. 2022 Jul;32(7):1-7. (IF=2,90). Surgery ( Q1)
Pavlin L, Rodriguez A, Ohresser I, Larivière M, Portal C, Cristol JP, Bernardi H, Turc-Baron C, Candau R (2022). “Does the interference phenomenon affect strength development during same-session combined rehabilitation program in hemodialysis patients? “. Semin Dial. 2022 Mar;35(2):154-164. (IF=1,60). Urology and Nephrology (Q2).
Péju E, Belicard F, Silva S, Hraiech S, Painvin B, Kamel T, Thille AW, Goury A, Grimaldi D, Jung B, Piagnerelli M, Winiszewski H, Jourdain M, Jozwiak M; COVIDPREG Study Group. (2022). “Management and outcomes of pregnant women admitted to intensive care unit for severe pneumonia related to SARS-CoV-2 infection: the multicenter and international COVIDPREG study. “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Sep;48(9):1185-1196.. (IF= 38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Pellerin L, Connes P, Bisbal C, Lambert K. (2022). “Editorial: Lactate as a Major Signaling Molecule for Homeostasis. “ Frontiers in Physiology, 2022 Jun 8;13:910567. (IF=4,00). Physiology (Q1)
Poole D, De Jong A, Citerio G. (2022). “Multistakeholder social media peer review and fixing slips. “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Jul;48(7):923-925.. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Quenot JP, Amrouche I, Lefrant JY, Klouche K, Jaber S, Du Cheyron D, Duranteau J, Maizel J, Rondeau E, Javouhey E, Gaillot T, Robert R, Dellamonica J, Souweine B, Bohé J, Barbar SD, Sejourné C, Vinsonneau C; DIAM Trial Investigators, in collaboration with the BOREAL research network (2022). “Renal Rep lacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury in French Intensive Care Units: A Nationwide Survey of Practices. “Blood Purif. 2022;51(8):698-707. (IF=3,00). Hematology (Q3) ; Urology and Nephrolog (Q3).
Ramin S, Arcelli M, Bouchdoug K, Laumon T, Duflos C, De Jong A, Jaber S, Capdevila X, Charbit J (2022). ” Driving pressure is not predictive of ARDS outcome in chest trauma patients under mechanical ventilation. ”. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2022 Aug;41(4):101095.. (IF=5,50). Anaesthesiology (Q2); Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
Rolle A, De Jong A, Vidal E, Molinari N, Azoulay E, Jaber S. (2022). “Cardiac arrest and complications during non-invasive ventilation: a systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression. “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Sep 16;1-12. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Saliba F, Bañares R, Larsen FS, Wilmer A, Parés A, Mitzner S, Stange J, Fuhrmann V, Gilg S, Hassanein T, Samuel D, Torner J, Jaber S. (2022). “Artificial liver support in patients with liver failure: a modified DELPHI consensus of international experts. “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Oct;48(10):1352-1367. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
STAR-TREC Collaborative. Avec De JONG A comme divers autres collaborateurs (2022). : ” Can we Save the rectum by watchful waiting or TransAnal surgery following (chemo)Radiotherapy versus Total mesorectal excision for early REctal Cancer (STAR-TREC)? Protocol for the international, multicentre, rolling phase II/III partially randomised patient preference trial evaluating long course concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus short course radiotherapy organ preservation approaches. : ” Colorectal Dis. 2022 May;24(5):639-651.. (IF=3,40). Gastroenterology (Q2).
Stollings JL, Balas MC, Chanques G. (2022). “Evolution of sedation management in the intensive care unit (ICU). “ Intensive Care Med. 2022 Jul 29:1-4. (IF=38,90). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Wick KD, Aggarwal NR, CurleyMAQ, Fowler III AA, Jaber S, Kostrubiec M, Lassau N, Laterre F, Lebreton G, Levitt JE, Mebazaa A, Rubin E, Sinha P, Ware LB, Mattha MA (2022) ”Opportunities for improved clinical trial designs in acute respiratory distress syndrome ”The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2022, Pages 916-924, (IF=76,20). Critical Care Medicine (Q1); Respiratory System (Q1).
Aarab Y, Flatres A, Garnier F, Capdevila M, Raynaud F, Lacampagne A, Chapeau D, Klouche K, Etienne P, Jaber S, Molinari N, Gamon L, Matecki S, Jung B (2021). “Shear Wave Elastography, A New Tool for Diaphragmatic Qualitative Assessment. A Translational Study. “. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Oct 1;204(7):797-806. (IF=30,53). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1)).
Aarab Y, Ramin S, Odonnat T, Garnier O, Boissin A, Molinari N, Marin G, Perrigault PF, Cuvillon P, Chanques G. (2021). ”Pectoral Nerve Blocks for Breast Augmentation Surgery: A Randomized, Double-blind, Dual-centered Controlled Trial. ” Anesthesiology. 2021 Sep 1;135(3):442-453. (IF=8,87). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Amalric M, Ahmed E, Jung B, Suehs C, Molinari N, Bourdin A, Charriot J. (2021). “Association between increased mortality and bronchial fibroscopy in intensive care units and intermediate care units during COPD exacerbations: an analysis of the 2014 and 2015 National French Medical-based Information System Databases (PMSI). “ J Intensive Care. 2021 Jun 15;9(1):45. (IF=7,50). Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1).
Annesi-Maesano I, Bonniaud P, Bouchaud G, Boyer L, Frossard N, Gazzeri S, Gosset P, Gras D, Guibert C, Guignabert C, Mari B, Matecki S, Morelot C, Pilette C, Planes C, Plantier L, Polette M, Si-Tahar M, Taillé C, Vachier I; membres du comité J2R (2021). “[Tonnerre de Brest! 2020 Respiratory Research Days like no others…]. “ Rev Mal Respir. 2021 Jun;38(6):565-566. (IF=0,71). Respiratory Systems (Q4).
Asehnoune K, Le Moal C, Lebuffe G, Le Penndu M, Josse NC, Boisson M, Lescot T, Faucher M, Jaber S, Godet T, Leone M, Motamed C, David JS, Cinotti R, El Amine Y, Liutkus D, Garot M, Marc A, Le Corre A, Thomasseau A, Jobert A, Flet L, Feuillet F, Pere M, Futier E, Roquilly A; PACMAN study group (2021). Effect of dexamethasone on complications or all cause mortality after major non-cardiac surgery: multicentre, double blind, randomised controlled trial. BMJ-British Medical Journal. 2021 Jun 2;373:n1162. (IF=93,47). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Azoulay E, Pochard F, Reignier J, Argaud L, Bruneel F, Courbon P, Cariou A, Klouche K, Labbé V, Barbier F, Guitton C, Demoule A, Kouatchet A, Guisset O, Jourdain M, Papazian L, Van Der Meersch G, Reuter D, Souppart V, Resche-Rigon M, Darmon M, Kentish-Barnes N; FAMIREA Study Group. (2021). “Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders in Critical Care Physicians Facing the Second COVID-19 Wave: A Cross-Sectional Study. “ Chest. 2021 Sep;160(3):944-955. (IF=10,26). Critical Care Medicine ( Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Banuls L, Vanoverschelde J, Garnier F, Amalric M, Jaber S, Charbit J, Chalard K , Mourad M, Benchabane N, Benomar R, Besnard N, Daubin D, BrunotV, Klouche K and Larcher R (2021). “Interstitial Lung Disease Worsens Short-and Long-Term Outcomes of Systemic Rheumatic Disease Patients Admitted to the ICU: A Multicenter Study“ J Clin Med , 2021 Mar 3;10(5):1037 (IF=4,96). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Bargnoux AS, Kuster N, Sutra T, Laroche L, Rodriguez A, Morena M, Chenine L, Chalabi L, Dupuy AM, Badiou S, Cristol JP. (2021). “Evaluation of a new point-of-care testing for creatinine and urea measurement. “ Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2021 Jul;81(4):290-297.. (IF=2,21). Medicine, Resaerch and Experimental (Q4).
Badr M, Goulard M, Theret B, Roubertie A, Badiou S, Pifre R, Bres V, Cambonie G (2021). “Fatal accidental lipid overdose with intravenous composite lipid emulsion in a premature newborn: a case report. “ .BMC Pediatr. 2021 Dec 20;21(1):584.(IF=2,57). BMC Pediatric (Q2).
Beloeil H, Garot M, Lebuffe G, Gerbaud A, Bila J, Cuvillon P, Dubout E, Oger S, Nadaud J, Becret A, Coullier N, Lecoeur S, Fayon J, Godet T, Mazerolles M, Atallah F, Sigaut S, Choinier PM, Asehnoune K, Roquilly A, Chanques G, Esvan M, Futier E, Laviolle B; POFA Study Group; SFAR Research Network. (2021). “Balanced Opioid-free Anesthesia with Dexmedetomidine versus Balanced Anesthesia with Remifentanil for Major or Intermediate Noncardiac Surgery. “ Anesthesiology. 2021 Apr 1;134(4):541-551.. (IF=8,97). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Bertuit M, Rapido F, Ly H, Vannucci C, Ridolfo J, Molinari N, De Boutray M, Galmiche S, Dadure C, Perrigault PF, Capdevila X, Chanques G. (2021). “ Bilateral mandibular block improves pain relief and morphine consumption in mandibular osteotomies: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. “ Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2021 Apr;46(4):322-327. (IF=5,57). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Bistoquet M, Galtier F, Marin G, Villard O, Ferreira R, Hermabessiere S, Montoya A, Jumas-Bilak E, Pageaux GP, Dereure O, Chanques G, Klouche K, Morquin D, Reynes J, Le Moing V, Picot MC, Tuaillon E, Makinson A (2021). “Increased risks of SARS-CoV-2 Nosocomial Acquisition in high-risk COVID-19 units justify personal Protective Equipment: a cross sectional study. “ J Hosp Infect. 2021 Jan;107:108-110. (IF=8,94). Public, Environnemental and Occupational Health (Q1) ; Infectious Diseases” (Q2).
Bohé J, Abidi H, Brunot V, Klich A, Klouche K, Sedillot N, Tchenio X, Quenot JP, Roudaut JB, Mottard N, Thiollière F, Dellamonica J, Wallet F, Souweine B, Lautrette A, Preiser JC, Timsit JF, Vacheron CH, Ait Hssain A, Maucort-Boulch D; CONTROLe INdividualisé de la Glycémie (CONTROLING) Study Group (2021). “Individualised versus conventional glucose control in critically-ill patients: the CONTROLING study-a randomized clinical trial. “ .Intensive Care Med. 2021 Nov;47(11):1271-1283. (IF=41,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Boisson A, De La Villeon G, Huguet M, Abassi H, Pasquie JL,,Lavastre K, aMatecki S, Guillaumont S, Requirand A, Calderon J, Amedro P. (2021). “Physical activity and aerobic fitness in children with inherited cardiac diseases. “ Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases…, 2021 Nov;114(11):727-736. (IF=3,20). Cardiac ad Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Bousquet J, Czarlewski W, Zuberbier T, Mullol J, Blain H, Cristol JP, De La Torre R, Pizarro Lozano N, Le Moing V, Bedbrook A, Agache I, Akdis CA, Canonica GW, Cruz AA, Fiocchi A, Fonseca JA, Fonseca S, Gemicioğlu B, Haahtela T, Iaccarino G, Ivancevich JC, Jutel M, Klimek L, Kraxner H, Kuna P, Larenas-Linnemann DE, Martineau A, Melén E, Okamoto Y, Papadopoulos NG, Pfaar O, Regateiro FS, Reynes J, Rolland Y, Rouadi PW, Samolinski B, Sheikh A, Toppila-Salmi S, Valiulis A, Choi HJ, Kim HJ, Anto JM (2021). “Potential Interplay between Nrf2, TRPA1, and TRPV1 in Nutrients for the Control of COVID-19. “ Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2021 Feb 10:1-15. (IF=3,77). Allergy (Q3) ; Immunology (Q3).
Boyer A, Timsit JF, Klouche K, Canet E, Phan TN, Bohé J, Rubin S, Orieux A, Lautrette A, Gruson D, Souweine B (2021). ”Aminoglycosides in Critically Ill Septic Patients With Acute Kidney Injury Receiving Intermittent Hemodialysis: A Multicenter, Observational Study. ” Clin Ther. 2021 Jun;43(6):1125-1131. (IF=3,64). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q2).
Boyer A, Timsit JF, Klouche K, Canet E, Phan TN, Bohé J, Rubin S, Orieux A, Lautrette A, Gruson D, Souweine B. (2021).”Aminoglycosides in Critically Ill Septic Patients With Acute Kidney Injury Receiving Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: A Multicenter, Observational Study. Clin Ther. 2021 Jun;43(6):1116-1124.. (IF=3,64). Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q2).
Bulte CSE, Boer C, Hemmes SNT, Serpa Neto A, Binnekade JM, Hedenstierna G, Jaber S, Hiesmayr M, Hollmann MW, Mills GH, Vidal Melo MF, Pearse RM, Putensen C, Schmid W, Severgnini P, Wrigge H, Gama de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ; LAS VEGAS and study–investigators and the PROVE Network and and the Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (2021). “The effects of preoperative moderate to severe anaemia on length of hospital stay: A propensity score-matched analysis in non-cardiac surgery patients.” Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2021 Jun 1;38(6):571-581. (IF=4,18). Domaine de Recherche: ”Anesthesiology ” (7/32, Q1)
Casaer MP, De Jong A, Perner . (2021). ”Clinical validation of precision medicine protocols: the last mile is the longest. ” Intensive Care Med. 2021 Jan;47(1):80-82. (IF=41,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Chalard K, Szabo V, Pavillard F, Djanikian F, Dargazanli C, Molinari N, Manna F, Costalat V, Chanques G, Perrigault PF. (2021). “ Long-term outcome in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage requiring mechanical ventilation. “ PLoS One. 2021 Mar 12;16(3):e0247942. (IF=3,75). Multidisciplinary Sciences ( Q2).
Chetboun M, Raverdy V, Labreuche J, Simonnet A, Wallet F, Caussy C, Antonelli M, Artigas A, Goma G, Meziani F, Helms J, Mylonakis E, Levy MM, Kalligeros M, Latronico N, Piva S, Cerf C, Neuville M, Klouche K, Larcher R, Tamion F, Occhiali E, Snacken M, Preiser JC, Kontar L, Riviere A, Silva S, Sarton B, Krouchi R, Dubar V, Palaiodimos L, Karamanis D, Perche J, L’her E, Busetto L, Dicker D, Lev S, Duhamel A, Jourdain M, Pattou F; (2021). « BMI and pneumonia outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients: an international multicenter study. « LICORNE Lille Intensive Care COVID-19, Obesity Study Group », the « COVID-19 Toulouse ICU Network », the « Hasharon Hospital-Rabin Medical Center Covid-19, Obesity Study Group », the « ID, ICU Covid-19 Study Group », the « Rouen Covid-19, Obesity Study », the « COVID-O-HCL Consortium », the « MICU Lapeyronie », the « Bronx COVID-19, Obesity Study Group », the « MIR Amiens Covid19 », the « Strasbourg NHC », the « Foch COVID-19 Study Group ». Obesity (Silver Spring) 2021 Sep;29(9):1477-1486. (IF=9,30) Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q2); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2)
Citerio G; the ICM Editorial Board = Giuseppe Citerio, Samir Jaber (2021). “And once the storm is over… ICM will remain the intensivist’s beacon. “ .Intensive Care Med. 2021 Apr 28:1-5. (IF=17,44). Domaine de Recherche: ”Critical Care Medicine ” (2/36, Q1).
Contou D, de Prost N; HOPEFUL Study groupavec parmi les collaborateurs Jaber S (2021). “Clinical phenotype and outcomes of pneumococcal versus meningococcal purpura fulminans: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. .Crit Care. 2021 Nov 11;25(1):386. (IF=19,35). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
David H, Ughetto A, Gaudard P, Plawecki M, Paiyabhroma N, Zub E, Colson P, Richard S, Marchi N, Sicard P. (2021). “Experimental Myocardial Infarction Elicits Time-Dependent Patterns of Vascular Hypoxia in Peripheral Organs and in the Brain. “ Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Jan 27;7:615507. (IF=5,85). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
De Jong A, Pouzeratte Y, Laplace A, Normanno M, Rollé A, Verzilli D, Perrigault PF, Colson P, Capdevila X, Molinari N, Jaber S. (2021). “Macintosh Videolaryngoscope for Intubation in the Operating Room: A Comparative Quality Improvement Project. “ Anesth Analg. 2021 Feb 1;132(2):524-535. (IF=6,63). Anaesthesiology (Q1)
De Jong A, Pensie J, Jung B, Belafia F, Chanques G, Jaber S. (2021). « Acidose métabolique Anesthésie & Réanimation Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 35-42 (IF=0,04). Anesthesie et Reanimation: (Q4).
Delaby C, Vialaret J, Hirtz C, Lefebvre T, Herkert M, Puy H, Lasocki S, Lehmann S; HEPCIDANE study group.(avec comme collaborateurs Chanques G , Jaber S) “. Analytical comparison of ELISA and mass spectrometry for quantification of serum hepcidin in critically ill patients. “. Bioanalysis. 2021 Jul;13(13):1029-1035. (IF=2,68). Biochemical Research Methods (Q3);Chemistry,Analytical (Q2).
Delpont M, Coulet B, Cottalorda J, Ramdani S, Lagacé JC, Mercier J, Laffont I, Bernard PL, Lambert K (2021). “Weakness of shoulder rotator muscles in children with brachial plexus palsy under age 5 years: not only in lateral rotation. “. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Nov 15;65(3):101572. (IF=5,39). Rehabilitation (Q1).
Djohan YF, Monde AA, Camara-Cissé M, Badia E, Bonafos B, Fouret G, Lauret C, Dupuy AM, Pinot E, Koffi G, Niamké G, Sutra T, Gaillet S, Lambert K, Raynaud F, Gayrard N, Jover B, Cristol JP, Coudray C, Feillet-Coudray C (2021). “Effects of high-fat diets on inflammation and antioxidant status in rats : comparison between palm olein and olive oil. “Acta Biochim Pol. 2021 Oct 6;68(4):739-744. (IF=2,35). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q4).
Duc P, Vignes M, Hugon G, Sebban A, Carnac G, Malyshev E, Charlot B, Rage F (2021). “Human neuromuscular junction on micro-structured microfluidic devices implemented with a custom micro electrode array (MEA). “ Lab Chip. 2021 Oct 26;21(21):4223-4236. (IF=7,52). Biochemistry (Q1); Bioengineering (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Q1).
Duclos G, Rivory A, Rességuier N, Hammad E, Vigne C, Meresse Z, Pastène B, D’journo X-B, Jaber S, Zieleskiewicz L, Leone M, (2021). “Effect of early hyperoxemia on the outcome in servere blunt chest trauma: A propensity score-based analysis of a single-center retrospective cohort“ Journal of Critical Care, Volume 63, June 2021, Pages 179-186 (IF=4,30). Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
Dupuis C, Le Bihan C, Maubon D, Calvet L, Ruckly S, Schwebel C, Bouadma L, Azoulay E, Cornet M, Timsit JF; Empiricus Study Group. (avec comme collaborateurs : Samir Jaber, Boris Jung, Kada Klouche, Cyril Breuker) (2021). ”Performance of Repeated Measures of (1-3)-β-D-Glucan, Mannan Antigen, and Antimannan Antibodies for the Diagnosis of Invasive Candidiasis in ICU Patients: A Preplanned Ancillary Analysis of the EMPIRICUS Randomized Clinical Trial. ” Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Mar 2;8(3):ofab080. (IF=4,42). Immunology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (Q2).
Dupuy AM, Kuster N, Bargnoux AS, Aguilhon S, Huet F, Leclercq F, Pasquié JL, Roubille F, Cristol JP (2021).” Long term pronostic value of suPAR in chronic heart failure: reclassification of patients with low MAGGIC score. ” Clin Chem Lab Med. 2021 Feb 4;59(7):1299-1306 (IF=8,49). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1).
Dupuy AM, Badiou S, Montagnon V, Beaufils O, Sebbane M, Roubille F, Cristol JP(2021). “ Analytical assessment and performance of the 0/3h algorithm with novel high sensitivity cardiac troponin I. “Clin Chim Acta. 2021 Aug;519:111-117. (IF=6,31). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Dupuy AM, Pasquier G, Thiebaut L, Roubille F, Sebbane M, Cristol JP (2021). “Additive value of bioclinical risk scores to high sensitivity troponins-only strategy in acute coronary syndrome. “ .Clin Chim Acta. 2021 Oct 12;523:273-284. (IF=6,31). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Dupuy AM, Ruffel L, Bargnoux AS, Badiou S, Cristol JP (2021). “Analytical evaluation of the performances of a new procalcitonin immunoassay. “ Clin Chem Lab Med. 2021 Nov 22;60(3):77-80. (IF=8,49). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1).
El Khatib N , Morel S, Hugon G, Rapior S , Carnac G and Saint N (2021). “Identification of a Sesquiterpene Lactone from Arctium lappa Leaves with Antioxidant Activity in Primary Human Muscle Cells“ Molecules 2021 Mar 2;26(5):1328 (IF=4,93). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Fauroux B, Khirani S, Amaddeo A, Massenavette B, Bierme P, Taytard J, Stremler N, Baravalle-Einaudi M, Mazenq J, Ioan I, Schweitzer C, Lampin ME, Binoche A, Mordacq C, Bergounioux J, Mbieleu B, Rubinsztajn R, Sigur E, Labouret G, Genevois A, Becourt A, Hullo E, Pin I, Debelleix S, Galodé F, Bui S, Moreau J, Renoux MC, Matecki S, Lavadera ML, Heyman R, Pomedio M, Le Clainche L, Bokov P, Masson A, Hangard P, Menetrey C, Jokic M, Gachelin E, Perisson C, Pervillé A, Fina A, Giovannini-Chami L, Fleurence E, Barzic A, Breining A, Ollivier M, Labbé G, Coutier L, Aubertin G (2021). “Paediatric long term continuous positive airway pressure and noninvasive ventilation in France: A cross-sectional study. “ .Respir Med. 2021 May;181:106388. (IF=4,58). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2) ; Respiratory System (Q2).
Fernando SM, Tran A, Sadeghirad B, Burns KEA, Fan E, Brodie D, Munshi L, Goligher EC, Cook DJ, Fowler RA, Herridge MS, Cardinal P, Jaber S, Møller MH, Thille AW, Ferguson ND, Slutsky AS, Brochard LJ, Seely AJE, Rochwerg B (2021)“Noninvasive respiratory support following extubation in critically ill adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. “.Intensive Care Med. 2021 Nov 25.sous presse. (IF=41,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Garcon C, Abdelnour H, Jeandel C, Louahem D, Laffont I, Cottalorda J, Lambert K, Coulet B, Delpont M. (2021). “Change in shoulder external rotation strength and motion after lower trapezius transfer to the infraspinatus in children with obstetric brachial plexus palsy. “ Int Orthop. 2021 Dec;45(12):3163-3170. (IF=3,48). Orthopedics (Q2).
Giabicani M, Weiss E, Chanques G, Lemaitre C, De Jong A, Grangé S, Moreau R, Piton G, Paugam-Burtz C, Jaber S, Tamion F. (2021). “The prognostic value of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in critically ill cirrhotic patients. “ Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Dec 1;33(1S Suppl 1):e341-e347. (IF=2,59). Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Q4).
Grieco DL, Jaber S. (2021). “Pre-Emptive Noninvasive Ventilation to Facilitate Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation in Obese Patients at High Risk of Re-Intubation. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Feb 15;205(4):382-383. (IF=30,53). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Guilpain P, Le Bihan C, Foulongne V, Taourel P, Pansu N, Maria ATJ, Jung B, Larcher R, Klouche K, Le Moing V. (2021). “Rituximab for granulomatosis with polyangiitis in the pandemic of covid-19: lessons from a case with severe pneumonia. “ Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 2021 Jan;80(1):e10.. (IF=27,97). Rheumatolgy (Q1).
Hedon C, Lambert K, Chakouri N, Thireau J, Aimond F, Cassan C, Bideaux P, Richard S, Faucherre A, Le Guennec JY, Demion M. (2020). .”New role of TRPM4 channel in the cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in response to physiological and pathological hypertrophy in mouse. .” Prog Biophys Mol Biol.. 2021 Jan;159:105-117. (IF=4,80). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q3) ; Biophysics (Q3).
Helms J, De Jong A, Einav S. (2021) ”Yentl syndrome and the ICU. ” Intensive Care Med. 2021 May;47(5):594-597 (IF= 41,80). Domaine de Recherche: ”Critical Care Medicine ” (2/36, Q1).
Huet F , Dupuy AM, Duflos C, Azara Reis C, Kuster N , Aguilhon S, Cristol JP & Roubille F, (2021). “Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor strongly predicts global mortality in acute heart failure patients: insight from the STADE-HF registry. “ Future Sci. OA 2021 Mar 29;7(5):FSO697. (IF=2,61). Biotechnology (Q3) ; Medicine (Miscellaneous) (Q3).
Huet F, Delbaere Q, Aguilhon S, Dupasquier V, Delseny D, Gervasoni R, Macia JC, Leclercq F, Jammoul N, Kahlouche S, Soltani S, Cardon F, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP, Mariano-Goulart D, Akodad M, Nagot N, Roubille F. “Colchicine to Prevent Sympathetic Denervation after an Acute Myocardial Infarction: The COLD-MI Trial Protocol.(2021) “ Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 Sep 30;57(10):1047. (IF=2,95). Generzl Medicine (Q2).
Jaber S, De Jong A. (2021). : ”Securing the airway in critical care scenarios-questioning the fundamentals Author’s reply. : ”Intensive Care Med. 2021 Nov 2. Sous presse. (IF=41,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jaber S, De Jong A. (2021). “Use of stylet and airway management procedure in critically ill patients. Author’s reply. “ Intensive Care Med. 2021 Dec;47(12):1499-1500.. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jaber S, Rollé A, Godet T, Terzi N, Riu B, Asfar P, Bourenne J, Ramin S, Lemiale V, Quenot JP, Guitton C, Prudhomme E, Quemeneur C, Blondonnet R, Biais M, Muller L, Ouattara A, Ferrandiere M, Saint-Léger P, Rimmelé T, Pottecher J, Chanques G, Belafia F, Chauveton C, Huguet H, Asehnoune K, Futier E, Azoulay E, Molinari N, De Jong A; STYLETO trial group. (2021). “ Effect of the use of an endotracheal tube and stylet versus an endotracheal tube alone on first-attempt intubation success: a multicentre, randomised clinical trial in 999 patients. “ Intensive Care Med. 2021 May 25;1-12. (IF=41,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jelinkova S, Sleiman Y, Fojtík P, Aimond F, Finan A, Hugon G, Scheuermann V, Beckerová D, Cazorla O, Vincenti M, Amedro P, Richard S, Jaros J, Dvorak P, Lacampagne A, Carnac G, Rotrekl V, Meli AC. (2021). “Dystrophin Deficiency Causes Progressive Depletion of Cardiovascular Progenitor Cells in the Heart. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 May 10;22(9):5025.(IF=6,21). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Jung B, Le Bihan C, Portales P, Bourgeois N, Vincent T, Lachaud L, Chanques G, Conseil M, Corne P, Massanet P, Timsit JF, Jaber S. (2021). “ Monocyte human leukocyte antigen-DR but not β-D-glucan may help early diagnosing invasive Candida infection in critically ill patients. “ Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Aug 21;11(1):129. (IF=10,32). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jung B, Klouche K, Jaber S, Bigé N (2021). “ Alcalinisation des acidoses métaboliques“ Médecine Intensive Réanimation, 2021 30(1), 23-30. (IF= 0,12). Emergency Medicine (Q4); Emergency Nursing (Q4).
Kalmanovich E, Battistella P, Rouviere P, Albat B, Frapier JM, Demaria R, Huet F, Agullo A, Mourad M, Colson P, Leclercq F, Gaudard P and Roubille F.(2021). ” Idarucizumab (Praxbind®) for dabigatran reversal in patients undergoing heart transplantation: a cohort of ten patients ”Future Science OA, 2021 Feb 15;7(4):FSO689 (IF=2,61). Biotechnology (Q3) ; Medicine (Miscellaneous) (Q3).
Lafarge A, Martin JE, Longval T, Dupont T, De Jong A, Azoulay E.(2021). “ Two different patterns of lymphocyte alterations in critically ill COVID-19 patients. “ Intern Emerg Med. 2021 2021 Jan 1:1-4. (IF=5,47). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Laget J, Djohan YF, Jeanson L, Muyor K, Badia E, Cristol JP, Coudray C, Feillet-Coudray C, Vigor C, Oger C, Galano JM, Durand T, Lajoix AD, Gayrard N, Jover B (2021). “Peripancreatic Adipose Tissue Remodeling and Inflammation during High Fat Intake of Palm Oils or Lard in Rats. “ Nutrients. 2021 Mar 30;13(4):1134.(IF=6,71). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Lambert K, Demion M, Lagacé JC, Hokayem M, Dass M, Virsolvy A, Jover B, Bourret A, Bisbal C. (2021) Grape polyphenols and exercise training have distinct molecular effects on cardiac hypertrophy in a model of obese insulin-resistant rats. J Nutr Biochem. 2021 Jan;87:108522. (IF=6,12). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Nutrition and dietetics (Q1).
Larcher R, Platon L, Amalric M, Brunot V, Besnard N, Benomar R, Daubin D, Ceballos P, Rispail P, Lachaud L, Bourgeois N, Klouche K. (2021). “Emerging Invasive Fungal Infections in Critically Ill Patients: Incidence, Outcomes and Prognosis Factors, a Case-Control Study. “ J Fungi (Basel). 2021 Apr 24;7(5):330. (IF= 6,62). Microbiology(Q1) ; Mycology (Q1).
Larcher R, Besnard N, Akouz A, Rabier E, Teule L, Vandercamere T, Zozor S, Amalric M, Benomar R, Brunot V, Corne P, Barbot O, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP, Klouche K. (2021). “Admission High-Sensitive Cardiac Troponin T Level Increase Is Independently Associated with Higher Mortality in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: A Multicenter Study. “ J Clin Med. 2021 Apr 13;10(8):1656. (IF=4,96). Medicine, General and Internal (Q1).
Larcher R, Kuster N, Bargnoux AS, Klouche K, Pieroni L, Cristol JP. (2021). “Discrepant post-filter ionized calcium concentrations by 2 common gas analyzers in continuous renal replacement therapy using regional citrate anticoagulation: another piece of the puzzle. “ Kidney Int. 2021 Jan;99(1):268-269. (IF=19,00). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Lasocki S, Asfar P, Jaber S, Ferrandiere M, Kerforne T, Asehnoune K, Montravers P, Seguin P, Peoc’h K, Gergaud S, Nagot N, Lefebvre T, Lehmann S; Hepcidane study group comprenant parmi les collaborateurs Chanques G (2021). “Impact of treating iron deficiency, diagnosed according to hepcidin quantification, on outcomes after a prolonged ICU stay compared to standard care: a multicenter, randomized, single-blinded trial. “ Crit Care. 2021 Feb 15;25(1):62. (IF=19,35). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Laurent A, Fournier A, Lheureux F, Louis G, Nseir S, Jacq G, Goulenok C, Muller G, Badie J, Bouhemad B, Georges M, Mertes PM, Merdji H, Castelain V, Abdulmalak C, Lesieur O, Plantefeve G, Lacherade JC, Rigaud JP, Sedillot N, Roux D, Terzi N, Beuret P, Monsel A, Poujol AL, Kuteifan K, Vanderlinden T, Renault A, Vivet B, Vinsonneau C, Barbar SD, Capellier G, Dellamonica J, Ehrmann S, Rimmelé T, Bohé J, Bouju P, Gibot S, Lévy B, Temime J, Pichot C, Schnell D, Friedman D, Asfar P, Lebas E, Mateu P, Klouche K, Audibert J, Ecarnot F, Meunier-Beillard N, Loiseau M, François-Pursell I, Binquet C, Quenot JP; PsyCOVID-ICU Trial Investigators and the CRICS TRIGGERSEP Group (Clinical Research in Intensive Care and Sepsis Trial Group for Global Evaluation and Research in Sepsis). (2021). ”Mental health and stress among ICU healthcare professionals in France according to intensity of the COVID-19 epidemic. ”Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Jun 4;11(1):90. (IF=10,32). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Lemiale V, Dumas G, Demoule A, Pène F, Kouatchet A, Bisbal M, Nseir S, Argaud L, Kontar L, Klouche K, Barbier F, Seguin A, Louis G, Constantin JM, Mayaux J, Wallet F, Peigne V, Girault C, Oziel J, Nyunga M, Terzi N, Bouadma L, Lautrette A, Bige N, Raphalen JH, Papazian L, Bruneel F, Lebert C, Benoit D, Meert AP, Jaber S, Mokart D, Darmon M, Azoulay E; Groupe de Recherche en Reanimation Respiratoire du patient d’Onco-Hématologie (GRRR-OH) (2021).” Performance of the ROX index to predict intubation in immunocompromised patients receiving high-flow nasal cannula for acute respiratory failure. ”Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Jan 27;11(1):17. Et “Correction to: Performance of the ROX index to predict intubation in immunocompromised patients receiving high-flow nasal cannula for acute respiratory failure. “ Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Jul 9;11(1):105. (IF= 10,32). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
L’Her E, Jaber S, Verzilli D, Jacob C, Huiban B, Futier E, Kerforne T, Pateau V, Bouchard PA, Consigny M, Lellouche F (2021). “Automated closed-loop versus standard manual oxygen administration after major abdominal or thoracic surgery: an international multicentre randomised controlled study. “Eur Respir J. 2021 Jan 5;57(1):2000182. (IF=33,81). Respiratory Systems (Q1).
Lotierzo M, Bruno R, Finan-Marchi A, Huet F, Kalmanovich E, Rodrigues G, Dupuy AM, Adda J, Piquemal D, Richard S, Cristol JP, Roubille F (2021). “ Could a Multi-Marker and Machine Learning Approach Help Stratify Patients with Heart Failure? “ .Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 Sep 22;57(10):996. . (IF=2,95). Generzl Medicine (Q2).
Lotierzo M, Urbain V, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP. (2021). “Evaluation of a new automated immunoassay for the quantification of anti-Müllerian hormone. “ Pract Lab Med. 2021 Apr 14;25:e00220. (IS=0,49). Clinical Biochemistry (Q3) ; Radiological and Ultrasound Technology ( Q3).
Lotierzo M, Olaru-Soare F, Dupuy AM, Plawecki M, Paris F, Cristol JP. (2021). “Comparative study of human growth hormone measurements: impact on clinical interpretation. “ Clin Chem Lab Med. 2021 Dec 2;60(2):191-197. (IF=8,49). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1).
Mariotte E, Zafrani L, Fadlallah J, Galicier L, Ghrenassia E, Kerhuel L, Calvet L, De Jong A, Lemiale V, Valade S, Joly B, Stépanian A, Azoulay E, Darmon M. (2021). “Performance of diagnostic scores in thrombotic microangiopathy patients in the intensive care unit: a monocentric study. “ Thromb Haemost. 2021 Nov;121(11):1427-1434. (IF=6,68). Hematology (QI) ; Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q1).
Mazzinari G, Serpa Neto A, Hemmes SNT, Hedenstierna G, Jaber S, Hiesmayr M, Hollmann MW, Mills GH, Vidal Melo MF, Pearse RM, Putensen C, Schmid W, Severgnini P, Wrigge H, Cambronero OD, Ball L, de Abreu MG, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ; LAS VEGAS study–investigators; PROtective VEntilation NETwork; Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. (2021). “The Association of Intraoperative driving pressure with postoperative pulmonary complications in open versus closed abdominal surgery patients – a posthoc propensity score-weighted cohort analysis of the LAS VEGAS study. “ BMC Anesthesiol. 2021 Mar 19;21(1):84. (IF=2,38). Anesthesiology ” (25/32, Q4).
Meyer P, Notarnicola C, Meli AC, Matecki S, Hugon G, Salvador J, Khalil M, Féasson L, Cances C, Cottalorda J, Desguerre I, Cuisset JM, Sabouraud P, Lacampagne A, Chevassus H, Rivier F, Carnac G (2021). “Skeletal Ryanodine Receptors Are Involved in Impaired Myogenic Differentiation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients. “ Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov 30;22(23):12985. (IF=6,21). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q1) ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary (Q2).
Milési C, Requirand A, Douillard A, Baleine J, Nogué E, Matecki S, Amedro P, Pons-Odena M, Cambonie G (2021). “Assessment of Peak Inspiratory Flow in Young Infants with Acute Viral Bronchiolitis: Physiological Basis for Initial Flow Setting in Patients Supported with High-Flow Nasal Cannula. “ J Pediatr. 2021 Apr;231:239-245.e1. (IF=6,31). Pediatrics (Q1).
Monet C, De Jong A, Jaber S. (2021). ” Intubation in the ICU. ” Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2021 Aug;40(4):100916.. (IF=7,02). Anaesthesiology (Q2) ; Critical Care Medicine ( Q3).
Montravers P, Esposito-Farèse M, Lasocki S, Grall N, Veber B, Eloy P, Seguin P, Weiss E, Dupont H; DURAPOP trial group avec Jung B, Jaber S. parmi les collaborateurs (2021) “Risk factors for therapeutic failure in the management of post-operative peritonitis: a post hoc analysis of the DURAPOP trial. “ J Antimicrob Chemother 2021 Nov 12;76(12):3303-3309. (IF=5,76). Infectious Diseases (Q1); Domaine de Recherche: ”Microbilogy (Q1) ; Pharmacolog and Pharmacy ( Q1).
Morel S, Hugon G, Vitou M, Védère M, Fons F, Rapior S, Saint N and Carnac (2021) “A Bioassay-Guided Fractionation of Rosemary Leaf Extract Identifies Carnosol as a Major Hypertrophy Inducer in Human Skeletal Muscle Cells. “ Nutrients, 2021, 13, 4189-4206. (IF=6,71). Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1).
Moutin E, Sakkaki S, Compan V, Bouquier N, Giona F, Areias J, Goyet E, Hemonnot-Girard AL, Seube V, Glasson B, Benac N, Chastagnier Y, Raynaud F, Audinat E, Groc L, Maurice T, Sala C, Verpelli C, Perroy J. (2021).”Restoring glutamate receptosome dynamics at synapses rescues autism-like deficits in Shank3-deficient mice. ” Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Dec;26(12):7596-7609. (IF=13,44). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1) ; Psychiatry (Q1).
Nasa P, Azoulay E, Khanna AK, Jain R, Gupta S, Javeri Y, Juneja D, Rangappa P, Sundararajan K, Alhazzani W, Antonelli M, Arabi YM, Bakker J, Brochard LJ, Deane AM, Du B, Einav S, Esteban A, Gajic O, Galvagno SM Jr, Guérin C, Jaber S, Khilnani GC, Koh Y, Lascarrou JB, Machado FR, Malbrain MLNG, Mancebo J, McCurdy MT, McGrath BA, Mehta S, Mekontso-Dessap A, Mer M, Nurok M, Park PK, Pelosi P, Peter JV, Phua J, Pilcher DV, Piquilloud L, Schellongowski P, Schultz MJ, Shankar-Hari M, Singh S, Sorbello M, Tiruvoipati R, Udy AA, Welte T, Myatra SN (2021). “Expert consensus statements for the management of COVID-19-related acute respiratory failure using a Delphi method. “ Crit Care. 2021 Mar 16;25(1):106. (IF=19,35). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Orth-Alampour S, Gayrard N, Salem S, Bhargava S, Jankowski V, Jover B, Notarnicola C, Noels H, van der Vorst EPC, Kuppe C, Wolf M, Goettsch C, Theelen W, Bruck H, Fliser D, Loscalzo J, Wu Z, Marx N, Zidek W, Argilés À, Jankowski J (2021). “Prevention of vascular calcification by the endogenous chromogranin A-derived mediator that inhibits osteogenic transdifferentiation. “ .Basic Res Cardiol. 2021 Oct 13;116(1):57. (IF=12,42). Cardiac ad Cardiovascular Systems (Q1).
Papazian L, Jaber S, Hraiech S, Baumstarck K, Cayot-Constantin S, Aissaoui N, Jung B, Leone M, Souweine B, Schwebel C, Bourenne J, Allardet-Servent J, Kamel T, Lu Q, Zandotti C, Loundou A, Penot-Ragon C, Chastre J, Forel JM, Luyt CE; Preemptive Herpesviridae Treatment Study Group, REVA Network (2021). “ Preemptive ganciclovir for mechanically ventilated patients with cytomegalovirus reactivation. “ Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Feb 11;11(1):33. (IF=10,32). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Pensier J, De Jong A, Chanques G, Futier E, Azoulay E, Molinari N, Jaber S (2021). ”A multivariate model for successful publication of intensive care medicine randomized controlled trials in the highest impact factor journals: the SCOTI score. ” .Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Nov 27;11(1):165. (IF=10,32). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Peyron PA, Plawecki M, Lossois M, Lotierzo M, Baccino E, Cristol JP (2021). “Usefulness of a blood glucose and ketone monitoring device as a screening tool for lethal diabetic ketoacidosis. “ Int J Legal Med. 2021 Jan;135(1):293-299. (IF=2,79). Medicine Legal (Q1).
Preau S, Vodovar D, Jung B, Lancel S, Zafrani L, Flatres A, Oualha M, Voiriot G, Jouan Y, Joffre J, Huel F, De Prost N, Silva S, Azabou E, Radermacher P. (2021). “Energetic dysfunction in sepsis: a narrative review. “ Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Jul 3;11(1):104. (IF=10,32). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Reignier J, Le Gouge A, Lascarrou JB, Annane D, Argaud L, Hourmant Y, Asfar P, Badie J,Nay MA,Botoc NV, Brisard L,Bui HN, Chatellier D, Chauvelot L, Combes A,Cracco C, Darmon M, Das V, Debarre M,Delbove A, Devaquet J, Voicu S,Aissaoui-Balanant N,Dumont LM, Oziel J,Gontier O, Groyer S, Guidet B, Jaber S , Lambiotte F, Leroy C, Letocart P, Madeux B,Maizel J, Martinet O, Martino F,Mercier E,Mira JP, Nseir S, Picard W, Piton G, Plantefeve G,Quenot JP, Renault A, Guérin L, Richecoeur J,Rigaud JP, Schneider F, Silva D, Sirodot M,Souweine B, Reizine F,Tamion F, Terzi N,Thévenin D, Thiéry G, Thieulot-Rolin N, (2021). ”Impact of early low-calorie low-protein versus standard-calorie standard-protein feeding on outcomes of ventilated adults with shock: design and conduct of randomised, controlled, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group trial (NUTRIREA-3) ” BMJ Open, 2021 May 11;11(5):e045041 (IF=3,02). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Renoux MC, Dutronc S, Kollen L, Theret S, Moreau J. (2021). “A Case of Disseminated Tuberculosis in a Child with Crohn’s Disease After Treatment with Azathioprine, Adalimumab and Ustekinumab. “ Archivos de Bronconeumología 57 (2021) 552–553. (IF=6,33). Respiratory System (Q1).
Rodriguez A, Morena M, Bargnoux AS, Chenine L, Leray-Moragues H, Cristol JP, Canaud B. (2021). “Quantitative assessment of sodium mass removal using ionic dialysance and sodium gradient as a proxy tool: comparison of high-flux hemodialysis versus online hemodiafiltration. “ Artif Organs. 2021 Aug;45(8):E280-E292.. (IF=2,66). Engineering Biomedical (Q3) ; Transplantation (Q3).
Roger C, Louart B, Elotmani L, Barton G, Escobar L, Koulenti D, Lipman J, Leone M, Muller L, Boutin C, Amour J, Banakh I, Cousson J, Bourenne J, Constantin JM, Albanese J, Roberts JA, Lefrant JY (2021). ; Azurea Network. (avec parmi les collaborateurs Jaber S,) ”An international survey on aminoglycoside practices in critically ill patients: the AMINO III study. ” Ann Intensive Care. 2021 Mar 19;11(1):49. (IF=10,32). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Silva S, Azabou E, Vodovar D, Voiriot G, Ouahla M Uhel F, Zafrani L Jung B, Radermacher P, De Prost N, Préau S (2021) . “ Le cerveau: une nouvelle frontière pour la réanimation: Actes du 6ème Séminaire de Recherche Translationnelle de la Société de Réanimation de Langue Française “– Médecine Intensive et Reanimation 2021 30(1), 77-84. (IS=0,12) Emergency Medicine (Q4); Emergency Nursing (Q4).
Simon P, Girrbach F, Petroff D, Schliewe N, Hempel G, Lange M, Bluth T, Gama de Abreu M, Beda A, Schultz MJ, Pelosi P, Reske AW, Wrigge H; PROBESE Investigators of the Protective Ventilation Network and the Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anesthesiology (avec Jaber S comme collaborateur). “Individualized versus Fixed Positive End-expiratory Pressure for Intraoperative Mechanical Ventilation in Obese Patients: A Secondary Analysis. . Anesthesiology. 2021 Jun 1;134(6):887-900. (IF=8,97). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Souweine JS, Pasquier G, Kuster N, Rodriguez A, Patrier L, Morena M, Badia E, Raynaud F, Chalabi L, Raynal N, Ohresser I, Hayot M, Mercier J, Le Quintrec M, Gouzi F, Cristol JP. (2020). ”Dynapenia and sarcopenia in chronic haemodialysis patients: do muscle weakness and atrophy similarly influence poor outcome? ” Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Sep 27;36(10):1908-1918. (IF=7,19). Transplantation (Q1) ; Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Souweine JS, Gouzi F, Badia É, Pomies P, Garrigue V, Morena M, Hayot M, Mercier J, Ayoub B, Quintrec ML, Raynaud F, Cristol JP (2021). ”Skeletal Muscle Phenotype in Patients Undergoing Long-Term Hemodialysis Awaiting Kidney Transplantation. ” .Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021 Nov;16(11):1676-1685.(IF=10,67). Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Stollings JL, Kotfis K, Chanques G, Pun BT, Pandharipande PP, Ely EW (2021). “Delirium in critical illness: clinical manifestations, outcomes, and management. “ .Intensive Care Med. 2021 Oct;47(10):1089-1103. (IF=41,80). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Vernooij RWM, Law W, Peters SAE, Canaud B, Davenport A, Grooteman MPC, Kircelli F, Locatelli F, Maduell F, Morena M, Nubé MJ, Ok E, Torres F, Woodward M, Blankestijn PJ, Bots ML; HDF Pooling project investigators (2021). “The probability of receiving a kidney transplantation in end-stage kidney disease patients who are treated with haemodiafiltration or haemodialysis: a pooled individual participant data from four randomised controlled trials. “ BMC Nephrol. 2021 Feb 25;22(1):70. (IF=2,58). Urology and Nephrology (Q3).
Weiss E, Saner F, Asrani SK, Biancofiore G, Blasi A, Lerut J, Durand F, Fernandez J, Findlay JY, Fondevila C, Francoz C, Gustot T, Jaber S, Karvellas C, Kronish K, Laleman W, Laterre PF, Levesque E, Mandell SM, Mc Phail M, Muiesan P, Olson JC, Olthoff K, Pinna AD, Reiberger T, Reyntjens K, Saliba F, Scatton O, Simpson KJ, Soubrane O, Subramanian RM, Tacke F, Tomescu D, Xia V, Wagener G, Paugam-Burtz C. (2021). “When Is a Critically Ill Cirrhotic Patient Too Sick to Transplant? Development of Consensus Criteria by a Multidisciplinary Panel of 35 International Experts. “ Transplantation. 2021 Mar 1;105(3):561-568. (IF=5,38). Immunology (Q2) ; Surgery (Q1) ; Transplantation (Q1).
Widehem R, Bory P, Greco F, Pavillard F, Chalard K, Mas A, Djanikian F, Carr J, Molinari N, Jaber S, Perrigault PF, Chanques G. (2021). “ Transcranial sonographic assessment of the third ventricle in neuro-ICU patients to detect hydrocephalus: a diagnostic reliability pilot study. “ Ann Intensive Care. 2021 May 4;11(1):69. (IF=10,32). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Young PJ, De Jong A. (2021). “New Insights Into the Comparative Effectiveness of Fentanyl and Morphine Infusions in Intensive Care Unit Patients. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Dec 1;204(11):1243-1245. (IF=30,53). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1)).
Amalric M, Larcher R, Brunot V, Garnier F, De Jong A, Moulaire Rigollet V, Corne P, Klouche K, Jung B. (2020). “Impact of Videolaryngoscopy Expertise on First-Attempt Intubation Success in Critically Ill Patients. “ Crit Care Med. 2020 Oct;48(10):e889-e896. (IF= 7,60). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Amedro P, Gavotto A, Abassi H, Picot MC, Matecki S, Malekzadeh-Milani S, Levy M, Ladouceur M, Ovaert C, Aldebert P, Thambo JB, Fraisse A, Humbert M, Cohen S, Baruteau AE, Karsenty C, Bonnet D, Hascoet S and on behalf of the SV-INHIBITION study investigators. (2020). “Efficacy of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in univentricular congenital heart disease: the SV-INHIBITION study design “ESC Heart Fail 2020 Apr;7(2):747-756. (IF= 4,41). Cardiac and Cardiovascular systems (Q2).
Aubanel S, Bruiset F, Chapuis C, Chanques G, Payen JF. (2020). “Therapeutic options for agitation in the intensive care unit. “ Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2020 Oct;39(5):639-646. (IF=4,13). Anaesthesiology (Q2) ; Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
Barateau L, Chenini S, Lotierzo M, Rassu AL, Evangelista E, Lopez R, Gorce Dupuy AM, Jaussent I, Dauvilliers Y. (2020). “CSF and serum ferritin levels in narcolepsy type 1 comorbid with restless legs syndrome. “ Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020 Jun;7(6):924-931. (IF=4,51). Clinical Neurology (Q1) ; Neurosciences (Q1).
Barateau L, Lopez R, Chenini S, Rassu AL, Scholz S, Lotierzo M, Cristol JP, Jaussent I, Dauvilliers Y. (2020). “Association of CSF Orexin-A levels and nocturnal sleep stability in patients with hypersomnolence. “ Neurology. 2020 Nov 24;95(21):e2900-e2911. (IF=9,91). Clinical Neurology (Q1).
Bargnoux AS, Buthiau D, Morena M, Rodriguez A, Noguera-Gonzalez ME, Gilbert O, Le Quintrec M, Kuster N, Cristol JP. (2020). ”Estimation of residual renal function using Beta-Trace Protein: Impact of dialysis procedures. ”Artif Organs. 2020 Jun;44(6):647-654. (IF=3,09). Engineering Biomedical (Q2) ; Transplantation ( Q3).
Boissier F, Seegers V, Seguin A, Legriel S, Cariou A, Jaber S, Lefrant JY, Rimmelé T, Renault A, Vinatier I, Mathonnet A, Reuter D, Guisset O, Cracco C, Durand-Gasselin J, Éon B, Thirion M, Rigaud JP, Philippon-Jouve B, Argaud L, Chouquer R, Papazian L, Dedrie C, Georges H, Lebas E, Rolin N, Bollaert PE, Lecuyer L, Viquesnel G, Leone M, Chalumeau-Lemoine L, Garrouste-Orgeas M, Azoulay E, Kentish-Barnes N (2020). “Assessing physicians’ and nurses’ experience of dying and death in the ICU: development of the CAESAR-P and the CAESAR-N instruments. “ Crit Care. 2020 Aug 25;24(1):521. (IF= 9,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Bouquier N, Moutin E, Tintignac LA, Reverbel A, Jublanc E, Sinnreich M, Chastagnier Y, Averous J, Fafournoux P, Verpelli C, Boeckers T, Carnac G, Perroy J, Ollendorff V . (2020). ”AIMTOR, a BRET biosensor for live imaging, reveals subcellular mTOR signaling and dysfunctions. ” BMC Biol. 2020 Jul 3;18(1):81. (IF=7,43). Biology (Q1).
Bousquet J, Cristol JP, Czarlewski W, Anto JM, Martineau A, Haahtela T, Fonseca SC, Iaccarino G, Blain H, Fiocchi A, Canonica GW, Fonseca JA, Vidal A, Choi HJ, Kim HJ, Le Moing V, Reynes J, Sheikh A, Akdis CA, Zuberbier T; ARIA group (2020). Nrf2-interacting nutrients and COVID-19: time for research to develop adaptation strategies. Clin Transl Allergy. 2020 Dec 3;10(1):58 (IF=5,87). Allergy (Q2).
Bousquet J, Czarlewski W, Zuberbier T, Mullol J, Blain H, Cristol JP, De La Torre R, Le Moing V, Pizarro Lozano N, Bedbrook A, Agache I, Akdis CA, Canonica GW, Cruz AA, Fiocchi A, Fonseca JA, Fonseca S, Gemicioğlu B, Haahtela T, Iaccarino G, Ivancevich JC, Jutel M, Klimek L, Kuna P, Larenas-Linnemann DE, Melén E, Okamoto Y, Papadopoulos NG, Pfaar O, Reynes J, Rolland Y, Rouadi PW, Samolinski B, Sheikh A, Toppila-Salmi S, Valiulis A, Choi HJ, Kim HJ, Anto JM.(2020). ”Spices to Control COVID-19 Symptoms: Yes, but Not Only…. ” Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2020 Dec 22:1-7. (IF=2,75). Allergy (Q3) ; Immunology (Q3).
Chakouri N, Farah C, Matecki S, Amedro P, Vincenti M, Saumet L, Vergely L, Sirvent N, Lacampagne A, Cazorla O. (2020). “Screening for in-vivo regional contractile defaults to predict the delayed Doxorubicin Cardiotoxicity in Juvenile Rat. “ Theranostics. 2020 Jul 9;10(18):8130-8142. (IF=11,56). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1).
Chanques G, Constantin JM, Devlin JW, Ely EW, Fraser GL, Gélinas C, Girard TD, Guérin C, Jabaudon M, Jaber S, Mehta S, Langer T, Murray MJ, Pandharipande P, Patel B, Payen JF, Puntillo K, Rochwerg B, Shehabi Y, Strøm T, Olsen HT, Kress JP. (2020). ”Analgesia and sedation in patients with ARDS. ” . . . Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2342-2356.. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Chanques G, Monet C, Hajjej Z, De Jong A, Garnier O, Aarab Y, Jaber S. (2020)“Délirium en réanimation: épidémiologie et prise en charge “ Anesthésie & Réanimation, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 82-89 . (IF= à venir). Anesthesie et Reanimation: (Q4).
Chaudhuri D, Granton D, Wang DX, Einav S, Helviz Y, Mauri T, Ricard JD, Mancebo J, Frat JP, Jog S, Hernandez G, Maggiore SM, Hodgson C, Jaber S, Brochard L, Burns KEA, Rochwerg B . (2020). ”Moderate Certainty Evidence Suggests the Use of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Does Not Decrease Hypoxia When Compared With Conventional Oxygen Therapy in the Peri-Intubation Period: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. ” Crit Care Med. 2020 Apr;48(4):571-578. (IF=7,60). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Chaudhuri D, Granton D, Wang DX, Burns KEA, Helviz Y, Einav S, Trivedi V, Mauri T, Ricard JD, Mancebo J, Frat JP, Jog S, Hernandez G, Maggiore SM, Mbuagbaw L, Hodgson CL, Jaber S, Goligher E, Brochard L, Rochwerg B. (2020).”High flow nasal cannula in the immediate post-operative period: a systematic review and meta-analysis. ” High flow nasal cannula in the immediate post-operative period: a systematic review and meta-analysis. ” Chest. 2020 Nov;158(5):1934-1946. (IF=9,41). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Chiche L, Jeandel C, Lyps C, Joly-Monrigal P, Alkar F, Louahem M’Sabah D, Cottalorda J, Delpont M. (2020). “Fingertip nail bed injuries in children: Comparison of suture repair versus glue (2-octylcyanoacrylate) with 1-year follow-up. “ Hand Surg Rehabil. 2020 Dec;39(6):550-555. (IF=0,97). Orthopedics (Q4); Surgery (Q4).
Cinotti R, Besnard N, Desmedi L, Floch R, Perrot P, Bekara F, Klouche K, Larcher R, Mahé PJ, Frasca D, Asehnoune K, Jung B, Roquilly A. (2020). “Feasibility and impact of the implementation of a clinical scale-based sedation-analgesia protocol in severe burn patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. A before-after bi-center study“ Burns 2020 Sep;46(6):1310-1317. (IF= 2,74). Critical Care Medicine (Q3) ; Dermatology (Q2) ; Surgery (Q2).
Citerio G, Bakker J, Brochard L, Buchman TG, Jaber S, Mazzone PJ, Teboul JL, Vincent JL, Azoulay E. (2020). “Critical care journals during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and responsibilities. “ Intensive Care Med. 2020 Aug;46(8):1521-1523. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Combes A, Schmidt M, Hodgson CL, Fan E, Ferguson ND, Fraser JF, Jaber S, Pesenti A, Ranieri M, Rowan K, Shekar K, Slutsky AS, Brodie D. (2020). “ Extracorporeal life support for adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome. “Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2464-2476.(IF=17,44). Oncology (Q2) ; Surgery (Q1).
Cren M, Nziza N, Carbasse A, Mahe P, Dufourcq-Lopez E, Delpont M, Chevassus H, Khalil M, Mura T, Duroux-Richard I, Apparailly F, Jeziorski E, Louis-Plence P. (2020). “Differential Accumulation and Activation of Monocyte and Dendritic Cell Subsets in Inflamed Synovial Fluid Discriminates Between Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Septic Arthritis. “ Front Immunol. 2020 Jul 31;11:1716. (IF=7,56). Immunology (Q1).
De Jong A, Wrigge H, Hedenstierna G, Gattinoni L, Chiumello D, Frat JP, Ball L, Schetz M, Pickkers P, Jaber S (2020). “How to ventilate obese patients in the ICU..” Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2423-2435. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
De Jong A, Capdevila M, Monet C, Rollé A, Aarab Y, Jaber S. (2020). … « La récupération améliorée après chirurgie chez un opéré vulnérable: l’obèse » Le Praticien en Anesthésie Volume 24, Issue 5, October 2020, Pages 259-264 (IF=0,05). Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q4), ”Emergency Medicine” (Q4), ”Emergency Nursing” (Q4).
De Jong A, Casey JD, Myatra SN. (2020). ”Focus on noninvasive respiratory support before and after mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory failure. ” Intensive Care Med. 2020 Jul;46(7):1460-1463.; (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
De Jong A, Pardo E, Rolle A, Bodin-Lario S, Pouzeratte Y, Jaber S (2020). “Airway management for COVID-19: a move towards universal videolaryngoscope? “ The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Vol 8 issue 5 p555 (IF=30,70). Critical Care Medicine ( Q1).
De Jong A, Rollé A, Souche FR, Yengui O, Verzilli D, Chanques G, Nocca D, Futier E, Jaber S. (2020). «How can I manage anaesthesia in obese patients? Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine Volume 39, Issue 2, April 2020, Pages 229-238 (IF=4,13). Anesthesiology (Q3).
De Jong A, Rollé A, Yengui O, Chanques G, Jaber S (2020). ”Ventilation au bloc et pression dans les voies aériennes” Le Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation , Volume 24, Issue 1, February 2020, Pages 41-47 (IF=0,05). Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q4), ”Emergency Medicine” (Q4), ”Emergency Nursing” (Q4).
De Jong A, Jaber S, Ferguson ND. (2020) “Correction to: Focus on ventilation and ARDS: recent insights. “ Intensive Care Med. 2020 Jan;46(1):152 (IF=17,44)..Critical Care Medicine (2/33, Q1).
De Jong A, Roca O, Guérin C (2020). ”COVID-19-related and non-COVID-related acute respiratory distress syndrome: two sides of the same coin? ” Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2197-2199. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (2/33, Q1)..
Diallo I, Boudard F, Morel S, Vitou M, Guzman C, Saint N, Michel A, Rapior S, Traoré L, Poucheret P, Fons F. (2020). Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Shiitake Culinary-Medicinal Mushroom, Lentinus edodes (Agaricomycetes), Sporophores from Various Culture Conditions. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2020;22(6):535-546. (IF=1,92). Myology (Q4) ; Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q4) .
Dridi H, Jung B, Yehya M, Daurat A, Reiken S, Moreau J, Marks AR, Matecki S, Lacampagne A, Jaber S. (2020). “Late Ventilator-Induced Diaphragmatic Dysfunction After Extubation. “ Crit Care Med. 2020 Dec;48(12):e1300-e1305. (IF=7,60).
Dridi H, Yehya M, Barsotti R, Reiken S, Angebault C, Jung B, Jaber S, Marks AR, Lacampagne A, Matecki S. (2020). “Mitochondrial oxidative stress induces leaky ryanodine receptor during mechanical ventilation. “ Free Radic Biol Med. 2020 Jan;146:383-391 (IF=7,38). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q1);Endocrinology and Metabolism (Q1).
Dridi H, Liu X, Yuan Q, Reiken S, Yehya M, Sittenfeld LR, Apostolou P, Buron J, Sicard P, Matecki S, Thireau J, Menuet C, Lacampagne A, Marks AR (2020). “Role of defective calcium regulation in cardiorespiratory dysfunction in Huntington’s disease. “ JCI Insight. 2020 Oct 2;5(19):140614. (IF=8,31). Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q1) .
Dumas, G, Chevret, S, Le Corre M, MD, Lemiale V, Jaber, S, Azoulay,E. (2020). “Typology of Published Randomized Controlled Trials investigating initial ventilation strategy in Critically Ill Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure-A methodological …“ Chest Volume 158, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 986-998 (IF=9,41). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Dupuy AM, Bargnoux AS, Kuster N, Cristol JP, Badiou S. (2020). “Determination of hemolysis cut-offs for biochemical and immunochemical analytes according to their value. “ Clin Chem Lab Med. 2020 Jul 28;58(8):1232-1241 (IF=3,69). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1).
Dupuy AM, Bargnoux AS, Andreeva A, Zins C, Kuster N, Badiou S, Cristol JP. (2020). “Analytical performances of a novel point-of-care procalcitonin assay. “ Pract Lab Med. 18 (2020) e00145 (JCI=0,54). Radiological and Ultrasound Technology ( Q3 ).
Dupuy AM, Bargnoux AS, Larcher R, Merindol A, Masetto T, Badiou S, Cristol JP. (2020).“Bioanalytical Performance of a New Particle-Enhanced Method for Measuring Procalcitonin. “Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Jul 7;10(7):E461.(IF=3,71). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Dupuy AM, Bargnoux AS, Roubille F, Cristol JP. (2020). “Letter in reply to the letter to the editor of Geerts N and Schanhorst V with the title « Roche Troponin T hs-STAT meets all expert opinion analytical laboratory practice recommendations for the use of the differential diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome ». “ Clin Chem Lab Med. 2020 Aug 3;59(4):e125-e127. (IF=3,69). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1).
Dupuy AM, Bargnoux AS, Montagnon V, Kuster N, Badiou S, Cristol JP (2020).” Analytical evaluation of the novel VITROS BRAHMS procalcitonin immunoassay. ” Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2020 Nov;80(7):541-545. (IF=1,66). Medicine, Resaerch and Experimental (Q4).
Flattres A, Aarab Y, Nougaret S, Garnier F, Larcher R, Amalric M, Klouche K, Etienne P, Subra G, Jaber S, Molinari N, Matecki S, Jung B. (2020). “Real-time shear wave ultrasound elastography: a new tool for the evaluation of diaphragm and limb muscle stiffness in critically ill patients. “ Crit Care. 2020 Feb 3;24(1):34.(IF=9,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Futier E, Garot M, Godet T, Biais M, Verzilli D, Ouattara A, Huet O, Lescot T, Lebuffe G, Dewitte A, Cadic A, Restoux A, Asehnoune K, Paugam-Burtz C, Cuvillon P, Faucher M, Vaisse C, El Amine Y, Beloeil H, Leone M, Noll E, Piriou V, Lasocki S, Bazin JE, Pereira B, Jaber S; FLASH Trial Group. (2020). “Effect of Hydroxyethyl Starch vs Saline for Volume Replacement Therapy on Death or Postoperative Complications Among High-Risk Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery: The FLASH Randomized Clinical Trial. “ JAMA. 2020 Jan 21;323(3):225-236. (IF=56,27). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Futier E, Jaber S, Joannes-Boyau O. (2020). “Ventilating multiple patients on a single ventilator: Statement from the French Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (SFAR). “ Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2020 Jun;39(3):369-370.. (IF=4,13). Anaesthesiology (Q2) ; Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
Futier E, Pereira B, Jaber S. (2020). “Hydroxyethyl Starch vs Saline for Volume Expansion After Abdominal Surgery-Reply. “ JAMA. 2020 Jul 14;324(2):200-201. (IF=56,27). Medicine General and Internal (Q1).
Garnier F, Daubin D, Larcher R, Bargnoux AS, Platon L, Brunot V, Aarab Y, Besnard N, Dupuy AM, Jung B, Cristol JP, Klouche K. (2020). “Reversibility of Acute Kidney Injury in Medical ICU Patients: Predictability Performance of Urinary Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-2 x Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 7 and Renal Resistive Index. “Crit Care Med. 2020 Apr;48(4):e277-e284.. (IF=7,60). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Gauze-Gnagne C, Raynaud F, Djohan YF, Lauret C, Feillet-Coudray C, Coudray C, Monde A, Koffi G, Morena M, Camara-Cisse M, Cristol JP, Badia E. (2020). “Impact of diets rich in olive oil, palm oil or lard on myokine expression in rats. “ Food Funct. 2020 Oct 21;11(10):9114-9128. (IF=5,40). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Q2); Food, Science and Technology (Q1).
Gavotto A, Huguet H, Picot MC, Guillaumont S, Matecki S, Amedro P. (2020). “The VE/VCO2 slope: a useful tool to evaluate the physiological status of children with congenital heart disease. “ J Appl Physiol (1985). 2020 Nov 1;129(5):1102-1110. (IF=3,53). Physiology (Q2) ; Sport Sciences (Q1).
Gavotto A , Thomas F, Werner O, Moreau J, Amedro P (2020). ” Use of treprostinil in pediatric pulmonary hypertension: case reports and review of the literature ” . J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2020 Jul;76(1):23-31. (IF=3,10). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q3); Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Q3).
Gavotto A, Vandenberghe D, Abassi H, Huguet H, Macioce V, Picot MC, Guillaumont S, Matecki S, Amedro P. (2020). “Oxygen uptake efficiency slope: a reliable surrogate parameter for exercise capacity in healthy and cardiac children? “Arch Dis Child. 2020 Dec;105(12):1167-1174. (IF=3,79). Pediatrics (Q1).
Gayrard N, Muyor K, Notarnicola C, Duranton F, Jover B, Argiles A. (2020).” Optimisation of cell and ex vivo culture conditions to study vascular calcification PLoS One 2020. 15 (3), e0230201 (IF=3,24). MultidisciplinarySciences (Q1).
Gelis A, Cervello S, Rey R, Llorca G, Lambert P, Franck N, Dupeyron A, Delpont M, Rolland B (2020). “Peer Role-Play for Training Communication Skills in Medical Students: A Systematic Review. “ Simul Healthc. 2020 Apr;15(2):106-111. (IF=1,83). Health Care Sciences and Services (Q3).
Goligher EC, Dres M, Patel BK, Sahetya SK, Beitler JR, Telias I, Yoshida T, Vaporidi K, Grieco DL, Schepens T, Grasselli G, Spadaro S, Dianti J, Amato M, Bellani G, Demoule A, Fan E, Ferguson ND, Georgopoulos D, Guérin C, Khemani RG, Laghi F, Mercat A, Mojoli F, Ottenheijm CAC, Jaber S, Heunks L, Mancebo J, Mauri T, Pesenti A, Brochard L; Pleural Pressure Working Group, Acute Respiratory Failure Section of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. (2020). “Lung and Diaphragm-Protective Ventilation. “ Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 Oct 1;202(7):950-961 (IF=21,40). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Goligher EC, Jonkman AH, Dianti J, Vaporidi K, Beitler JR, Patel BK, Yoshida T, Jaber S, Dres M, Mauri T, Bellani G, Demoule A, Brochard L, Heunks L (2020). “Clinical strategies for implementing lung and diaphragm-protective ventilation: avoiding insufficient and excessive effort. “.Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2314-2326 (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Granton D, Chaudhuri D, Wang D, Einav S, Helviz Y, Mauri T, Mancebo J, Frat JP, Jog S, Hernandez G, Maggiore SM, Hodgson CL, Jaber S, Brochard L, Trivedi V, Ricard JD, Goligher EC, Burns KEA, Rochwerg B. (2020). “High-Flow Nasal Cannula Compared With Conventional Oxygen Therapy or Noninvasive Ventilation Immediately Postextubation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. “ Crit Care Med. 2020 Nov;48(11):e1129-e1136 (IF=7,60). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Guinat C, Comin A, Kratzer G, Durand B, Delesalle L, Delpont M, Guérin JL, Paul MC (2020). . “Biosecurity risk factors for highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N8) virus infection in duck farms, France. “ Transbound Emerg Dis. 2020 Nov;67(6):2961-2970. (IF=5,00). Infectious Diseases (Q1) ; Veterinary Sciences (Q1).
Harhay MO, Casey JD, Clement M, Collins SP, Gayat E, Gong MN, Jaber S, Laterre PF, Marshall JC, Matthay MA, Monroe RE, Rice TW, Rubin RE, Self WH, Mebazaa A. (2020). ”Contemporary strategies to improve clinical trial design for critical care research: insights from the First Critical Care Clinical Trialists Workshop ” Intensive Care Med 2020 May;46(5):930-942.. (IF= 17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Hermida M, Cassinotto C, Piron L, S Aho-Glélé S, Guillot C, Schembri V, Allimant C, Jaber S, Pageaux G-P, Assenat E, Guin B. (2020).” Multimodal Percutaneous Thermal Ablation of Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Predictive Factors of Recurrence and Survival in Western Patients ” Cancers, 2020, 12, 313 (IF=6,64). Oncology (Q1).
Huet F, Nicoleau J, Dupuy AM, Curinier C, Breuker C, Castet-Nicolas A, Lotierzo M, Kalmanovich E, Zekowski L, Akodad M, Adda J, Agullo A, Leclercq F, Pasquié JL, Battistella P, Roubille C, Fesler P, Mercier G, Bourel G, Cristol JP, Roubille F. (2020).” STADE-HF (sST2 As a help for management of HF): a pilot study. ” ESC Heart Fail 2 2020 Apr;7(2):774-778. (IF=4,41). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Huet F, Dupuy AM, Cristol JP, Roubille F. (2020). “Absolute Change in High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I for Three Hours is Useful for Diagnosing Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Emergency Department: How to Get to Best Benefit From HS-Troponins in Clinical Practice? “ Ann Lab Med. 2020 Nov;40(6):488-489. (IF=3,46). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Jabaudon M, Audard J, Pereira B, Jaber S, Lefrant JY, Blondonnet R, Godet T, Futier E, Lambert C, Bazin JE, Bastarache JA, Constantin JM, Ware LB; LIVE study group and the AZUREA network. (2020). “Early Changes over Time in the Radiographic Assessment of Lung Edema (RALE) Score are Associated with Survival in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. “ Chest. 2020 Dec;158(6):2394-2403.(IF=9,41). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Jaber S, Citerio G, Slutsky AS. (2020). ”Acute respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: why a special issue in ICM? ” Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2131-2132. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jaber S, Rolle A, Jung B, Chanques G, Bertet H, Galeazzi D, Chauveton C, Molinari N, De Jong A. (2020). .”Effect of endotracheal tube plus stylet versus endotracheal tube alone on successful first-attempt tracheal intubation among critically ill patients: the multicentre randomised STYLETO study protocol. .” BMJ Open. 2020 Oct 7;10(10):e03671. (IF=2,69). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Jaillette, et al (avec De Jong A, Chanques G, Jung B).(2020) ” French Intensive Care Society, International congress – Réanimation 2016. ” Ann Intensive Care. 2016 Jun;6(Suppl 1):50. (IF=6,92). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jeandel C, Cottalorda J, Chammas PE, Delpont M, Louahem’m’sabah D. (2020). “Acetabular retroversion after triple pelvic osteotomy for Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease and its impact on the femoroacetabular impingement: a case/control study at 15 years of follow-up. “ J Pediatr Orthop B. 2020 Dec 9. Sous presse. (IF=0,90). Orthopedics (Q4); Pediatrics (Q4).
Jung B, Vaschetto R, Jaber S. (2020). “Ten tips to optimize weaning and extubation success in the critically ill. “ Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2461-2463. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Jung B, Jaber S. (2020). “The Janus faces of bicarbonate therapy in the ICU. “ Intensive Care Med. 2020 Mar;46(3):516-518.. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Kuster N, Huet F, Dupuy AM, Akodad M, Battistella P, Agullo A, Leclercq F, Kalmanovich E, Meilhac A, Aguilhon S, Cristol JP, Roubille F (2020), “Multimarker approach including CRP, sST2 and GDF-15 for prognostic stratification in stable heart failure. “ ESC Heart Fail. 2020 Jul 10;7(5):2230-2239. (IF=4,41). Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems (Q2).
Larcher R, Pineton de Chambrun M, Garnier F, Rubenstein E, Carr J, Charbit J, Chalard K, Mourad M, Amalric M, Platon L, Brunot V, Amoura Z, Jaber S, Jung B, Luyt CE, Klouche K. (2020). “One-year outcome of critically ill patients with systemic rheumatic disease: a multicenter cohort study. “ Chest. 2020 Sep;158(3):1017-1026 (IF=9,41). Critical Care Medicine (Q1) ; Respiratory System (Q1).
Lasocki S, Kimmoun A, Chanques G, Velly L, Pène F. (2020). “Treating critically ill anaemic patients with erythropoietin: why not? “Intensive Care Med. 2020 Sep;46(9):1794-1795 (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Lasocki S, Pène F, Ait-Oufella H, Aubron C, Ausset S, Buffet P, Huet O, Launey Y, Legrand M, Lescot T, Mekontso Dessap A, Piagnerelli M, Quintard H, Velly L, Kimmoun A, Chanques G (2020). (2020). ”Management and prevention of anemia (acute bleeding excluded) in adult critical care patients. ” Ann Intensive Care. 2020 Jul 22;10(1):97. (IF=6,92). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Lefrant JY, Fischer MO, Potier H, Degryse C, Jaber S, Muller L, Pottecher J, Charboneau H, Meaudre E, Lanot P, Bruckert V, Plaud B, Dureuil B, Samain E, Bouaziz H, Ecoffey C, Capdevila X; French ICU study investigators group.(collaborateurs Chanques G (2020). .” A National Healthcare Response to Intensive Care Bed Requirements during the COVID-19 Outbreak in France. .” Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2020 Dec;39(6):709-715. (IF=4,13). Anaesthesiology (Q2) ; Critical Care Medicine (Q3).
Lehmann S, Hirtz C, Vialaret J, Ory M, Combes GG, Corre ML, Badiou S, Cristol JP, Hanon O, Cornillot E, Bauchet L, Gabelle A, Colinge J. (2020). “In Vivo Large-Scale Mapping of Protein Turnover in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid. “ Anal Chem. 2019 Dec 17;91(24):15500-15508. . (IF=6,99). Chemistry Analytical (Q1).
Lemiale V, De Jong A, Dumas G, Demoule A, Mokart D, Pène F, Kouatchet A, Bisbal M, Bruneel F, Lebert C, Vinatier I, Benoit D, Meert AP, Jaber S, Darmon M, Azoulay E; Groupe de Recherche en Reanimation Respiratoire du patient d’Onco-Hématologie (GRRR-OH).(2020). ” Oxygenation Strategy During Acute Respiratory Failure in Critically-Ill Immunocompromised Patients. ” Crit Care Med. 2020 Sep;48(9):e768-e775. (IF=7,60). Chemistry Analytical (Q1).
Leone M, Einay S, Chiumello D, Constantin JM, De Robertis E, De Abreu MG, Gregoretti C, Jaber S, Maggiore SM, Pelosi P, Sorbelle M, Afshari A. (2020). ” Noninvasive respiratory support in the hypoxaemic peri-operative/periprocedural patient: A joint ESA/ESICM guideline ” Eur J Anaesthesiol 2020. 37 (4), 265-279. (IF= 4,33). Anesthesiology (Q1).
Limonta S, Cambau E, Erpelding ML, Piau-Couapel C, Goehringer F, Plésiat P, Revest M, Vernet-Garnier V, Moing VL, Hoen B, Duval X, Tattevin P; EI 2008 de l’AEPEI working group;. avec la collaboration de Chanques G , Frapier JM (2020).”Infective Endocarditis Related to Unusual Microorganisms: A Prospective Population-Based Study. ” Open Forum Infect Dis. 2020 Apr 13;7(5):ofaa127.(IF=3,83). Immunology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (Q2).
Lotierzo M, Dupuy AM, Kalmanovich E, Roubille F, Cristol JP. (2020). “sST2 as a value-added biomarker in heart failure. “ Clin Chim Acta. 2020 Feb;501:120-130 (IF=3,79). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2).
Loustau T, Coudiere E, Karkeni E, Landrier JF, Jover B, Riva C. (2020). “Murine double minute-2 mediates exercise-induced angiogenesis in adipose tissue of diet-induced obese mice. “ Microvasc Res. 2020 Jul;130:104003. (IF=3,51). Peripheral Vascular Disease (Q2) .
Marelli C, Badiou S, Genestet S, Larrieu L, Damier P, Camu W, Planes M, Koenig M, Guissart C. (2020). “Autosomal dominant SPG9: intrafamilial variability and onset during pregnancy. “ Neurol Sci. 2020 Jul;41(7):1931-1933.(IF=3,31). Clinical Neurology (Q3) ; Neurosciences (Q3).
Maurin N, Rousseau R, Trzpil W, Aoust G, Hayot M, Mercier J, Bahriz M, Gouzi F, Vicet A. (2020). “ First clinical evaluation of a quartz enhanced photo-acoustic CO sensor for human breath analysis “ Sensors and Actuators B chemical Volume 319, 15 September 2020, 128247.(IF= 7,46).
Meszaros M, Meunier L, Morquin D, Klouche K, Fesler P, Malezieux E, Makinson A, le Moing V, Reynes J, Pageaux GP. (2020). “Abnormal liver tests in patients hospitalized with Coronavirus disease 2019: should we worry? “ Liver Int. 2020 Aug;40(8):1860-1864. (IF=5,83). Gastroenterology and Hepatolog (Q1).
Meys R, Stoffels AAF, de Brandt J, van Hees HWH, Franssen FME, Sillen MJH, Wouters EFM, Burtin C, Klijn P, Bij de Vaate E, van den Borst B, Otker JM, Donkers J, Schleich FN, Hayot M, Pomiès P, Everaert I, Derave W, Spruit MA; BASES consortium (2020). “Beta-alanine supplementation in patients with COPD receiving non-linear periodised exercise training or neuromuscular electrical stimulation: protocol of two randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. “ BMJ Open. 2020 Sep 13;10(9):e038836. (IF=2,69). Medicine General and Internal (Q2).
Mondesert E, Roubertie A, Girard M, Leboucq N, Baud C, Cuntz D, Cristol JP, Rivier F, Cambonie G, Leydet J, Badiou S. (2020). “Menkes disease, a diagnosis to consider in case of severe epilepsy with hyperlactacidemia: a case report. “ Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2020 Aug 1;78(4):441-445. (IF=0,46). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q4); Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q4).
Moreau J, Lavastre K, Romieu H, Charbonnier F, Guillaumont S, Bredy C, Abassi H, Werner O, De La Villeon G, Requirand A, Auer A, Matecki S, Karsenty C, Guitarte A, Hadeed K, Dulac Y, Soulette N, Acar P, Bajolle F, Bonnet D, Negre-Pages L, Mura T, Mounier M, Seguela PE, Thomas J, Iriart X, Thambo JB, Amedro P. (2020). Impact of Sophrology on cardiopulmonary fitness in teenagers and young adults with a congenital heart disease: The SOPHROCARE study rationale, designand young adults with a congenital heart disease; the SOPHROCARE study rationale, design and methods IJC Heart & Vasculature, Volume 27, April 2020, 100489. (IF=2,84). Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3).
Nejib K, Delpont M.. (2020). “Medium-term results of calcaneus lengthening in idiopathic symptomatic flat foot in children and adolescents. “ J Child Orthop. 2020 Aug 1;14(4):286-292. (IF=1,55). Orthopedics (Q4); Pediatrics (Q4).
Olivier V, Dunyach-Remy C, Corbeau P, Cristol JP, Sutra T, Burtey S, Lavigne JP, Moranne O (2020). “Factors of microinflammation in non-diabetic chronic kidney disease: a pilot study. “ BMC Nephrol. 2020 Apr 21;21(1):141. (IF=2,39). Urology and Nephrology (Q3).
Paugam-Burtz C, Levesque E, Louvet A, Thabut D, Amathieu R, Bureau C, Camus C, Chanques G, Faure S, Ferrandière M, Francoz C, Galbois A, Gustot T, Ichai C, Ichai P, Jaber S, Lescot T, Moreau R, Roullet S, Saliba F, Thévenot T, Velly L, Weiss E. (2020). “Management of liver failure in general intensive care unit. “ Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2020 Feb;39(1):143-161. (IF=4,13). Anaesthesiolog (Q3).
Payen JF, Chanques G, Futier E, Velly L, Jaber S, Constantin JM. (2020). “Sedation for critically ill patients with COVID-19: which specificities? One size does not fit all. “ Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2020 Jun;39(3):341-343. (IF=4,13). Anaesthesiology (Q3).
Perner A, De Jong A, Shankar-Hari M. (2020).”Trials on oxygen supplementation in sepsis: better late than never. ” Intensive Care Med. 2020 Jan;46(1):116-118 (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Potier J, Dolley-Hitze T, Hamel D, Landru I, Cardineau E, Queffeulou G, Zagdoun E, Renaudineau E, Molinari N, Gamon L, Morena M, Cristol JP, Canaud B. (2020). “Long-term effects of citric acid-based bicarbonate haemodialysis on patient outcomes: a survival propensity score-matched study in western France. “ Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2020 Jul 1;35(7):1228-1236. (IF=4,99). Transplantation (Q1) ; Urology and Nephrology (Q1).
Ramin S, Charbit J, Dagod G, Girard M, Jaber S, Capdevila X (2020). ”Transpulmonary pressure in SARS-CoV-2-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: a single-center observational study. ” Crit Care. 2020 Jul 9;24(1):408. (IF=9,10). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Ricard JD, Roca O, Lemiale V, Corley A, Braunlich J, Jones P, Kang BJ, Lellouche F, Nava S, Rittayamai N, Spoletini G, Jaber S, Hernandez G. (2020). “Use of nasal high flow oxygen during acute respiratory failure. “Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2238-2247. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Robba C, Hemmes SNT, Serpa Neto A, Bluth T, Canet J, Hiesmayr M, Hollmann MW, Mills GH, Vidal Melo MF, Putensen C, Jaber S, Schmid W, Severgnini P, Wrigge H, Battaglini D, Ball L, Gama de Abreu M, Schultz MJ, Pelosi P; FERS for the LAS VEGAS investigators; PROtective VEntilation Network and the Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Intraoperative ventilator settings and their association with postoperative pulmonary complications in neurosurgical patients: post-hoc analysis of LAS VEGAS study. BMC Anesthesiol. 2020 Apr 2;20(1):73. (IF=2,22). Anaesthesiology (Q4).
Rochwerg B, Einav S, Chaudhuri D, Mancebo J, Mauri T, Helviz Y, Goligher EC, Jaber S, Ricard JD, Rittayamai N, Roca O, Antonelli M, Maggiore SM, Demoule A, Hodgson CL, Mercat A, Wilcox ME, Granton D, Wang D, Azoulay E, Ouanes-Besbes L, Cinnella G, Rauseo M, Carvalho C, Dessap-Mekontso A, Fraser J, Frat JP, Gomersall C, Grasselli G, Hernandez G, Jog S, Pesenti A, Riviello ED, Slutsky AS, Stapleton RD, Talmor D, Thille AW, Brochard L, Burns KEA. “The role for high flow nasal cannula as a respiratory support strategy in adults: a clinical practice guideline “Intensive Care Medicine 2020 Dec;46(12):2226-2237. (IF=17,44). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Rootjes PA, de Roij van Zuijdewijn CLM, Grooteman MPC, Bots ML, Canaud B, Blankestijn PJ, van Ittersum FJ, Maduell F, Morena M, Peters SAE, Davenport A, Vernooij RWM, Nubé MJ; HDF Pooling Project Investigators. Kidney (2020). “Long-Term Peridialytic Blood Pressure Patterns in Patients Treated by Hemodialysis and Hemodiafiltration. “Kidney Int Rep. 2020 Jan 31;5(4):503-510. (IF=4,16). Nephrology (Q2).
Roubille M, Albinet H, Baudin B, Fellahi S, Gaillard O, Lombard C, Louvrier E, Plawecki M, Vassault A, Piéroni L; groupe de travail SFBC-CNBH « Accréditation des électrophorèses ».(2021). “ [Examples of accreditation of serum and urinary proteins electrophoresis]. “ Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2020 Feb 1;78(1):87-92. (IF=0,46). Medical Laboratory Technology (Q4); Medicine, Research and Experimental (Q4).
Saby M, Gauthier A, Barial S, Egoumenides L, Jover B. (2020). “Supplementation with a Bioactive Melon Concentrate in Humans and Animals: Prevention of Oxidative Damages and Fatigue in the Context of a Moderate or Eccentric Physical Activity. “ Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Feb 11;17(4).(IF=3,39). Enviroment Sciences (Q2 ) ; Public Enviromental and Occupational Health ( Q2)
Savier E, Brustia R, Golmard JL, Scatton O, Mallet A, Cherqui D, Adam R, Ciacio O, Pittau G, Trechot B, Boudjema K, Houssel-Debry P, Merdignac A, Rayar M, Soubrane O, Dokmak S, Dondero F, Sepulveda A, Bachellier P, Addeo PF, Faitot F, Navarro F, Herrero A, Jaber S, Pageaux GP, Vaillant JC, Rousseau G, Siksik JM, Le Treut YP, Gregoire E, Hardwigsen J, Compagnon P, Lim C, Salloum C, Chirica M, Abba J, Letoublon C, Pruvot FR, Boleslawski E, Salame E, Barbier L, Mabrut JY, Mohkam K, Suc B, Maulat C, Chiche L, Laurent C, Jeune F, Perdigao F, Dao T, Mulliri A, Gugenheim J, Boilot O, Buc E, Branchereau S, Chardot C, Heyd B. (2020). “Influence of 4 preservation solutions on ICU stay, graft and patient survival following liver transplantation. “ J Visc Surg. 2020 Apr;157(2):87-97.. (IF=2,04). Surgery (Q1).
Tankel J, Zimmerman F, De Jong A, Martin-Loeches I, Einav S. (2020). “From the ICU to the operating room: how to manage the patient? “ Cur Opin Anaesthesiol. 2020 Apr;33(2):139-145. . (IF=2,71). Anaesthesiology (Q3).
Trusson R, Brunot V, Larcher R, Platon L, Besnard N, Moranne O, Barbar S, Serre JE, Klouche K. (2020). “Short- and Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Dialyzed Patients Admitted to the ICU and Assessment of Prognosis Factors: Results of a 6-Year Cohort Study. “Crit Care Med. 2020 Aug;48(8):e666-e674. (IF=7,60). Critical Care Medicine (Q1).
Velly L, Gayat E, De Jong A, Quintard H, Weiss E, Cuvillon P, Audibert G, Amour J, Beaussier M, Biais M, Bloc S, Bonnet MP, Bouzat P, Brezac G, Dahyot-Fizelier C, Dahmani S, de Queiroz M, Maria SD, Ecoffey C, Futier E, Geeraerts T, Jaber H, Heyer L, Hoteit R, Joannes-Boyau O, Kern D, Langeron O, Lasocki S, Launey Y, Saché Fl, Lukaszewicz AC, Maurice-Szamburski A, Mayeur N, Michel F, Minville V, Mirek S, Montravers P, Morau E, Muller L, Muret J, Nouette-Gaulain K, Orban JC, Orliaguet G, Perrigault PF, Plantet F, Pottecher J, Quesnel C, Reubrecht V, Rozec B, Tavernier B, Veber B, Veyckmans F, Charbonneau H, Constant I, Frasca D, Fischer M-Olivier, Huraux C, Blet A, Garnier M, (2020). “Guidelines: Anaesthesia in the context of COVID-19 pandemic“ Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine Volume 39, Issue 3, June 2020, Pages 395-415 (IF=4,13). Anaesthesiology (Q3).
Zieleskiewicz L, Claret PG, Muller L, de La Coussaye JE, Lefrant JY, Schuster I, Roger C, Bobbia X. (2020). “Global longitudinal strain changes during hemorrhagic shock: An experimental study. “ Turk J Emerg Med. 2020 Jul 18;20(3):97-104. (IF= pas encore).